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... Mr Ajayi Visual art teacher at Lagos City Senior College. When l joined...
It was my wish to make art or drawing thank you,
Compulsory subject for all learners at Junior Schools nd Senior Schools that was my wish.
I put efforts funny enough...channels might comes through a wrong there.
Drawing skills will enable learners to pass exam, no subject without drawing even history we still manage and draw the map.
Drawing will make learners to excell in any time. The skill of drawing they have already captured an aspect of the drawing. Because there are so many questions.
We asked you to draw this or draw that in science, arts and in the
commercial subject. But today learners are ranning away from drawing.
....from maping end you still draw so, so map to get the drawing. That's another way to tell the person that drawing is very important when it comes to learning...
A professor in drawing will teach his boys how to value drawing.knowing fully well that drawing will
enable them to pass their exam.
To this end, so many art outreach are outside here to organized workshop.
It does sound beautiful was quite interesting.
Then our students, learners from science class commercial art class.
They joined the arts students to participate
and, it has really help them in others subject because the skill of drawing like I
said earlier on very, very paramount in teaching and learning activities.
The tutor wiith the skill of drawing will teach effectively likewise the learners with the skill of drawing
will perform excellently.
So it is my wish to have another workshop training workshop where learners will showcase their skill that gifts of God.
So many learners in science class they are good in drawing but they are so fortunate to be in science class let me say they are fortunate they are not unfortunate.
They are so fortunate to be in science.
We have so many scientists that are drawing that are even taking drawing as hobby....
But they are not using their certificate science line.They are not using what God gave them from people of God that is
And they are selling the artwork for 2,000,00, 5 million, 3 million depending on the work of the artwork.
So like I said earlier on, the skill of drawing is very, very important in any academy activities.
Transcript interview with Mr Ajayi Visual art teacher at Lagos City Senior College
Host /Transcripts by : Olusola David Ayibiowu
Powered: Creative Arts Solution Foundation.
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