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Toto je GEEKFRIENDLY zóna. Očakávaj čokoľvek, čo súvisí s Pánom prsteňov, Star Wars, Marvelovkami, legendárnymi PC hrami, atď.. Vy, ktorí máte radi geekovské a nerdovské veci - my budeme váš hlas. @hatala.martin a @vladimirmikulas
Every other week three friends, coworkers, and coffee industry professionals humorously explore topics in history, culture, and business using coffee as inspiration. Then, using their professionally trained palates, they try the coffee and commit to giving no bad reviews.
Hosted by Jenni Trilik, Marcus Contaldo, and Stephanie Motenko.
Sponsored by Modest Coffee
Hýb sa. Dobre jedz. Spi. Toto je podcast o zdravom životnom štýle. To, čo ješ, či športuješ a dokonca aj či dobre spíš má vplyv na tvoje telo, zdravie, či náladu. Vypočuj si náš pohľad na veci podložený najnošími poznatkami. Milovníčka zdravého životného štýlu a advokátka Silvia Makovníková, ktorá sa vzdeláva online na Shaw academy a novinárka Katarína Korecká.
Possibly the World's most inclusive art podcast.
Artist & Curator Gary Mansfield talks to emerging, established and world renowned artists each week in his quite unique manner.
Gary's booming Cockney voice and jovial approach, is a breath of fresh air for those within the art world and a beacon to those that thought it inaccessible.
Previous guests include: Maggi Hambling, Mark Wallinger, Gavin Turk, kennardphillipps, Mat Colishaw, Ray Richardson, Camille Walala, Rankin, Keith Brymer-Jones, PureEvil, Tanya Ling, Koestler Arts, Stuart Semple, Richard Wirson RA, Sarah Maple, Jenny Eclair, Katy Wix and Adam Buxton
Feel free to contact Gary with any queries, comments etc: email: All Social Media: @ministryofartsorg To find out more on Gary Mansfield go to:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast for tea nerds both seasoned and aspiring. We drink different specialty teas and talk about where the tea is from, how to brew it, and where you can find the best tea in the world. Support this podcast:
The poetry podcast for people who don’t like poetry... and those who do. Host Dylan J. Kershaw is dragged kicking, screaming and making ridiculous interpretations along the way toward enjoying poetry by close friend and literature whiz Charlie Pidcock. Join them as they dive into the enlightening world of poetry, and have some laughs along the way.
Restaurant Idea Factory is a new media company that brings together three of the top minds and content creators in modern hospitality to help break down ways to improve the restaurant industry.Tip of the spear is a weekly news, tech, innovation, education and entertainment series, Co-Hosted by Shawn Walchef of Restaurant Influencers & Digital Hospitality; Kyle Inserra, The National Restaurant Owners Podcast; and Jensen Cummings, Best Served Podcast. The three hosts come together from across the country (San Diego, Denver, New York City)
BB FM rádio vám prináša krátku, dynamickú, ale veľmi zaujímavú rubriku "Päť minút povaríme ... s Jožkom Hucmanom". Hucko je veľký nadšenec gastronómie, a hoci nie je študovaný kuchár, vďaka svojmu zápalu pre varenie prináša poslucháčom nášho rádia množstvo tipov a vychytávok, ako sa stať hviezdou kuchyne. Svoje umenie už dokázal v rôznych kuchárskych súťažiach, neraz ste mali možnosť ho vidieť aj v televízii, kde radil divákom a prezradil aj nejaké to "tajomstvo" šéfkuchára. Ak sa chcete dozvedieť, ako urobiť ten najlepší guláš, ako pripraviť skutočne výborné bryndzové halušky a čo sa dá navar