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    In their latest episode, Gareth and Kim delve into the concept of surrender, exploring why it's often difficult yet liberating to relinquish control and expectations, and open up to accepting our life path, wherever that may lead. They ask how much control we actually have over the key moments in our lives, and why we try to maintain control, and are reluctant to surrender.

    They discuss the self-exploration that comes along with surrendering, including the challenging conversations it may prompt and the life skills it reveals. They also look at the difference between surrendering and giving up, and how the idea of surrendering might not be as scary as we sometimes think.

    Our hosts talk in depth about the role of surrender within relationships, and how letting go can lead to healthier dynamics. They also look at how surrender can foster emotional resilience.

    Gareth and Kim conclude the episode with tips on navigating the journey towards surrender, emphasizing self-love, self-compassion, and acceptance.

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    In this week's episode, Gareth and Kim tackle a topic we all have to deal with from time to time: dealing with difficult people in our lives. They ask whether we may actually benefit from the growth that comes from these challenging interactions, and reflect on their own experiences and the learnings that came from them. They suggest that, rather than seeing these challenging individuals as obstacles, we can view them as mirrors reflecting our own unresolved issues and triggers.

    Gareth and Kim delve into the body's fight-or-flight response, emphasizing that recognizing these instinctive reactions can be transformative. They discuss the complexities of human interactions and the importance of understanding what sets us off, and how difficult it can be to get that perspective when we're triggered. They also touch on the importance of setting boundaries and the art of saying 'no' without feeling guilty or overwhelmed, and discuss the option of creating distance from those who disrespect our boundaries as a form of self-preservation.

    As always, our hosts take a candid look at how these difficult interactions can actually be opportunities for personal growth within the framework of practical spirituality. The discussion has the potential to help listeners rethink their relationships with challenging people and use these experiences as tools for self-improvement.

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    In their latest episode, Gareth and Kim tackle the issue of societal obsession with busyness, looking at how our need to be busy can distance us from our authentic selves and others. They reflect on how acceptable it is to be very busy, and how it often wins external approval. Yet they outline how, in reality, being constantly busy often serves as a defense mechanism against feelings of inadequacy or imposter syndrome. They bring to light how a busy life allows us to deflect from ever dealing with these types of uncomfortable emotions.

    Gareth and Kim also look at busyness from a practical point of view, acknowledging that our lives will always have a certain level of busyness, but reflecting on the role of social media in amplifying this cycle of busyness and the comparison trap. They highlight the need to recognize these detrimental habits and discuss practical ways to achieve a healthier balance on a day-to-day basis.

    They examine the impact of relentless activity on our relationships, our self-awareness, and our general level of contentment. Emphasizing that societal expectations can prevent us from fully engaging with our lives, they explore the emotional upsides of slowing down to enjoy the present moment, and the simpler things in life. As always, their eye-opening discussion generates an awareness of where this highly prevalent issue has originated, and they provide listeners with valuable advice for achieving a more balanced and fulfilling life in mind, body, emotions, and soul.

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    In this week's episode, Gareth and Kim dissect the deep-rooted and universally prevalent habit of people-pleasing. It's something nearly everyone can relate to, and many really struggle with. For many, setting boundaries can be daunting, and the act of saying 'no' can be intertwined with a wide web of emotions.

    Kim and Gareth look at the emotional battles that hide behind the process of seeking approval, talking through its subsequent effects and the knock-on consequences it can have. They study the links between people-pleasing, trauma and feelings of inadequacy, and take a closer look at why the urge tends to be to please other people and why we often have an intense desire for acknowledgment and validation.

    Reviewing examples from their own lifes, and speaking candidly as always, they highlight the emotional strain of people-pleasing, and how it can manifest itself in our bodies or lead to overwhelming fatigue. Together, they guide listeners on a path of introspection and recovery, completing the journey with a sense of reassuring calm about our ability to accept these issues within ourselves and move forward with confidence.

    Join us for an in-depth look at this often-underestimated subject.

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    In this week’s episode, the focus is on Kim's journey with addiction, and how it has helped shape her life and who she is today.

    Gareth and Kim bring listeners back to her childhood and the earliest traumas that would begin to play a role in her life over time.

    They explore some of the darkest moments of Kim’s addiction, and how her perspective of those experiences, and understanding of why they happened, has evolved over time.

    They look more closely at how addiction is so often misinterpreted, misunderstood, and stigmatized, and how this has impacted Kim. And they explore Kim’s recovery, and how the pain of her brother's premature passing, expanded her understanding of sacred contracts, integral to her spiritual recovery.

    Discussing the transformative role of spiritual ties in overcoming addiction, they look at how the purpose of her addiction was key to liberation. This journey has shaped Kim into a more adept therapist, endowing her with distinct insights to steer others towards recovery. Join Gareth as he facilitates Kim in unraveling the depths of her experience, presenting a candid, genuine, and illuminating view on triumphing over addiction.

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    Have you ever paused to consider how your relationships are shaping your spiritual journey? This episode invites you on a reflective exploration of this complex maze. We begin by discussing a pattern we've noticed in our own lives and those around us: the tendency to 'demonize' our partners when we're feeling overwhelmed. This, we realize, is often a misguided attempt to find meaning in the midst of confusion, a reflex that distracts us from the real work of looking inward.

    As we dig further, we discover how our upbringing and past experiences can silently dictate our expectations in relationships. Here, we share insights and personal anecdotes that illuminate the beauty of maintaining a healthy interdependent relationship, even when our paths diverge from those of our partners. We also candidly explore the challenge of navigating complex relationships, assuring you that these seemingly fraught interactions can actually serve as profound learning experiences for the soul.

    Lastly, we turn to the transformative power of self-love. We discuss its pivotal role in making difficult decisions within relationships, emphasizing that it is never too late to appreciate the wisdom harvested from past relationships. The discussions further extend to friendships and professional relationships, spaces often underappreciated for their growth potential. Tune in and join us on this journey of unraveling the intricate dynamics of human connections.

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    In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim dive into a transformative discussion designed to reshape listeners' understanding of the often misunderstood 'ego'. Prepare to journey into the depths of self-identity and unravel the intricate ties between spirituality and individuality.

    Do you find the thought of transcending the ego appealing or unattainable? This episode is dedicated to unpacking the complexities of the ego, and shedding light on why embracing it, rather than trying to move beyond it, can be highly valuable. Listeners will glean insights into the ego's role in spiritual growth and how it can function as a practical tool for personal development.

    Our hosts delve into the evolution of the ego over time, and how comprehension and acceptance of the evolved ego can help to unlock inner peace.

    Join us in this exploration of the ego, which includes some very fresh and eye-opening perspectives, shining a different light on its crucial role in our self-growth and development.

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    Have you ever felt like you’re a part of something bigger and more profound than your own existence? In this episode, Gareth and Kim venture into their experiences of channeling Michael. They uncover the emotional richness that accompanies his profound knowledge, and how it transforms people’s approaches to life.

    They dismantle many of the fears and misconceptions around channeling, and Gareth explains his hybrid model of channeling; a unique blend of his human experience with Michael's spiritual wisdom.

    The journey concludes with an exploration of the complexities of staying grounded in our human experiences while accessing a spiritual guide's deep knowledge. And how this balance, while often delicate, is a pathway to personal growth, emotional healing, and an enriched life perspective.

    It's a fascinating journey that leads to unexpected places, deepening our understanding of life itself.

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    Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and anxious? In this week’s episode, we talk about the power of present moment awareness - and it’s ability to shift your life's trajectory. This practice teaches us to use our senses to anchor ourselves in the now. We’re excited to share how it can serve as a tool to manage our emotions and bring clarity to our thoughts.

    The practice of present moment awareness is individual to everyone, and it's okay to stumble, falter, and learn along the way. We talk about how to this it is differentiated from meditation, and how it helps you to understand and control your reactions to situations. We review how it's not about achieving a state of eternal calm, but about finding peace amidst the chaos of our daily lives.

    By the end of our discussion, you'll learn how to incorporate present moment awareness into your daily routine. You'll uncover how it can help manage emotions, find clarity, and recognize patterns in your thought processes. Together, we'll explore how to create a safe space for personal exploration and navigate the external world with newfound awareness.

    Whether you're starting this journey or need a little encouragement as you move down your path, join us as we delve deeper into the power of the present moment.

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    Are you intrigued by the complex dynamics of trust and self-reflection? In this week’s episode, we peel back the layers of this universal yet deeply personal concept and dive in to analyse our perceptions of trust.

    From the cradle to our most significant relationships, we journey through the development of trust, revealing the value of honesty, transparency, and vulnerability along the way. We examine the role self-trust plays in cultivating healthy relationships, and how our interactions with others are greatly influenced by our inner world.

    We assess how personal experiences shape our understanding of trust, discussing the idea of interdependence, and the profound influence our behaviors and patterns have on our perception of trust.

    We explore the impacts of broken trust, and how it can ripple into other aspects of our lives, seeping into other relationships. We focus on how rebuilding trust, while a difficult process, can lead to self-discovery and renewed strength within, and we look at the potential for growth concealed within these painful experiences.

    Join us for this heartfelt discussion that may very well change your outlook on trust and self-reflection.

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    Do you ever feel like you're your own worst enemy? In this week’s episode, we look at all the different ways in which we ‘self-sabotage’. Having had some unexpected challenges ourselves in the recording of this episode, we dig deep into our vulnerabilities and the unexpected opportunities for growth they've revealed.

    We explore how self-sabotage has become so normalized within our day to day lives that it's often hard to recognize. We share our own experiences with navigating the tricky waters of self-awareness, questioning our actions, and distinguishing between self-destruction and life's inevitable roadblocks.

    We ultimately focus on how self-sabotage can also be a spiritual guide. How these self-defeating patterns can actually lead us to a deeper understanding of our experiences and ourselves.

    Join us as we delve into these challenges, and emerge resilient, offering insights on how to better understand, and build healthier relationships with, our self-sabotaging behaviours.

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    What if you could uncover the secrets of your life's sacred contract? What are these contracts and how can understanding them help us on our personal journey? Join us this week as we dive into an enlightening conversation about sacred contracts and the spiritual journey that awaits each and every one of us.

    We explore the individuality of our lives, and how we each commit to our paths, the good and the ‘bad’. We discuss the delicate balance between free will and predetermined contracts, offering insights into the complexity of human existence.

    As we delve into the emotional world of loss and relationships, we share personal stories highlighting the profound growth and transformation that can come from these moments that each of us experience.

    We examine the importance of understanding our unique spiritual journeys, and focus on how that can make our daily lives easier and more fulfilling.

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    What if our most challenging family relationships were actually designed to help us grow spiritually? In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim unpack the complexities and experiences that come with being part of a family and discuss how they contribute to our personal and spiritual journeys. From navigating expectations and traditions to creating new, non-biological families, they share their personal stories and insights on embracing the fluidity of family dynamics.

    They delve into the challenges of outgrowing relationships with family members, showing how this doesn't have to result in resentment or bitterness. They discuss the importance of taking responsibility for our own self-growth and recognizing when it's time to let go of unhealthy connections.

    Transitioning from a parent-child relationship to an adult-to-adult one can be challenging and emotionally charged. They share insights on how to navigate this new phase and the emotions that come with it. Whether it's dealing with empty nesting, finding our inner parent, or learning to see our parents as fellow adults, they reflect on the power of self-awareness and the role it plays in fostering healthy, meaningful family connections.

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    What does it mean to awaken our spiritual consciousness, and how can we navigate this complex, personal journey? In this week’s thought-provoking episode, Gareth and Kim explore the realm of spiritual consciousness, sharing insights from their own spiritual journeys.

    They uncover the dangers of seeking a 'silver bullet' to spiritual enlightenment and emphasize the importance of embracing our own unique experiences to better understand our spiritual paths. By focusing on our own needs and finding peace and acceptance with life's challenges, we can achieve a state of awareness that allows us to grow and evolve on our spiritual journey.

    They dive into the complexities of spiritual consciousness and life experiences, examining the concept of oneness, and the importance of letting go of ideas and books that may not resonate with our individual journeys. They also address the problems with a “one-size-fits-all” approach to spiritual growth, and talk about the importance of trusting in our journeys, and embracing the lessons and experiences that come our way.

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    Do you ever feel like your mind is working against you on your spiritual journey? In this week’s thought-provoking episode, Gareth and Kim explore the complex world of the mind and its relationship with our spiritual growth, sharing their own personal experiences and insights.

    They look at the different perspectives and recommendations about how to approach the mind, discussing the spiritual books and authors that have influenced them, and the importance of not assuming their reality applies to our own lives. You'll discover the complex relationship between the mind, body, emotions, and soul, and how exploring these aspects can lead to self-understanding and spiritual growth.

    They examine the role our minds play in our everyday lives, and share their own learnings about building a healthy relationship with our minds for greater understanding and spiritual peace. Learn how embracing your whole self and examining past events can help us grow and thrive on our spiritual paths. You won't want to miss this enlightening conversation about working with your mind to achieve a deeper connection with your true self.

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    In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim focus on an area that has risen to such prominence in the last decade - the law of attraction and manifestation.

    They discuss their own experiences with the law of attraction, manifestation, and how their perspectives have evolved and changed over time.

    They examine different parts of the concept that aren’t often talked about, looking at how people end up with unrealistic expectations, and why this leads to disappointment. They give their perspectives on what can be learned from this, and how to integrate manifestation into our lives in a more balanced way.

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    In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim talk about the important role our emotions play within our spiritual journeys.

    They look at why people often have a difficult relationship with their emotions or try to avoid feeling certain ways.

    They discuss better ways to think about our emotions, and the multiple benefits from learning how to work with difficult emotions.

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    In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim talk about meditation and what it means to so many people.

    They discuss the different expectations we have of ourselves in meditation, why there are so many approaches and how to find one that works for you.

    They talk about why meditation can sometimes be challenging or even stressful, and how to be more accepting of ourselves when practicing. They also discuss their own experiences with meditation and share the learnings and growth they’ve experienced.

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    In this week’s episode, Gareth and Kim talk about one of the most challenging things we all face in life - the grieving process.

    Covering their own individual experiences with grief, they discuss the growth and learning that comes from it, and the comfort that can be found in grieving, despite how difficult a process it is.

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    Welcome back! In this first episode of Season Two, Gareth and Kim catch up and talk about the plans for the upcoming season.

    They review what they’ve learned from Season One, and what that means for the upcoming episodes.

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