
  • In this episode, I wanted to share a question to ask if it is time to audit yourself. If things are not working in the direction that you want, or it is a point of frustration, or your demands are high, then maybe it is time for you to do an audit on yourself, specifically on your time and energy. These two factors will change how you show up, the energy you bring into your day and how you navigate your day. By tracking and reviewing your daily activities, you can identify how much time you spend on each and see if this actually aligns with your goals.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Time energy audits, you can’t change anything that you are unaware of, and you are most likely aware of more than you think.

    2) Auditing your energy comes from looking at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lens and making small adjustments and tweaks to shift it.


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Artist, Amanda Inglis. Amanda was raised on a farm just off the shore of Lake Erie, south of London, Ontario. At a young age, she became known within her small community for her insatiable curiosity for the creative arts. Her interdisciplinary mindset earned her a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Studies from York University. Following the loss of her father in 2008, Amanda returned to her rural roots and discovered solace in the study of botany, with a newfound appreciation for the delicate life cycle of flowers. She works with oil on canvas to depict her homegrown floral subjects in anatomical detail. Her artwork serves as a symbol of the beauty found within the symbiotic relationship between resilience and vulnerability. Her debut collection earned her accolades as an award-winning artist at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario for her piece “Timeless Trinity”. Amanda humbly describes her knowledge of working with oils akin to the progression of a real garden’s maturation: two decades of growing at a quiet pace.”

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Perfectionism, our armour, not allowing ourselves to be fully seen, and how it was this journey of 36 years for Amanda until she hit a deep, dark, breaking point in 2023, after losing a close friend, after losing her father years earlier, and she found herself in a hospital bed, her body unable to carry the grief any longer. Amanda went into the hospital as a PSW worker and came out deciding it was time to allow herself to be the artist she knew was inside of her all along.

    2) This is a beautiful conversation, as Amanda shares her story, how we crossed paths over 13 years ago, how we were mirrors for each other, and how it took the loss of a friend for our lives to circle back around. Through loss and grief, Amanda found herself, her voice, and her courage to allow her gifts to be fully seen as within 6 months of painting her first oil painting, she found her paintings on a wall in a gallery that she walked by so many times the year before envisioning and imagining seeing her work on the walls inside.

    Connect with Amanda
    Email: [email protected]

    Floral Oil Paintings Available At Westland Gallery
    To Join Amanda's Budding Community Go To and subscribe to her newsletter.

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

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  • In this episode, I wanted to share a message I heard last week and it sparked my thinking. You never actually see a person’s wins, you only see what you think their wins are. “When we fail to acknowledge and celebrate small victories, we get discouraged and the flame inside us starts to dwindle.” “Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.” “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.” ~ Louis L'Amour

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Never underestimate all the micro-decisions that you make every single day, the nutrition, sleep, mindset and nervous system support, not picking up your phone, choosing something positive to focus on. Life-giving habits that support you and the life you are creating.

    2) Are you taking time to celebrate your small wins that happen on a daily basis. When I find myself being harder on myself, over critical, biting comments, I know that I am stepping over or ignoring what I am doing and that is coming from a place of comparison, or feeling like I am not doing enough. Example of Brad


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Chief Financial Officer, Fallon Moran. ​​For 4 years from 2019 - 2023, Fallon racked up an incredible amount of high-interest credit card debt totalling $59,221 spending on business coaching and programs to grow her online business. Then in October of 2023, her 15-month-old daughter was seizing in her car seat on the way to the pediatrician's office. Fallon was paying off her debt consistently for the majority of 2023, however after her daughter's febrile seizure, she realized that the frame of mind she took into everything had to change if she was going to be able to change the trajectory of her business and her daughter's life. At the end of 2023, Fallon paid off a total of $25,547 of high-interest credit card debt, and that was her just getting started. Working through her NLP certification, Fallon has realized the importance and priority of putting the inner work first so that it can open doors she would have never thought possible for herself, her family or her business before.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Fallon’s journey in the online space over the last 4 years, how she was searching for the answers and solutions outside of herself while racking up a large amount of credit card debt and it took a series of events in 2023 involving her 15-month-old daughter for her to decide that enough was enough.

    2) Through incorporating work with her subconscious mind, Fallon has completely re-written her money story, now helps others to uncover the roots of the story, and has now learned how to connect to her own internal representation of the results she wants to feel instead of making decisions out of lack or FOMO.

    Connect with Fallon

    Fallon has 2 digital products currently; 1 course that covers how to step into financial control and the other is a digital e-book experience on how she paid off over $25,000 of High-interest credit card debt.

    She is offering 1:1 NLP sessions with business owners to help them work through business and financial blocks that I am doing in exchange for market research until the end of June when I am planning a financial and subconscious program to bring to market.,

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • 707 | Cancer Taught Me To Appreciate The Moments with Ray Hartjen

    In this episode, we speak with Writer & Musician, Ray Hartjen. Ray is a writer, musician and songwriter living in Northern California. In a professional career that has spanned parts of five decades, he pivoted on many occasions, from investment banking to pharmaceuticals, from consumer electronics to SaaS software. One constant throughout his career path, however, has been storytelling. A cancer fighter every day of the week that ends in a ‘y,’ Ray shares his experience and raises funds for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation with his latest book, Me, Myself & My Multiple Myeloma. And, with life’s soundtrack playing in his head, Ray also performs and records with his two-piece acoustic band, the Chronic Padres.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Cancer has become Ray’s biggest calling and he shares his experience and raises funds for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation in his latest book, Me, Myself & My Myeloma. He has reframed his fight against cancer to focus on what makes life worth living.

    2) Cancer taught Ray to not take life for granted, and the power of vulnerability and learning that his story could help others feel less alone in their story too.

    Connect with Ray
    Email: [email protected]

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I wanted to share the quote I came across last week, The Persian poet Hafiz said, “The words we speak become the house we live in.” Our words and thoughts are creating our beliefs which are creating our world.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Our words have the power to build people up and give them life or tear people down and bring them death. The words we speak can inspire and encourage others while, in the same sentence, deflating and discouraging ourselves and others. The words you speak become the house you build and the house you live in, it is either a prison or a cage, and both of these examples of how we speak to ourselves and others.

    2) Whatever direction your words lead, your mind, body and environment will follow. When we communicate with others and with ourselves internally, we are constructing an imaginary “house”. Then, we live in this house and experience life inside it. How we interpret the world around us, and how we perceive our identity comes from the house, or the cage that we have built for ourselves.


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I want to share a few stories about holding the vision and how long you can hold the vision, no one can hold it for you, and no one can see it for you that it will make up for lack of belief in yourself. “Dreams have no limits. Only in our commitment to fulfilling our dreams, do we realize our potential” ~ unknown.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) The vision is for you because there is a future version of you who already has this vision, she is already holding it and already celebrating it, it is not an accident or a coincidence. You get to choose what you do with this vision. It is important to hold onto your vision so that you feel how you would feel in the present moment. What do you see, what do you hear, what do you feel when you have what you are holding the vision of? Hold the vision and trust the process

    2) Your subconscious mind will always strive to keep you safe and with what is familiar, so if you are striving for something new, expansive, and outside of your comfort zone, then you have to believe that you are safe to have it. For example, holding a program with 2 people when you want 10.

    3) Sharing the vision of my husband qualifying for the World’s Masters Weightlifting Championship in Finland in September, I have been holding this vision for months, not getting stuck in the how, and focusing on how will it feel, what will I see and hear when we are there. Every morning and night and sometimes multiple times a day. I have anchored it in and I can access that vision easily and effortlessly. Hold the vision and trust the process


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Founder & CEO, Erik DaRosa. Erik known by friends as “Yoda,” is the Founder and CEO of From Survivor to Thriver, a mental health advocate, speaker, author and Co-host of the popular From Survivor to Thriver podcast. Through his work and his own lived experience, Erik is upending the front end of the mental health space and building a bridge between those who seek resources and those who provide both help and hope. Each week on his podcast, he tackles different mental health topics through honest and relatable "kitchen table" conversations with real people who are helping to shatter mental health stigmas and find their voices. He aims to normalize discussions around mental health topics and remind his audience they are not alone, there is strength in community and "it's perfectly ok to not always be ok."

    In 2011, Erik traded in a successful career as a NYC finance executive when he moved to Colorado with his wife and two cats. Erik spent twelve winters as a ski instructor for the Aspen Skiing Company before retiring in the Spring of 2023.

    Born and raised in New England, Erik earned his MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and his BA in Economics from Brandeis University. He lives in Colorado with his wife Amy and two cats, Lincoln and Taylor.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Erik’s story, what it means to move from Survivor to Thriver, how he hid his story from everyone and what it was like to be able to learn how to share it and feel the release of the hold of his story on his life.

    2) Erik shared his equilateral triangle of healing and how it needs all 3 components of Western and Eastern medicine and the component of nature and if one of the ends of the triangle collapses it all crashes.

    Connect with Erik
    Email: [email protected]

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I want to share some insights from recording over 700 episodes on this show and a combined number of over 1000 episodes between all the shows.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) The vision is for you because there is a future version of you who already has this vision, she is already holding it and already celebrating it, it is not an accident or a coincidence. You get to choose what you do with this vision. Don’t worry if others can’t see it, they weren’t supposed to see it, it was given to you, for you to hold onto. More on holding the vision in an upcoming episode.

    2) It has reminded me to celebrate the journey, show the ups and downs, and how much of a long game podcasting is, it is the longest-standing thing I have done in my business without being directly paid for it. This podcast has taught me how to harness my voice, authentic voice, and how important our stories are, we’re not alone, someone always has it harder than I do and they found a way out and are making a massive difference because of what they learned.


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I want to share our perspective and how when you change the meaning you change the story.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) You can’t change your story until you change what you think things mean. Perspective creates meaning, meaning creates emotion, and the quality of our life is the quality of our emotions. It’s not the events of our life that are the finest it is the meaning that we make or take from them.

    2) It’s the meaning that we take away from those events that change us, go back to your most difficult experiences and how can you change the meaning of them?

    What would I need to believe about that event so it could serve me? Not what do I believe, what would I need to believe so that it can serve me?


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Sara Webb. Sara is a Resilience Coach, empowering (queer) women to get over their ex and get back to themselves, so they can live their best life. She specializes in healing heartbreak from big breakups and divorce by teaching clients to heal from within by reviving their innate power.

    She says, “We have strategically cultivated an inclusive culture to serve all women, especially marginalized members of the LGBTQ+ community worldwide.”

    Having been engaged three times, divorced twice, and coming out of the closet later in life, she understands the pain that’s possible through big life changes. She believes that a “life of thrive” is possible for everyone regardless of circumstances.

    Sara teaches pocket-sized techniques her clients can use anywhere to process stress and improve daily happiness, so they can bring the best versions of themselves to their own lives.

    Sara is an engaged mother, avid yogi, and mediocre runner. She resides in sunny Florida and travels internationally for workshops and speaking engagements.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) We went down a deep conversation on meditation, resiliency, tenacity, breathwork, and the subconscious mind and how we can use these tools to support ourselves during difficult challenges.

    Connect with Sara
    Email: [email protected]

    Private FB lesbians-only group for heartbreak support —


    Book on Amazon:

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I am celebrating 700 episodes, sharing why this show started and recapping 7 episodes that stand out in my memory of the past 5 years.

    In this episode, I am recapping 10 memorable episodes:

    1. #614: The Catalyst for Own Your Choices Own Your Life

    2. #636: If You Want to Change Your Life, Change Your Story with Dave Albin

    3. #667: The Art & Skill of Coaching - Coach Series with Jess DeMarchis

    4. #600: Liberating Humanity with Paul Hutchinson

    5. #559: Surrendering Allows Life to Manifest Through You with Kute Blackson

    6. #547: Fall From Grace To Rise and To Show Others What’s Possible with Laura Minard

    7. #535: Turn Your Story Into Content with Hilary Krueger

    8. #538: Education and Support for Youth Substance Abuse with Chris Bungay

    9. #487: Failure Is Only An Event, Not An Identity with Dominic Teich

    10. Using The Subconscious Mind To Change Your Beliefs And Your Life with Lion Goodman



    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, I want to talk about the reasons why you are not starting whatever it is that is calling on your heart. Everything is a staircase model, like climbing a mountain. Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being liked and understood. It doesn’t matter.” ~ Brianna Wiest

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Some of the emotions that are most strongly connected with self-sabotaging behaviours are important for us to better understand. It is not about simply ‘getting over’ them; it is about listening to what they are trying to tell us about our experience.

    2) Break it down to the reasons why you are telling yourself you haven’t started the thing you want to do yet. Then break it down to the steps that you can start today that will move you closer to where you want to be, and then how can you learn from someone else who’s done what you want to do, and how can you find the answers that can help you bring your vision to life?


    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Author Ryan Penley. With more than four years of hard-won sobriety, Ryan has transformed his life's adversities into valuable lessons for those still struggling with addiction. Today, he lives a life that is unimaginably blessed, exceeding even his own expectations. His debut book, "Man Up. Sober Up.," serves as both a testament to his resilience and a practical guide for those seeking to reclaim control over their lives.

    More than a survivor, Ryan is a beacon of hope for those still battling their demons. He demonstrates that from the depths of despair, it is indeed possible to forge a life filled with purpose and joy.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) How important it is to celebrate the wins even when they seem really simple like 3 minutes of jumping jacks in one day and how that builds momentum to improving your health, continued sobriety and creating longer lasting change in your life.

    2) How Ryan spent so much of his life pursuing happiness outside of himself, and how he finally learned it all came from within.

    Connect with Ryan
    Email: [email protected]
    Author Site:
    Free 21 Day Challenge:

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we talk about one of the number one lessons I have learned from studying NLP these past 4 years. The tools of NLP, and subconscious reprogramming, these tools have changed how I operate in my life and business over the last 4 years. I don’t even recognize myself, and I smile when I see those old versions show up again. Now this is not a slam myself moment, because that is not productive at all. I wanted to share how these tools have made a huge difference in my life and business and maybe you will see yourself in my story.

    In today’s episode, we discuss:
    1) NLP, neurolinguistic programming, came into my life around 10 years ago, although I had no idea what it was. Tony Robbins, his work impacted me tremendously years ago when I realized the words I was speaking had power in my life. It officially came into my life 3 years ago when I took my NLP practitioners, signing up while in the hospital trying to figure out how I was going to recover from back surgery. Let’s keep this super simple, someone asked me on a recent podcast what the difference NLP brought into my life and business and I decided to visit that question and write it down.

    2) Before - I did not trust my voice or my message, and deep down had that perfectionist/people pleaser message on repeat. I pushed super hard, to burnout regularly as though it was a badge of honour, I didn’t listen and I was in the constant spiral energy of proving my self-worth. I made my thoughts, my results mean something about me and my self-worth. I believed the limiting beliefs were true and were predicting my success or lack of success. I was on a constant search for more strategy as I was convinced I was missing it and it would help me move my “blocks”. Another coach and another program would have the answer I was missing. When you search for or sign up for these things from a space of lack, you will never find what you are looking for. These decisions need to come from a space of empowerment.

    Join the OUTSPOKEN Waitlist - Doors Open May 1st, 2024 for the September Cohort

    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we talk about who are you when things are not working out. What changes in your values, your beliefs, your actions, how you take care of yourself, what you do or don’t do, and where do you live? This is a spicy one that came up from a conversation with a client who was struggling and I could relate and have been there too. Which means I know that it is relatable!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Life can feel frustrating when we are focusing on what isn’t working out, what is going wrong, the mistakes that we have made, and when we are stuck in comparison with everyone else and who is further ahead of us.

    2) How can you double down on the things that you can’t see yet, lead yourself and be ready so when the opportunities are available you are more than ready to receive them? Put your blinders on and focus on what you need, where you are going and what you will see when you get there. It is the journey of who you are becoming!

    Become Outspoken Open House - April 24th, 2024

    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Sensory Perception and Emotion Management Strategist, Kim Korte. Kim was born with a curious mind. However, she didn’t always use that gift to its fullest potential. After suffering through significant life events, she realized developing her curiosity muscle would help in her healing.

    Further, as a business consultant, she loves repeatable processes and procedures. "I’m known for simplifying the complex." She would tell clients that, ultimately, she was so lazy, that she wanted to find the most efficient and simplistic way to enhance their business systems. She did the same with her emotions and thus was born the premise behind Yucky Yummy Savory Sweet: Understanding the Flavors of Emotions. Here, she poses the question: What if instead of relying on comfort emotions (like comfort food) to get us through the day, we became 5-star Michelin Chefs of our experiences? Her unique approach to emotional awareness and emotional intelligence offers an innovative way to create a connection to our emotions by using something familiar to us, like food. She explores how we experience our emotions from a combination of senses, including what we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.

    Her book suggests that just like the developed palate of a chef can distinguish the different flavours in food––we can increase our ability to capture the “flavours” of our emotions by enhancing our awareness of the sense of how we feel inside our bodies.

    She believes we aren’t born with built-in emotional responses for every life event. However, we are born to feel emotions, and the emotion we feel is up to us.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) We can become Michelin Chefs of our own experiences by understanding our emotional awareness and emotional intelligence to connect to our emotions by using something familiar to us like food.

    2) Kim believes that we aren’t born with built-in emotional responses for every life event; we are born to feel emotions and the emotions we feel are up to us.

    Connect with Kim
    Email: [email protected]

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we talk about the relationship between confidence and courage. You want the confidence without the courage and it just doesn’t work that way. Are you also stuck in a belief that you don’t want to take those steps because courage doesn't feel good?

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; a sense of firm trust. It is having full trust; belief in the someone or trustworthiness. We have every confidence in their ability to succeed. belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; or assurance. A confident person is good at taking action because they know that they can do it.

    2) Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Courage is the ability to do something difficult even when there's risk.

    Become Outspoken Open House - April 24th, 2024

    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we talk about how what we focus on, we will find. I am sharing a metaphor I heard on a podcast that landed and I knew that I wanted to share it with you.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) Whatever we focus on we will find. If we are riding a bike in the woods and we are

    2) You are priming your brain and body to look like your future has already happened

    Where you place your attention is where you place your energy you become aware that you are investing your energy in the past and not the present or future.

    Become Outspoken Open House

    ***** BeSpoke 50% Bday Promo

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.

  • In this episode, we speak with Spiritual Guide and Coach, John Lawyer. From desert combat zones (12 years in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan) to a battle within, John transformed from soldier to spiritual seeker. He acts as one of several guides for Kishar, a non-profit online spiritual community for people to share their journey and explore their own unique spiritual path. John is an Omnist and believes in the validity of great human thought from around the world and across time. He offers individual spiritual guidance and coaching services as part of the Kishar Spiritual Community.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    1) John’s story of spending 12 years as a counter-intelligence agent, in desert combat zones, coming home wounded, with physical trauma, and PTSD, coming home and then feeling completely unsure of what to do next. He had his own spiritual awakening which led to him feeling his purpose was to create a spiritual community based on human kindness and caring for others.

    2) Through the creation of their spiritual app and channel, they offer community membership and individual spiritual guidance and coaching. The lesson he shared hit home, “love yourself first, love yourself most and then you can love everyone more.

    Connect with John
    Email: [email protected]

    Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Storytelling NLP Trainer, Speaker, Publisher & Author, 2xs Podcaster

    Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”. She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share, and publish their stories.

    Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life. She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders, and build platform businesses that create massive impact.