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Smart coaches and consultants predict the future, leverage platforms and their uniqueness. They model the strategies of industry leaders and innovators. You too can now lead with more influence and audacity taking advantage of the courage and insights Dayo Samuel provides here on Audacity2Lead. Hosted by Dayo Samuel, founder of the Nigeria Podcast Network, #Audacity2Lead is dedicated to helping emerging thought leaders get focused, get started and be impactful with their message. In very educative conversations and interviews you will discover tips, steps and strategies to help you chart a compelling course for your life, business and leadership. Topics include coaching, consulting, personal branding, platform building, personal leadership, calling, life tasks, and everything you need to know to lead with more influence.
شرح كتاب معارج القبول، والكتاب شرح مطول لأرجوزة المصنف في أصول الدين بعنوان : « سلم الوصول »، وهي تتناول توحيد الله، والإيمان به، وأسماء الله وصفاته، وملائكته، وكتبه، ورسله، واليوم الآخر، والقدر خيره وشره، وأركان الإسلام، والكلام على رسالة نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، وما يتعلق بها، وقد تعرض الكتاب أيضًا لاختلاف الفرق الإسلامية، وذكر أمورًا يفعلها العامة منها ما هو شرك أكبر أو أصغر، وحقيقة السحر، وحكم الساحر، وغير ذلك.
سلسلة صوتية، تحتوي على شرح كتاب بلوغ المرام، للشيخ عبد المحسن العباد، وهو كتاب مختصر، يشتمل على أصول الأدلة الحديثية للأحكام الشرعية، وقد حرره الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني - رحمه الله - تحريرًا بالغًا؛ ليصير من يحفظه من بين أقرانه نابغًا، ويستعين به الطالب المبتدئ، ولا يستغني عنه الراغب المنتهي.
Featured by Entrepreneur Magazine, Radical Shift is for creative professionals, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who want to tap into their natural ability to create wealth, make impact and enjoy life in ways you never thought possible. Brought to you by 1st woman to launch an app, Carla White, each week we give you a person or message to teach you how to create a radical shift your life, finances, relationships, productivity and success that is new, easy and designed for the modern era of women and people of color in leadership.
Da li između islama i nauke postoji spor i nesuglasica? Dali se islamsko-vjersko učenje kosi sa naučnim otkrićima? Ili je to samo potvrda onom što je došlo u Kur’anu i Hadisu. Predavanje je na tu temu te se nadamo da će se svi okoristiti u tolikoj mjeri koliko su upućeni u svjetovne nauke i savremena dostignuća kao i islamske znanosti.
Kada je Zijad b. Ebihi upitao one oko sebe, a bio je namjesnik Iraka: Ko se najviše naslađuje životom? Rekoše: ’Vladar pravovjernih’, misleći na njega. Ne, rekao je! Nego čovjek musliman koji ima suprugu muminku, koji imaju dovoljno za život, ona zadovoljna s njim a i on s njom!! Ne poznaje nas, niti mi njega!!