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Welcome to Off the Cuffs: a Kink and BDSM podcast, for those in the lifestyle and those who are curious. Each week, hosts Dick Wound and minimus maximus, sit down for a discussion with a new guest, covering topics such as their journey into kink, scenes they’ve been involved in, and the importance of consent and communication. Episodes tackle the entire spectrum of kink, from the sensual to the sadistic, and the bizarre to the vanilla.
يستعرض بودكاست «عيب» قصصًا مُعاشة، فرضتها القواعد المجتمعيّة والأدوار الجندريّة. نتطرّق للعديد من القضايا التي غالبًا ما توصم بالعيب. يُمكن الاستماع إلى الموسم قبل مواعيد النشر الأصلية عبر الاشتراك في قناة «صوت بلَس» مقابل مبلغ رمزي. يوفّر الاشتراك كذلك فرصة الاستماع إلى جميع برامج «صوت» دون إعلانات. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
شاهدوا حلقات عيب على قناة صوت على يوتيوب: -
Smut Drop is a weekly podcast with host Miranda Kane from touching on sex, dating and relationships.With no holds barred, it’s the home of sex positive chat where Miranda will be joined each week by sexperts and special guests to explore the world of the erotic.So strap in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to By the Bi, a podcast for anyone interested in learning a bit more about bisexuality, the swinger community, open relationships, BDSM, and everything else your vanilla friends refuse to talk with you about. Join your hosts, a bisexual expat couple in Sydney Australia, as each episode we chat about ourselves, our experiences, and our relationships. We look forward to addressing specific questions or issues that you might have as well; so pull up a chair, grab a cocktail and listen in. Oh and, by the by, we're glad you're listening. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Kjos & Myran är en podcast där vännerna Ida Kjos och Andrea Myrander diskuterar allt från personlig utveckling och relationer till karriär och hälsa. De delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och insikter, samtidigt som de bjuder in gäster för att fördjupa samtalen. Podcasten har en varm och öppen ton, och den syftar till att inspirera och motivera lyssnarna att leva sitt bästa liv.
Horizontal with Lila is the podcast of intimate conversations about sex, love, and relationships that's entirely recorded while lying down. Many of the episodes are recorded in bed at Hacienda Villa, a sex-positive intentional community in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Others are recorded while horizontal elsewhere.
The Great Love Debate is the World's #1 Dating & Relationship Podcast! Based on the nationally-touring series of live shows, it is hosted by America's Number 1 Dating Enthusiast - Great Love Debate creator Brian Howie - who is joined each week in-studio by Celebrity Guests and the world's most dynamic voices on love, dating, sex, and relationships! Listen in as we raise some questions, find some answers, and have a whole lot of fun as we attempt to answer the question "Why is Everyone Still Single?" Check out our live tour schedule at!
Advice for smart men on how to succeed with women in sex, dating, relationships, and marriages. Beautiful women give you a peek behind the curtain into what the feminine really craves from the masculine ... and how to give it to us. If you want deep dating advice, help with relationships, or tips on how to have sex with women in a way they'll swoon over, c'mon in. Personal growth is sexy, haven't you heard?
And if you're ready to do the work, come work with us -- we'd love to have you:
Get in touch at [email protected].
A smart & sweary podcast for women in midlife that teaches the skills to get more joy & love in your day. Every day.
Join me weekly, as I teach science-based, smarty-farty topics and break them down in to bite-sized lessons you can apply to your life. All while sharing my own shit show life & love stories that you can learn from.
Topics I discuss: Getting more joy on a daily basis, thriving in midlife, figuring out perimenopause, healthy dating & relationships, building self-worth, body positivity, growth mindset, adult friendships, and easy meditations & mindfulness.
Stop just surviving, and learn how to thrive! -
THE BRAVE FILES | Real Stories of People Living Courageously | Hosted by Life, Business and Success Coach Heather Vickery
Everything we want in life is just on the other side of uncomfortable, says award-winning entrepreneur and success coach Heather Vickery. Each week Heather introduces you to a new guest who is moving beyond fear and doubt to achieve amazing things in life, business, education, the arts, politics and more. These inspiring stories flow from the authentic truth all guests bring to the conversation. In their own voices, you’ll hear people from diverse backgrounds relate all the ways they’re breaking down barriers, celebrating victories and giving back in a way that adds meaning and purpose to their lives and their communities. Progress never happens in a straight line … but these powerful stories will remind you of the limitless possibilities open to us when we CHOOSE BRAVELY. More free resources and perspectives at -
Miranda shares her completely random "thoughts" on all things millennial marriage, motherhood, lifestyle, health, career and more. She's deeply passionate about helping you chase your dreams WHILE being able to tuck your kids in at night. Fresh episodes are added each Tuesday and Thursday!
Feeling fearful about trying something adventurous? Listen in to a hub of vibrant, honest and motivational audio content, designed to encourage women to head out of their comfort zone within the outdoors. Featuring both the everyday and longer, planned challenges, Zoe Langley-Wathen invites stories from resilient women about facing their own HeadRightOut Moments, despite potential personal barriers. With the aim to inspire and empower midlife women to question and remedy their own levels of resilience, Zoe knows first-hand the power of facing fears after beginning long-distance hiking, solo at the age of forty. With life-long benefits to physical and mental health, particularly in supporting a positive peri-and post-menopause experience, she believes all women should be encouraged to try new things. Though aimed at midlife women, all ages and genders can benefit from the impact of the messages offered.
Pari Suhteesta on Aleksin ja Sandran sukellus parisuhteeseen. Se on sielukas katselmus henkisestä matkasta, jota parisuhde peilaa. Kuinka miehen ja naisen suhde voi toimia? Kuinka molemmat osapuolet voivat kukoistaa? Kuinka "me" näyttäytyy yksilötasolla ja kuinka "minä" käyttäytyy yhteisellä tasolla? Puhumme rehellisesti tantrisesta seksuaalisuudesta, tunteista ja kasvustamme tässä suhteessa.
Aleksi on kouluttautunut kundaliinijoogaohjaaja. Lisäksi Aleksin henkisiin harjoitteisiin kuuluvat hengitys- ja kehonpainoharjoitteet, laulu, kitaransoitto, leikkimielisyys, vapaa ekstaattinen tanssi sekä suuri rakkaus ja kunnioitus kylmäaltistusta kohtaan. Aleksilla on valtava halu tuoda henkistä syvyyttä länsimaiselle keholle ja mielelle helpommin lähestyttävässä muodossa. Hän on vahva kehorakkauden puolestapuhuja.
Sandra opiskeli viisi vuotta psykologiaa yliopistossa, kunnes koki itsessään sen, että tie sisäiseen voimaan ja kukoistukseen löytyy länsimaista psykologiaa laajemman kehollisen varjotyöskentelyn, seksuaalisuuden ja sielullisuuden kautta. Niinpä Sandra jätti yliopisto-opinnot kesken ja opiskelee nyt Fertility Awareness- ja Sexual Health Educator :iksi etänä Yhdysvalloista. Sandra tutkii elämää tantran kautta, jossa seksuaalienergia nähdään pyhänä elämänenergiana ja joka tukee kokijaansa löytämään viisauden omasta kehostaan.
Tervetuloa podcastimme pariin!
-Sandra & Aleksi
* Muista seurata meitä myös instagramissa: @pari__suhteesta * -
Tara Lipinski: Unexpecting takes listeners through the Olympic figure skating champions’ tumultuous, on-going, five-year quest to become a mother. Her journey began in 2018, and since then, the normally open and public athlete-turned-broadcaster has kept this often-devastating roller-coaster ride a secret. Until now. Most people have heard of in vitro fertilization (IVF), but not the often-cruel existence it forces upon its patients when complications arise. Listeners will be shocked at the vulnerability and honesty of the conversations, and the hunt for some sort of acceptable reason for Tara’s excruciatingly painful struggle to build a family will continually drive the story forward. Unexpecting will tackle uncomfortable and taboo subjects and take on the complicated issues surrounding IVF and infertility with sincerity and humor. Tara certainly didn’t predict she would be thrust into this world. But as the cliché goes, expect the unexpected.