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The UPX Podcast is the original and #1 spot for news, strategy, non-financial advice, and more in Upland. Join 2Stupid2Win and ThankMeLater as they discuss the current events, strategies, and community of the metaverse known as Upland.
Upland is a virtual property trading game, powered by blockchain technology. If you like playing Monopoly you will enjoy Upland. You want to get started with NFT and virtual properties? Upland is the metaverse for you.
For a bonus on your first deposit use the following link -
Fallout: Arizona is an actual play podcast run by Jayson Miller. This series is run in a modified Genesys system that is set in the Fallout universe. It follows three wastelander's as they try to scavenge and survive in the harsh Arizona wasteland. Will the fallout kill them or the inhabitants?
Join Brad, Zack, Norbert and other guests on a journey exploring the world of indie game development. As aspiring game devs starting at the very beginning, they discuss challenges, techniques and best practices, as well as the latest news in the indie game world. You’re invited to come along and be part of our community so we can all learn and grow together!
Join Jon and his co-hosts as they cover all things Mac gaming! News, reviews and deep-dives into relevant topics of Mac gaming history, culture and tech.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..
Welcome to Critical Role, home of a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing tabletop roleplaying games! Enter a world of glorious imagination and improvisation with a group of the finest collaborative storytellers around.
Here you’ll find our TTRPG and adjacent shows, including Critical Role, Exandria Unlimited, 4-Sided Dive, and a growing selection of one-shots. -
Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford.
This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
Bilar med sladd är podden om teknik, miljö, AI, transport, grön energi och mycket annat. Programledarna Anders, Alfred och Fabian tar varannan vecka tempen på elbilsvärlden, rapporterar om det senaste, och kryddas ibland av kommentarer från inbjudna expertgäster.
Stöd podden genom att bli plusprenumerant. För 29 kronor i månaden får du senaste avsnittet i förväg, slipper reklam och tillgång till alla avsnitt. Klicka på prenumereraknappen i Apple podcaster, sök upp Bilar med sladd+ på Spotify eller följ denna länk om du använder någon annan poddspelare:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
VGO has been churning out stupidity and gaming since 2005 making it one of the longest running podcasts of all time. Hosts John “John’s Arcade” Jacobson, and comedy creator Michelle Madison, explore all things gaming from console to PC, with a healthy dose of random insanity in between the latest videogame and tech news. Live every Tuesday on, Video Game Outsiders is home to a unique community of adult gamers. For weekly extra episodes, game giveaways, and ad free VGO - join our Discord: For older episodes and the rest of the perks you can also download our VGO app or visit our website for more info.
1940-luvun Suomessa Etiäinen-lehden toimittajat kohtaavat kauhuja niin Helsingissä kuin maakunnissakin. Sensaatio-otsikoilla menekkiä hakevan 'kansanvalistuslehden' kovaonnisen toimituksen tielle osuu niin yliluonnollista kauhua, kansanperinteen mystiikkaa, selittämättömiä tapauksia kuin vaaran vuosien historiallisia koettelemuksiakin.
Roolipeli-podcastissa (actual play) kokeneet pelaajat eläytyvät hahmoihinsa tunnelma edellä. Kauhua ja komiikkaa yhdistävissä seikkailuissa keskeistä on notkeasti soljuva tarina, mielenkiintoiset henkilöt ja kiperät tilanteet. Sääntömekaniikka jää taka-alalle. -