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The Washington, D.C. area real estate market is cut-throat. It is one of the most expensive housing markets in the country with homes getting listed, sold, and rented in record naturally, new buyers, sellers, and renters have many questions that they need answering before diving in headfirst. On Rent Move Buy, The RARE’s official housing podcast, Realtor Alison Scimeca takes a refreshingly authentic approach to answer all of the area's burning real estate questions. For more info, head to and subscribe on Spotify, Apple, or whichever podcast streaming source you prefer, and please feel free to reach out to us with comments and questions! @theRAREdc or [email protected]
Podcast o budúcnosti peňazí, slobode a technológiách s bitcoinovým edukátorom Dušanom Matuškom. Jednoducho Bitcoin.
Podcast určený prevažne pre začiatočníkov v Bitcoine. Zrozumiteľne a v malých dávkach podávame Bitcoin každý mesiac.
Viac informácií o mojich aktivitách nájdete na webe -
Chceš byť finančne gramotný, no nechce sa ti čítať obsiahle články? Pomôžeme ti! Svetom financií ťa prevedú Sketch Bros. V novom podcaste Nebuď Ďuro sa dozvieš, ako narábať s vlastnými peniazmi, ako ich nielen sporiť, ale aj ďalej investovať. Tak poď do toho a Nebuď Ďuro!
Nebuď Ďuro!
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s., Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: 2-týždenná
EČP: EV 79/23/EPP -
Are you a burnt-out working mom and ready to make a new career move outside of your 9-5?
Are you ready to work at home and spend more time with your kids?
Are you wondering if it's really possible to create a consistent, full-time income from home?
Are you ready for financial freedom, and the ability to afford those family vacations you've always dreamed of?
The Virtual Assistant Mama Podcast is hosted by Arianna Vernier, mama and former elementary teacher turned Virtual Assistant coach for women who want to create a faith-aligned life of freedom. Arianna was able to quit teaching right after giving birth to her daughter, and began working from home as a Freelancer/Virtual Assistant. Within a very short time she replaced her teaching income, and it is her mission to help other moms do the same so they can be there to witness all of their child's firsts and build a business that works around their schedule.
On this podcast, Arianna will be sharing tools, tips, and strategies to help you become a Virtual Assistant and take your income to 4-figure months and beyond.
Each week, Arianna will share faith-aligned business strategies, tactical tips, and free resources that you can implement into your Virtual Assistant business and life today, so that you can finally replace your income while working from home. We'll also share inspiring interviews with other moms and teachers who have successfully quit their 9-5, so they can share their secrets with you on how to start a new business that lights you up.
We're redefining what it means to be a stay at home mom. Are you ready? Here we go.
Join the Virtual Assistant Mama Academy:
Connect with Arianna:
[email protected]
Facebook group:
Instagram: -
The Social Small Talk is a podcast for beauty brands trying to navigate the digital marketing world. Audra Brehm interviews beauty professionals from all over the world that have seen digital marketing change the industry. We provide insights on how to take advantage of digital marketing, specifically social media, to help beauty brands drive more traffic and revenue. We do all of this over a cup of coffee.
Over the last 10 years, I’ve worked with some of the worlds most impactful influencers in the world today! From Real Estate Investing Moguls to NetWork Marketing Icons, Developing behind the scenes revolutionary sales systems and legendary enrollment processes benefiting both their clients and their business.
With my last big contract complete, I decided to jump in and bring these secrets out from behind closed doors and into the streets to help individual sales pros scale to 6 and 7 figures with less effort. The real question is, how will I do it when salespeople are so unique and their products so diverse.
This podcast is here to give you the answer. Join me and follow along as I share years of applied experience with proven high ticket sales strategies and adapt them to today’s market growing my online business and impacting closers looking for more! My name is John Ferguson, and welcome to Legendary Closer Radio. -
NOaCO je podcast bez obalu ze světa firem zaměřený především na business a human resources, ale nestydí se zavítat do dalších odvětví, které ve firmách rezonují. Pavel a Marek zde jdou přímo na komoru a neberou si servítky. Nečekejte od nich jakoukoli politickou korektnost. A pokud se vám nelíbí, tak..... no a co
Jessica Livingston and Carolynn Levy are The Social Radars. Carolynn and Jessica have been working together to help thousands of startups at Y Combinator for almost 20 years. Come be a fly on the wall as they talk to some of the most successful founders in Silicon Valley about how they did it.
Tie najlepšie veci vznikajú pomaly, pozvoľne, nenútene - ako keď piješ kávičku so svojou najbližšou kamarátkou. Zdieľate spolu všetko - smiech, slzy, emócie, šťastie, smútok, radosti aj starosti. Motivujete sa navzájom stať sa lepšími a podržíte sa v ťažkých chvíľach.☕️
A presne také je Cappuccino talks - podcast pre všetky ženy, ktoré si chcú vypiť svoje motivačné kapučínko a cítiť sa ako na kávičke so svojou najlepšou priateľkou.😉
Pozývam ťa na tvoju novú pravidelnú dávku motivácie, reálnych príbehov výnimočných žien a myšlienok, ktoré ťa privedú nielen k zamysleniu, ale aj k výsledkom.🎉
Pohodlne sa usaď a vychutnaj si to najlepšie motivačné kapučínko z dielne Cappuccino talks.☕️🎉