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三項全能哪三項?怎麼玩? 怎麼玩到玩不完啊!
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Rob Tong from the Youth Baseball Edge blog interviews experts in youth baseball and related fields as they share their practical, actionable secrets for youth baseball success. Discover coaching tips, resources, drills, practice plans, strategies and much more so that you can help develop a more complete ballplayer and team. Understand how pitching, hitting, catching, fielding, baserunning, throwing, infield and outfield defense, bunting, pre-game routines, the mental game, practice organization, in-game strategies, sportsmanship and even post-game speeches are not just separate parts but interconnected parts that should be taught from a big picture perspective. Learn from the interview guests how to distinguish proper fundamentals from fraudulent ones. Plus, exclusive segments and occasional surprises. No fluff, no promotion of other people's stuff, no wasting your time. Whether you coach travel baseball, Little League/Ripken/Babe Ruth/Pony/USA baseball/etc, or just your local park league, be inspired and help develop a love and passion for the game in the kids you lead, the next generation of baseball players.
Der - The Mindful Athlete - Podcast ist eine Kombination aus praxisnahen Strategien zu den Themen Training, Ernährung, (P)Rehabilitation, Physiotherapie und Mindset. Jana (Physiotherapeutin) und Jan (Personal Trainer und Online Coach) teilen hier ihre Erfahrungen aus über 5 Jahren Praxis und lassen ebenfalls Menschen zu Wort kommen, die diese Strategien bereits erfolgreich anwenden.
救生日常是荷蘭游泳教育品牌「像一條魚LikeAFish」的podcast 節目,我們會在節目中分享救生的日常、分析最近的溺水事件、以及談談最重要的水域安全觀念與水中自救技巧。👉 像一條魚:👉 E-mail:[email protected] provided by SoundOn
Dear 車友 歡迎來到「騎車腦 Cycling Now!」,不管是資深車友還是自行車菜鳥,邀請你一起來聽我們聊"自行車" ! 我們在這邊會分享自行車的各種小知識、故事、深入觀察,當然也有瞎聊。踏著踏板、吹著風跟著我們騎出你的故事吧! 踩著你的速度,跟著輪子轉動~有一天,我們也很希望可以在這邊分享你的騎車故事喔!! 騎車真的很好玩,一起開始騎腳踏車吧! #Let's ride now 我們的臉書:我們Instagram:@cycling_culture_museum現在就快來追蹤“騎車腦”如果你想來聊聊自行車生活、文化、經驗或與我們合作、或有要問我們任何問題,歡迎寫信到:[email protected] 與我們聯繫--Hosting provided by SoundOn
球友好 歡迎收聽桌球會社!我是社長T T 🏓
這裡分享 桌球技術、選手動態、 選手解析、球員視角、新鮮的訪談內容,
找社長這邊請 😁 [email protected]
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Welcome to the Thoughts on Combat Podcast where we will uncover the essence of the evolution of combative training and discover the comprehensive path to fitness, survival, and combative skills. This podcast is hosted by The Combat Professor. Kevin and CRay Cover All areas of Martial Art, Combat and Survival.
這是一個體育老師,閒談體育課程設計及體育人生的節目人生無法重來,每一個經歷都能留下痕跡每一段經歷都能成為養分本節目內容以瀚揚老師暢談體育教育觀點為主,並不定期邀請來賓分享各項體育人生經歷,透過不同的觀點與經驗,提供聽眾朋友對體育教育不同的省思與探討。#何必被體制化逼成被制約綁架的奴隸#從每個月有錄製就不定期播出YT聆聽連結:歡迎贊助請給我一個價格,讓這份價值有機會繼續下去--Hosting provided by SoundOn
College and professional throwers and coaches discuss (no pun intended) biggest joys, issues, excitements, struggles, benefits and adventures of being a thrower. We bring the highest level insight into our conversations and always leave you with a better understanding and knowledge needed to be a successful high school, college and professional thrower and a coach; or help you avoid it altogether, it's not for everyone.
Whether you're a thrower yourself, a coach, a parent of a thrower, a friend ( or an aunt or a grandfather) you are sure to find something valuable in every single episode. Join the most recognizable college throws-team and their exceptional guests on this Throwing Adventure that will take your throwing and coaching to the next level. This is your show! -
健康活力, 快樂公益!!利人利己,友誼互益!!以愛與公益的力量, 團結視障者,結合社會良善,讓視障朋友與社會人士體會[有愛而無礙]的社會.
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讓在台灣的兵器武林中鬼混近10年的二人組Bronn Kuo和Toxic Hsiao
別忘了"訂閱"及"分享", 也歡迎來粉專跟我們討論喔
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