After far too long of a hiatus (My bad, sorry. –Scott) Dave Walker and Scott McGregor are back with No Consoles for Old Mens triumphant twentieth episode! Aaron Henley from Tangents Abound joins us for a new regular feature on the show: What Were Playing Now. Aaron, Scott and Dave review the properties that are currently burning up their processors and racking up the hours in their gaming queues. We go from medieval fantasy England, to Evoland to whatever the Hell it is theyre doing in Japan with Dragonballs and Hitler. Spidey makes an appearance and we hear tales from the colonization of Andromeda as well. So take notes kids, there are some great suggestions here to enrich your gaming library! Education achievement unlocked!
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My name is Scott. My world is video games and podcasting. Chris Tyler joins half of the No Consoles team for an impromptu review of the 2015 Mad Max video game. Scott and Chris were browsing their favorite download services and were forced at gunpoint by a guy named Scrotus to give into their Max and game addictions when this game was discounted for a winter sale. Chris and Scott give a comprehensive review of gameplay, story content and graphics of this open world offering from WB games. Comprehensive except that we both completely forgot to talk about the soundtrack which, by the way, is also awesome. Sorry about that. You'll get to hear some of it on the podcast so judge for yourself. Bonus chat about the movies that inspired this fine piece of virtual play. So fire up your Magnum Opus, get yourself a mine sniffing canine friend and join us in the Pockyclypse for some hard driving, punching and scavenging. What a game! What a lovely game!!!
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Bringing the world together with video games, No Consoles has its most international show to date as 'Murican boy Scott is joined by his regular co-host Dave, currently of Belfast, and special guest Blaine Dowler from the province of Alberta Canada. Also, see if you can catch the major moronic geographical blunder Scott makes. Sorry Blaine. It's that festive time of year so these three wise(ass) men decided to talk about their holiday wish list about what games they have their eyes on for 2017. We also discuss what "dream games" we would like Santa and his elves to create for us and give some of our New Year gaming resolutions that theoretically should be easier to keep than some lame diet promise to yourself. Additional tangents include lots of Final Fantasy stuff and the internationally common experience of choosing interesting leaders. The Yule log is burning, there's holiday music in the background and egg nog may have been consumed, so come along and celebrate with us.
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No Consoles for Old Men is back from the dead! Ok, it was only really "Mostly Dead", but we're back for our 17th episode and our 2nd annual Halloween themed show as Scott McGregor and his new regular co-host Dave Walker talk about the ridiculous amount of games that have been created about Zombies. Dave and Scott brave the time zone differences between America and Northern Ireland to bring you their memories of playing in the virtual worlds of the undead with reviews of games both horrifying and humorous. So grab your boomstick, ammo and food and please join us for the beginning of this new era of No Consoles as we give you a guided tour of the zombie apocalypse and all its glorious and goriest entertainment choices.
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The contents of this podcast have been shipped in a brown paper bag for the sake of your privacy
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Join Dr. Bill Robinson, Scott McGregor and special guest Luke Jaconetti as they talk about a plethora of different PC and Console games that have proven to have the best replay value over the years. Some true classics are discussed in this episode and as always there's music, laughter and the sound of Ewoks dying. Ok, that last thing we don't really have often enough. Plus Scott finally gets to use the word plethora in a show description! Feelings of deja vu while listening to this podcast are likely and completely intentional so join us for a No Consoles that stands the test of time!
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Join us for a two part No Consoles for Old Men stuffed into one ginormous episode. In part one Scott McGregor and our friend from Belfast, David Walker discuss their history with Disney parks and films, the history of Disney video games, Deadpool, X-Men movies, Eddie Murphy and more (You thought Scott and Bill could tangent.) Later they are joined by Bill Robinson and Founding Freak Scott Gardner for an in depth review of the cornucopia of Disney nerdy goodness that is the Disney Infinity game. Its a small world after all so join us for another international No Consoles for Old Men. To Disney Infinity…..And Beyond!!!!
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Dr. Bill Robinson and Scott McGregor discuss the prolific video game offerings of the LEGO company and their many great uses of some of our favorite intellectual properties. Bill has an early review of LEGO Jurassic World and the virtual toybox is overflowing with superheroes, pirates, monsters and movie properties. Listen as these two blockheads discuss their favorites and offer LEGO some suggestions for future video game excursions (LEGO Fallout: Fuck and yes!). Bill waxes nostalgic about early LEGO engineering and Scott breaks his vow not to swear on this family show within 10 minutes (So, in other words, this is no longer a family show. Duly warned be ye). It's our lucky 13th show gamers! Make sure you wear shoes in the play room.
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Bill and Scott invite a galaxy of Two True Freaks stars to help them celebrate their triumphant end of the year episode and to talk about the long history of games about a galaxy far far away. It's the Star Wars games episode, just in time to get your juices flowing for the Force Awakens. Bill and Scott are joined by Chris Tyler, Chris Honeywell, David Walker, Dave Atteberry, Gene Hendricks, Jonathan Crites and probably a wookie or two as they stroll down memory hyperspace lane together discussing what games gave them the best Star Wars experience over the years. No corner of the gaming galaxy is left unexplored and Dr. Bill even has an early review of the new Battlefront game by Electronic Arts. Is it worth the hype or is it a pile of bantha poodoo? Tune in and find out and remember: the Force will be with you always, as long as you let the wookie breed.
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Join No Consoles for Old Men as they celebrate that uniquely American holiday, Thanksgiving, with someone from Northern Ireland. David Walker joins us from across the pond to discuss the video games we are thankful for and a number of other unrelated topics. As always its a full table of gaming discussion that includes a special report from the Commonwealth as Hair Metal Hero joins us for a review of the recently released Fallout 4. You can get anything you want at Bill and Scotts Restaurant, excepting consoles, so pull up a chair and dig in.
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Scott and Dr. Bill celebrate their triumphant 10th episode with their first annual Halloween extravaganza as the Old Men talk about what games scare them. No dark corner of the gaming world is left unexplored as Bill and Scott talk about their adventures with aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, zombies and whatever the f*ck those things in Silent Hill are supposed to be. Other highlights include Bills Highlander game idea, Scott being afraid of The Forest and Cat-a-pult accidents with Sara Tonin. There are email readings, plenty of creepy music and sound effects and the usual horrifying tangents, so put on the headphones as you throw candy at strange children and settle in for a frightening No Consoles for Old Men.
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Bill Robinson and Scott McGregor welcome guests Sara Tonin, Christopher Warden and Professor Alan Middleton for an easy going discussion of casual or time waster games. Scott is seething with envy as Bill and our guests talk about their favorite tablet and smart phone games, Sara brags about her Angry Birds prowess and after nine episodes someone finally has the Marvel Puzzle Quest stones to tell Scotty McTalksalot to shut up. Also, find out why an over stimulated goat makes for great stress relief. So get yourself a Ghost Spiderman and swing on in for a casual No Consoles for Old Men.
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Join wanderers of the wasteland Bill and Scott as they explore the vast worlds of the Fallout series. Grab yourself a plate of brahmin steak and some radscorpion salad and kick back for a tale of two vault dwellers as they search the irradiated lands of a devastated United States. Bill and Scott will talk about their adventures in the Fallout universe and offer tips to new Mad Max wannabes on where they can find the best hookers, guns and gambling the nuclear wasteland has to offer. So grab a Sunset Sarsaparilla (don't forget to save the cap) or maybe a Nuka Cola for a bumpy ride through the Fallout. Also, learn why it's bad to kill every M*****r F****r in the room and experience Dr. Bill's super mutant bathroom break. Don't forget: Mr. House always wins.
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Chaos reigns even more than usual as Bill and Scott sample a smorgasboard of subjects like listener emails, listener show suggestions and statutes of limitations. Join The Old Men for a hearty feast of video game goodness with more branching storylines than a point and click adventure game. Bring a dish to pass and light a match when you use the bathroom.
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Scott goes rogue from Dr. Bill to record this episode live at the Atlantic City Boardwalk Convention that he and several freaks attended May 14th-17th. They are joined by a cast of thousands (of cosplayers) and also some "normal" humans like Best Selling Author Brenda Cothern, Artist (Best selling to our table) Drew Blank and Stan the Man Lee's video game that I recorded myself playing. Also, a special appearance by the bane of parents everywhere, the one and only, world famous: Pikachu the Pokemon. Not recorded live are the hazards involved in staying an extra day in Atlantic City and finding yourself in Ballys at the roulette table at 3 in the morning.
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Join Bill Robinson and Scott McGregor on their steamy adventure as they discuss the pros and cons of online PC game delivery and storage systems (Editor's Note: All pros, Bill doesn't know what he's talking about). Listen as Bill and Scott come to terms with exactly how many hours they spend patronizing Valve's market dominating machine of PC game delivery and how much richer Gabe Newell is because of them. Things get heated and sweaty as two self described gaming addicts wrestle to rationalize their favorite back monkey and fear the day it may leave them.
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In honor of the recently departed Mr. Nimoy, Scott, Bill and special guest and suspected Ferengi Shawn Engel discuss the history of Star Trek video games and their experiences with them. Explore new top 5 lists and memories of Starship Simulators. Plus! More Star Trek actor voiceovers than you can fit on the bridge of one of those wimpy medical starships. What sad bastard gets assigned to one of those things as Captain? Also, find out why No Consoles for Old Men is proof of alternate Mirror Universes or at least creative coincidence.
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In this episode, Bill, Scott and special guest Brian Rosen, do an updated review of Marvel Heroes 2015, the online ARPG that has won several accolades since its launch in June of 2013. Join three annoyingly honest freaks as they admit their (now fulfilled) fantasies about being a female Marvel super hero and beating up super villains. Also featured: a live arcade game segment with Scott Gardner that gives us indisputable proof of Gorf. Plus! The First Avenger: Captain America makes an appearance Disclaimer: Any rumors that blackmail was used to encourage Captain America's appearance are mostly baseless and unfounded until further notice. TV, movie and other anecdotal tangents abound True Believers, and The Old Men even talk about Marvel Heroes 2015 occasionally, so join us for another No Consoles. Excelsior!
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Part two of Scott and Bill's attempt to talk about their experiences in the context of the history of videogaming. As usual, their propensity for straying off subject takes them into discussions of many non-video games, blasphemous tangents about console use and the very real danger of dirty mouse balls.
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In this episode, Scott and Bill examine their experiences with video games from dawn of the home console/arcade industry in the 70's and 80's to their choices in the growing computer game markets and home systems into the 90's. Part one of two, listen as Bill and Scott lead you down a nostalgic cyber-highway that will invoke memories of mall abandonment and that time the U.S. Navy fought The Galactic Empire and we didn't even know it!
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