
  • Celiac Disease is a long-term autoimmune disorder, primarily affecting the small intestine, where individuals develop intolerance to gluten. Gluten is present in foods such as wheat, rye and barley.[1] The impact of this damage is impaired absorption of nutrients from food and drink and can lead to a wide range of collateral symptoms and long-term health complications.

    Classic symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as chronic diarrhea, abdominal distention, malabsorption, loss of appetite, and among children failure to grow normally. Non-classic symptoms are more common, especially in people older than two years. There may be mild or absent gastrointestinal symptoms, a wide number of symptoms involving any part of the body or no obvious symptoms. Celiac disease was first described in childhood; however, it may develop at any age. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes mellitus and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, among others. [2]

    As with Diabetes, the lifelong presence of Celiac is an emotional, mental, and physical stress. If you have Celiac disorder, you may suffer Celiac Distress and Burnout with similar symptoms and manifestation as Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout.

    Much of the stress comes from the need to continuously monitor what is consumed to avoid Gluten. Bread made with wheat flour clearly contains Gluten. Condiments such as Soy Sauce and Teriyaki Sauce historically are made with wheat and also contain Gluten and will create an allergic reaction. They are referred to as Hidden Gluten. The challenges and stresses are similar to Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout and may have similar effects on caregivers.

    Journaling is a conversation with myself through what I write in my journal. I write at the start and end of every day. It is a very therapeutic exercise that started at the beginning of July and has become an integral part of my daily routine. Most recently this dialogue has helped me through the emotional ups and downs of the longest episode of Diabetes Burnout I have encountered so far.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    If you enjoy the videos and want to support the channel,

    you can buy me a coffee:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - ES_Inspiration - Megan Wolford

    [1,2: Wikipedia]

  • Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout represent ongoing emotional and mental challenges in the face of a condition that requires continuous monitoring of blood sugars, food

    and drink, exercise, and other life stye challenges.

    Caregivers interact with the Diabetic daily and are impacted by the Diabetic’s needs, mood, and emotions.

    In most cases, the caregiver is a family member or partner who almost invariably has no medical or professional caregiver background. Diabetic Distress is unfortunately a

    part of the care giver’s experience when they are closely involved with a Diabetic.

    A professional caregiver can detach from a patient after

    the appointment.

    Diabetes Distress is the negative emotional experience of living with and managing diabetes. 1

    Diabetes Distress isn’t the same as depression. Diabetes Distress is when a person feels frustrated, defeated or overwhelmed by diabetes. These feelings can come and go.

    It doesn’t mean that you have these feelings about other parts of your life.

    Diabetes Distress can turn into depression if you have these feelings for a while and they aren’t going away. If you think you might be depressed, we have more

    information and support about depression to help you. You’re not alone in this. 2

    Diabetes Burnout is the feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion due to the demands of living with, and managing diabetes. Diabetes is a condition requiring a

    person to engage in strict self-management, and an extensive medicinal regime.

    Please remember, Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout manifest differently for everyone. Once you are diagnosed as a diabetic your life changes and you need to understand

    your condition and how you are reacting to it.

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music from Epidemic Sound:

    ES_Inspiration - Megan Wolford

    Referral Link:

    To learn more about my work, click here:

    For books, courses, and information on my Diabetes

    publications and Reiki, join us at:

    If you enjoy the videos and want to support the channel,

    why not buy me a coffee:



    1 Louise Morales-Brown, "What to Know About Diabetes

    Burnout," (2022).

    2 Diabetes UK, "What Is Diabetes Distress and Burnout?,"


    Diabetes Distress and Diabetes Burnout books

    available on Amazon at the links below

    Paperback -

    eBook -

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  • Good Morning and Welcome,

    I hope you are well. Diabetes Burn Out is a familiar occurrence to many diabetics.

    It is a state of frustration and disillusionment as a result of being diabetic. Many Diabetes sufferers go through this. My feelings and burn out are not unique to me. Virtually all Diabetics go through Burn out from time to time.

    Because Diabetes will be with me for the rest of my life, I have to recognize that:

    · time,

    · energy,

    · thought and

    · care

    Are allocated on a daily basis and that regardless of why I am burned out I owe myself a duty of care equivalent to when I am not burned out.

    The emotional, mental and financial drain can be onerous. Increased risk for depression, anxiety, and eating disorders may appear for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics.

    Depression is one of the most serious mental health complications that can occur alongside Diabetes. It has recently been recognized as a distinct illness called Diabetes distress.

    The risk of developing depression is two to three times higher in people with Diabetes. Some diabetic patients may feel burdened by the self-care demands of the disease, including the fear of complications, diet maintenance, and regular physical exercise. Having doubts about their level of care and accountability in managing their Diabetes can be distressing, which may lead to depression.[1]

    I have started Journaling. Journaling is a written account of events and emotions that you experience. A journal can be as rough or complete as you choose. It may also be colourful, rather like a scrap book. I used to keep something like a journal on my computer. But I have stopped doing that in favour of a Caran d’Ache fountain pen and a Rhodia Web notebook.

    In my latest book - Crohn’s, Celiac, Colitis, Diabetes, Stoicism and Journaling I go into Journaling as a tool to help with Diabetes Burn out and personal balance. As the book title implies, I write about Crohn’s, Celiac, and Colitis along with Diabetes. These conditions may occur with Diabetes, all are linked with Diabetes and sufferers may have to deal with more than once condition simultaneously.

    Links to the latest book were I discuss Journaling and much more



    Have a great day.

    [1] Avantika Pandey, "Diabetes Type 2 and Mental Health," (2023).


  • If you sleep for 8 hours a night, the recommended amount of rest every night, and you stop drinking water 2, or 3 hours before going to bed, you are reducing your water intake

    to only the hours you are awake.

    When you stand, gravity keeps water in the lower part of your body, causing swelling in your legs.

    When you lie down and the lower part of your body is at the level of the kidneys, the kidneys remove fluids because the body is more comfortable in a horizontal position.

    The body needs a certain minimum amount of water to eliminate toxins from the body.

    Drinking water is also very important.

    Drinking water at certain times maximizes its impact on the body's function:

    - 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs

    - 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - aids digestion

    - 1 glass of water before bathing - helps lower blood pressure (did anyone know this?)

    - 1 glass of water before bed - prevents stroke or heart attack (good to know!)

    Additionally, water before bed helps prevent nighttime leg cramps.

    Leg muscles need fluid because they contract, and due to a lack of it, they wake up with muscle spasms.

    Please share this message with your family and friends

    Pass this message on to others, at least 10 people,

    knowing that this information could save lives.

    I drink only Alkaline pH water produced by an Enagic JrIV

    water Ionizer. This is not sponsored, I purchased the

    machine with my own money.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    Join my website: and our Newsletter....

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • I use the Free Style Libre 2 CGM from Abbott

    It provides information on my Current Blood Glucose level,

    the trend, and my time in range.

    Blood sugar—Canada—measured in mmol/L or millimoles per litre

    CGM Blood Sugar Range — “Green Zone” - 3.9 to 10.0 mmol/L

    CGM Blood Sugar Range — “Yellow Zone” - 10.13 to 13.3 mmol/L

    CGM Blood Sugar Range — “Red Zone” greater than 13.3 mmol/L

    Some medical tests report results in millimoles

    per litre (mmol/L).

    A mole is an amount of a substance that contains a large

    number 6 followed by 23 zeros of molecules or atoms.

    A millimole is one-thousandth of a mole.

    A litre measures fluid volume.

    Author - Healthwise Staff

    In the Green Zone, Yeah!

    A nice almost straight line.

    6.2 mmol/L is the current Blood Glucose Reading.

    The Arrow indicates the trend which is flat.

    Looks like I am having a good day.

    In the Yellow Zone! But not by much.

    The top of the Green Zone range is 10 mmol/L so 10.4 mmol/L

    is not much out of zone and the arrow indicates a

    Flat trend.

    It is a sharp peak though so what was it I consumed that

    caused this?

    In the Yellow Zone! But not by much.

    The top of the Green Zone range is 10 mmol/L so 10.4 mmol/L

    is not much out of zone and the arrow indicates a

    Flat trend.

    It is a sharp peak though so what was it I consumed that

    caused this?

    In the Yellow Zone! But not by much.

    The top of the Green Zone range is 10 mmol/L so 10.4 mmol/L

    is not much out of zone and the arrow indicates a

    Flat trend.

    It is a sharp peak though so what was it I consumed that

    caused this?

    I find it best to monitor my Blood Glucose and consume food and

    drinks sensibly and so long as I am in the Green Zone, not

    to be too worried by the "shape" of the graph.

    Trying to achieve a perfectly flat line. I feel is "too" much.

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

    Referral Link:

    Thank you.

  • In December 2022 I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic. It took a few weeks of being in a dark place before I

    took ownership of my response to the diagnosis.

    My response was to make the Life Style changes that allowed me to be free of medication by November of 2023.

    Maintaining the Life Style changes since November has been the next challenge I am dealing with, and will be

    writing and creating books and videos about. For now, let’s concentrate on July 2nd.

    I met with my doctor for her to educate me about why I was taking the Blood Thinner and Blood Pressure medications I am.

    You can browse the internet and find out what a medication is, but why I would be taking it and not another needs a doctor to explain.

    After that was dealt with we started talking about Diabetes.

    She made the point that Diabetes is a condition that will always be present.

    It is not like the flu or a broken arm. Once the flu has passed and the broken arm has healed you can say: “I had the flu” or, “I had a broken arm.” You cannot say “I had Diabetes.”

    Being off medication just means I am a Type 2 Diabetic that manages their condition through diet.

    This was interesting because I was confident in owning my response to my diagnosis, but I had never owned my diagnosis itself.

    Because I would always be a diabetic, I had to own it.

    After some focused medication sessions where owning my diagnosis was the focus, I came to terms with this fact.

    Some people may say that owning the diagnosis has to come before owning the response.

    I argue no.

    The response, the Life Style changes, has to come before owning the diagnosis.

    The Life Style changes confirmed the approach and my understanding of my condition.

    My message is that if you have Type 2 Diabetes, own your diagnosis and your response to it.

    Use Focused medication to guide you through this second period of ownership.

    Be gentle with yourself as you practice and focus on something unique and


    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

    Referral Link:

    Link to all my works - Click here—

    Thank you.

  • Focused meditation is a lot easier than some other forms, especially if you use a concrete physical object to focus on.

    You can use this object as an anchor, drawing you back into the present moment even as your thoughts try to pull you away.

    This method of meditation is open-ended in the sense that there is no prescribed posture or object of focus. You can adapt it to meet your own needs. This meditation can be done in a variety of settings.

    You can choose almost anything to meditate upon, including the waves of a river, a nearby tree, or your own hand. Wherever you are, you can sit and do a focused meditation.

    If your mind does wander, simply come back to the practice and refocus.

    As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who wants to sharpen their focus and attention.

    Focused meditation is a lot easier than some other

    forms, especially if you use a concrete physical object to focus on.

    Be gentle with yourself as you practice and focus on something unique and


    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

    Referral Link:

    Thank you.

  • Visualization and Activity Meditation can work together to form an extremely positive and effective combination.

    Earlier we spoke about visualization and activity meditation in terms of lager physical activity such as walking the dog, cycling, or running etc.

    But there are smaller things that work well together.

    When I visualized being medication free that meant going from 2,000mg of Metformin, 4 x 500mg pills a day to Zero. That is unrealistic.

    The Life Style changes I had to make had to become ingrained, and perpetual habits along with a gradual reduction in medication.

    Visualizing a reduction in my medication in stages, along with the adoption of the Life Style Changes were the key to victory.

    In this video I describe how I visualized reducing medication using a pill splitter. I purchased my pill splitter at a Pharmacy, but you can buy them on Amazon very cheaply.

    Cutting a 500mg tablet into two 250mg tablets, and then crushing a 250mg piece into powder and sprinkling it on food helped me visualize the reduction of medication in a practical way. Sprinkling the powder on food helped me visualize not “taking a pill anymore.”

    In the end, I went from 1 500mg pill twice a day, to none.

    There are many ways to connect the mind and body through visualization and movement meditation to achieve a goal connected to diabetes.

    In the next video we will look at how these two powerful meditations can help with shopping!

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • In my previous videos I spoke about the many different forms of meditation. The most valuable to me has been visualization meditation.

    I used visualization as part of the process of setting, and reinforcing my goal to be medication free.

    All types of goals are best achieved if broken into smaller goals that are more easily achieved.

    I have a pill cutter and crusher that I purchased from a local pharmacy. I bought it when I had to treat one of my cats.

    I cut their pills into quarters, and crushed one of the pieces into a powder. I added the crushed powder to their food.

    A bit more work than putting the pill fragment into their mouth, but I did not have to watch them to ensure they did cough it up.

    I would set my Metformin dose of 2 x 500mg pills on the counter.

    I took the pill cutter and visualized using it to cut each pill in two, 250mg.

    Then I opened the crushing compartment and visualized crushing a pill fragment into a powder and sprinkling on my food.

    In the end, my doctor reduced my medication from 1,000mg to 500mg and then to zero.

    The visualization of reducing my medication, cutting and crushing pills, was positive reinforcement of my ultimate goal.

    There are many ways to use physical things around is to reinforce outcomes we visualize achieving.

    A simple pill counter I purchased for a few dollars was a powerful way to visualize my medication being reduced in size and strength.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • Visualization can be greatly helped by including memories of places and events that have happened to us.

    Wednesday evening as I was drifting off to sleep, by an open window and there was a rain storm outside.

    I listened to the heavy rain falling on the trees outside, the roof, and how animals were experiencing the storm.

    Cool breezes came in through the open window.

    Thursday, it rained again but not so hard, and last night, Saturday, it rained again.

    Each time the sound and experience of the storm was different.

    If you are visualizing a storm as part of a meditation, recalling such memories can deepen and enrich the mediation.

    In Canada, Father’s Day is celebrated June 16, Mother’s Day was on May 12.

    Remember to honour and think about your father, and your mother on the appropriate day.

    They were there when important events, large or small, took place in your life. They know your life’s history.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water and our Newsletter....

    Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • Visualization and Movement mediation can be greatly enhanced by correct instruction on how to carry out your chosen activity and having the correct equipment and supplies

    An instructor can show you the most efficient, effective, and safest way of participating in your chosen motion.

    For example, walking. We all know how to walk, place one foot in-front of the other, right? But a gait analysis and purchasing shoes to support and help the way you walk comfortably is a very sensible idea. As you progress and become more proficient with your movement, go back a little while later and have a new gait analysis completed to understand if anything has changed. Don’t forget to update your shoes often. Remember running shoes, or trainers, wear out and need to be replaced.

    Visualize yourself using your new shoes and understanding how you walk. Then visualize walking faster or further to match your improved movement.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • This was the second form of meditation I employed to remove negativity after my diagnosis. I use it today as do many professional athletes.

    Visualize positive outcomes. Professional athletes visual success and effective execution of their skills.

    I used it to visualize becoming medication free. Pills could be cut in half, and two pulls could be one then a half.

    Finally there would be no pills at all.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • Visualization and Movement mediation can come together in a very positive way.

    On the lake there is a group of canoeists, if you listen, the instructor is giving direction but also visualization of what participants will be doing.

    Instructions are a great help to Visualization. They create boundaries for movement,

    expectations, and a formula for executing movement.

    As a spinning instructor, an event such as the Tour de France, a 21-day Cycling

    Race around France provided a shared visualization for everyone in the class.

    In the race there are 22 teams of 8 riders each. Some are specialists in

    mountain climbing, others in sprinting and others are generalists.

    Adding tension to the spinning wheel made it harder to pedal. During a mountain stage we could visualize riding in the French Pyrenees. Reducing tension allowed us to

    visualize racing with the sprinters on flat sections.

    Visualization and Movement mediation work very well together as there is good feedback between what you believe you are doing, or where you are when exercising and what you are actually doing.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • Mindfulness Mediation originates from Buddhist teachings, it is immensely popular and the most studied meditation form in the West.

    Mindfulness mediation combines concentration on your physical environment and your thoughts. You pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind but do not judge them. You are looking for patterns.

    I had two patterns: (1.) Negative information and the feelings it created, (2.) positive thoughts and the goal of being medication free.

    This form of meditation is ideal for people without a teacher to guide them,as it can be easily practiced alone.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Waterand our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • The first form of meditaion I employed to help remove

    the negativity from my diagnosis. The rhythm and cadence

    of spinning helped me become at ease with my body.

    Waking, running, jogging, Tai Chi, are just some of the

    therapeutic movement meditation styles. Find one that eases

    your mind and emotions and perfect it.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - Between Dreams - Jon Björk

  • Alkaline Water and Diabetic Maintenance Mode

    One of the changes I have already made is to consume

    Alkaline Water that is pH balanced with my body.

    Holistically, I use Alkaline Water for everything, drinking,

    food preparation, washing and hygiene.

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, Alkaline Water

    and our Newsletter.... Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - LÄngvÀga - Strom

  • Good News!

    The read out of my blood tests -

    A Great Lakes Freighter -

    And two new books and information I am working on.

    Join my website:

    Photography: Mark A. Ashford

    Music - Epidemic Sound - LÄngvÀga - Strom

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, and our


    Join my website:

  • The Reiki Practitioner should be certified according to

    your local regulations.

    In Canada this is the Canadian Reiki Association.

    The Practitioner may be certified by: The International

    Association of Reiki Professionals .

    The Practitioner may have other certifications depending

    on their special interests.

    The Practitioner should be insured to cover any accidents

    during the session. For example, a fall.

    You should feel comfortable having a Reiki Session

    with the practitioner. They should should spend time

    understanding your needs before the session. They

    should explain what will happen during the session

    and afterwards.

  • Recognize and Remove Negativity with Reiki

    Diabetes can be a very negative experience. Removing it

    and other negative influences and stressors is essential

    to help develop a positive outlook and seek only positive

    and encouraging information sources.

    A Reiki professional can help rebalance your core spirit

    and bring you to a positive space where you can grow and

    Prevent or Reverse your Type 2 Diabetes

    Music - Epidemic Sound - LÄngvÀga - Strom

    For books, courses, remote Reiki sessions, and our


    Join our website:

  • Reiki helped me deal with the Negativity created by Diabetes.

    We all have to manage negativity in our daily lives.

    It may be created by people, places, our jobs, and many other daily life events. Some we can put out of our mind easily enough.

    Diabetes is different. It a stress factor loaded with negativity that is always there. Medication has to be taken and Blood Glucose monitored. It seems to reversed.

    Reiki is a guiding hand that helps displel negativity and build confidence.