Today on the podcast.
3 - Oldie but a goldie.
7 - Engagement ring.
11 - Tom's driver's licence drama.
20 - Pies that aren't pies.
27 - Wally update.
34 - A big send with naked men.
45 - Nationwide confession.
New NFR sunglasses -
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2 - Sparky roof drama
12 - Aidan Copp
31 - Shot by an air rifle
34 - Guessing when people die
40 - Jay would pash himself
NFR sunnies:
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Today on the podcast.
2 - Kids are dicks.
8 - One-armed chin ups
15 - The Matrix & other movies.
24 - NZ artists. Laurie Steer is the man!
33 - Dunc's mate Wayne.
39 - Would ya?
40 - Assisted dying.
New NFR sunglasses -
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Park up with Jay and Dunc as they unpack their weekend.
0 - Dunc's family is sick.
4 - Jay just fucking sent it.
New NFR sunglasses -
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc. Want to get in touch? Hit us up, here:
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Today on the podcast.
Hey legends, Dunc here.
Full disclosure Show Boss Tiegs and Westie Lee are away and I'm give this uploading thing a red hot crack for the first time. So if this works its a bloody miracle!
On the poddy today....
A laxative blowout of epic proportions
War Story 1 - Hydro slide colonic
War Story 2 - The disappearing courgette
Dunc's - Date clash dilemma
And should they change the recipe for Guinness?
New NFR sunglasses -
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2 - The only way is Essex. 8:30 - On the rark. 16:27 - There's no one else like me. 26 - Russel Brand. 31:21 - NZ classic ads. & & NFR sunglasses -
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2:30 - War story - Bradley fighting vehicles. 6 - Young and dumb. 10 - Jay pisses anywhere. 12:30 - Lymerics. 14 - Cyclone Alfred. 18- Hilux commercial. - Lee auditioned for a commercial. & 25:30 - News story from Russia. 29 - Milk chat. 31 - Eating higher on the hog. 34- Jay’s mate OB. 41 - Would you rather.New NFR sunglasses:
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
The boys catch up with Wally for a raw and honest chat about His time in the armed forces, how he got injured and everything else that encompasses that time of his life to how he is dealing with it now.
TRIGGER WARNING - This episode touches on some pretty dark themes but ultimately is a story we feel needs to be told. So, thank you Wally for sharing yourself so openly with us and our listeners - You truly are, in every sense - A Mad Dog.
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Park up with Jay and Dunc as they unpack their weekend.
The boys got to a bunch of stuff over the weekend - Including what their hopes and dreams are & Jay ruining one of his best mates 'surprise engagements'. Climb in and enjoy.
5 Types of Wealth.
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2 - Waterproofing boots. 6:15 - Long haul flight next to a dead person. 11.15 - A throwback to the skydiving dead granny 15 - NFR Nicknames. 21 .20 - Feedback from Tony. 23:55 - Sydney Funnel web spider 27.30 - Belly button wax in the mouth + twins chat. 34.40 - NFR Sunglasses 36.50 - Weekend plans.Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
1.30 - Fire bucket disaster. 6.45 - Messed-up dreams. 15.40 - American moving to the UK. 18.30 - Tesla Cyber truck. 21.55 - The best place to fart.Get your hands on our NFR Sunglasses:
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2.25 - Jetski debacle. 5.35 - Russian migration birds. 11.25 - Pulp Fiction the musical. 13.55 - Boss' daughter on Tinder. 19.35 - Measuring heads. 22.15 - Farts. 24.35 - Weird but useful life hacks.New NFR sunglasses:
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast the lads are joined by Sarah Napthali. A beautiful human being who went on a mammoth psychedelic drug experience and shares her findings with the boys. Enjoy
3:05 Exploring Psychedelics. 6:53 Profound Experiences and Effects. 8:47 Retreats and Safe Practices. 13:33 Personal Insights and Spiritual Growth. 20:21 Legal and Social Perspectives on Psychedelics.Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Park up with Jay and Dunc as they unpack their weekend.
Dunc went house hunting. 3:55 - Jay's mate's birthday dinner. 8 - Putting a restaurant together. 16:41 - Dunc's wife's birthday today. 19:15 - New sunglasses collab. us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
1:22 - Broken Dick. 22 - Joey Diaz chat. 25:30 - Burst it with a hot needle. 28:34 - Uncle Jeff. 36:20 - Bosses are dicks. edit little bit of silence. 39 - Dunc's son has a potty mouth. 42:30 - Westie Lee says thanks.Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
The Boys talk the Sex Worker industry and Dunc lets a skeleton out of the closet.
02:43 Nova Scotia Adventures
09:03 Disgusting Food Stories
14:14 Social Media Video
19:36 Sex Workers
21:00 - Duncs Experience
29:09 A Unique Business Model
36:05 Wrapping Up and Announcements
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Today on the podcast.
Buster and Gibbo from the Two Flogs podcast join the boys to spin some wild yarns.
0 -Medicinal Marijuana Discussion
3 - Stand-Up Comedy and Anxiety
8 - Mental Health Conversations
12 - Animal Fights
21 - Boxing Event
26 - Forming Alpha Events
28 - Fight Night
37 - Boxing Match Experiences
47 - Podcast Wrap-Up
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Today on the podcast.
Buster and Gibbo join the boys from the Two Flogs podcast and holy shit - my head hurts.
3 - How’d you get into this podcasting lark? 5 - The world's worst sports podcast. 6:30 - The two flogs racehorse. 8:40 - Hosting a mental health day. 11:40 - The great beer heist. 15 - Everything in Queensland can kill you. 17 - Hose up the freckle. 19 - New Zealand Airports/Air New Zealand. 21:30 - NZ Itinerary. 23:30 - Podcast recording. 24 - The sky tower. 25 - Haircuts. 27:40 - Hare Krishna comedy bit. 32 - Town of Nimbin. 34 - Air bnb weed plant/horticulture. 36 - Panic attacks / medical marijuana.Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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This is a super special episode. Why? Because there was a massive fuck up with the recording of the actual episode.
Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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Today on the podcast.
2 - Dunc hates Airports. 5 - Vodka pasta sauce. 8 - The valentines book. 11 - Lee’s valentines day. Stun gun story. 28- Feedback from snipers. 31 - NFR poddy ripping through a school classroom 32 - Bear bangers.Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc.
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