Hello all! So, this is it. The end of an era, but the beginning of something new a different! This show has been such an amazing experience. We have shared a lot, learned a lot and have truly grown as people because of this show.
But it is important to say that this is not good bye. We are just shifting gears to bring a little more light hearted and chaotic energy into the mix. Check out our new show IBS, which we have included the first episode at the end of our goodbye.
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Hello All! One thing that we love going over on this show is idioms. They are great little bite sized nuggets of philosophy and make it easy for people to digest those ideas. This week we are discussing optimism and pessimism through the lens of is the glass half empty or half full. As a whole we typically want our lives to be full of optimism and looking toward the future with joy. But here is a question, is it bad to have some pessimism in our lives?
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This topic came from a social situation where Christian was concerned with re connecting with family after being away for so long. He had so many ideas and made up stories in his mind of how the interaction may go and how they may feel about him. But that was all just made up. So, this got us thinking about how fiction can shape our reality. And we had no idea how deep this idea really goes.
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Hey there Mogpies! We are bringing back an oldy but a goody here. The idea of family is one that we feel we can easily picture in our minds. But that image is most likely different for many people, or we picture something that would be considered the "perfect" family. So what is family to you? Has it changed over the years? Lets talk about family!
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Hey there Mogpies! We are looking into procrastination this week. Throughout our entire lives we are told that this is the wrong way to go about getting things done. And it creates a sense of anxiety and dread for us every time we do it. But what if it is not actually bad to procrastinate? What if actively procrastinating on a project actually helps us get to the best outcome for the project we are working on. There have been a good amount of studies done arguing both sides of this conversation. So, lets dive into their findings!
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Hey there Mogpies! Communication is key to the development of society, but why is it then that there is so much miscommunication out there? We dive into this idea and the different models of communication, including active listening. We discuss some examples of miscommunication that lead to horrible situations and just try to gain a better understanding of this issue as a whole.
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Hello Mogpies! Time for another recast of a classic! Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!
We are back this week with another fascinating philosopher from ancient Greece. He was the father of cynicism, lived in a barrel, owned nothing and did what he wanted when he wanted despite how rude it might be. Diogenes is a rather interesting philosopher, he believed that philosophy should be seen through actions rather than theoretical thought. He butted heads and challenged everyone no matter their status in the world. He yelled at people in the street, spat in the face of nobles, challenged philosophers and mocked kings. He did not care what others thought of him, he had no shame and this mind set if what has given us the ideas of cynicism today. But is this the whole story? Were his words cherry picked to create a specific image of him to the masses so he will be more acceptable? And does knowing some of the other things that he argued for change our mindset of Diogenes?
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Hey there Mogpies! We have reached a true milestone here! We have 100 episodes under our belt now and we wanted to take this time to look back at all of the chaos we have made over the last couple years. This show definitely has been a roller coaster of topics and emotions. From outlandish would you rather questions, to crazy medical experiments, to serious examinations of our own lives we have covered a lot over the last 100 episodes. So enjoy this little clip show as we dive into our past!
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Weight cutting and combat sports go hand in hand. To some it is just a badge of honor we wear to prove that we belong in those sports. But to others it is a horrible ordeal that people put themselves through for no good reason. And while there are a lot of terrible dangerous outcomes from cutting weight there are some memories that we have that can only be earned by going through that process.
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Hey there Mogpies! It is that time again! We are diving into more would you rathers and hypothetical questions. Some of our favorite things to dive into. We have so many crazy ones this week. Would you join a human centipede? Or would you give up 30 years of your life for a stranger? It gets crazy once again!
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Hey there Mogpies! The world we live in is vast and mysterious and there is one are in America that exudes mystery and lore, the Appalachian Mountains. This mountain range spans over 2,000 miles and is filled with pockets of mystery. Tales of cryptids, mysterious lights and lost civilizations plague the mountain side and more just keep coming out of the woods everyday!
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Hey there Mogpies! We are going to continue this journey through myths and lore from around the states. Last time we explored the South West and this time we are heading east. Myths and lore from Florida, Louisiana and all the places in between. From haunted lighthouses, to Lizard People, to genetically modified flies there is bound to be something here that will shock you!
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Hey there Mogpies! This week we are traveling across the south west and checking out the myths from that area. You can find tales of cryptids and urban tales based on local events around the world. But we wanted to start. local and grab some of our favorites from our own backyard. From the Dark Watchers to the Charred Man there is so much to chat about!
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Its that time to start spooky season! Grab your masks, candies and a bad horror movie as we dive right in. Throughout our lives we have heard so many stories of razor blades in apples, laced candy and so may other crazy things. So we figured lets check out some other crazy myths and the true history of the phrase "trick or treat"!
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Hey Mogpies! We are back from our little break. Christian took a trip out to some National and State parks and had an amazing time exploring the sites. But it did raise a question during his travels. What is the real history behind the parks? So, we did a little digging and found some rather depressing facts about Americas most beautiful places. They. are filled with segregation and racism that. is trying to be covered. And no one is left out of this, not even the beloved Smokey The Bear!
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From the past:
Welcome back Mogpies! While experiments were needed to get us where we are today, the things they did during those experiments can be sometimes a little too much. This week we take a look at three different "experiments" throughout history that when you hear them you would think, "well thats common sense that we should not do that", but they do it anyway. So sit back relax and enjoy potentially the first installment in odd experiments!
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From the past:
Hello Mogpies!
This week we are exploring fears! We discuss our own irrational fears and some that we found the most interesting. There are a lot of interesting ones out there and they all have even more interesting stories attached to them. We really want to say that we are not poking fun at anyones fears, we are just having an outside conversation about these different types of fears. So strap in and enjoy!
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Hello Mogpies! Bad science is a topic that we love here on Murder Of Gray and we want to dive into anthropology this week. More specifically cultural anthropology. It is riddled with bias and racism, despite their teachings stating that need to leave their personal bias at home and observe behaviors with an open mind only looking at the surroundings to base their studies on. Now most of the time these problematic studies are from the past, but for some reason anthropology is still a very problematic field.
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Hey there Mogpies! We have some fun this week with some classic would you rather questions. Small bite sized dilemmas that are just pure chaos at times, or extremely philosophical. This is truly why we love these guys. But we also dive into a good old Am I The Asshole and something new! Old wives tales!
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Hey there Mogpies! Isolation has been a hot topic as of late. With how much. the world has changed in these past few years, and how we are trying to get back to a new norm people have. beenn effected by isolation in many ways. Some were abble to blossom and learn a new skill, whiile others imploded due to being forced indooors. But it makes us wonder just how much. does isolation effect. an individual. There are many contradictory studies out there so let's dissect them!
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