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The Cell Culture Dish (CCD) podcast covers areas important to the research, discovery, development, and manufacture of disease and biologic therapeutics. Key industry coverage areas include: drug discovery and development, stem cell research, cell and gene therapy, recombinant antibodies, vaccines, and emerging therapeutic modalities.
Vítejte na podcastovém kanálu nutriční terapeutky Markéty Gajdošové, NutrSc, RDN👋🏻. O výživě, o psychologii za ní stojící, o zákoutí oborů nutriční terapie, klinické výživy a dietetiky. Lidsky, srozumitelně, stravitelně. S citem a láskou. S Markétinou odborností za mikrofonem.
Ke spolupráci s Markétou nebo jejím nutričním týmem se dostanete přes Sledovat můžete Markétu na Instagramu pod @marketgajdosova. Kontaktovat ji můžete na
Technické dotazy, spolupráce, management:
Eva Dobešová, MSc ( -
Welcome to Witchcraft & Wellness! Using Witchcraft and my 10+ years in the field of Nutrition and Health & Wellness I give you exclusive information, tools, and interviews with experts to change your life from the inside out. From Nutrition, to Mental Health, and Spiritual Development, you can expect it all here on this podcast!
Podcastový kanál odborného think tanku APAVISION® (3 nejnovější sessions) pro výměnu názorů a zkušeností z oblasti inovací, e-commerce, eHealth, investic, start-upů, průmyslu, logistiky, managementu, personalistiky a digitalizace ve farmacii. APAVISION® organizuje, témata a hosty vybírá Dr. Martin Dočkal, odborník na farmacii a lékárenství.
A Podcast, improving the lives of dentists, dental staff members, and other dental related members. Interviewing industry leaders, super dentists, movers and shakers and innovators in the realm of dentistry, each episode starts with a motivational quote and ends with suggestions to be implemented into practice by Monday morning. Each special guest will share their personal stories including successes and failures. They will have a book recommendation, an internet or app resource, and something that they know is in the future and on the pipeline of exciting things coming.
Have you found no matter how hard you try, the advice you get is not giving you the results you're looking for? FC2O is a new podcast to help you cut a clear path through the sea of confusion - providing you with simple solutions from masters in their fields. Join us on this free, engaging and valuable resource
Clinically proven since 1985, Bicon’s unique dental implant design and its revolutionary clinical techniques have not only passed the test of time, but also continue to lead implant dentistry. We invite you to learn more about the Bicon system, so that both you and your patients may also enjoy the many clinical benefits. This podcast offers an introduction to the elegant simplicity of the Bicon design, as well as case studies, techniques, and practical clinical tips. Join us each week for new episodes.
If there were a way you could feel confident and healthy regardless of the number on the scale, that’s something you’d want to know about right? If so, this podcast is for YOU! Join us each week on the Fit Friends Happy Hour Podcast as we dismantle diet culture and help you redefine the word FIT. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Host, Katie Hake, specializes in intuitive eating, body image, and fitness coaching. Subscribe for a new episode each week and visit to learn more.
The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC)'s podcast, Program Spotlight, highlights successes and challenges faced by organizations of all sizes and settings. Each episode features an in-depth interview with a palliative care program leader or specialist covering common themes such as managing growth, improving the referral process, team wellness, organizational buy-in, relationship building, and much more.
Poslechněte si podcast Lékařské fakulty v Plzni – Medicína srdcem
Podcast připravují členky e-learningového týmu MUDr. Terezie Zelenková a studentka všeobecného lékařství Terezie Zegermacherová. Prostřednictvím něj vám budeme přinášet rozhovory s lékaři, studenty medicíny, pacienty a jinými zajímavými lidmi, kteří k tématu zdraví mají co říct.