One of the greatest gifts we can give our kids is confidence. Why is it important to raise confident children? What steps can you take to improve confidence in your kids whenever possible? And what's the main difference between self esteem and confidence?
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The day you became a parent is the day your schedule changed forever. Suddenly, every minute revolves around your child. Try adding a couple more kids to the mix and your "schedule" can become completely chaotic! So, how do you handle balancing your own personal schedule as well as the family schedule? How do you keep kids entertained while attending an event for a sibling? Plus, the importance of "busy bags" and how they help can save your sanity!
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Did you know there's "treasure" hidden all around you? Next time you're looking for a fun, family outdoor activity, consider geocaching! So, what are the basics of geocaching? How do you start your own family adventure? Plus, what do you need to know about geocaching etiquette to ensure the hunt is just as much fun for others in the future?
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If you're a new parent, you're probably not getting much sleep. We spend countless nights wondering how in the world we can get our children to sleep for more than just a couple hours at a time. So, what are the secrets to getting your baby to sleep through the night? What three elements contribute to the right kind of sleep? And what are the most common sleep de-railers?
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The percentage of single parents is on the rise- whether by choice or due to unfortunate circumstances. What are some of the main challenges associated with being a single parent? What are some of the common misconceptions? And what type of impact does single parenting have on kids?
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You've considered cloth diapers, but you haven't quite made the commitment. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but today we're going to help demystify the process. What exactly are the current cloth diaper styles available? How do they differ from one another? Plus, the question everyone wants to know... what do you do with the poop?
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Fighting among your kids can really frustrating for parents. How do you know where to draw the line? What role should parents have during these disagreements? What are some of the positive and negative consequences of sibling rivalry that can sometimes lead to fights? Plus, we'll discuss some strategies to help you keep the peace!
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More and more parents are wearing their babies. So, why is babywearing so important? What are the different types of carriers and how do you use them? Plus safety tips for keeping your baby nice and secure.
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Bath time can be fun, but it can also be a scary place if you aren't taking precautions to help protect your child. Today, we'll explore some tips to help keep your kids safe, all while having fun and teaching them valuable lessons to help make them self-sufficient.
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Your baby has entered the whole of solid foods. What are the benefits of making your own food? What are the easiest foods for them to eat? And what are some quick and simple recipes that won't break the bank?
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Does milk really do a body good? As a new parent, you may be overwhelmed with all options for milk at the grocery store. Are there benefits to drinking cow's milk that other milk simply can't provide? What are some of the biggest milk myths? Plus, what are some alternatives to cow's milk that might be a better fit for your family?
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Our heart melts every time our children say new words, even if we're the only ones who can understand it. Despite all the cuteness, how do you know if your child is having difficulty with speech development? What milestones should we be monitoring for babies and toddlers? And what differences should we expect in speech patterns between boys and girls?
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Music is a wonderful tool for young families. It encourages quality time together and is a great motivator that allows your kids to have fun in a safe, nurturing environment. What are some great musical activities you can do with your kids? How can music help with chores and other activities kids may not like. Plus, how you can make music out of any noise around you.
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We all know education is an important part of growing up and finding your place in life. And as a parent, you have several choices on how your children receive that education, such as homeschooling, which begins even when children are toddlers. How has homeschooling changed over the years? What resources are available to you? And what are some of the common misconceptions about the homeschooling process?
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It's sometimes said that kids with Sensory Processing Disorder "feel too much" or "not enough". If your child is struggling with this, he may either overreact or under-react to touch, sounds, and food textures. Their diet may become so restrictive, that eating, in general, may become a big challenge. Today we'll learn more about this condition so you can better recognize it and get the support your child needs.
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You spend most of your day changing diapers and coming in close contact with some sort of bodily fluid from your child, we get it. The idea of potty training may seem like the perfect solution. But, how do you know if your child is ready? And perhaps more importantly, how do you know if you're ready? Plus, helpful tips for getting your boy or girl off to a great start!
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The baby days are over. One minute they give you a kiss and a smile and in the next moment are screaming and hitting. How can you handle this situation with your toddler without throwing a tantrum yourself? What triggers this type of behavior and how can it be prevented? How can we turn the "terrible twos" into the "terrific twos"?
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Temper tantrums are one of the most frustrating times during toddlerhood. So, why do little kids throw these bursts of rage in the first place? Are tantrums designed for the toddlers emotional benefit, or are they really just trying to get their parent's attention? Plus, what are some simple ways to diffuse a toddler ready to explode in a serious meltdown?
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Children separated from their parents may experience extra anxiety, resulting in major meltdowns. What typically triggers separation anxiety in our kids? Do babies react differently than toddlers? And what can you, as a parent, do to help your child transition into a more independent stage in life?
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Public libraries can be a great resource for new and expecting parents. In addition to books, they offer movies and other community resources at free or very low cost to you. So, what type of parenting resources are typically available? And what is library etiquette when it comes to small babies, infants and toddlers?
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