Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the LAST (insert tears here!) of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! Listen in for Uplifting for U, Vaping for V, WOOK (honorable mention, WEED!) for W, a fancy word XANTHOPHYLL for X, Y R U not smoking for Y, just kidding, it's YIELD, and lastly, ZOOT and ZOINKS for Z! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the second-to-LAST of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! They covered A-P, and are now coming for QRST! They cover QPs and other difficult cannabis math weight, RSO or Rick Simpson Oil, S for our girl SATIVA, and finally, a mini deep dive into THC! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the first of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! Continuing through M, N, O and P, they cover two different types of terpenes; myrcene, neridiol, OG strains and PHENOTYPES! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the third of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! Covering I through L, they chat I for INDICA, J for JOINT, K is for Keif, and L is for one of the more important ones, LEGALIZATION! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the first of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! Starting with E thru H, they cover EDIBLES, FLOWER, GANJA, and HEMP! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie reflect on last week's episode on Microdosing Mushrooms! They talk about personal insecurities when listening to the episode back - making sure that there wasnt any bad advice given, and talk a little more about why doing shrooms makes you feel a certain way after. Connect with nature! Connect with yourself! Each experience is it's own! Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk about a new and emerging topic - Microdosing Mushrooms! Find tips and tricks if it's your first time with a fungus or your fifth. John Hopkins states: The molecular structure of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in 'magic mushrooms,' allows it to penetrate the central nervous system and the scientific and medical experts are just beginning to understand its effects on the brain and mind and its potential as therapeutics for mental illnesses. It also allows for the sledding tracks of your brain to be re-sledded, creating new and unique paths and can expand your ways of thinking about your current situation, the veins in an oak leaf, and if you're lucky, can even encourage you to get out into nature more and get your toes in the grass. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie launch the first of a multi-part series around Cannabis Education! Starting with A through D, they cover auto-flowering, bong water, carpet weed, and DABBING! Education is a huge way to break down stigma and find common ground and topics to speak with cannabis consumers and non-consumers alike. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk about changes in their cannabis consumption over the years. Starting with experimenting in high school, they chat how things changed into their 20's, and how the pandemic changed usage all together, with the victory of dispensaries in legal states getting granted the status of Essential Business (AND THANK GOODNESS!). Whether it be taking a pause to bake a bun in the oven, consuming to take the proverbial "edge" off, and always striving for that delicate balance between enough and too much, they tackle it all. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk about anti-aging... and how 36 cannot be the peak year for Kait. The North American anti-aging market was worth USD 18.34 billion in 2023 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.20%, reaching USD 23.67 Billion by 2028. North America is expected to have a leading share of the global market. Holy vanity Batman! Let's be honest, Kait & Nat are a part of this number as well. Despite the impossible standards that society places on women's looks, Kait and Natalie reflect on how much wisdom and confidence have come along with aging. Whether its botox, facials, facial needling, derma-planing, nice skincare products, (don't worry, the girls hit most of these on the head with personal experiences) do what you need to do to feel good about aging and do it for yourself. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk about having birthday parties as kids and now also what it's like throwing them for their own family. A recent survey of 2,000 parents with kids ages 3–12 found 73% say their youngsters are not so easy to impress. According to parents, kids expect their favorite foods (67%) and clowns or costumed characters (56%) for their birthday party, more so than inflatable playsets (44%) or laser tag (43%). As for party themes, 81% of parents receive a specific request from their kids, with unicorns (46%) rising to the top, and video game-themed (41%) birthdays among kids’ popular picks. That's a lot of fucking pressure! What happened to a good old family meal at Applebee's?! Or your favorite Taco Tuesday? Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk about work. Did you know that the US workforce spends 3.9 BILLION hours a MONTH working? From watching how their parents worked to how they work within their own family today, they touch on the importance of loving what you do, or at least liking it. Each talk about the struggle to maintain a work/life balance, coupled with a side of capitalism and consumerism. Finally, they talk about longer term goals - Hint: It's ideally very little working involved! Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this BONUS EPISODE Kait and Nat enjoy some down time pre-Mother's Day weekend and play the game "Childhood Trauma or Am I Just TOTALLY AWEOME?!" and spoiler alert, it's a little of both! Enjoy this surprise episode and treat yo-self to an AMAZING or at least tolerable, Mother's Day! Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie talk bodies. They talk past bodies and how growing up inspired or effected activity. Touching on the high school sport years, Kait and Natalie compare notes on reflecting on group/team dynamic. Turning to current day, they review their own self-care routines that help them maintain a level of sanity and allow space to be more present. You'll get tips on how to not get stuck in a rut after consuming cannabis. GET OUT THERE AND MOVE YOUR BODY! Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions.
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this week's episode, Kait and Natalie intend to discuss why it's so common to feel guilt associated with cannabis use. They dovetail into Vaping, take a left at navigating the hypocritical in parenting, cite proverbial "they"s, and settle into hoping teens can still have SOME fun... albeit not while TP-ing during homecoming because, well, #TheEnvironment. They discuss native flora and fauna of the PNW and gush over growing their own food in Seattle. Spoiler alert: There are bugs in all of your wild picked blackberries but just keep eating them because they're delicious and a fun tradition. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions. Keep blazing, and stay amazing!
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. After a request from the internet for more information on using edibles for sleep, this topic was born. In this episode, Kait and Natalie speak to their own sleep experiences, both from their personal sleep, and the sleep you lose becoming a parent. They touch on different bedtime routines that have worked, and some that haven't, and the role cannabis can play in sleep. Listen in to get tips on sleep training, how to get your kid to sleep in until 7am, and a meditation tips as well. After all, sleep is the best medicine. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions. Keep blazing, and stay amazing!
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this episode, Kait and Natalie speak to their different, similar, and varied experiences with mental health through their youth, the pandemic, and current life-happenings. They talk about their ADHD diagnosis, advocating for their own and all mental health journeys, and peel off into a really nice tangent into being your true self, and how great Drag Shows are probably the funnest things to do on earth. Kait and Nat are here to hold your hand through your own mental health journey. Get out there and be somebody! Be too much for someone, so long as it's enough for you. You are you for a fucking reason and you better go live in that life so the rest of the world can see your gifts. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions. Keep blazing, and stay amazing!
Season 5 of the Pot Moms Podcast has a new twist on parenting and cannabis. In this episode, we meet Natalie, a new podcast hosting, successful business owning, yogi mom of one who found herself trying to find a way to embrace her inner canna-mom and be more "out" about her usage. The universe put her square in the mat, err, path of Kait, a former/current podcast host, pot smoking, entrepreneur yogi mom of three trying to figure out what to do about the Pot Moms Podcast. Tune in each week as they provide an open and honest perspective on cannabis-use as it relates to parenting, mental health, and life in general. Connect with the Pot Moms Podcast on Instagram @PotMomsPodcast, or reach out with questions. Keep blazing, and stay amazing!
Today we are talking to Guy, the CEO of Papa & Barkley, a company known for their RELEAF balms and oils, best used for pain relief and joint care, but also tincture, edibles, all in the name of Whole Plant and Full Spectrum. He’s swept Emerald Cups, but you wouldn’t know it by how grounded Guy is.
Guy has been in the weed industry for a minute and has full credentials to support – but one of the things that really stood out to me was how he came to the party without an EGO. He went from being a cannabis advocate – I would though, still call him an advocate, to working to provide standardized and, well, really great product, so that people could experience cannabis in a positive way, the way it was intended to be enjoyed. He thinks that developing your cannabis palette not only helps you find a tailored regimen, but also, we owe it to the plant! I cant tell you how much I really enjoyed speaking with him and hearing about his experiences, and how they have helped to shape Papa & Barkley into what they are today.
Back to P&B Kitchen one of the three brands under the P&B umbrella–Guy is the CEO for Papa and Barkley and has been on the team since the brand started. He is at the forefront, along with the Chocolatier and Gummy Artisan, Jonah and Lindsay, in launching their two new products…. Dun dun dun…. Chocolate bars and gummies! Let’s tune in and find out more!
KEEP blazing and stay AMAZING!
HELLO! And welcome to the Pot Moms Podcast!!! I’m your host – Kait!
This week, I had the ABSOLUTE PLEASURE of talking to Alexa, part of the trifecta of Seventh Hill CBD. Alexa and her team create caramels, oils, pre-rolls, and more, for your enjoyment.
Now, I first was introduced to Seventh Hill CBD when we interviewed Rana with Spativa during a roadtrip to Medford Oregon. It certainly wasn’t my first go around with CBD, but it sure was the first time when I realized the importance and potency of everything CBD had to offer.
What is CBD you ask? Let’s have a refresher – CBD stands for cannabidiol and is a compound found in cannabis. As you will hear in the interview – CBD is best used in tandem WITH THC. But that doesn’t need to be scary, it can actually be really beneficial and entirely delicious. CBD has been known to help with seizures, anxiety, body pain, sleep and appetite regulation and more.Seventh Hill is most famous (correct me if I am wrong!) for their caramels. They distribute all over the US, so hit up their site to see if you can get it at a location near you. They also have an extensive shipping map, so check out their site to learn more. Their caramels come in RISE, INSPIRE, UNWIND, BALANCE, and CHILL, in addition to different ratio CBD to THC options. They have been kind enough to extend a discount code for listeners to use – so use “POTMOMSPODCAST” at check out for a 15% coupon on your order.
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