
  • In this episode, we explore emotions in sports from a philosophical perspective. How are philosophical perspectives different from the more established psychological perspectives? How can ideas found in Aristotle, Nietzsche, Hume, and Spinoza help us establish a framework to explore emotions in sports? Why are certain emotions and their balance essential for sustaining our sporting culture as we know it today, or could we find a better emotional balance in our individual and collective sporting lives?

    Our conversation draws heavily on Yunus's book Emotion in Sports: Philosophical Perspectives.

    Dr. Yunus Tuncel teaches Philosophy at The New School, New York, and in New York University’s Liberal Studies Programme. He is a co-founder of the Nietzsche Circle and a member of the Editorial Board of its journal The Agonist. Yunus is also the founder of Philomobile, which is a travel organisation offering trips to those interested in studying philosophy on the road (

    The conversation continues in Part 2 with a focus on more specific emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and joy in sport.


    Found the episode interesting? Our previous conversation with Yunus can be found here: Part 1, Part 2. Related conversation on risk sports and authentic existence with Prof. Gunnar Breivik is here.

  • This is the second part of our discussion with Dr. Anna Kavoura on how gender informs meaning in sport. In the first part, we explored Anna’s work on intersecting identities in women’s martial arts, as well as her current research project titled "Transforming Gender Boundaries in Sport: An Ethnographic and Participatory Action Research Study in Trans-Inclusive Sport Contexts”.

    This episode continues our discussion exploring the dominant gender discourses in sports context and what can be done to challenge them. We also discuss the dilemma of women-only training groups in martial arts. While these groups can be useful for attracting more women to male-dominated martial arts gyms, there are some possible problems with them such as reinforcing the gender binary and hierarchical understandings of gender. What are the ways we can use this strategy well?

    Dr. Anna Kavoura has completed several interesting research projects on gender in sports. She completed her PhD in Sport Sciences at the Univerity of Jyväskylä in Finland, which focused on understanding women’s identity negotiations in competitive judo cultures in Greece and Finland. After defending her PhD, she continued working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in the PREACT project which focuses on tackling discrimination against gender and sexual minorities in sport and physical education contexts (PI: Dr Marja Kokkonen). She then moved to the School of Sport and Service Management at the University of Brighton and works as a postdoctoral researcher in the "Transforming Gender Boundaries in Sport" project which is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

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  • Sport is a very gendered institution. Although there has been a lot of effort to tackle gender-based inequalities in the past few decades, a lot of work remains to be done. This episode explores how gender informs meaning in sports. How does gender identity intersect with athletic identity? What discourses are dominant in sporting spaces, and how do these impact participant experiences, especially those unable or unwilling to accept or live according to those discourses?

    We are also exploring the possibilities of alternative meanings and practices in sport, and finally discuss whether and how sporting practices that are not based on a binary understanding of gender can be organized, as well as the ethical imperative to organize sporting spaces that are inclusive and safe for all.

    Dr. Anna Kavoura completed her PhD in Sport Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Her research explored women’s identity negotiations in competitive judo cultures. After defending her PhD, she continued working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in a project that focused on tackling discrimination against gender and sexual minorities in sports and physical education contexts. She then moved to the School of Sport and Service Management at the University of Brighton and currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in a project titled "Transforming Gender Boundaries in Sport" which is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

  • Many athletes believe that they should be self-critical and hard on themselves to reach their full potential. Yet, what if an opposite perspective, focused on self-compassion would be much more conducive to flourishing and meaningful experiences in sport? These and other questions are explored in this episode with Dr Leah Ferguson.

    Questions explored in this podcast include:

    - What is self-compassion and how is it different from self-esteem?

    - What is eudaimonic well-being? How is meaning related to that?

    - Is sport culture resistant to self-compassion? Should we talk about it with a different language?

    Dr Leah Ferguson is an Associate Professor at University of Saskatchewan. Her research areas include sport psychology and Indigenous people’s wellness; the latter topic will be explored in the 2nd part of the podcast.

    The research discussed in this episode includes:

    Exploring self-compassion and eudaimonic well-being in young women athletes

    Self-compassion and eudaimonic well-being during emotionally difficult times in sport

  • Especially in Europe, a growing number of people choose not to be affiliated with organized religion. But does it mean that they reject everything religious? And does sport have something to offer for spiritual life, at least for some?

    In this episode, Dr. Teemu Pauha helps us to explore the fuzzy lines between contemporary 'religious', 'spiritual', and 'atheist' identities and some of the key characteristics of new 'spiritualities of life' that are formed outside of organized religion. With the focus on embodiment and everyday life, these new spiritualities also sometimes find their expression in physical cultures such as martial arts. We explore various cultural characteristics of martial arts practices and Teemu shares what he sees as some key considerations for sports researchers when studying the spiritual in sport.

    Dr Teemu Pauha is a University Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Helsinki. His research has explored the religious and national identities of young Finnish Muslims and the role of religion in intergroup relations. Teemu is a long-term martial arts practitioner and has also recently worked on the topic of religion and sport (which will be the focus of the second part of our conversation).

  • It is somewhat paradoxical that the Nordic countries often rank at the top of world happiness surveys. Still, at the same time, many people experience depression and other forms of mental ill-being. Today, we discuss the role that nature-based activities can have for our well-being and discuss a new study that examines the potential of these activities as a lifestyle intervention for well-being and meaning.

    Dr. Niels Feddersen holds a Postdoctoral researcher position at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is currently conducting a study exploring nature-based recreational activities (paddle boarding and surfing) as a lifestyle intervention and whether and how these activities could positively contribute to the sense of connectedness to nature, well-being, and meaning in sport. His other research focuses on organizational cultures in elite sports (which was the focus of the first part of this conversation).

    You can find more information about the "Fri på Vandet" project on ResearchGate.

    And remember to follow Niels on Twitter @niels_NTNU!

  • Associate Professor Genevieve Healy and Dr. Ana Goode provide us with the latest research findings from BeUpstanding program of research: a program aiming to support workplaces to stand up, sit less, and move more for their health and well-being.

    Associate Professor Genevieve Healy is a NHMRC Career Development Fellow at the Cancer Prevention Research Centre in the School of Public Health at the University of Queensland, and an honorary research fellow at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, and Curtin University.

    Her PhD research reported some of the first evidence regarding the importance of regularly interrupting sedentary time for heart health. Her current research builds on this work to examine population-level variations in prolonged sedentary time as well as the feasibility and acceptability of reducing this behaviour in key settings, such as the workplace.

    Dr. Ana Goode currently works at the Cancer Prevention Research Centre, University of Queensland. Her program of research brings together training and research experience in health psychology and health behavior change interventions, including their adaptation and translation to practice to build the evidence base for the dissemination of physical activity, dietary change, and weight loss interventions in applied community settings.

    She is currently the program co-ordinator of the BeUpstanding Champion Toolkit: an evidence-based online program to reduce sitting time in the workplace.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring

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    Physical Activity Researcher Podcast have created a ‘Purchase Guide for Researchers: Accelerometer-based Activity Trackers’. You can download it from here.---

  • Physical activity in later life is often promoted for its potential physical, psychological, and social benefits for older adults. However, sometimes these programs, despite good intentions, can perpetuate negative stereotypes about aging and youthful ideas about a good life. Have we forgotten to ask old people themselves how and why they are (not) active?

    As our guest explains, aging is not only a physical and psychological phenomenon but also a cultural phenomenon. Cultural narratives including ageing-as-decline, successful ageing and active ageing can have significant consequences on how we make meaning of later life.

    In this episode, we ask critical questions about what is ageing, who is an older person, and what implications different physical activity campaigns for older adults might have.

    Dr Adam Evans is currently an Associate Professor in Sociology of Sport at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport (NEXS) at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the current director of the Sport, Health and Innovation research group at NEXS, and is Editor in Chief of the European Journal for Sport and Society ( His research interests cohere around understanding the lived experiences of sport, physical activity amongst several groups, including older adults and those with specific health needs, together with work in swimming and aquatic activity.

  • In the concluding part of this insightful episode of the Physical Activity Researcher Podcast, host Dr. Olli Tikkanen continues his engaging conversation with Dr. Elise Brown, Associate Professor of Wellness and Health Promotion at Oakland University. Dr. Brown shares her experiences and strategies for translating her research on diabetes and resistance training into accessible and practical knowledge through her YouTube channel, "The Diabetes Resistance."

    Dr. Brown discusses the motivation behind starting her YouTube channel, including obtaining tenure and the desire to provide comprehensive, accessible information to help individuals with type 2 diabetes begin strength training. She outlines the various types of content she produces—educational videos, workout videos, and instructional guides—and emphasizes the importance of detailed planning and safety precautions.

    Dr. Brown also shares her approach to crafting engaging content, the importance of strong hooks, and establishing credibility. She offers practical advice on video production, including using affordable equipment and free resources for video editing. Her enthusiasm for video editing as a creative outlet is evident, and she highlights the significance of consistent quality content for growing an audience.

    In this episode, Dr. Brown encourages other researchers to use platforms like YouTube for disseminating their research findings, sharing her positive experiences and the impact of her channel on her audience. She also addresses the challenges of maintaining consistency and the importance of providing valuable content to build a loyal following.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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  • Is fun a necessary part of good physical education, or are there other, more profound experiences that might be more important for young people? Today’s episode continues exploring the meaning and value of physical education in young people’s lives.

    The discussion is shaped by a critical perspective, and we ask questions about privilege, marginalized identities, and the taken-for-granted ideology of sport as promoting positive youth development.

    Greg Dryer is the founder and Director of the Centre for Physical Education, Sport and Activity that sits in the School of Education at Kingston University. The Centre’s mission is to make physical education, sport, and physical activity, meaningful, relevant, and wonderful for all young people by aligning excellent teaching, research, and practice. Before moving into higher education, Greg was Head of PE at 3 large inner London schools during a 17-year teaching career.

    Away from university, Greg launched miMove in 2019. miMove is an app that allows practitioners to support young people in developing physical activity habits. It provides the data for schools to monitor the impact, review, and celebrate their work in PE and Sport. For more information go to

    Greg and his team always want to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations, as they believe this is the only route to sustained progress.

    You can follow Greg on Twitter @Greg_Dryer

  • Amy has an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Leeds, and undertook a work placement year at BiB in 2017, working on the ‘Primary School Years’.Amy is currently a PhD Student, working with the JU:MP team and Loughborough University. Her PhD will focus on developing and implementing an intervention to increase physical activity in children and adolescents, using wearable activity trackers (such as Fitbits). Her PhD will take a mixed-methods approach (qualitative and quantitative methods) to investigate intervention impact and assess the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention within the community.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring

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  • In this episode of the Physical Activity Researcher Podcast, host Dr. Olli Tikkanen continues his engaging conversation with Dr. Elise Brown, Associate Professor of Wellness and Health Promotion at Oakland University. Dr. Brown delves into the practical aspects of prescribing resistance training for individuals with type 2 diabetes, providing invaluable insights for both researchers and practitioners.

    Dr. Brown emphasizes the importance of proper warm-up and cool-down routines, particularly given the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular risks associated with diabetes. She highlights the necessity of starting slowly and gradually increasing exercise intensity, tailoring programs to accommodate the reduced exercise tolerance commonly observed in individuals with type 2 diabetes. She also discusses the need for modifying exercises for those with neuropathy or higher BMIs, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

    Addressing common misconceptions, Dr. Brown suggests varying rep ranges and intensities to maintain interest and effectiveness in training programs. She advocates for prioritizing multi-joint movements over single-joint exercises to maximize time efficiency and overall benefits. Additionally, she underscores the importance of developing mastery and confidence in specific exercises to enhance adherence to resistance training programs.

    Dr. Brown also explores the barriers faced by individuals with type 2 diabetes, including environmental and psychological challenges. She shares her personal experience of virtually training her father, adapting exercises to accommodate his arthritis and other comorbidities. Her approach emphasizes making the exercise experience enjoyable and motivating, highlighting the quick feedback loop that strength training provides.

    Overall, this episode offers a wealth of practical advice and scientific insights into the prescription of resistance training for diabetes management, making it a must-listen for professionals in the field.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour, and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle.


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    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


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    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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  • In this enlightening episode of the Physical Activity Researcher Podcast, host Dr. Olli Tikkanen engages in a detailed discussion with Dr. Elise Brown, Associate Professor of Wellness and Health Promotion at Oakland University. Dr. Brown's extensive research focuses on exercise and diabetes, with a special emphasis on resistance exercise. She shares her journey from being an enthusiastic weightlifter to a leading researcher, inspired by personal connections to type 2 diabetes.

    Dr. Brown delves into her significant research findings, including the development of grip strength cut-points for assessing diabetes risk and cardiometabolic risk in various populations. She provides a comprehensive overview of how resistance training can benefit individuals with type 2 diabetes, highlighting improvements in muscle hypertrophy, functional capacity, and balance, and discussing the critical role of strength training in combating muscle wasting and enhancing insulin sensitivity.

    The conversation also explores the challenges faced by underserved populations in accessing resistance training programs and the cultural shifts toward greater acceptance of muscularity among women. Dr. Brown emphasizes the importance of environmental influences on resistance training behaviors and the need for quality physical education programs to instill lifelong health habits.

    Looking to the future, Dr. Brown outlines the essential areas for further research, including the detailed reporting of intervention characteristics, the impact of movement speed, and the interactions between medication and resistance training. This episode is a must-listen for researchers and practitioners dedicated to advancing the understanding and implementation of resistance training in diabetes management and prevention.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour, and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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    Explore our Wearables, Experience sampling method (ESM), Sleep, Heart rate variability (HRV), Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity article collections for insights on related articles.


    Refer to our article "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Measurements" for an exploration of active and sedentary lifestyle assessment methods.


    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


    Gain foundational ESM insights with "Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" for a comprehensive overview.


    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers ".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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  • In this second part of our conversation with Dr Ayse Yemiscigil, we explore how purpose in life and physical activity might relate to one another. The conversation draws on Ayse's recent article (co-authored with Ivo Vlaev) "The bidirectional relationship between sense of purpose in life and physical activity: a longitudinal study" showing that involvement in physical activity is positively associated with a sense of purpose in life in the future (while controlling for the previous level of purpose in life). In the conversation, we explore possible whys behind this finding and new avenues opened up for future research.

    Dr Ayse Yemiscigil is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. Her research has explored the relationship between work and well-being, a sense of meaning and purpose in work and physical activity, and the impact of retirement on purpose in life. In the meaningful sports podcast, she also reflects on her own sporting life and how athletes might find more meaning in sports.

  • Today’s episode explores purpose in life and how it can relate to physical activity and work-life. We ask: How are meaning and purpose different? How is purpose in life connected to well-being? How does socioeconomic status influence who has access to meaningful experiences in work-life, and why is it perhaps related to meaningful leisure?

    Dr Ayse Yemiscigil is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University. Her research has explored the relationship between work and well-being, a sense of meaning and purpose in work and physical activity, and the impact of retirement on purpose in life. In the meaningful sports podcast, she also reflects on her own sporting life and how athletes might find more meaning in sports.

  • Dr Tim Fleiner (Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology)

    Research profile

    Sport-and movement gerontology in geriatric health care: Dementia, Depression, Delirium, Sarcopenia, Frailty, Falls, Mobility & FallsPhysical activity in aging

    Expertise of methods

    Motion sensors: physical activity, motor behavior, mobility & circadian rhythmsExercise-interventions in healthcarePsychopathometry: neuropsychiatric symptoms & cognition


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | The New Gold Standard for Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Monitoring

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  • In this insightful episode we explore the intricate world of measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior in occupational settings, focusing on the distinct differences between white and blue-collar jobs.

    Dr. Tikkanen introduces innovative methods for capturing the nuances of occupational activities, emphasizing the value of using accelerometers to monitor tasks that can significantly impact workers' health, such as overhead work and backloading.

    The discussion is enriched with findings from an article available on the Fibian website, providing a comprehensive view of how these measurements can influence health and wellness strategies in the workplace.

    The episode sheds light on the critical role of physical activity in occupational health, detailing how job roles can influence individual well-being and work ability.

    Dr. Tikkanen delves into the physical activity paradox, which reveals that not all physical work is beneficial for health, and sometimes, excessive physical activity in blue-collar jobs might lead to adverse health outcomes.

    Conversely, the sedentary nature of white-collar jobs presents its own set of challenges, underscoring the need for targeted interventions to encourage movement and reduce sedentary time.

    Listeners are guided through various strategies to promote physical activity and mitigate the risks associated with sedentary behavior in both blue and white-collar environments. Dr. Tikkanen also discusses the importance of strength training for maintaining health among workers, regardless of their job type.

    By the end of the episode, it becomes clear that understanding and measuring physical activity in the workplace is key to developing effective health promotion initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of the workforce. Join Dr. Tikkanen for a fascinating journey through the intersections of physical activity, occupational settings, and health.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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    Refer to our article "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Measurements" for an exploration of active and sedentary lifestyle assessment methods.


    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


    Gain foundational ESM insights with "Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" for a comprehensive overview.


    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers ".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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  • In this episode, Dr. Olli Tikkanen takes us on a journey into the heart of early childhood movement, sharing findings from a recent study on how four-year-old children sitting and activity behaviours in kindergartens in Kouvola, Finland.

    This research gives us a closer look at the daily patterns of physical activity and sitting among young learners, offering valuable insights for parents, educators, and anyone interested in supporting the healthy development of children.

    By examining the balance between play, rest, and structured activities, Dr. Tikkanen presents a compelling case for the importance of fostering active lifestyles from a young age.

    The discussion delves into practical strategies employed during the study to encourage participation and engagement among the kids, such as the use of stickers and storytelling with a polar bear teddy bear.

    These creative approaches not only made the experience enjoyable for the children but also provided a model for how to integrate movement into daily routines in a way that feels natural and fun. The episode highlights how simple changes in the environment and daily schedule can significantly impact children's activity levels, suggesting ways that kindergartens and parents alike can create more opportunities for active play.

    Learn more about Fibon Kids:

    Moreover, Dr. Tikkanen explores the broader implications of the study's findings, including the potential benefits of increased physical activity for the well-being of kindergarten staff. By comparing the movement patterns of children and adults within the same setting, the episode sheds light on how creating a more active environment can have positive effects across all age groups.

    This thought-provoking conversation invites listeners to consider how the spaces and routines we create for our children can influence their health and happiness, emphasizing the role of community in shaping active, engaged learners.

    Join us as we uncover the secrets to nurturing a love for movement in the youngest members of our society, with evidence-based recommendations and heartwarming stories from the field. Whether you're a researcher, educator, or parent, this episode offers a treasure trove of ideas for encouraging a more active and joyful approach to early childhood education.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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    Refer to our article "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Measurements" for an exploration of active and sedentary lifestyle assessment methods.


    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


    Gain foundational ESM insights with "Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" for a comprehensive overview.


    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers ".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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  • In this episode we look into physical activity profiles, an interesting way of clustering individuals based on their sedentary behaviour and physical activity behaviours.

    We look into how individuals can be grouped based on their habits of physical activity and sedentary behavior, creating categories like the couch potato, weekend warrior, ant, and koala.

    These profiles help us understand the varied ways people engage with physical activity and the impact of these habits on health. Dr. Tikkanen discusses the characteristics of each profile, providing insights into how different levels and types of activity can influence overall well-being.

    The conversation extends to the health implications associated with each activity profile, emphasizing the risks of prolonged inactivity and the benefits of regular, balanced physical engagement.

    By categorizing activity patterns, Dr. Tikkanen highlights the importance of personalized approaches to health and fitness, suggesting that understanding one’s activity profile can be the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. The episode aims to encourage listeners to reflect on their own physical activity habits and consider making changes that lead to better health outcomes.

    Dr. Tikkanen wraps up the discussion by offering practical advice for individuals looking to improve their physical activity levels.

    He stresses the value of starting with small, manageable changes and gradually incorporating more activity into daily life, regardless of one’s current profile. By doing so, the podcast not only educates but also motivates listeners to take active steps towards enhancing their physical health and well-being.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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    Explore our Wearables, Experience sampling method (ESM), Sleep, Heart rate variability (HRV), Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity article collections for insights on related articles.


    Refer to our article "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Measurements" for an exploration of active and sedentary lifestyle assessment methods.


    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


    Gain foundational ESM insights with "Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" for a comprehensive overview.


    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers ".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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  • In the third part of the "Physical Activity Researcher Podcast" with Dr. Sebastian Ludyga, the conversation deepens into specific studies and practical applications of physical activity in educational settings. Dr. Ludyga and host Dr. Olli Tikkanen explore the concept of exercise breaks in schools, particularly focusing on how these can rejuvenate students' cognitive resources during a school day.

    Dr. Ludyga shares insights from his research on the acute effects of physical activity on school-aged children. He discusses the potential of integrating structured exercise breaks into the school curriculum to enhance cognitive performance temporarily, providing a brief yet potent boost to students' attention and information processing abilities. The discussion also touches on the physiological mechanisms behind these effects, such as the release of hormones and the reallocation of attentional resources, which support cognitive rejuvenation.

    Additionally, the episode delves into the broader implications of sedentary behavior, contrasting it with the cognitive benefits derived from active breaks. Dr. Ludyga points out the importance of not just any activity, but structured exercise that involves some intensity, to trigger beneficial brain responses. This nuanced approach offers valuable insights for educators and policy makers interested in fostering environments that support cognitive health through physical activity.

    This segment of the podcast provides a comprehensive look at how short bursts of physical activity can be strategically utilized within educational settings to enhance learning and mental performance, making it a must-listen for anyone involved in education, cognitive research, or child development.


    This podcast episode is sponsored by Fibion Inc. | Better Sleep, Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Research with Less Hassle


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    Refer to our article "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Measurements" for an exploration of active and sedentary lifestyle assessment methods.


    Learn about actigraphy in our guide: Exploring Actigraphy in Scientific Research: A Comprehensive Guide.


    Gain foundational ESM insights with "Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (ESM)" for a comprehensive overview.


    Explore accelerometer use in health research with our article "Measuring Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior with Accelerometers ".


    For an introduction to the fundamental aspects of HRV, consider revisiting our Ultimate Guide to Heart Rate Variability.


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