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Welcome to Audiodesires, where sexual wellness meets your pleasure. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life.
Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing.
For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, create a free Audiodesires account.
The world as we see it is defined by the unknown. While we are convinced by the plain facts and what is constantly surrounding us in plain site, the truth is often hidden somewhere in the unknown. In this podcast, we take a deeper look into some of the most bizarre, illogical mysteries in the world and come to a reasonable conclusion about where the truth lies and just how little of life is truly known.
When desecrated corpses begin appearing in a small town in New Mexico, a seasoned state police detective, his eager new partner, and a begrudging spiritual healer reopen a hate crime investigation to fight the unnatural presence hellbent on vengeance.
The Unnatural puts a contemporary twist on the classic “creepy small town” trope by putting you in the shoes of two very different detectives as they investigate twisted and demonic murders that threaten the towns safety. They enlist the help of a curandera, or spiritual healer, to understand and ultimately fight the unnatural presence. Along the way they will uncover truths about the town and its people that have been buried for decades. Set in the real town of Las Vegas, New Mexico, this is a terrifying story about truth, love, and the choices we make everyday.
Please follow, subscribe and leave a review. Find us on socials @hermitsnook and visit our website at -
Two friends who love to talk and want to share their conversations with others. Support this podcast:
For The Record is a new podcast made by fans of The Magnus Archives, exploring the world beyond the institute and the statements that could have been. See a new side to a cosmology of fear. New episodes release on the last Saturday of the month.
For The Record is a derivative, non-canonical, fan-made project derived from The Magnus Archives, an original horror podcast which is created and distributed by Rusty Quill Ltd. For The Record is not endorsed by Rusty Quill Ltd. and is distributed under a creative-commons, attribution, non-commercial, sharealike, 4.0 international license. For more information about the original source material visit -
Hi Book Babes! Do you love to read spicy books? Then this is the place for you. Join your two co-hosts as they spend each episode diving into a new smutty book and talking about all the things their mothers would wash their mouths out with soap for even thinking about. No topic is off limits here!
Although Halle and Taylor may not be freaks in the sheets, that doesn't stop them from living vicariously through their favorite steamy reads. They promise to always be a hot mess and to keep you laughing. This podcast is guaranteed to be your new guilty pleasure!
Halle and Taylor love connecting with their listeners, so slide into our DMs on Instagram @letstalkaboutsmutpodcast or email us at [email protected]. -
Oddaja Moja zgodba nastaja v sodelovanju med Muzejem novejše zgodovine Slovenije, Študijskim centrom za narodno spravo, Komisijo vlade republike Slovenije za izvajanje zakona o popravi krivic in radiem Ognjišče. Gre za raziskovalno, dokumentacijsko središče, v katerem odkrivamo, zapisujemo, snemamo, raziskujemo in predstavljamo življenjske usode, ki jih je na različne načine prizadel totalitarni teror 20. stoletja in njegove posledice na slovenskem ozemlju, med izseljenci, zdomci, emigranti in imigranti, med domačini in prišleki. V središču dialoške pozornosti so vsi, ki so uspeli preseči travmatske udarce usode s svojo odločitvijo za spravno konverzijo, odpuščanje, za aktivno preseganje zla in tragedij s spravno ljubeznijo. Drugi del ohranjanja zgodovinskega spomina se dotika zgodb, zapisov in dokumentacije o vseh, ki so kakorkoli prispevali k razvoju slovenske suverenosti, državnosti. Oddajam Moja zgodba lahko na valovih Radia Ognjišče prisluhnete vsako nedeljo ob 20. uri. Urednika oddaj sta Jože Bartolj in Jože Dežman, poleg Dežmana pa oddaje pripravljajo še Majda Pučnik Rudl, Irena Uršič, Monika Kokalj Kočevar, Marta Keršič in Mirjam Dujo Jurjevčič.
This is a show for all of you who are curious about historical, and often quirky, medical practices. Each episode examines a central topic about the peculiar approaches to healing across centuries since ancient times.
Join Christi and recurring co-hosts for discussions of the offbeat, created for laypersons and medical professionals alike.
New episodes are released each week on Sundays! -
V oddaji Graditelji slovenskega doma predstavljamo Slovence in Slovenke iz matične domovine, zamejstva in zdomstva, ki so s svojim življenjem in delom gradili “slovenski dom” in zapustili trajne sledi v naši preteklosti. Poskušamo predstaviti čim več rojakov in rojakinj, ki so sooblikovali našo preteklost in utrdili slovenstvo med nami in v svetu. Običajno predstavimo življenje posameznika, kronološko ali kako drugače predstavimo njegova dela, njihov vpliv na okolje in odzive na njihovo delo. Pozorni smo na stoletnice in v skladu z njimi oblikujemo tudi oddaje.
Every week, the Myth Friday crew will read two myths, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, and then discuss them on Friday.
Bonus Episodes may drop on Sunday, depending on whether we could find anything for the week.
You can find the Myth Friday gang on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. We've got an email, if you want to get in touch with us at [email protected]. We'd love to take on guest readers! -