In this episode, Jamie & Eric talk about the most important thing you could do to help out your pastor, baptizing trolls, and what real repentance looks like.
Shooting the Skybalon: Lunch with dudes and the Chik-fil-A playground.The Bible Says Whaaat?!: The Parable of the Shrewd ManagerSo Help Meme God: Baptizing trollsYour Greek is Showing: Metanoia = repentance
In the episode, Jamie & Eric talk about surviving the "Snowpocalypse, they sing a new NTS original song, and talk about why Cain couldn't use Tinder.
Shooting the Skybalon: Southern Snowpocalypse
So Help Meme God: Colin Quinn on technology and the Bible
How Great is Our Pod: A parody of Living Hope by Phil Wickham
Houston, We Have a Question: Cain's wife/the homeless vs the fire code
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode, Jamie & Eric talk about communion, Wesley Huff's appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, and how NOT to get scammed by AI Brad Pitt.Shooting the Skybalon: Late-night laughter, Wesley Huff & Joe Rogan
Shady Theology: Th Lord's Supper/Communion/The Eucharist
Odd News: AI Brad Pitt scam & backup underwear
Eric's Edumakation: Liturgy
Sermonot Takeover: Part 2! You ask, we answer. In this episode, Jamie & Eric take on more questions from Sermonots!
Shooting the Skybalon: Sermonot's Spotify wrapped
Houston, We Have a Question: Forgiveness
Sermonception: We review Mike Winger reviewing Kenneth Copeland talking about communion
Pester the Pastor: When do believers receive the Holy Spirit?
It's a Sermonot TAKEOVER! In this episode, Jamie & Eric are guided by our listener submissions. We'll answer questions about our most embarrassing preaching moments, react to memes, and talk about Hebrew roots theology.Shooting the Skybalon: The Sermonot TakeoverHouston, We have a Question: Fibbing & awkward moments during sermonsSo Help Meme God: Becoming a Christian as an adultPester the Pastor: Hebrew roots
In this episode, Jamie & Eric light up...some frankincense and myrrh in the production room, play Life's a Preach, and talk about what to do when you don't "feel" God.Shooting the Skybalon: Spotify WrappedWeird Worship: Frankincense & Myrrh incenseLife's a Preach: New Year's Motivational EditionPester the Pastor: What do you do when you don't feel anything?
In this episode, Jamie & Eric play a Christmas game, sing some Pentecostal Christmas carols, and talk about the origins of the jolly man himself, Santa Claus.Shooting the Skybalon: Christmas movies explained poorlyPester the Pastor: Who was St. Nick?How Great is Our Pod: Pentecostal Christmas CarolsThe Bible Says Whaaat?!: Nativity Edition
Jamie & Eric are in the Christmas spirit! In this episode, they talk about odd Christmas song lyrics, seeker-sensitive churches during the holidays, and how the incarnation of Jesus is way better than a birthday party.Shooting the Skybalon: Hard Rock Roast Song & Aussie RevengeShady Theology: Jesus' Birthday or the IncarnationWeird Worship: Odd Christmas song lyricsPester the Pastor: Should churches cater to visitors during Christmas?
In this episode, Jamie & Eric discuss whether pastors should be paid, eunuchs and the church, and how pre-blessed food can save you a lot of time during the holidays.
Shooting the Skybalon: Xmas seasonPester the Pastor: Should pastors get paid?So Help Meme God: Pre-blessed foodBible Says Whaaat? Eunichs and church
In this episode, Jamie & Eric get lost in another "Sermonception," and discuss what the Bible says about immigration.
Shooting the Skybalon: Eric's coffee relapse and office flood
Sermonception: Mark Driscoll & Jack Black
Shady Theology: Immigration and the Bible
Odd News: Monkey escape
In this episode the boys talk about their worst Thanksgiving experience, how to deal with difficult family members, and who in the world was Melchizedek.
Shooting the Skybalon: Thanksgiving Game
Pester the Pastor: How to deal with family during the holidays
To Tell the Truth: Our Worst Thanksgiving Experience
Houston, We Have a Question: Who was Melchizedek?
In this episode, Jamie & Eric release a new NTS original song "Let Your Holy Fire Burn My Flesh Alive", discuss self-help vs self-death, and break down Acts 5: 1-11, did God kill Ananias & Saphira?
Shooting the Skybalon: Bernie Sanders reads Genesis, honk shame
The Bible Says Whaaat?!: Ananias and Saphira
How Great is Our Pod: Original song-" Let You Holy Fury Burn MY Flesh Alive"
Shady Theology: Self-help Christianity
In this episode, Jamie and Eric talk about the election, how to shepherd people with different political opinions, and they play a new game called "Life's a Preach."
Shooting the Skybalon: Watching election results, Jamie scares Eric during worship
Pester the Pastor: Shepherding people through election results
Life's a Preach: Sudden sermons
Eric's Edumakation: Children's ministry
In this episode, Jamie & Eric bring on one of our faithful Sermonots to perform a roast rap, we talk about the greek word "ekklesia", and about how pastors aren't funny.
Shooting the Skybalon: Charlie's roast rap
Your Greek is Showing: Ekklesia
So Help Meme God: Pastors aren't that funny
Houston, We Have a Question: Feeling self-aware during worship
In this episode, Jamie and Eric discuss ghosts and pastor (princess) appreciation month. We also break the internet (and our brains) with a new segment called "Sermonception," where we review Mike Winger's review of an Andy Stanley sermon.
Shooting the Skybalon: Our 1st Anniversary & Phoenix gets "cawed" at
Shady Theology: Ghosts and the Paranormal
Pester the Pastor: Pastor Appreciation Month
Sermonception: We review Mike Winger's review of Andy Stanley's sermon.
In this episode, Jamie & Eric discuss Satan, do some Mad Lib worship, and dive into some strange scriptures about teleportation. They are also joined by their first-ever guest caller.
Shooting the Skybalon: Trump reads Genesis 1. Traumatizing Aubrey (again). Preach week
Shady Theology: Satan
How Great is Our Pod: Mad Libs Worship
The Bible Says Whaaat?!: Eglon's detailed death. Phillip teleports
In this episode, Jamie and Eric discuss the Christian Zombie apocalypse, whether or not Christians should celebrate Halloween, and how a stale cookie started "Crumblgate" in Australia.
Shooting the Skybalon: communion in the bathroom. Jamie's bible goof
Houston, We Have a Question: the saints who resurrect in Jerusalem
Shady Theology: Halloween - reject, receive, or redeem?
Weird News: fake Crumbl cookies in Australia
In this episode, Eric & Jamie are joined by "Beef", a friend and avid listener of the podcast. They talk about the names of God, our most embarrassing moments, and the state of preaching in the Church.
Shooting the Skybalon: Jamie lost his voice/Introducing Beef
Shady Theology: God's Name/Jesus' name
Let's Be Honest: Our most embarrassing moments.
Eric's Edumakation: The principles of teaching: information, inspiration, and application.
In this episode, Jamie and Eric get unhinged early. They talk about weird worship, infant baptism vs. baby dedication, and about pastors who pee sitting down.
Shooting the Skybalon: Church Mad Lib
Weird Worship: Our God Has an Awful Song
Pester the Pastor: Infant Baptism vs. Baby Dedication
So Help Meme God: Pastors who pee sitting down
In the episode we go from silly, to SERIOUS, back to silly as we talk about worship fails, the unpardonable sin, and a man who claimed a warm bag of Fritos kicked off his crime spree.
Shooting the Skybalon: Eric, the hula hoop champion
So Help Meme God: elder castration
Houston, We Have a Question: The unpardonable sin
Weird News: Fritos and Crime
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