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    The enemy of our souls has many names in Scripture. One verse often attributed to him describes him as a thief. Tauran Wells, in his new song "Take It All Back," declares he's taking back what the enemy stole. That thief's schemes to destroy us stand in direct opposition to the abundant life Jesus offers.

    Let's journey back to the enemy's first scheme to see what he stole in the beginning and take THAT back.

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include:Read in contextFollow the cross-referencesMake observationsEpisode Guide500 Episodes 🎉Our enemy, the devil, has schemes and strategies that he uses again and again - Ephesians 6:11Going back to the beginning to see his "original plays" - Genesis 3Why we know that the serpent in Genesis 3 is the devil - Revelation 12:9The attributes of the devil reveal the character of the devil and are evident in the conduct of the devilCrafty - Genesis 3:1Father of lies - John 8:44Thief - John 10:10How satan gaslights Eve - Gen 3:1-3The enemy's first three strategiesDoubt the wisdom of God's WordDoubt the truth of God's WordDistort God's characterHow spiritual death is death - Episode 494How satan used these strategies to break the relationship between Adam and Eve and God and how he uses the same strategies to break relationships today (like between parent and child)Shame as a result of the strategies played out in our livesThe difference between guilt and shameGuilt is the state of having committed an offense.Shame is a state of dishonorShame leads to fear, which leads to hiding and blameOur strategy against the enemy's strategy is to confess - standing in the light of God's grace

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - New Release Today LinkThe story behind the song "Take It All Back" by Tauren Wells - YouTube VideoMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    The Week's Challenge
    Read Genesis 3 in context. As you read the details of the fall of man, look for the enemy's strategy. Be quick to confess your guilt, allow God to forgive your sins, and purify you from all unrighteousness. Resist the temptation to slip into shame that leads to fear, hiding, and blame. Once you recognize the enemy’s go-to schemes, they will be easier to identify in your own life.

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    It's time to meditate on how amazing Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega and Lamb of God really is. And when you do, it should cause you to jump up and tell everyone what CeCe Winans sings about in her song, "That's My King."

    We're headed back to Revelation in this episode, looking to see what we can learn from the worship responses to our King of kings.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: RepetitionSlow downWrite out Scripture by handMeditate on ScriptureWrite down your observationsRead in various translationsEpisode GuideOther episodes where songs lead us to Revelation - Episode 369, Episode 390, Episode 443, Episode 498Reading Revelation and looking for worship responses to write out by handHow writing things out by hand gives the mind more footholds for accessing a given concept or ideaObserving the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, AND WHY of the worship responses recorded in RevelationUsing the Scripture and our inspiration song to give us words to use in adoring GodHow reading in a different translation caused me to read Revelation 5:12 in a new wayThe Lamb of God as a common title used for Jesus in Revelation - John 1:29, Revelation 12:11, Revelation 17:14Hearing the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me that JESUS ALONE is worthy of power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory, and blessing and that it's HIS SHED BLOOD that gives me access to ask for the same

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - New Release Today LinkExalting Jesus in Revelation Commentary - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read the book of Revelation for yourself. As you read it, when you come to a worship response, write out the worship response by hand. Consider reading in a translation other than what you’re most familiar with. Make observations of who, what, where, when, and why the worship responses are inspired. Meditate on God’s Word and

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    We know we can't know the day or the hour, but we do know one thing—King Jesus is returning! When John Rich sings about Christ's return in his song "Revelation," it inspired me to pick up the book of prophecy and read it again.

    Join me on a journey through Revelation with a unique way to read it.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read aloudStart with God/JesusFollow the cross-referencesJournal your observationsEpisode GuideNot letting preconceived ideas keep you from reading RevelationThe blessings that come along with reading, hearing, and keeping what is found in Revelation - Revelation 1:1-3Reading Revelation in a new way by starting with what you learn about Jesus and journaling itAll about where I curated the BITE "Start With God" "Asking the Right Questions" by Dr. Matthew Harmon - Amazon Paid LinkFriday with Friends episode with Dr. Matthew Harmon - YouTube LinkAsking the Right Questions Online Course - The Gospel Coalition LinkThe strangest quote from Martin Luther I've ever heard - "Exalting Jesus in Revelation Commentary" - Amazon Paid LinkJesus IS coming back - Revelation 1:7, Revelation 22:7Why we need to be aware of the details of His return Matthew 24:33Matthew 24:42Taking our readiness seriously Matthew 24:48-51Matthew 25:11-13Matthew 25:30Encouraging one another to stay alert - 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:6Armoring up for His return - 1 Thessalonians 5:8-11Peter's admonishment in light of the knowledge of Christ's return - 1 Peter 4:7, 1 Peter 3:14, 2 Peter 3:17The warnings indicate the possibility we may stumble, but HE IS ABLE to keep us - Jude 24-25

    Additional Resources

    The story behind the song "Revelation" by John Rich - YouTube Video - Note: This is an interview with Tucker Carlson and therefore gets a little political. If you can "eat the chicken and spit out the bones," like my Grandma used to say, I encourage you to watch it. It is very thought-provoking. But I am not listing it here for the political aspect of the discussion.A local pastor in my community taught me why he thinks the Bible presents a post-tribulation rapture. Here's a link to the entire series. The teaching on the timing of the rapture is audio only. Until He Comes SeriesExalting Jesus in Revelation Commentary - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    My challenge to you is to read the words of Revelation for yourself. Read them out loud. Keep your antenna up for all you can learn about Jesus—His character, conduct, and concerns in the last days. Then, as you read and s

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    What happens when we take a phrase or a verse in God's Word out of context? We may misinterpret the meaning altogether, which is awful, but by doing so, we may miss out on the real, rich meaning God intended all along. David Leonard's song "By His Wounds" sent me to God's Word to see how to properly interpret the phrase "by His wounds we are healed." There's a lot more there than I realized.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextRepetitionFollow the cross-referencesMeditate on God's WordHistorical contextMake observationsMake a listEpisode GuideFocus verse that sent us to consider all of 1 Peter - 1 Peter 2:24"Christology forms the indispensable basis of his {Peter's} paraenesis" - translated "The study of Christ forms Peter's indispensable basis of Peter's advice for believers" - The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament - Amazon Paid Link1 Peter is full of allusions and quotes from the Old Testament, giving us plenty of cross-references to explore Compare 1 Peter 1:1-2 to Exodus 24:3-8 - the promise of obedience ratified by the sprinkling of blood1 Peter is a letter written to people who are suffering - 1 Peter 1:3-8Peter reminds the believers they are the chosen and elect people of God who are chosen for trust and obedience - consider Exodus 19:3-6The type and shadow in the Old Testament with the Hebrew people as the chosen people of God finds its complete fulfillment through Christ in us - 1 Peter 2:9-12Our focus verse in 1 Peter 2:24 references Isaiah 53, that I teach on in Episode 370Peter's advice to slaves can be applied to us - 1 Peter 2:21-25Making a list of Jesus' exampleJohn Piper's "A Look at the Book: 1 Peter 2:24-25" - YouTube VideoJesus' substitution is the basis of the illustration - 1 Peter 2:18-25The purpose of Christ's suffering that we might die to sin and live to righteousness - 1 Peter 2:24that Christ might bring us to God (thus healing our ultimate wound of separation from Him) - 1 Peter 3:18, 1 Peter 2:25We are born again. So why do we walk in death? We are healed. So why do we live wounded?

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "By His Wounds" by David Leonard - New Release Today ArticleMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read 1 Peter for yourself. Remember, we are born again, but we walk in death. We are healed and restored to our relationship with God but live wounded. Allow Christ’s example to transform the way you live. Study it closely. Meditate on His example more than your suffering. He is a loving Shepherd and a faithful Overseer of your soul.

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    In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend Brad Pauquette to talk about how God's Word influences his personal and professional life and his new book, The Novel Matrix.

    Brad is my book coach and developmental editor for my novel, A Seat at the Table, which will be released in October. One of the reasons I partnered with him is his dedication to God's Word and how he allows it to shape and guide his life.

    Don't miss this interview if you've ever considered writing a novel. But even if writing is not your thing, I can't wait for you to learn from Brad as an active follower of Christ who is passionate about His Word.

    Brad's Free Gift for YOU

    Read the first four chapters of Brad's #1 New Release, The Novel Matrix

    Yes, please!

    Connect With Brad

    Website: www.bradpauquette.comBook: Amazon LinkPodcast: The Company PodcastWriting Resources: writers.companyBrad's Amazon Author PageBrad's Goodreads Author PageInstagramFacebookYouTube

    The Novel Matrix

    The Complete Novel Writing Guide

    Spoiler: There’s no secret code for writing a bestselling novel.

    But there are fundamental principles of story structure that will make your novel work.

    Once you understand these fundamentals, writing a novel transforms from a chaotic, enigmatic roller coaster into a succinct and sensible process.

    Whether you’re a new writer or you’ve written several manuscripts if you’re not yet achieving what you’d like to achieve with your writing—The Novel Matrix is for you. Hundreds of authors just like you have used this remarkable system to begin and improve their novel writing.

    What is a matrix? A matrix is either the natural substance in which something forms or it can be an interrelated system of information. The Novel Matrix is both.

    The Novel Matrix explores the natural principles of storytelling that humans instinctively understand and expect in great stories. This is the foundation from which great artwork is born.

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    A few years ago, my daughter raided our closet for a "vintage" windbreaker set for 90's day during Homecoming week at school. (Don't judge. I can't be the only one who hordes old clothes.) While I hope color-blocking never comes back into style, I love a good vintage tune like the rest. Shane & Shane revived an 80's hit in their song "Thy Word/Where Else Would I Go." Do you know what NEVER goes out of style? God's Word. Let's explore it together.

    The opening phrase of the song leads us directly to Psalm 119. Let's jump right in!

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextRead out of orderComplete a word studyCreate an amplified version of the textMake observationsMake a listEpisode GuideMixtape Theology PodcastFriday With Friends Episode with Rachel CashOnline Bible Commentary on Psalm 119 - Enduring WordPsalm 119 structureReading Psalm 119 backward (from the last section of 8 verses toward the first)The 8 basic Hebrew words used to describe God's Word in Psalm 119 - detailed list in the Episode GuideFocused study on Psalm 119:105-112Creating your own amplified version of a text using the definitions from your word studiesFurther observations of what we learn about God's Word illuminates - Psalm 119:105gives life - Psalm 119:107protects - Psalm 119:110leads us to praise - Psalm 119:108gives us joy - Psalm 119:111Connecting what we learned in Episode 495 to the guidance offered in Psalm 119Word study on the word "path" - BibleHub.comThe Hebrew word for "path" is translated as "crossroads" in Proverbs 8:1-3What wisdom cries in Proverbs 8:4-11Where we gain wisdom in Proverbs 4:11-14Making a list of what we learn about the psalmist in Psalm 119:105-112

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comOnline Bible Commentary Psalm 119 - Enduring Word Online Bible CommentaryMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Spend some time in Psalm 119. Read it forward and read it backward, one Hebrew alphabet letter section at a time. Examine the pearl of Psalm 119:105-112. Then, take the knowledge from the various Hebrew words used to reflect God’s Word and examine other pearls in the Psalm. Start with the Word. What do you learn about it? Then move on to you. How is your life and response reflected in the transparency of the psalmist?

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    Who are your top five closest friends? Have you ever thought that those you spend the most time with determine your direction? And your direction determines your destination. When Consumed By Fire sings "Walk With Jesus," we are reminded that we are better off following in Christ's footsteps.

    What does it mean to walk with Jesus? Let's explore Scripture together.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextFollow cross-referencesMake a listConsider the oppositeEpisode GuideThe metaphor of walking in Scripture - Genesis 3:8, Leviticus 26:12, Genesis 5:22-24, Genesis 6:9, 2 Chronicles 6:16How walking is linked to paths in Scripture - Psalm 1:1, Proverbs 4:14, Isaiah 2:2, Psalm 119:45Walking as a way of living in Scripture - Daniel 4:37, Micah 6:8Jesus is the WAY - John 14:6, Acts 9:2Episode 494, where we see walking contrasted - walking in sin and walking in good worksFocus verse - if we say we abide in Christ, we ought to walk in the same way Jesus walked - 1 John 2:6More about abiding in Christ - Episode 123 and Episode 447 - John 15More about walking in Christ - Colossians 2:6-8Considering the opposite of walking with Christ - Proverbs 1:10, Proverbs 1:15Walking on paths = a WAY - Proverbs 2:12-15, Proverbs 2:20, Proverbs 3:5-6Returning to the inspiration point to dig a little deeper - 1 John 1 - 2:6

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comDictionary of Biblical Imagery - Amazon Paid LinkThe story behind the song "Walk With Jesus" by Consumed By Fire - New Release Today ArticleMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    This is the perfect week to download the Episode Guide because I have listed all the Scriptures I reference that reveal the metaphor of walking throughout the Old Testament. Then, start in 1 John and let it lead you to John 15 and Colossians 2 to explore abiding and walking with Jesus. Finally, spend some time in the beginning chapters of Proverbs with your antenna up for walking, paths, and ways, and see what you can learn from there. And if your feet are currently on the wrong path, consider this your “exit ahead” sign to get off the path you’re on and join hands with the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Choose today to walk with Jesus.

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    While my podcast is a solo show, I still want a venue to introduce you to these friends as examples of the multifaceted ways God works in and through His people.

    In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend Rachel Cash, co-author of Mixtape Theology, to talk about her dedication to God's Word and the pivotal decisions she made to lead her to this stage in life.

    It won't take you long to understand why Rachel and I are friends. Scriptural truths overflow out of her heart, and she remains on a path to go deeper and deeper.

    Both Mixtape Theology, the podcast, and Mixtape Theology, the book, are part devotional and part 90s retrospective. Similar to how More Than a Song explores contemporary Christian music, they explore the Bible verses behind their favorite 90s CCM songs, resulting in a fuller understanding of God and His redemptive plan.

    Memorable Mentions

    Snackable Theology by Andrew Doane

    Rachel discusses one of the motivating factors that keeps her in the Word: her God-given assignment to disciple her kids. She recommends "Snackable Theology" by Andrew Doane.

    Mixtape Theology by William "Ashley" Mofield and Rachel Cash

    Rachel explains the story behind the book Mixtape Theology: A Bible Study & Retrospective Inspired by 90s Contemporary Christian Music and Culture.

    Rachel shares that the book includes 35 devotions based on 90s CCM hit songs to deepen understanding of theological concepts and inspire meditation, obedience, and worship. It also includes 12 often humorous retrospectives that harness nostalgia to motivate readers to keep reading and studying—AND other fun comics and surprises for you to enjoy as you read.

    Savior by Steven Curtis Chapman

    Rachel talks about how Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Savior" led her to Scripture and deeper theology. This is a BONUS discussion as this devotion is not in the book. Enjoy the song above.

    Dwell App to listen to an audio version of Scripture

    A couple of Rachel's favorite ways to interact with Scripture are to understand the historical context and to listen to an audio version of the text. She likes the Dwell App.

    Connect With Rachel and Mixtape Theology

    The website: www.mixtapetheology.comThe podcast: book: on Goodreads:

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    I love a good play on words. When you do a quick Google search of grave robbers, you discover it's a worldwide phenomenon usually perpetrated to take and profit from valuable artifacts or personal property. Crowder’s song “Grave Robber” attributes this title to God. But not in the way we normally think of a body snatcher who digs up graves for their own economic benefit. No. Our grave robber is snatching our souls from eternal death.

    Moving from death to life is an important theme to study in Scripture. Join me on the journey from Ephesians to Romans, Genesis, and John.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Make observationsMake a listFollow the cross-referencesComplete a word studyEpisode GuideDead, but made alive with Christ - Ephesians 2:1-10"For what Paul does in this passage is to paint a vivid contrast between what man is by nature and what he can become by grace." -- The Message of Ephesians (The Bible Speaks Today Series) by John Stott - Amazon Paid LinkThe timeline of why we were dead in the first place - Romans 5:12-21Revisiting the original scene in Genesis to remind us of the details of the original sin - Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7, 22-24How sin separates us from God - Isaiah 59:2Defining the kind of death Paul speaks ofCompleting word studies on "transgressions" and "sins"Weaving the truths together - Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:4-5, Hebrews 2:14-15, John 5:24Our grave robber has snatched us from the clutches of the prince of the power of the air and brought us from death to life because He is God - John 5:18-25

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comHolman New Testament Commentary - Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians - Amazon Paid LinkThe Message of Ephesians (The Bible Speaks Today Series) by John Stott - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Study four areas of Scripture with your eyes set on this idea of death and life. Look closely at the walking dead in Ephesians 2. Understand the contrast between Adam and Jesus in Romans 5. Go back to the beginning to remind yourself of the details of original sin in Genesis 2 and 3. Soak in the words of Jesus in John 5. And if you haven’t done so, heed the call of the Grave Robber. Accept His free gift of salvation and walk in newness of life.

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    Life can throw us curve balls that threaten to derail us. In fact, if we aren't rooted in Christ, we may even fall into despair. Katy Nichole and Naomi Raine sing about everything our God can do, even when we cannot. Their song "Our God Can" gives us a distinct area of Scripture to explore. Once we get there, you may discover even more than you imagined.

    When I settled into Paul's letter to the Philippians, I gained wisdom I can't wait to share with you.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextHistorical contextConsult a mapRepetitionRemember, the people in the Bible were realFollow the cross-referencesListen to an audio version of the textEpisode GuideExploring the historical background of the Philippian churchReading about the founding of the Philippian church in Acts 16How Paul directly addresses some of the cultural influences of nationalism - Philippians 3:20Reading the text for what it actually says but backing up to see the bigger themesReading fast, reading slow, and then picking apart every word (like Fanny in Jane Austen's "Mansfield Park")Paul's circumstance did not match his desire - Philippians 1:3-8Paul's circumstance did not stop God from using him - Philippians 1:12-13Sometimes people are just plain mean - Philippians 1:14-18Paul lived in the tension of his complete devotion to Christ and his complete devotion to those Christ gave him to nurture - Philippians 1:19-26The actual context of a verse often taken OUT of context in Philippians 4

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "My God Can" by Katy Nichole - New Release Today Article by Kevin DavisMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read and re-read Paul’s letter to the Philippians. This time, when you read it, consider Paul and his circumstances. Get your bearings as to the history of the church here by reading Acts 16. The more you read about Paul’s ministry in the book of Acts and his other letters, the more you understand his passions and how his current circumstances might affect him. Ask yourself, how can I apply Paul’s spiritual maturity to my own circumstances? Unlock the secret to your contentment in all circumstances by fixing your eyes on Jesus, as displayed in Philippians 2.

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    Growing up, my mom and stepdad used to listen to Paul Harvey. He was a radio broadcaster famous for telling "the rest of the story." When Josiah Queen sings "The Prodigal," I'm sure you're thinking of the famous parable Jesus taught. However, we will study the "rest of the story in this episode." Because you see, the story of the prodigal son is only part of the story.

    Join me in the gospel of Luke as we place ourselves in the scene where Jesus teaches the parable of lost possessions.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in contextHistorical contextConsult outside resourcesRepetitionEpisode GuideThe story behind the song "The Prodigal" by Josiah Queen - YouTube ShortWhere we get the name "prodigal son" from a parable that doesn't use that word - Luke 15:13A discussion on why and how we take things out of contextReading Luke 15 and discovering that the parable of the prodigal son is one part of a three-part parable about lost thingsConsidering the audience Jesus was speaking toGaining perspective from "The Good Shepherd: A Thousand-Year Journey from Psalm 23 to the New Testament" by Kenneth Bailey - Amazon Paid LinkThe group of Pharisees known as the haberim -- loosely translated as "friends" or "associates" and their rules about who they could and could not eat withHow this parable in Luke 15 harkens back to Psalm 23 and Ezekiel 34How Jesus pushed the buttons of his audience with his word choices, highlighting a deplorable trade and making a woman the hero of the storyHow I highly recommend Susan Macias' novel, "Finding Home," to bring the historical context of the New Testament and the parable of the lost sons to life - Amazon Paid LinkPictures of being lost in the far country and being lost at homeDiscovering who the prodigal son, elder brother, and Father are in the story - "All The Parables of the Bible" by Herbert Lockyer - Amazon Paid LinkRevealing what is covered in each panel of the parable picture - lost/found/rejoicing

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "The Prodigal" by Josiah Queen - YouTube Short"Finding Home" by Susan Macias- Amazon Paid Link"The Good Shepherd: A Thousand-Year Journey from Psalm 23 to the New Testament" by Kenneth Bailey - Amazon Paid Link"All The Parables of the Bible" by Herbert Lockyer - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read Luke 14-16 several times before focusing your attention on the Parable of Lost Possessions in Luke 15. Read it as one parable with three panels. Consider the audience a

    Change your music. Change your life. Join my free 30-Day Music Challenge. CLICK HERE.

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    I need the reminder. I need the nudge. I get discouraged and feel the temptation to stop asking God for his __________________ (you fill in the blank). Matthew West exhorts us toward something the Bible says: "Don't Stop Praying." On a good day, I'll agree. On a bad day, I may whine, "Why should I?"

    That is the question we'll seek guidance from God's Word to answer.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Consult an outside resourceRead in contextMeditate on ScriptureRead the text out loudMake observationsStudy from various translationsPray ScriptureEpisode Guide"Esther" at Sight and Sounds Theater in Branson - Website LinkAn outside resource on prayer that changed my prayer life - "How to Pray" by R.A. Torrey - Amazon Paid LinkTraining yourself NOT to skip over Scripture in Christian LiteratureVerses that scream, "Don't stop praying!" Ephesians 6:181 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - see Episode 488 for more on this section of ScriptureExamining the "alls" in Ephesians 6:18From R.A. Torrey's book "How to Pray," why should you be in constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming prayer? Because there is an enemy - Ephesians 6:12-13, Ephesians 6:18Because prayer is God's way for us to obtain things from Him - James 4:2-3Because the apostles modeled it as important - Acts 6:4, Romans 1:9, Ephesians 1:15-16, Colossians 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 3:10, 2 Timothy 1:3Because prayer was important to Jesus when he walked this earth - Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12Because prayer is the most important part of Jesus' current ministry - Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34Because prayer is God's means appointed for our receiving mercy and obtaining grace - Hebrews 4:14-16Interceding for others by praying Scripture over them (try Colossians 1:9-12)

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comPrayer Hold Power - KLove Article"How to Pray" by R.A. Torrey - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Meditate on our focus verse, Ephesians 6:18, and study it in context to guide you to examine constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming prayer throughout Scripture. Then, pick up the Episode Guide to walk you through six reasons for constant prayer

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    Do you know what you believe? Are you grounded in the knowledge and understanding of your faith? Our faith is not blind and unfounded. Rather, it is rooted in a Person Who brings all things from the darkness into light. Every once in a while, it's good to challenge yourself with what you believe -- relying on the truth of Scripture to weave together the tapestry of our faith. Phil Wickham's song, "I Believe," will guide us in discussing some very important details of what we believe as followers of Christ.

    Let's explore the Scripture behind some of the summary statements we sing along with in this song.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Study a topicSlow downMeditate on ScriptureEpisode Guide"I Believe" by Phil Wickham as a modern creed - ArticleDefining creeds, confessions, and their usesOne Salvation - Acts 4:10-12One Doorway that leads to life - John 10:7-9One Redemption - Hebrews 9:11-15One Way - John 14:6Where salvation comes from - Ephesians 2:8-10Reconciliation - Colossians 1:21-23Restoring a relationship with God means confessing our guilt and requesting forgiveness from Him - He gives us the terms to reconcile with Him.The crucifixion, as discussed in all four gospels and Galatians 3:13Christ's blood that has set us free - Revelation 1:4-6, 1 Peter 1:17-19The resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:3-9Jesus' life is death's defeat - 2 Timothy 1:10Christ's victory is consummated in eternity - Revelation 21:4Jesus prepares a place for us in heaven - John 14:1-3This world is not our home - Philippians 3:20We cannot imagine what God has in store for us - 1 Corinthians 2:9Jesus will return - Acts 1:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17Keeping the altar burning like the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25The marriage of the Lamb - Revelation 19:6-9Jesus as the Lion and the Lamb - Revelation 5:5-6Not being ashamed of the gospel - Romans 1:16

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe faith behind the song "I Believe" by Phil Wickham - ArticleBehind the song "I Believe" by Phihl Wickham - NewReleaseToday Article"Creeds and Confessions" - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia"The Compact Guide to World Religions" - Amazon Paid LinkMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    We end where we began. Use this song as a creed — a rehearsal of summary statements about what you believe. Shore up why you believe what you

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    Can I give you some good news? God does not restrain His faithfulness. He doesn't hold back. TobyMac sings about it in his song "Faithfully," and David sings about it in Psalm 40.

    Tag along with me as we explore God's faithfulness together.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Study a topicRead in contextDefine wordsComplete a word studyShare with a friendEpisode GuideThe story behind the song "Faithfully" by TobyMac - YouTube VideoThe variety of Greek and Hebrew words used to describe God's faithfulness all closely linked to God's truthfulness (veracity)Looking up the word "faithful" in the English dictionaryRecognizing that faithfulness is an attribute that we should display (communicable attribute of God) - God is faithful, and we are to be faithfulFaithful and True as a name of Jesus - Revelation 19:11God's faithfulness saves us from the despair of our own unfaithfulnessUsing the Psalms Explorer in my Logos Bible Software to choose Psalm 40 to study the theme of God's faithfulnessExploring the idea that God "inclined" to David - a state of engagement in a relationship - the Lord really sees us in our pain and wants to engage with usGod is ACTIVE in His engagement with us - Psalm 40:2-3What makes this Psalm a Messianic Psalm - Hebrews 10:5-7David's response to the faithfulness of God - Psalm 40:9-11

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "Faithfully" by TobyMac - YouTube VideoExploring Logo Bible Study Psalms Explorer - Webinar Replay on YouTubeMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Spend some time in Psalm 40. Look for God's attributes, specifically His faithfulness. Then, take a trip to Hebrews 10 to see Jesus fulfilling parts of this Psalm. Finally, follow David’s lead and share what you’ve learned with a friend. Don’t keep the glad news of God’s deliverance to yourself.


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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    To count our blessings is to name them and acknowledge our gratitude for the good things God has blessed us with. Seph Schlueter sings of this in his song "Counting My Blessings," and I use it to catapult us into the world of Jesus to see how He gave thanks in all circumstances.

    Let's explore Scripture together to deepen our knowledge as we practice giving thanks in our lives.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Reading in contextListen to an audio version of the textRepetitionMake a listComplete a word studyMeditate on ScriptureConsider the oppositeEpisode GuideReading all of 1 Thessalonians as inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18Making a list of what Paul is thankful for as an example of how to make a list of our ownAsking the question, "What does giving thanks look like in Scripture?""One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are" by Ann Voskamp - Amazon Paid LinkAn interview by Kirk Cameron with Ann Voskamp - YouTube VideoLearning to be on the hunt for things to be thankful forActually taking action -- to give thanks is a verbGreek word for "to give thanks" - eucharisteo - BibleHub Word StudyThe times Jesus eucharisteoat the Last Supper - Luke 22:17-19, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Hebrews 12:2at the Feeding of the 5000 - John 6:11-13, 23at the resurrection of Lazarus - John 11:38-44How miracles, provision, fullness, resurrection, and life are on the other side of giving thanksConsidering the opposite of how Jesus gave thanks sinful people described as NOT giving thanks - Romans 1:21hypocritical religious man giving thanks in a presumptuous and arrogant fashion - Luke 18:11using our words to give thanks rather than foolish talk - Ephesians 5:4Reading Scriptures about giving thanks won’t transform you unless you allow them to inform what you think about giving thanks, and then actually PRACTICE giving thanks.

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "Counting My Blessings" by Seph Schlueter - YouTube Short"One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are" by Ann Voskamp - Amazon Paid LinkAn interview by Kirk Cameron with Ann Voskamp - YouTube VideoMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Spend some time in 1 Thessalonians. Make a list of what Paul is thankful for. Then, make your own list of things you are thankful for. Be imitators of Christ in your eucharisteo. Read about Christ giving

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    Have you ever had that moment when you realize you are on the other side? On the other side of trauma. On the other side of betrayal. On the other side of pain, you thought for sure you would NEVER endure? This happened to Joseph and was commemorated by the birth of his firstborn son. When Anna Golden sings "Manasseh," she vividly brings these shared feelings to life -- these feelings of a patriarch from long ago shared with those of us who are on the other side of deep wounding.

    Let's examine Joseph's life this week as we tickle the chin of his newborn son, Manasseh.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Listen to an audio version of the textRead and keep on readingRead BigRepetitionStoryingReview section titlesStudy a personEpisode Guide DownloadThe meaning of the name Manasseh - "causing to forget" - Genesis 41:51Anna Golden's testimony about the song - "Manasseh Intro" - YouTube Audio LinkRead Joseph's story in Genesis 37-50Learning to "Read Big" - The Bible Reset: Simple Breakthroughs to Make Scripture Come Alive by Alex Goodwin - Amazon Paid LinkBiblical Person Study Workflow - Logos Bible SoftwareBiographical Method of Bible Study - Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods by Rick Warren - Amazon Paid LinkChoosing to study the life of Joseph to determine what he needed to forget with the birth of ManassehReading the narrative completely and repetitivelyLearning how Joseph helped his brothers rewrite the story - The Bible Project PodcastThe summary of the psalmist - Psalm 105:16-24Determining the role the person played in Biblical eventsFirst impressions of Joseph and how they've changed upon deeper readingWriting your own chronological timeline of the person, a.k.a. taking the BITE of StoryingTying the story back to the lyrics of the song

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read or listen to Joseph's story in Genesis 37-50. Read repetitively and add to your study each time. Write down your first impressions (including questions) the first time you read the narrative. The second time you read through it, jot down the chronological timeline of Joseph's life. The third time you read through it, consider any shared experiences you and Joseph may have had. Pray and ask God to reveal Himself in the midst of Joseph's story (and yours).

    Change your music. Change your life. Join my free 30-Day Music Challenge. CLICK HERE.

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    Have you ever re-watched a movie yet felt anxious during that scene where the obstacle seems too great to overcome? You know the end. You understand the main character overcomes that obstacle because you've watched the movie before, but it still keeps you on the edge of your seat. That's what I think of when I hear Shane & Shane sing "You've Already Won." I know Christ sits in heaven as the ultimate victor and that because I'm in Christ, I, too, am victorious. But I'm still swinging my sword in battles and sometimes wonder how it will all turn out.

    I want to add to your faith by diving deeper into Ephesians 1 with you in this episode.

    In this episode, I discuss the following:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read and keep on readingRepetitionRead the text aloudReview an overviewMeditate on ScriptureStart with GodMake a listEpisode Guide DownloadMy conversation with Keith Ferrin regarding internalizing Scripture - Friday With Friends InterviewThe part of Ephesians I've been studying that I thought of when I listened to this week's song - Ephesians 1:19-23Not letting any Bible interaction tool/process keep us in bondage or discourage us from spending time in God's WordWatching the overview video for Ephesians - Bible Project VideoThe metaphor of trampling under the feet as an image of victory over one's enemies - Dictionary of Biblical Imagery - Amazon Paid LinkThe now and not yet of Christ's victory - 1 Corinthians 15:24-25The now and not yet of our inheritance - Ephesians 1:11-14Making a list of God's actions in Ephesians 1Living between the ages - Christopher Hall Foundations 3 & 4The now and not yet of living between the ages - "God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible" - Amazon Paid Link

    Additional Resources

    The story behind the song "You've Already Won" by Shane & Shane - New Release Today ArticleWhat is the concept of "already but not yet"? - Got Questions ArticleThe now and not yet of living between the ages - "God's Big My favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read and re-read Ephesians. Read it out loud. Read it in the same physical Bible to help with retention and recall. Then, sit down with a notebook and make a list of all of God's actions. We've started in chapter 1, but feel free to keep adding to your list as you interact with the text. Your faith will be strengthened as you rehearse all God has done for you.

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    I've recently seen several videos online of children laying hands on siblings in prayer or praying with deep and passionate charisma. It's adorable because they are acts not normally seen in children who are more likely to swipe their friend's toy than lay hands on them in prayer. But I learned a long time ago that children are mirrors of the environment around them. When Benjamin William Hastings sings "Abandoned," he longs to mirror the complete abandon he sees in the life of Christ.

    As an adopted child into the family of God, I, too, want to mirror Christ's life of abandonment to the purpose and will of God. Let's explore the entire gospel of Mark together to see what acts we can emulate.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read and keep on readingRead in contextSet a timerStudy a topicMark up the textMeditate on ScriptureEpisode Guide DownloadBenjamin's comments on the heart behind the song - Air1 ArticleReading and interacting with the entire gospel of Mark to examine Christ's life of complete abandonThe journal I use to study whole books of the Bible - ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: Mark - Amazon Paid LinkWanting to have the mind (and surrender) of Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:16How Jesus was yielded to God's plan completely from the beginning of His ministry - Mark 1:11-12Jesus doing the thing He came to do - Mark 1:38-39Jesus operating in the authority He had been given - Mark 2:10-11How Jesus about things/people that God cared about - Mark 2:17How Jesus' life of abandon led to rejection - Mark 6:2-3Christ's abandoned life was a life of prayer - Mark 6:46An abandoned life honors God with our lips AND our hearts and doesn’t elevate tradition over the heart of God - Mark 7:6-8An abandoned life sets his/her mind on the thing of God, NOT the things of man - Mark 8:33The cross Jesus called us to bear before He surrendered to His own cross - Mark 8:34-38‌An abandoned life is content with God’s timing - Mark 9:9An abandoned life is a life of servitude - Mark 9:35An abandoned life isn't a reckless life -- it still has customs - Mark 10:1An abandoned life is yielded to the truth of Scripture - Mark 11:17‌An example prayer RelationshipRehearseRequestRelinquish

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comFavorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Read the gospel of Mark. Read with a highlighter and pen in hand. Don’t take apart every verse, but look for the pattern of the life of Christ — a life abandoned to the will of God above all else. Then pray as Jesus did in the garden. Call on your relationship with God, rehearse his

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    Welcome to Friday With Friends! I have the distinct privilege of meeting incredible followers of Christ who have amazing ministries, fascinating careers, and incredible hobbies and pet projects that flow out of their identity in Christ.

    While my podcast is a solo show, I still want a venue to introduce you to these friends as examples of the multifaceted ways God works in and through His people.

    In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend, Keith Ferrin, to talk about his journey moving from "should" to "want" regarding reading and studying God's Word.

    We reminisce about the day we "met" over ten years ago when I reached out to him as a fellow believer in Christ to ask questions about podcasting. We were complete strangers, but he was generous with his knowledge and time. And while he moved on from podcasting to course creation, book authorship, speaking, and YouTube content creation, we've stayed in touch over the years. I can't wait for you to get to hear his story and glean from his wisdom.


    Keith talks about his Bible Study for Beginners playlist on YouTube. If you've ever asked, "What translations should I use?" or "What book of the Bible should I start with?" or "How did we get the Bible?" or other Bible questions, this playlist is for you!

    During our chat, Keith discussed reading the Bible to hang out with Jesus. He also mentioned internalizing the Word of God. Keith offers two premiere online courses if you are interested in pursuing either of these things. AND he's offered a buy-one-get-one-free deal for my listeners!

    Head over to and use the coupon code MICHELLEBOGO

    But the most generous offer is Keith's BibleLife Community membership. This membership includes access to ALL of Keith's books, courses, live teaching, and more. You can try it before you buy. Get the first four weeks for $4.



    Change your music. Change your life. Join my free 30-Day Music Challenge. CLICK HERE.

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    CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.

    How can you get out of the mental pit you're in? If you do what Riley Clemmons did, you'll get away with God and focus on HIS plans to strengthen you. Riley's song, "Loved By You," inspired me to spend some time in Paul's letter to the Ephesians.

    In Ephesians, we'll learn together about the characteristics of God's "great love" for us. It's true -- you are loved by God.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture – this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Make observationsSlow downConsider the oppositeEpisode Guide DownloadThe Story Behind the Song "Loved By You" by Riley Clemmons - New Release Today ArticleVerses in Ephesians that talk about God's love Ephesians 2:4-5Ephesians 3:17-19Ephesians 5:2Ephesians 5:25Characteristics of God's love GreatBenevolentAffectionateGroundingSurpasses knowledgeFills us with all the fullness of GodSacrificialDefine "grounded" - Greek definition, English definitionConsidering the opposite of being grounded in God's loveExploring Paul's prayer - Ephesians 3:14-21Defining "power" as we did in Episode #478

    Additional Resources

    Lyrics - NewReleaseToday.comThe story behind the song "Loved By You" by Riley Clemmons - NewReleaseToday.comMy favorite Bible Study Software - Logos Bible Software Affiliate Link

    This Week's Challenge

    Dive into Ephesians. Read it all the way through. Read it out loud. Read it in various translations. Then, interact with the text to better understand God’s love. When you sing, “I am loved by You,” do you understand more about what kind of love God’s love really is? Finally, pray and ask God to grant you to be strengthened with power through the Spirit in your inner being so that you can comprehend and experience the love that He has for you and be rooted and grounded in that love.

    Change your music. Change your life. Join my free 30-Day Music Challenge. CLICK HERE.