Have you ever wished for something? Something you wanted really, really bad? Lots of people wish for things for themselves. New clothes, new games, a favorite food. Well, some people have a wish to help other people. That was the case with the great disciple named Visakha. Do you know about her? The Supreme Buddha said she was the best giver to the Sangha of all his female lay disciples. She had made the wish a long time ago to be this best kind of giver. In today’s sermon we’ll learn about the wish she made and how she ended up getting her wish. She didn’t get her wish because someone else gave it to her. She got it by developing many, many good qualities.
Yathāpi puppharāsimhā,kayirā mālāguṇe bahū;Evaṃ jātena maccena,kattabbaṃ kusalaṃ bahuṃ.
53. As an expert garland maker makes many garlands from a heap of flowers, you who obtained the human life should do many wholesome deeds.
Dhammapada Verse 53, read on SuttaFriends.orgContents6:15 Sermon12:54 Canda Paritta. Download a PDF or read online.21:25 Petavatthu Pv 1.10 Khallāṭiya Sutta: Dressed in Hair Read it online on
Related BookMahamevnawa Pali-English Paritta Chanting Book. Get your own copy.Stories of Ghosts from the Petavatthu. Get a copy of the print book or read for free online.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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Do you know what it means if someone is good-hearted? It’s not talking about their physical heart in the middle of their chest. If someone is good-hearted then, they always act in a good way and try to help other people. In today’s sermon we will learn about what a good-hearted friend is and how we can also become a good-hearted friend to other people.
Contents5:04 Sermon on thegood-hearted friend11:13 Aham Avero Homi: Loving-Kindness Chanting. Read online, download a PDF or MP3.21:34 Therigatha: Verses of Arahant Kisāgotamī Theri
For ReadingThig 10.1 The Verses of Arahant Nun KisāgotamīWe’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
If you haven’t listened to the last episode yet, you might want to go back and hear it first. Because today we’ll learn the rest of the story of the girl who offered her gold to help make a stupa.
You know, if we are fortunate enough to have lots of nice things in this life, we should always remember that it’s because of the good actions we did in the past. At the same time we need to remember that we can invest in our future by doing good things now. That’s what’s happening with the people we will learn about in the sermon today.
Contents5:25 Sermon13:42 Dhammapada Verse 31 Read it on Dhp 2 Appamāda Vagga: Diligence (21-32)14:45 Buddhanussati meditation. Read online, download a PDF or MP3.
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Have you ever seen a stupa before? Or maybe just a photo? Stupas hold the relics of the Supreme Buddha or Arahant disciples of the Supreme Buddha. Usually these relics are small pieces of bone or hair, or sometimes teeth. Showing respect to these places is a very powerful way of collecting merit, isn’t it. We learned all about that in the last programme. Well, how many of you have helped to build a stupa? This is a very rare opportunity in the world. In today’s episode we’ll learn about a young girl who showed respect to the relics by offering something you might not expect.
Contents6:29 Sermon
17: 58 Angulimala Paritta. Download a PDF or read online.17:47 Vimāna Vatthu 7.8 Anekavaṇṇa Sutta: Mansion of Many Colors
ReadingStories of Heavenly Mansions from the Vimanavatthu Get your own copy. Or read online.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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When we are with each other we get to learn all sorts of things that help us be better people. The more we learn from our good Dhamma friends, the easier it is to remember to do the right things, even when it is difficult. This is important to remember when we do bad things… no matter what, the Buddha reminds us that we can give up doing bad things by following his teachings. And when we spend time with good people like this, we naturally start to give up these bad actions.
One of those bad qualities we need to give up is being disrespectful towards other people. Especially being disrespectful to those people whom we should respect, like monastics, our parents, our teachers, and our older relatives. Even in the time of the Supreme Buddha not everyone respected these people. Now a days especially people seem to forget to be respectful. When we aren’t respectful, it’s not just something that affects us in this life, but it can also have bad consequences in the future as well.
If you haven't listened to the previous episodes on the Maha Mangala Sutta, you might like to start at the beginning of the series. Click here. But you don't have to!
Contents6:40 Sermon 19:31 Mora Paritta. Read online or download a pdf.
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Today we are going to learn the next blessing in the Mahamangala sutta. Do you remember all the blessings you have learned before? If not, you can go back and listen to those shows. Just go to the show notes on the website and click on the link for the whole series of talks.
The blessing we will learn today is called heedfulness, or diligence. In the sermon we will get many similes and stories to help us understand this very important word. It’s a blessing so important that the Supreme Buddha said that all the other good qualities he taught us can fit into this one quality of heedfulness.
If you haven't listened to the previous episodes on the Maha Mangala Sutta, you might like to start at the beginning of the series. Click here. But you don't have to!
Learn More:Read Dhp 2 Appamāda Vagga: Diligence (21-32)Read SN 15.11 Duggata Sutta: The Poor Person, Is our suffering unique?Contents5:30 Sermon16:11 Metta Bhavana: Loving Kindness Meditation Download PDF or MP3.
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Today we are going to learn another one of the blessings that we can find in the Mahā Mangala Sutta, the great discourse on blessings. I’m sure most of you have chanted the Mangala sutta before. It’s important that we understand the meaning in detail since when we follow the Buddha’s instructions it can bring blessings into our lives now and blessings in future lives as well. And specifically today we’ll get to learn what the results of using intoxicants like alcohol are when it comes to our future life. We’ll also learn about a previous life of Arahant Sāriputta when he became addicted to alcohol and did a really terrible thing.
Contents5:40 Sermon on the Maha Mangala Sutta13:14 Maha Mangala Sutta. Read online or download a pdf.
For ReadingMahamevnawa Pali-English Paritta Chanting Book. Get your own copy.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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So, have you ever had to move houses? If you did, were you able to pack all of your things in a box or two? Or did you have to rent a big truck? Or maybe you went on a long vacation somewhere once. Could you fit everything you needed in a shoulder bag? Or did you need lots and lots of luggage? Well, the Buddha had such compassion for his monks and nuns, that he taught them about what was necessary to have and what was not necessary. He called these things that we really need requisites. 'Requisites' is a fancy word for things that we require. Things that are important to make life livable. In fact, it is so important for monks to know about these things that during the ceremony when someone becomes a monk, the teacher has to explain what these four basic requirements for life are. So today we are going to learn what those four things are and why we can be comfortable in life as long as we have those four things.
Contents6:25 Sermon15:24 Lokavabodha Sutta. Download a PDF or read online.
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In the last episode we started to learn about two sisters who practiced giving. Because of that giving, they were both reborn in heavenly worlds. Do you remember their names? One was called Bhadra, that means lucky, or fortunate. The other one was called Subhadra. That means very lucky or very fortunate. And as it turned out, Subbhadra really was more fortunate. Why? Because of the intention she had when she gave the gift. Now we are going to get to learn what that very good intention was.
Contents5:16 Sermon on the Daddallavimānavatthu Sutta 15:07 Dhammapada Verses 1 & 217:47 Buddhanussati verses Meditation. Read online or Download PDF.
ReadingDhammapada: What Does the Buddha Really Teach. Get your own copy or read online for free.Stories of Heavenly Mansions from the Vimanavatthu Get your own copy. Or read online.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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Today we are going to talk about intention. An intention is like a wish that our mind is thinking about when we do some action. For example, when we give someone some medicine, we have the intention to help that person. That’s a good action that we do with a good intention. Sometimes it’s not always easy to see what someone’s intention is when they do some action. For example, if our parents scold us, they may be doing it with the intention to help us, even though we may not like it at the time. One of the important abilities we have as human beings is the ability to think about what our intentions are when we do something, and make sure that we always act with the best intentions. That way we know that we won’t hurt other people or ourselves. Today, we are going to learn about two sisters who practice giving things away, but they do it with two different kinds of good intention. We can learn from this and make sure that we always give with the best intentions.
Contents6:10 Sermon on Pv 3.6 Dazzling Mansion (Read the sutta on Aham Avero Homi: Loving-Kindness Chanting. Read online, download a PDF or MP3.
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Sometimes people wonder about whom we should give gifts to. Once King Pasenadi asked the Supreme Buddha whom he should give gifts to. The Buddha told him to give wherever made him happy. Then King Pasenadi asked him where gifts should be given so they produce the greatest results. In the sermon today, we are going to learn about the difference between giving to an ordinary beggar and giving to the Mahā Saṅgha.
Contents4:24 Sermon13:59 Buddhanussati verses Meditation. Read online or Download PDF.
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Today we are going to listen in on a discussion that some of our good Dhamma friends had with one of the venerable monks about their time in lockdown. Now some of you may be listening to this episode long after the corona virus happened and you may not remember what it was like. So to protect ourselves and our friends, wise leaders asked people to stay at home whenever possible. This way the virus won’t spread to other people. It isn’t a punishment, it’s a way to keep everyone safe. For many, many people who don’t understand the Supreme Buddha’s teachings this situation gives them lots and lots of suffering. Because they can’t go where ever they want, they can’t see the people the like to see, they can’t eat the food they like to eat. But in this Dhamma discussion, we will learn how these kids were able to live happily in this situation even though they were scared and couldn’t do the things they were used to doing.
Contents5:46 Dhamma Discussion
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You may also enjoy...How someone spent their time in lockdown. WatchSee all episodes Listen on an AppThe best way to listen to the podcast version of Monks in the Morning is on the Free Radio Public app
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Today we will listen to the last part of the story of Kālī Yakshini. Although lots of terrible things happen in this story, something very wonderful happens, doesn’t it. The mother and the yakkha, who had been terrible enimies for a long time in saṁsara had the chance to give up this hatred that caused them so much suffering. Until they came to the Supreme Buddha, they had no idea how long they had been in danger because of their hatred for each other.
Dhammapada 5Na hi verena verāni,sammantīdha kudācanaṃ;Averena ca sammanti,esa dhammo sanantano.5. Hatred never ends through hatred; by non-hatred alone does it end. This is an eternal law in this world.
Contents5:29 Sermon17:41 Karaniya Metta Sutta. Read online or download a PDF.
Related BookMahamevnawa Pali-English Paritta Chanting Book. Get your own copy.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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In the last episode we started to learn the story of a very unfortunate family who were terrorized by a yakkha who kept eating their babies. That would have been horrible, wouldn’t it. That family definitely would have wanted to conquer the yakha. Do you know that word, conquer? When we conquer someone, it can mean we have a battle or fight with them and we win the fight. Usually we talk about conquering an enemies army, but we can use it for people to. But this family didn’t have any power to conquer the yakkha, did they. So their only hope was to go to the Supreme Buddha for help. Today we will learn what happened when they went to see the Buddha.
Dhammapada VerseNa hi verena verāni,sammantīdha kudācanaṃ;Averena ca sammanti,esa dhammo sanantano.
5. Hatred never ends through hatred; by non-hatred alone does it end. This is an eternal law in this world.
Read the whole chapter on
Contents5:57 Sermon19:28 Metta Bhavana: Loving Kindness Meditation Download PDF or MP3.
ReadingDhammapada: What Does the Buddha Really Teach. Get a copy of the print book or read online for free.See all episodesWe’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
Have you ever had something strange happen to you that you couldn’t explain? We’ll start to learn the story of a family that had something really strange, and really scary, happen to them. They couldn’t understand why it was happening. In the end, and in a panic, the went to the wisest person in the world to ask for help—the Supreme Buddha. He was able to offer them protection and also give them an answer to why these things were happening.
Contents5:31 Part 1 of the story of Kālī the Yakkhini16:49 Suriya Paritta. Download a PDF or read online.
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We have a very special show today to talk about something very special that happened recently in one of our monasteries. There was a novice ordination ceremony. Do you know what that means? It’s a special event where someone becomes a novice monk. They take the ten precepts and start wearing robes and living as a monk. As a novice monk they then keep all the precepts you may keep on the uposatha when you observe the eight precepts, but they split one of the precepts into two, and they take one more precept to give up using money. we’re gong to speak with one of the monks who attended this ceremony and he’ll tell us all about becoming a monk.
Contents6:57 Dhamma discussion on a novice ordination ceremony
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Lots of you have told us how you really like to practice loving-kindness meditation. This makes all the monks so happy to know that even as kids you are learning to train your minds in wholesome qualities. We also want you to remember that thoughts of loving-kindness are not just something we need to have when we meditate. We also need to know when to think in this way in real life. In the sermon today we’ll be reminded of how important it is to watch our minds and make sure that when anger arises that we work hard to replace it with thoughts of loving kindness.
Contents5:19 Sermon on loving-kindness16:11 Metta Bhavana: Loving Kindness Meditation Download PDF or MP3.
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The Supreme Buddha taught us it’s very very important that we associate with good people who like to practice the Dhamma. Because when we do, our good qualities increase. But sometimes, we don't take advantage of being around good people, do we? Today we’ll learn the story of someone like that, who had the chance to spend time learning from an arahant, but instead he cursed him and chased him away. Can you believe it? See how dangerous saṁsara is? Fortunately for this person, he eventually got to meet the Supreme Buddha. I don't want to give the story away, so you’ll just have to listen.
TheragathaRead the Verses of Arahant Jambuka in the Theragāthā on
Dhammapada70. The foolish ascetic who eats food with the tip of a blade of grass, month after month, is not worth a sixtieth part of the lives of the liberated ones who have realized the Dhamma.
Read the whole Dhammapada chapter on
Contents6:05 Dhammapada 70, the story of Arahant Jambuka.23:20 Vimana Vatthu 6.4 Lodging Giver's Mansion
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Have you ever been tricked before? Maybe someone pretended to throw something to you and when you tried to catch it, it wasn’t there. Or maybe someone traded you for something, but what you got wasn’t what they promised. Well, what if I told you that we are all letting ourselves be tricked by the world all the time. That what we think we experience in the world is totally different from reality. And its because we are letting ourselves be tricked that we have to suffer. But the Supreme Buddha wasn’t tricked by the world. He saw things as they really are. In the sermon today, we’ll learn four ways that the world tricks us. They are really important, so you may want to write them down in your Monks in the Morning journal to help you remember.
Contents5:32 Sermon14:58 Buddhanussati verses Meditation. Read online or Download PDF.
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Do you have a savings account? Maybe you have a jar that you collect money in that you hope to buy something with in the future. Lots of people do. And people did that in the time of out Supreme Buddha as well. Today we will learn a wonderful sutta called the Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta: The Discourse on Savings. In this sutta, we will learn how the Buddha advised us to save for the future in a way that we are sure to get the benefit of our savings. And at the end of the show, we will get to listen to a recording that one of you made of the whole sutta. It’s really beautiful, so pay attention.
Contents5:37 Sermon on Khp 8 Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta: The Discourse on Savings12:25 Maha Mangala Sutta. Read online or download a pdf.22:37 Listen to the whole Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta: The Discourse on Savings You can read the whole sutta yourself on
Related BookMahamevnawa Pali-English Paritta Chanting Book. Print Book.We’d love to hear from you! Send us a voicemail. Or record a longer segment on your phone. You can write to us at or contact us through Facebook at or Instagram at You can also sent us a voicemail on Whatsapp.
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