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Get Smart: 20 Ways to Improve Your Cognitive Function Today! Cognitive function is the ability of the brain to process information, learn new things, and remember information. It is important for all aspects of our lives, from work and school to our social relationships and overall well-being. There are a number of things that we can do to improve our cognitive function, both in the short term and the long term. Here are 20 tips:
Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for cognitive function. When we sleep, our brains consolidate memories and remove toxins. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet provides our brains with the nutrients they need to function properly. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.Exercise regularly. Exercise is good for our overall health, including our brain health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.Stay mentally active. Challenging our brains helps to keep them sharp. Try new activities, such as learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, or doing puzzles.Socialize regularly. Social interaction is important for cognitive function. Make time for friends and family, and get involved in your community.Manage stress. Stress can impair cognitive function. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.Challenge yourself cognitively. Play brain games, do puzzles, or learn a new skill.Take breaks. Our brains need breaks to function properly. Take short breaks throughout the day, and get up and move around.Avoid multitasking. Multitasking can impair cognitive function. Focus on one task at a time.Get organized. Being organized can help to reduce stress and improve cognitive function.Listen to music. Listening to music can improve cognitive function, especially working memory and attention.Dance. Dancing is a great way to improve cognitive function, coordination, and balance.Learn a new language. Learning a new language can improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and processing speed.Play games. Playing games is a fun way to improve cognitive function. Try board games, card games, or video games.Read. Reading is a great way to improve cognitive function, including vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.Meditate. Meditation can improve cognitive function by reducing stress and improving focus.Get enough sunlight. Sunlight exposure can improve cognitive function, mood, and sleep quality.Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can impair cognitive function. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.Avoid smoking. Smoking can damage the brain and impair cognitive function. If you smoke, quit as soon as possible.Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol can impair cognitive function, especially memory and judgment. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.Following these tips can help to improve your cognitive function both in the short-term and the long-term. By taking care of your brain, you can improve your overall health and well-being. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts. -
AHOJ! AHOJ! Jmenuji se Janka Chudlíková. Lektoruji, přednáším, koučuji, prezentuji, točím rozvojová videa, podcasty, on-line kurzy a webináře. Rozvoji lidí se věnuji od roku 2003, kdy jsem se vědomě a dobrovolně rozhodla opustit svět korporací z postu personální ředitelky společnosti Zentiva, a. s. Důvodem bylo dát sama sobě větší prostor a žít spokojenější život podle svých představ. Povedlo se! Tato práce si mě našla sama a mám jí stále ráda… Od roku 2016 funguji i "on-line". Využívám sílu internetu, abych mohla poslat dobré myšlenky, inspiraci a motivaci těm, co to zrovna potřebují.
Věda je kámoš, my jí žijeme a převádíme do podoby, kterou pochopí každý. Naším revírem je fitness, proto se můžeš těšit na témata, která ti pomůžou správně trénovat, ,zorientovat se ve světě kalorií, naučit se pracovat s motivací, i pochopit, které doplňky stravy by ti doma neměly chybět a které jen ždímou tvojí peněženku. Opíráme se o vědecké studie, ale mluvíme lidským jazykem a nebojíme se tyhle rozhovory okořenit o vlastní zkušenosti z praxe.
Fitness věda je projekt, který zastřešuje tenhle podcast, ale taky magazín, který překládá vědecké studie do lidského jazyka a vychází každý druhý čtvrtek. Najdeš ho, stejně jako bonusové části podcastu, na našem Herohero:
Odběrem nás taky podpoříš, abychom mohli dále takhle tvořit 💜 -
Lesní stezkou je místo pro vnitřní rozhovory, pro nespoutanou kreativitu a pro obrovskou lásku k přírodě i k člověku.
Místo, které pomáhá zažít život jinak a v jeho celistvosti.
Jmenuji se Alexandra Martina Běhalová a jsem certifikovaná aromaterapeutka, bylinkářka a jogínka.
Věřím ve svět, ve kterém všichni žijeme šťastně a pospolu.
BLOG - -
Podcast o prevenci a inovacích v medicíně. Naše moderátorky a studentky medicíny Katka a Magda si každý týden povídají s lékaři, studenty medicíny a technologickými nadšenci, kterým stejně jako nám leží na srdci lidské zdraví.
Sledujte nás na instagramu @loonocz ( . -
Jestli máme všichni něco společného, tak je to strach.
Buď nás chrání, nebo nám stojí v cestě. Pojďme společně pochopit a překonat strachy, které nás brzdí. Posloucháte podcast STRACHOVÁNÍ s Romanem Försterem a Hanou Mezerovou.
Více o
Haně: -
Autoimmune diseases, where the body's defence systems turn on itself, are chronic and can be devastating to people's lives. Our podcasts on autoimmune conditions detail research in NDM on some of these conditions, including MS, spondyloarthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as the biological mechanisms underpinning autoimmunity itself.
The Sky's the Limit is a podcast hosted by Lucas Aylward.
On this podcast, you'll find interviews with up and coming entrepreneurs, influencers, athletes, social media experts and many more talented individuals of this era. Hear their story and learn how it's done!
The goal of this podcast is to motivate people to follow their dreams and step out of their comfort zone. Too many people are afraid to follow their dreams because it goes against the system society has in place.
It's time to go against the current and show them that anything is possible!
Follow my personal Instagram to stay up to date! @lucasaylward -
The David Nurse Show is one of the top-ranked podcasts for self-development and personal growth. David is world-renowned for teaching people how to transform their minds. He has trained over 150 NBA stars, CEOs, Hollywood Actors, and more to transform their mindset and ultimately transform their life!
David is a Top 50 Keynote Speaker (Real Leaders) and a Wall St. Journal Best-Selling Author. 'The David Nurse Show' is packed with real-life 'Sessions' where guests work through issues they currently face live on air and interviews with incredible game-changers in mindset, health/wellness, authors, professional sports, and leadership. Past guests on the show have included powerhouses like Jeremy Lin, Ed Mylett, Max Lugavere, Jon Gordon, Gretchen Rubin, Jim Kwik, Teddi Mellencamp, Boris Kodjoe, Jrue Holiday, and many more!
Tune in every WEDNESDAY for a brand new episode that has the potential to literally transform your life! -
Experience the weekly podcast where my guests and I explore what it means to live a life chasing certainty. Within the episodes, you’ll find yourself connecting with me, and with yourself, on a deeper level, turning everyday commutes and lunch breaks into opportunities for new discoveries. - Ryan Luelf
Tento podcast bude o energii v životě, o živosti v různých oblastech našeho života. Jak se otevírat více a více radosti v našich životech. Slovo živost, radost, energie se tu bude opakovat, protože oblasti, kde nám tato energie proudí nás sytí a vyživují. To čemu dáváme pozornost roste a já budu ráda, když u poslechu budete dávat pozornost svému životu z různých úhlů pohledu a témat.