
  • This week on Own It, we have a different episode than normal. We are welcoming back Flor Leibaschoff, who visited us with her partner Salma Gottfried, to talk about their journeys to owning BeautifulBeast. That was Episode 45, which we’ll link in our show notes.
    Flor is back this week to talk about an equally important gap to fill in agency ownership and that is of Hispanic and Latina representation as owners, but also to quantify and understand Latina representation at every level of the advertising business. We talk about the fact there simply aren’t enough facts to inform what needs to be done and how Flor is leading the charge to survey the industry to find them.
    Find the survey at
    Flor is originally from Argentina and has worked globally for many years. She is absolutely the right person to spearhead this effort and we in the Own It community are behind her all the way.
    This is an important episode. Thank you for listening!
    You can find links to Flor's LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at You can find the survey at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of Own It, we’re talking to Erin Creaney and Tammy Brody of Good Day Collective. They describe the agency as the non-agency agency. That means clients get talent customized for their unique challenges without the overhead of a holding company or big agency. 
    We talked about their model, their journey to ownership and, of course, the challenge we face in putting more women in the role of agency ownership in the advertising business. 
    It’s always a joy to learn from smart, innovators in the space. Enjoy this conversation with Erin Creaney and Tammy Brody.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Erin Creaney and Tammy Brody of Good Day Collective. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at 
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

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  • On this week's episode of Own It, we’re talking to Julia Beardwood and Sarah Williams from Beardwood & Co. Julia started the agency almost 20 years ago after time at P&G both on the brand side, and serving them at an agency. And Sarah, though she was one of the first employees, just took over ownership from Julia. 
    The firm was born from a dissatisfaction with existing agency models. The agency aimed to accelerate growth for existing brands and create mighty new ones. And have they!
    We talked about their respective journeys and perspectives on the agency world. And, of course, we talked about the challenge of closing the gender gap in agency ownership.
    You’ll so enjoy this conversation. We know we did.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Julia Beardwood and Sarah Williams from Beardwood & Co. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at 
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of Own It, we’re talking to Kelly Bayett from Love Song and Barking Owl. She owns not one, but two audio production companies. Her work has touched many aspects of the advertising and agency world, so she not only has the ownership experience to share, but a unique perspective on the greater advertising world.
    We talked about her inspirations and challenges along the way to own two companies, her perspective on the advertising business and how the music business compares, and, of course, her thoughts on closing the gap in agency ownership. This was such a fun conversation. We're sure you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Kelly Bayett from Love Song and Barking Owl. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the production companies websites in our show notes at 
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of Own It, we’re talking to Alison Monk from Eden Collective. Her resume is a Who’s Who of the advertising and media business. Edelman, Mercury, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Grey, Conde Naste, Merkle. That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to get her on the show … she has such a deep and wide set of experiences to share with us.
    Alison and I talked about her journey to ownership, her vast experiences and influencers and, of course, what she thinks needs to happen to get more women in the position of agency ownership.
    Get out your notebooks. There’s a lot to learn here today.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Alison Monk from Eden Collective.
    You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at 
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • To kick off 2024 on OWN IT, we’re talking to Christine Olivas of No Single Individual. Her firm bolts on strategy to other agencies, but she has a wealth of experience across nearly every vertical you can think of. She’s also a 2023 Stevie Award winner which is an award for women in business.  
    We talked about her journey, her experiences working at and with agencies, and of course, we heard her perspective on closing the gender gap in agency ownership in our industry. 
    I so enjoy hearing the perspectives from super smart leaders out there like Christine. I think you’ll enjoy hers today. 
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with  Christine Olivas of No Single Individual. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Tevis Houston of Friends Everywhere. Her creative studio is a little over a year old and  helps brands connect with their communities through what she calls transformative visual storytelling and seasonal campaigns. She has a lot of experience and work in the fashion and youth culture spaces and has driven award-winning work for brands like Levi’s, Vans, Spanx and Roxy. 
    We talked about her journey, how she’s built a strong professional network, her thoughts on measuring success, and of course, what we can do to close the gap in agency ownership among women.
    We loved this episode for lots of reasons and learned so much. We know you will, too.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Tevis Houston of Friends Everywhere. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this episode of Own It, we’re talking to Holland Martini and Maria Vorovich from GOODQUES. Their firm is what they call the “anti-research” research company that is changing consumer insights practices. Their approach is to tackle research in a creative way. 
    They founded the company in 2019 after years working in the larger agency world. They were named a top global research company to watch in 2020 and 2021 by the StartupPill.
    Our conversation focused on their path to ownership, their respective journeys to that point, and their take on why there are so few female agency owners, but how we grow that number. 
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Holland Martini and Maria Vorovich from GOODQUES. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • Today, we are celebrating a milestone. This is the 100th episode of Own It! And what a journey it has been.
    Today we welcome back the co-founder of the Own It effort and our first guest way back in episode one, Jean Freeman from Zambezi. We wanted to look back on the last two years of conversations and progress, recap the amazing Own It Summit we just finished in New York, and talk about what’s next for our efforts to close the gender gap in advertising agency ownership.
    We focus on the individual guests on this show, so today we’re going to pull back a bit and talk a bit more holistically about our energies, our progress and our plans. You’re in for a little change of pace today topically, but a fun and energizing conversation to keep us all moving forward.
    Thanks for listening to this, the 100th episode of OWN IT with Jean Freeman from Zambezi. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at 
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Lee Deas from Obviouslee. She started her agency when she was 25 with no money or capital investment. She actually taught salsa dancing to make ends meet while she built it. Almost 20 years later, she’s built an amazing agency that does awesome work.
    Lee is a force. And you’ll get that in the conversation today. We talked about her lessons learned throughout her two decades of building her agency, her influences along the way, and, of course, what she thinks we need to do to get more women in the role of ownership in our business. 
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Lee Deas from Obviouslee. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • This week on OWN IT, we’re talking to Julie Sheldon and Lindsay Waugh of Tough Love. They say very clearly they are not an agency. They are strategy partners for all things brand, communication and social. Both come from backgrounds in strategy and planning for a variety of brands and agencies of all sizes. They came together to start Tough Love just one year ago.
    We talked about their inspirations, their journeys and, of course, the challenges of bringing more women to the forefront of ownership and leading agencies today. And we tried not to focus too much on our mutual love of skiing, though we certainly touched on that, too.
    This was such a fun conversation. We know you’ll enjoy it just like we did.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Julie Sheldon and Lindsay Waugh of Tough Love.. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • This week on OWN IT, we’re talking to Jolene Delisle of The Working Assembly. She started out wanting to be in journalism, but came into advertising during an internship. She wound up leading creative for a lot of big-hitting advertising and branding shops along the way. 
    She launched The Working Assembly seven years ago and has flourished as an agency owner. But she also owns an ice cream shop, so we talked about the challenge of owning multiple businesses as well. 
    Jolene is amazing. We left this conversation inspired and excited. We know you will, too.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Jolene Delisle of The Working Assembly. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Alisha Goldstein of the Jane Smith Agency. Alisha’s focus is on offering a speciality in what she calls the most powerful consumer in the world - The Discerning Female Consumer. 
    We talked about the unique focus of her agency, her path to ownership and, of course, her thoughts on why there are so few female agency owners in advertising today. 
    We also talked about her love of riding horses, which is near and dear to us here in Kentucky!
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Alisha Goldstein of the Jane Smith Agency. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On the latest episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Brittany Woitas of Kōvly Studio. She might have the most interesting career journeys I’ve ever seen. She has been a financial advisor, a family farmer, a teacher and an agency owner. Her parent’s family farm gave her that entrepreneurial spirit. 
    We walked through her journey and her take on the gender gap in agency ownership. She is just brilliant and this was such a fun conversation. We know you’ll enjoy it as much as we did.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Brittany Woitas of Kōvly Studio. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • This week on OWN IT, we’re talking to Hollie Fraser of Shelance. It is a community of freelance female creatives that serves to help that talent get found and seen. As  you might imagine, Hollie spent time as a freelance creative, but comes from a long history of working at some of the biggest agencies in the world. Leo Burnett, Grey, MMC and others.
    She started Shelance in 2023 after frustration with hearing the complaint that it’s hard to find great female creatives. Hollie didn’t agree but saw the opportunity to start a community to lift up strong women on the creative side of advertising. 
    We talked about her journey, her perspective on the industry and so much more. We love what she’s doing and so enjoyed our conversation. We're sure you will, too.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Hollie Fraser of Shelance. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Faith Hurley and Stacy Callighan from PinPoint Collective. In many ways these two power women are the Odd Couple, from their interests … food versus working out … to their backgrounds … Faith was an actor in a previous professional life. Stacy was an architect.
    They met at a human-centered research and design firm. Faith gathered insights and Stacy designed a future not yet imagined with them. They launched PinPoint Collective in 2018 as a research and design agency with a mission to advance female leaders and create inclusive community by making design thinking equally accessible.
    There’s so much to dig into here. We loved this conversation and know you will, too.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Faith Hurley and Stacy Callighan from PinPoint Collective. You can find links to their LinkedIn profiles and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • This week on OWN IT, we’re talking to Suzanne Barbosa of Atlantic New York. Her firm is the reigning AdAge Small Agency of the Year! Her experience prior to ownership included stops at MullenLowe, BBDO, Grey, Victors & Spoils and more. So, she brings the perspective of the big and the small to the conversation.
    Suzanne loved being in the middle of everything through her career, so she came up in the account role in the business. She joined Atlantic NYC in the summer of 2022 in the middle of a pregnancy, but knew the move was right. And it was.
    She has such a smart view of the business and has interesting thoughts on closing the gender gap in agency ownership. We so enjoyed this.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Suzanne Barbosa of Atlantic New York. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • This week on OWN IT, we’re talking to Katie Irving of The Moonshot Agency. She works mainly in the fashion industry and started her career as a textile designer. That happens to be one of my favorite things, so we could have spent the whole episode talking about that … but we didn’t!
    Katie and Christy Hiler explored her journey to ownership, the women who inspired her along the way and the challenges we face in closing that gender gap in agency ownership. This was such a great conversation and the fashion insights she brought to the table expanded what we know.
    We're sure you’ll learn something new today. 
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Katie Irving of The Moonshot Agency. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this week's episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Leeann Leahy of The VIA Agency. 
    She hails from Portland, Maine where VIA does outstanding work and is an outstanding place to work. They were Ad Age’s Best Agency Culture winner in 2022.
    Leeann’s history of work is impressive. She’s been with big and small agencies through the years. She admits she had to learn how to play politics at the big agencies but enjoyed carving her own way at smaller shops. 
    She actually started in Advertising at six months old. She was an Ivory Snow Baby and modeled through her childhood. 
    Leeann likes to entertain friends and family in her spare time. And as you can probably imagine, an agency owner does that very well.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Leeann Leahy of The VIA Agency. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …

  • On this episode of OWN IT, we’re talking to Victoria Roedel of Ice Cream Social. Her experience includes time at both big agencies and big brands. She co-founded Ice Cream Social, which is a digital media and content firm, in 2020. They have PepsiCo, among other brands, on their client list.
    And yes … they actually have three ice cream trucks which are incorporated into their business. 
    Victoria is also a foodie and rides a Vespa, which as you’ll hear sparked a bit of a coincidence with me! So much fun! 
    We so love the creativity and energy Victoria brings to the industry. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, too.
    Thanks for listening to this episode of OWN IT with Victoria Roedel of Ice Cream Social. You can find links to her LinkedIn profile and the agency website in our show notes at
    If you’re enjoying Own It, please find it on your favorite podcast app and drop us a rating and review. Those help more people discover the show and join our community. 
    Also, if you’re a female or non-binary agency owner, or you want to own an agency someday, join our growing community at that same address …