
  • Intro: Welcome to our video on spirituality and new age spirituality. In this video, we will explore the meaning of spirituality, its connection to religion, and how it differs from new age spirituality. We will also delve into the different practices and beliefs associated with new age spirituality, and how it has evolved over the years. So, grab a cup of tea and let's dive in. Segment 1: What is Spirituality? Spirituality can be defined as the search for meaning and purpose in one's life. It is often associated with religion, but it can also exist outside of organized religion. Spirituality is a personal, individual experience that can take many forms, such as meditation, prayer, or simply spending time in nature. It is about connecting with something greater than ourselves and finding a sense of inner peace. Many people find that spirituality brings them a sense of comfort, understanding and inner strength. It can be a way to connect with oneself and the world around us, and to understand the mysteries of life and the universe. Segment 2: Spirituality vs Religion While spirituality and religion are often intertwined, they are not the same thing. Religion is a set of beliefs and practices that are shared by a community, while spirituality is more personal and individual. Religion often includes specific beliefs, rituals, and practices that are passed down from generation to generation, while spirituality is more about personal experiences and beliefs. One can be spiritual without being religious, and vice versa. Some people find that religion provides a sense of community and belonging, while spirituality is a more personal, individual journey. Segment 3: New Age Spirituality New age spirituality is a modern movement that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a blend of ancient spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga, with modern ideas, such as environmentalism and self-help. New age spirituality emphasizes personal growth and self-discovery, and encourages people to explore different practices to find what works for them. It is often seen as a way to combine traditional spirituality with more modern ideas, and to create a more holistic approach to living. Segment 4: Practices and Beliefs of New Age Spirituality New age spirituality encompasses a wide range of practices, such as meditation, Reiki, and crystal healing. Meditation is a practice that is central to many new age spiritual beliefs, as it is seen as a way to connect with one's inner self and to find inner peace. Reiki is a form of energy healing that is believed to balance the body's energy, and to promote healing and wellness. Crystal healing is the practice of using crystals and gemstones to balance the body's energy and to promote healing. Many new age spiritualists believe in the power of energy and the interconnectedness of all things. They often believe in the existence of a higher power or consciousness, and the importance of living in harmony with nature. They also often believe in the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction, and that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. Segment 5: Evolution of New Age Spirituality New age spirituality has evolved over time, with new ideas and practices being added to the mix. For example, the incorporation of mindfulness and self-compassion practices in the movement, which have been gaining popularity in recent years. Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware in the moment, and it has been shown to have many benefits for mental and physical well-being. Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and understanding towards oneself, and it is seen as an important aspect of personal growth and self-discovery. Additionally, with the rise of the internet and social media, new age spirituality has become more accessible and has a wider reach, allowing more people to

  • There are many different types of soul connections, each with its own unique characteristics and qualities. In this video, we will specifically discuss three types of soul connections: soulmates, twin flames, and karmic partners. A soulmate is a person with whom you share a deep and meaningful connection. Soulmates are often thought of as a romantic partner, but they can also be a friend, family member, or even a pet. The connection with a soulmate is often described as feeling like you have known them your entire life, even if you have just met. This connection is often characterized by a sense of familiarity, comfort, and understanding. Soulmates often help each other grow and learn, and they are often instrumental in helping each other achieve their goals. Twin flames, on the other hand, are thought to be the other half of your soul. They are often thought of as a mirror of yourself, and the connection between twin flames is often described as intense and all-consuming. The idea is that twin flames are meant to be together, but the journey to find and unite with them can be difficult and filled with obstacles. Once they are together, they can help each other to heal, grow, and evolve. Karmic partners, on the other hand, are thought to be individuals who you have a past life connection with. This connection is often characterized by a sense of familiarity and a feeling that you have known each other before. Karmic partners often come into our lives to teach us important lessons and help us to heal old wounds. They can be difficult relationships, but they are often instrumental in helping us to grow and evolve as individuals. In conclusion, the three types of soul connections are soulmates, twin flames, and karmic partners. Each of these connections has its own unique characteristics and qualities, and each serves a different purpose in our lives. Whether you believe in the concept of soul connections or not, it's important to remember that the connections we make with others are an essential part of our growth and development as individuals.

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  • Staying calm and reacting positively to difficult events can be challenging, but it is an essential skill to develop in order to maintain mental and emotional well-being. One way to rewire our reactions to difficult situations is to cultivate a positive outlook, such as laughing when something goes wrong. This can help to shift our perspective and reduce feelings of stress and frustration. One technique for not being quick to anger is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to one's thoughts and feelings without judgment. It can help to identify triggers that lead to feelings of anger and to develop strategies for managing them. For example, taking a few deep breaths, counting to 10, or stepping away from a situation can be effective ways to calm down and regain control of one's emotions. Another technique for shifting one's perspective is to practice gratitude. Taking time to reflect on the things in one's life for which one is thankful can help to shift one's focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. This can help to reduce feelings of stress and frustration and increase feelings of happiness and contentment. Another technique for managing stress and difficult events is to use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are short, positive statements that can help to reframe negative thoughts and beliefs. For example, instead of thinking "I can't handle this," one might say to themselves "I am strong and capable of handling this." This can help to shift one's mindset and reduce feelings of stress and frustration. Another technique to manage anger and frustration is to engage in physical activity. Exercise can be an effective way to release pent up energy and emotions. Engaging in physical activity can help to reduce feelings of stress and frustration and increase feelings of happiness and contentment. Lastly, it is important to seek support when needed. Talking to a trusted friend or family member, or a therapist can be an effective way to process difficult emotions and gain a different perspective. They can also provide practical advice and help you develop coping strategies to manage difficult events. In conclusion, staying calm and reacting positively to difficult events requires a combination of mindfulness, gratitude, positive affirmations, physical activity and support. By practicing these techniques, one can rewire their reactions to difficult situations, shift their perspective and reduce feelings of stress and frustration. Remember that changing your perspective, learning to laugh when something goes wrong, and developing effective coping strategies can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

  • Making positive changes in your life can be challenging, but it is definitely possible. Here are some tips on how you can turn your life around and make positive habits and decisions to drastically improve your life: 1. Set clear and specific goals for yourself. Identify what it is that you want to achieve and create a plan to accomplish those goals. Be sure to set both short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated. 2. Take small steps. It can be overwhelming to try to make drastic changes all at once. Start by making small changes and building on them. This will make it easier to stick to your goals and make it less likely that you'll feel overwhelmed or give up. 3. Surround yourself with positive people. The people you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your life. Spend time with people who are supportive and encouraging, and avoid those who bring negativity into your life. 4. Practice gratitude. Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your mindset to a more positive one. Keep a gratitude journal or make a habit of listing things you are grateful for each day. 5. Prioritize self-care. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is crucial for making positive changes in your life. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise regularly, and take time to do things you enjoy. 6. Learn from your mistakes. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, learn from them and use them as opportunities for growth. 7. Be open to change. Change can be difficult, but it is often necessary for growth. Be open to new opportunities and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. 8. Take responsibility for your actions. It can be easy to blame others for the things that go wrong in your life, but ultimately you are responsible for your actions and the choices you make. Take responsibility for your actions and learn from them. 9. Learn to let go. Holding onto past hurts, grudges, and regrets can prevent you from moving forward in your life. Learn to let go of these things and focus on the present and the future. 10. Be patient with yourself. Making positive changes in your life takes time and effort, and it's important to be patient with yourself as you work towards your goals. Remember that progress is often slow and that setbacks are a normal part of the process. Remember that change is not easy, and it is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and effort to make positive changes in your life. But with patience, determination, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes, you can turn your life around and create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life for yourself.

  • Using the law of attraction to attract a SPECIFIC person Hello and welcome to this video on using the law of attraction to attract a specific person into your life. The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, we can bring about positive results in our lives. This means that if we focus on the person we desire and the feelings associated with that desire, we can attract them into our lives. One of the keys to using the law of attraction in this context is to focus on the specific person you desire. This means getting clear on who they are, what they look like, and what qualities they possess. Write their name down and keep it in a place where you can see it every day. Visualize yourself in a happy and fulfilling relationship with this person. Next, focus on the feelings associated with being in a relationship with this person. Imagine how it would feel to be loved, respected, and appreciated by them. These positive feelings will attract the person to you. Another important aspect is to let go of any negative thoughts or beliefs you have about yourself or the relationship. These negative thoughts can block the law of attraction from working in your favor. Instead, focus on positive affirmations, such as "I am worthy of love" or "I trust the universe to bring me this person." Another way is to act as if the person is already in your life. This means thinking, talking and acting like you already have the person in your life. This will help you to align with the energy of the person being in your life and it will be easier to manifest them. Finally, be open to new opportunities and possibilities. The person you desire may not come into your life in the way you expect, so be open to the unexpected. Trust that the universe will bring you the perfect person at the perfect time.

  • In this video im going to give you 5 techniques that you can implement to open your third eye! Hello and welcome to this video on the topic of opening your third eye. The third eye, also known as the pineal gland or sixth chakra, is believed to be the seat of spiritual insight and intuition. It is said to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness and understanding of the universe. There are several ways to open your third eye, but before you begin, it is important to note that this is a gradual process that requires patience and consistent practice. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey: Meditation: One of the most effective ways to open your third eye is through regular meditation. This helps to quiet the mind and create a deeper state of awareness. Try to focus on your breath and let go of any thoughts that come into your mind. Yoga: Yoga is another great way to open your third eye. Certain yoga poses, such as the child's pose, the downward-facing dog, and the cobra pose, can help to stimulate the pineal gland and open the third eye. Diet: Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to nourish the pineal gland and promote the opening of the third eye. Avoiding processed and sugary foods can also be beneficial. Crystals: Certain crystals, such as amethyst, purple fluorite, and selenite, are said to have healing properties that can help to open the third eye. Try carrying one with you or placing it on your third eye during meditation. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool for opening the third eye. Try to visualize a bright light shining on your third eye and imagine it opening up and becoming more active. Remember that the opening of your third eye is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Trust your intuition and be patient with yourself as you explore different techniques. In conclusion, opening your third eye can be a powerful tool for gaining spiritual insight, intuition, and understanding of the universe. Meditation, Yoga, Diet, Crystals, and Visualization are the ways to open your third eye. Remember to be patient and trust your intuition as you explore different techniques. Thank you for watching! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.

  • Goal setting is a crucial aspect of personal and professional development. It allows individuals to identify their aspirations, create a plan of action, and measure their progress towards achieving their desired outcomes. Setting goals is a powerful tool for personal motivation, and it has been proven to be effective in helping individuals achieve their desired results. One of the main benefits of goal setting is that it provides individuals with a clear sense of direction and purpose. When individuals set goals, they are able to identify what they want to achieve, and can then create a plan of action to reach their desired outcomes. This sense of direction and purpose can lead to increased motivation and a higher level of productivity, as individuals are able to focus their energy and efforts towards achieving their goals. Research has also shown that goal setting is positively associated with achievement. Studies have found that individuals who set goals are more likely to achieve them than those who do not. In fact, a study by Locke and Latham found that individuals who set specific, challenging goals, and who received feedback on their progress, were more likely to achieve their goals than those who did not set goals or received feedback. Goal setting is also beneficial for personal development and growth. When individuals set goals, they are forced to think about what they truly want in life and what is important to them. This process of self-reflection can lead to personal growth and self-awareness, as individuals are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and set goals that align with their values and aspirations. To create effective goals, it's important to follow the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Specific goals are clear and well defined, Measurable goals have a quantifiable outcome, Achievable goals are realistic and attainable, Relevant goals align with an individual's values and aspirations, and Time-bound goals have a deadline. In conclusion, goal setting is an essential aspect of personal and professional development. It allows individuals to identify their aspirations, create a plan of action, and measure their progress towards achieving their desired outcomes. Goal setting has been proven to be positively associated with achievement, and it can lead to increased motivation, productivity, and personal growth. To create effective goals, individuals should follow the SMART criteria and setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and achieving your goals. The process of creating a vision board involves identifying your deepest desires, collecting images and words that represent those desires, and then creating a visual representation of your goals. This visual representation serves as a constant reminder of what you want to achieve, and can help you focus your thoughts and actions towards manifesting your desires. The first step in creating a vision board is to identify your deepest desires. This can be done by asking yourself questions such as, "What do I really want in life?", "What are my passions and interests?", and "What would make me truly happy and fulfilled?". Once you have a clear idea of what you want, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of your desires, rather than the negative. This means focusing on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don't want. The next step is to collect images and words that represent your desires. This can be done by looking through magazines, newspapers, and online resources, or by creating your own images and words. It is important to choose images and words that truly resonate with you and that represent the feelings and emotions associated with your desires. Once you have collected your images and words, it's time to create your vision board. A vision board can be created on a poster board or on a digital platform. If you choose to create your vision board on a poster board, you can use glue or tape to attach your images and words. If you choose to create a digital vision board, you can use a program like Canva or PicMonkey to create your vision board. Once your vision board is created, it's important to place it somewhere where you will see it every day. This could be on your bedroom wall, on your fridge, or as the background on your phone or computer. Seeing your vision board every day will help you stay focused on your desires and goals, and will also help you to manifest them into reality. Manifesting your desires into reality requires focus and action. Once you have created your vision board, it is important to focus on your desires and take action towards achieving them. This can include setting goals, creating a plan of action, and taking steps towards achieving your goals every day. It is also important to believe in yourself and your ability to manifest your desires

  • A spiritual awakening is a process of becoming aware of one's true nature and experiencing a profound shift in perspective. This shift can bring about a sense of inner peace, understanding, and connection to something greater than oneself. The process of spiritual awakening can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as meditation, self-reflection, or a life-changing event. It often involves the release of old limiting beliefs and patterns of thought, and the embracing of new ways of seeing the world. A spiritual awakening can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself, others, and the universe, and can bring about a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.

  • Next tone from the solfeggio scale is connected with resonation processes or processes of amplification. Re can “delete” person’s “alienation from God” and enable returning to the “right path”. This solfeggio frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. It can be used for cleaning limiting impression, which disables the person to achieve her life goals. When speaking of cellular processes, tone Re encourages the cell and its DNA to function in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency energizes your body cells and helps to use their creative potentials.

    "Vibration is everything. And every vibration has its own frequency. By exposing the mind and body to the Solfeggio frequencies, you can easily achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. The Solfeggio frequencies align you with the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the Universe.

    Long associated with meditation music the solfeggio frequencies are reputed to be the original frequencies used by the Gregorian Monks when they chanted in meditation. The chant, based on the original six notes (396hz – 417hz – 528hz – 639hz – 741hz – 852hz), penetrates deep into the conscious and subconscious mind, drawing forth emotional reactions which we are sometimes unable to completely control. These original frequencies are said to have been ‘lost’ over the centuries with the introduction of various new tuning methods.

    The Solfeggio scale was ‘rediscovered’ by Dr. Joseph Barber who said to have been guided intuitively to find a pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers. He found in Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83; number references that, when deciphered using a numerological technique, could be reduced to a single digit. This revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies which he determined to be the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.

    Why where the original frequencies tuning system lost?
    The Solfeggio frequencies were lost because throughout history different tuning applications have been used. Ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as “Just Intonation.” The method of Just Intonation featured pure intervals between every note that was mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.

    The tuning practice adopted for western cultures from about the 16th century and used today is known as “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament.” According to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, the 12-Tone Equal Temperament mistunes all consonant intervals except the octave. Our modern scale can create situations such as ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.

    Our modern-day musical scale is out of sync when compared with the original Solfeggio scale. If we want to bring harmony into our lives, we need to replace the dissonant western scale with a web of subtle and clear intervallic relationships of the Solfeggio music. Let the music become once again a tool to raise human nature and a method to connect you with the Source.

    The Solfeggio Frequency scale

  • In this episode Christian Brito sits down with Lina (LinaSaraLOA) a law of attraction coach. They talk about manifestation, manifesting your best life, and the law of attraction. They also talk about the religious views on the law of attraction and how these things can go hand-in-hand

  • In this episode host Christian Brito discusses Astrology with Cho Hwang (@Astro.Forecast)

    They begin with a discussion of how she became introduced to the subject matter of astrology and how astrology plays a role in our every day lives.

    They discuss what astrology is, what birth charts are and what a horoscope is.

    They discuss the best places to get information, how someone who is brand new to the subject can approach it, and the role our birth chart plays in outlining out life.

    Christian and Cho then tie it all together with the role astrology plays in our overall spiritual journeys and how to approach living a spiritual life and putting the pieces together.

    You can find cho @Astro.Forecast on TikTok and Instagram

    You can find me @OwlSpiritual on Tik Tok and Instagram

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    1. Sanctuary App

  • 3 tips to open your third eye:

    1. Decalcify : change your thinking, eating, drinking, and living habits
    2. Be present: immerse yourself in a new lifestyle that is living in the present
    3. Meditate: where your attention goes, energy flows

    other things you can do:
    Use Crystals
    Chant (OM)

    Many people often asks how they can open their third eye (sometimes referenced as the pineal gland) or their third eye chakra

    Your third eye, or that sixth chakra that sits between your eyebrows and helps you tap into your intuition in a new way, has been around for as long as you have. But that fact alone doesn’t mean you know much about it, including, on a basic level, what exactly it is. And while we’re on the matter, you may want to know how to open your third eye, right? Luckily experts are here to clear things up—for all of your eyes to see.

    “The third eye is an energetic center, or chakra,” says Erica Matluck, a naturopathic doctor, nurse practitioner, holistic coach, and founder of Seven Senses, which facilitates wellness retreats. “Though it is not an actual physical structure, it is associated with the pineal and pituitary glands on the brain and located on the forehead between the brows.”

    Matluck explains that the chakra system is like the organ system of the subtle (or energetic) body, and each chakra has a function or purpose. The function of the third eye? To access clarity, intuition and foresight. “It gives us the ability to see beyond what is physically present in the moment,” Matluck says. “Seers and psychics typically have highly developed third eye chakras.”


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    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Spirituality and Higher Self:

  • How to Manifest Anything into your Life? Do you follow the law of attraction and can’t quite conquer manifestation?
    ▶️ Read the article to learn more:
    Welcome to Owl Spiritual and today’s video is about 7 Steps to Manifest Anything into Your Life, Law of Attraction.
    The word manifest means to display, exhibit, or appear. Manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs. To manifest something requires diligent practice, which is also referred to Law of Attraction.
    Many people are very concerned with the technique of the methodology of how they should be manifesting. It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, manifesting can become second nature to you.
    So, often i get a question of what’s the best way to manifest something. Here are the 7 steps that i use to manifest and attract the things that i want into my life using the law of attraction.
    Without a doubt, it will make you manifesting easy and having the Law of Attraction work for you, just as, it's worked for millions of people around the world.
    ▶️ 7 Law of attraction steps:
    • Decide: The first step you need to do to use the Law of Attraction is to decide on what you want. You have to be crystal clear with your vision and the things that you want to be, do and have in your life.

    • Ask for it: The second step you need to take is to ask for it. Once you have decided on what you want, you must then write it down and ask for it. For instance, you can write down the car that you want to own on paper in present tense.

    • Visualize clearly what you are trying to create: When you visualize, your brain will create new neural pathways and close the gap between what is happening in your physical world with your imagination.

    • Feel it: Feel it when you're visualizing feeling the emotion of that manifestation. When you are visualizing what you want, make sure you add as many details as possible. See it as though it is real and is happening right now. Add in your five senses and feel the emotions.

    • Expressing Gratitude: Gratitude is important in manifesting what you want in life because it raises your vibration and brings you into harmony with the Universe. In fact, gratitude is so powerful that it can change and transform your life. So make sure you are grateful for everything that you already manifested and what you are about to receive.

    • Trusting and Believing: This step is where the magic happens. In order to activate the Law of Attraction and to make it work, you must trust and believe wholeheartedly for what you have asked for. Sincerely trust and believe that it will happen. When you do not believe that things are possible, you are sabotaging yourself in your mind. Your thoughts and not in alignment with your action. What you think and what you do will not be in coherence.

    • Allowing yourself to receive: The final step you need to take is to receive. After going through all the steps, you must be ready to receive for what you have asked for. And sometimes in order to receive, you must let go. You can never start a new relationship if you still hold on to the old. If you want to buy a new car, sell off your old car. If you want to buy new clothes, get rid of your old clothes and make space for the new.

    I recommend finding out what works best for you and then try to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your job. This will help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes in a reality. This will push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.
    If you like my video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell, 🔔 like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all. 😍
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    ▶️My other videos:
    • How to Manifest - Step One: Decide:
    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Spirituality and Higher Self:
    #manifest #OwlSpiritual #howtomanifestyourlife #manifestationtechniques #lawofattraction #manifestation #mentalhealth #manifesting #mindset

  • You chose to forget

    You have a purpose

    The people and events in your life were chosen beforehand.

    three things that you agreed to
    before you were born

    soul progression
    and the idea that we would choose
    this life and choose the things that are
    happening is hard to comprehend and wrap
    our heads around especially when things
    might be a little tough.

    thing number one that you agreed to
    before you were born and that is you
    agreed to forget:
    before you were born before you came to
    this earth
    to have the knowledge of you being
    a spiritual being having a human
    wiped away
    we know
    you're sitting here right now in your
    body knowing that you are not just your
    body your thoughts are occurring inside that
    mind knowing that you are not just your
    mind there's something more inside of you
    your soul your spirit
    whatever you want to call it that has
    always existed and always will exist
    why can't I remember?
    the idea of soul progression
    soul evolution the idea of god and the
    expansion of this universe
    what purpose
    might it serve to forget?
    the idea that we come to this earth and
    don't really know who we truly are
    allows us to fully experience
    allows us to have a full
    human experience to really expand
    and evolve our consciousness

    thing number two
    that you chose before you came here
    is that you came here with a purpose
    you came here
    with a purpose now we have our
    karmic purposes things that we need to
    learn for our soul to progress things that we
    may not have
    gotten through entirely in our past
    experiences as a soul things that we
    need to understand as a soul
    things that we have to learn in order to
    truly experience
    who we are
    as humans
    and if we can't get through them
    successfully we have to continue to have
    those experiences until we understand
    what that experience is and are able to
    get through it and evolve past that point
    as a spirit and as a soul and grow
    our souls evolution

    there's multiple different ways it could
    but ultimately there is a purpose that
    you need to achieve as a soul
    in this life or the next
    you're gonna have to learn it in between
    you came here
    with a purpose as a soul so i want you
    to understand that if you're going
    through life and you're like man this
    keeps cropping up for me this is something you need to learn

    the third thing
    that you chose
    before you were born
    that you agreed to before you were born
    is that the major people
    and events
    in your life
    are there for a reason
    agreed to be in your life
    with you
    i want you to understand that before you
    come to this earth
    this is like a big
    before you ever come down here
    you say i'm going to be in this person's life
    and i'm going to have this event
    triggered for there life and you and we
    are going to learn this together in this

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    ▶️My other videos:
    • Ho’oponopono healing meditation
    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Guided Meditation for Chakra Healing and Alignment

    Soul Contracts are agreements, that you enter into pre-birth.

    Before this contract is created, your Spirit Guides empower you to decide which life lesson scenarios are going to enable your soul to evolve. These choices then formulate the basis of your soul contract.

    Your soul contract doesn’t only involve the relationships in your life. It also includes your life experiences, events and circumstances. But whatever your soul contract entails, remember you have chosen each and every experience, to help you to learn and grow.

    ▶️ Read the article to learn more:

    ▶️ 10 Soul Contract Faces:
    Your time, date and place of birth are no coincidence. Neither is your name you thought you were given by your parents. These carry a unique energetic signature and were all agreed upon to help you.

    Various people are destined to come into your life to help you heal something either from past lives or from this lifetime. These people have agreed with Spirit to enter into your life, so that you can reach greater levels of compassion and forgiveness.

    Whatever events transpire in your life, they arise to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

    You incarnated on this planet at a specific time and place with a soul purpose.
    However, one thing that’s not predetermined is your free will and choice. This means that you decide how you want your life to unfold once you get here. Whilst these decisions are seen as your fate, one thing that you cannot change is your destiny.

    The moment you die and the way that you die has been predetermined on your contract.
    There may also be several other opportunities to leave the earth plane during the course of your life, which present themselves as ‘exit points’. At these times, you’ll get the chance to either stay or go.

    We are all given some help along the way by our Spirit Guides, Angels and multi-dimensional aspects of ourselves.
    To fulfill your soul contract, you have access to Spirit Guides or Angels, which change over time as your life unfolds. The more self-aware you become, and the more you develop and trust your psychic gifts, the more you’ll be able to receive and translate the signs and symbols left for you. These will ensure you remain committed to your highest mission.

    When you’re fully aligned to your soul purpose, you will observe synchronicity or strange coincidences occurring to guide you effortlessly from one opportunity to the next.
    Another reliable clue from Spirit, that you’re following your highest path, is when you encounter the right people at the right time. These people have been placed on your path to deliver information, guidance, and assistance when you’re in doubt or wanting to learn.

    When you feel that your agreements no longer serve your growth or actually stands in your way, it is possible to free yourself from them. For some people, this will truly allow them to blossom on their spiritual journey, and actually helps them to better serve the planet by raising overall consciousness.

    Forgive yourself and others and free yourself from karmic cycles.
    Say the following:
    “I forgive anyone I think has harmed me in this any lifetime, anywhere, on any dimension.
    I forgive all debts and erase all karma. I choose true light for myself and all my selves.”
    You will feel gratitude if this has been achieved successfully. As forgiveness happens in layers it may take a few attempts before you feel true gratitude.

    Release ancestral agreements by stating the following with focused intent:
    use the affirmation in the video to help

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    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Spirituality and Higher Self:

  • How to Manifest Anything into your Life? Do you follow the law of attraction and can’t quite conquer manifestation?
    ▶️ Read the article to learn more:
    Welcome to Owl Spiritual and today’s video is about 7 Steps to Manifest Anything into Your Life, Law of Attraction.
    The word manifest means to display, exhibit, or appear. Manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs. To manifest something requires diligent practice, which is also referred to Law of Attraction.
    Many people are very concerned with the technique of the methodology of how they should be manifesting. It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, manifesting can become second nature to you.
    So, often i get a question of what’s the best way to manifest something. Here are the 7 steps that i use to manifest and attract the things that i want into my life using the law of attraction.
    Without a doubt, it will make you manifesting easy and having the Law of Attraction work for you, just as, it's worked for millions of people around the world.
    ▶️ 7 Law of attraction steps:
    • Decide: The first step you need to do to use the Law of Attraction is to decide on what you want. You have to be crystal clear with your vision and the things that you want to be, do and have in your life.

    • Ask for it: The second step you need to take is to ask for it. Once you have decided on what you want, you must then write it down and ask for it. For instance, you can write down the car that you want to own on paper in present tense.

    • Visualize clearly what you are trying to create: When you visualize, your brain will create new neural pathways and close the gap between what is happening in your physical world with your imagination.

    • Feel it: Feel it when you're visualizing feeling the emotion of that manifestation. When you are visualizing what you want, make sure you add as many details as possible. See it as though it is real and is happening right now. Add in your five senses and feel the emotions.

    • Expressing Gratitude: Gratitude is important in manifesting what you want in life because it raises your vibration and brings you into harmony with the Universe. In fact, gratitude is so powerful that it can change and transform your life. So make sure you are grateful for everything that you already manifested and what you are about to receive.

    • Trusting and Believing: This step is where the magic happens. In order to activate the Law of Attraction and to make it work, you must trust and believe wholeheartedly for what you have asked for. Sincerely trust and believe that it will happen. When you do not believe that things are possible, you are sabotaging yourself in your mind. Your thoughts and not in alignment with your action. What you think and what you do will not be in coherence.

    • Allowing yourself to receive: The final step you need to take is to receive. After going through all the steps, you must be ready to receive for what you have asked for. And sometimes in order to receive, you must let go. You can never start a new relationship if you still hold on to the old. If you want to buy a new car, sell off your old car. If you want to buy new clothes, get rid of your old clothes and make space for the new.

    I recommend finding out what works best for you and then try to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your job. This will help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes in a reality. This will push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.
    If you like my video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell, 🔔 like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all. 😍
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    ▶️My other videos:
    • How to Manifest - Step One: Decide:
    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Spirituality and Higher Self:
    #manifest #OwlSpiritual #howtomanifestyourlife #manifestationtechniques #lawofattraction #manifestation #mentalhealth #manifesting #mindset

  • How to Manifest Anything into your Life? Do you follow the law of attraction and can’t quite conquer manifestation?
    ▶️ Read the article to learn more:
    Welcome to Owl Spiritual and today’s video is about 7 Steps to Manifest Anything into Your Life, Law of Attraction.
    The word manifest means to display, exhibit, or appear. Manifestation is something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs. To manifest something requires diligent practice, which is also referred to Law of Attraction.
    Many people are very concerned with the technique of the methodology of how they should be manifesting. It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, manifesting can become second nature to you.
    So, often i get a question of what’s the best way to manifest something. Here are the 7 steps that i use to manifest and attract the things that i want into my life using the law of attraction.
    Without a doubt, it will make you manifesting easy and having the Law of Attraction work for you, just as, it's worked for millions of people around the world.
    ▶️ 7 Law of attraction steps:
    • Decide: The first step you need to do to use the Law of Attraction is to decide on what you want. You have to be crystal clear with your vision and the things that you want to be, do and have in your life.

    • Ask for it: The second step you need to take is to ask for it. Once you have decided on what you want, you must then write it down and ask for it. For instance, you can write down the car that you want to own on paper in present tense.

    • Visualize clearly what you are trying to create: When you visualize, your brain will create new neural pathways and close the gap between what is happening in your physical world with your imagination.

    • Feel it: Feel it when you're visualizing feeling the emotion of that manifestation. When you are visualizing what you want, make sure you add as many details as possible. See it as though it is real and is happening right now. Add in your five senses and feel the emotions.

    • Expressing Gratitude: Gratitude is important in manifesting what you want in life because it raises your vibration and brings you into harmony with the Universe. In fact, gratitude is so powerful that it can change and transform your life. So make sure you are grateful for everything that you already manifested and what you are about to receive.

    • Trusting and Believing: This step is where the magic happens. In order to activate the Law of Attraction and to make it work, you must trust and believe wholeheartedly for what you have asked for. Sincerely trust and believe that it will happen. When you do not believe that things are possible, you are sabotaging yourself in your mind. Your thoughts and not in alignment with your action. What you think and what you do will not be in coherence.

    • Allowing yourself to receive: The final step you need to take is to receive. After going through all the steps, you must be ready to receive for what you have asked for. And sometimes in order to receive, you must let go. You can never start a new relationship if you still hold on to the old. If you want to buy a new car, sell off your old car. If you want to buy new clothes, get rid of your old clothes and make space for the new.

    I recommend finding out what works best for you and then try to visualize your thoughts and feelings about your job. This will help you to feel more positive and motivated to make these changes in a reality. This will push you to take some action and, ultimately, manifest your goals into your life.
    If you like my video, please SUBSCRIBE and don’t forget to press the bell, 🔔 like, comment and share. Stay safe and Love all. 😍
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    ▶️My other videos:
    • How to Manifest - Step One: Decide:
    • Miracle Tone of Nature - Manifest Miracles:
    • Angel Numbers -What they Mean:
    • Spirituality and Higher Self:
    #manifest #OwlSpiritual #howtomanifestyourlife #manifestationtechniques #lawofattraction #manifestation #mentalhealth #manifesting #mindset