
  • Hello and happy Thursday! The title is from a dear friend that Tom chats with frequently. They kept passing it back and forth and pretty soon Tom had shared it with clients. It was truly resonating. So Tom asked for his friend's permission to use it as the title and permission was granted! When someone is on a Pro You path of personal growth, they are on the lookout for tools, steps, doorways, new grooves, anything and everything they can find that assists in their journey of self discovery. But as they continue to grow, they will continue to discover new things that resonate in new ways. So one may end up using a variety of tools, yet they are all similar. Find what works and do that! The notes Tom had collected didn't seem to have a consistent theme at first glance. But once Tom began, it all seemed to come together. Tom felt 'Calm' after he finished recording (Wink-wink!)

    Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Well, it has been a month since we've last heard from the Canadian Assassin's Niko and Kosta, so Tom thought what a great excuse to check in with the dynamic duo and see how they are doing after just over a month of finishing their four week intensive challenge. Well, when Tom received an email from Niko just two hours before their meeting for Part Six stating they were both excited and they had stories to share, that's all Tom needed to hear! What a great final (?) episode and what an inspiring story to end with. The final thing Tom said to the duo was "None of what you shared on this episode would've happened if you had not accepted the challenge of increasing the level of discomfort along your Pro You path. Congrats!" Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

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  • Hello and happy Thursday! It feels like Tom has done a lot of episodes recently. Well, it's because he has! He's hoping that's a good thing! The flexibility Tom gave himself to simply record a PYP episode when he felt he had something of meaning to share also allowed him to be open to the possibility of having more to share - which means more episodes. This episode is almost a Part 2 of the previous episode. It picks up exactly where the last one ended. The positive was Tom's level of awareness in those moments. Once again it is not all wonderful and unicorns, but the 'good/donut' is that Tom was highly aware and chose appropriate responses. Tom's hope is that this depth of sharing helps people to find what resonates and how they can apply that to their path of personal growth. And lastly, it is real. It is confirmed. It IS happening! A CANADIAN EXPERIENCE PART VI COMING NEXT THURSDAY! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Never before has Tom had an experience recording a PYP episode as he did this episode. Tom was originally excited to share some big news - "A Canadian Experience Part VI" is coming SOON! Tom kept collecting sticky notes waiting till he had enough for a full episode. Tom feels a funk come on but wakes up and has an amazing experience. So much so it's plenty to share and Tom gets excited to record. The morning he chooses to record the wheels start falling off. The good news is Tom was very aware as he observed himself and got through the obstacles and the funk to record this episode. So if nothing in the episode resonates maybe what Tom went through and got through will. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! It feels like it's been awhile for Tom, well, because it has! Tom's podcast was taken over by Canadian Assassins! For the past whole month! And Tom already misses them! Tom reflects on the 'Canadian Experience' and shares what it meant to him. Tom also shares another podcast where he listened twice and took notes on it. Tom is also enjoying the book he's reading and shares what is resonating and why. Lastly, Tom has sticky notes that have been piling up since before the Canadian Experience happened. Which he shares and reflects on. Tom felt very thankful during the recording of this episode of the podcast. The opportunity to do what he does, share, and create the opportunity for something like the Canadian Experience to happen. Very proud and grateful. A big thank you to Niko and Kosta and to all the listeners. THANK YOU! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! It has truly been an amazing, fulfilling and rewarding experience for Tom. He is so very thankful for the Ketsilis brothers from Canada! It was a great moment in Tom's life; a long time quest came to fruition. But so much credit goes to Niko and Kosta. Such a wonderful display of will and commitment. A true example of what being Pro You is. Each episode there were moments of learning, clarity, increased awareness and challenges. Tom was so excited for the final episode to share what he had been feeling as of late. And yes, Tom gets emotional and gets a sense of sadness the experience is over. Tom wanted to thank Niko and Kosta for being them, showing up, and creating a moment Tom will never forget. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Wow. That's all Tom can say about this Canadian Experience. A wonderful thing is happening and it's happening to two very well deserving guys! Week One Niko and Kosta shared positive benefits. Week Two, the same. And Week Three was the best yet! These two guys on this journey and sharing their insights is immeasurable in Tom's eyes. It is an 'as perfect as you can get' Pro You story. A consistent and huge thank you to both Niko and Kosta for just being themselves! Tom is so very thankful - filled with gratitude! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Part 3 of 'A Canadian Experience' is up and ready to be listened to and it just gets better each week! It is a true Pro You story! And something Tom has always wanted to achieve through sharing these experiments with real people. Take two really good guys who are both on paths of personal growth and add a little more 'unfamiliar, unplanned, uncomfortable' and watch them flourish! There were wonderful results Part 1 and every session there is just more and more! Is it easy, fun or without mistakes - no. But the only way to a better version of you is embracing it and going through it. A huge thank you to both our Canadian Assassin participants for their Pro You effort and for sharing their journey. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! It took a little bit, but they got to Part 2 of "A Canadian Experience" (Technical Difficulties). But it was definitely worth the effort. What a wonderful first week for both of our Canadian Assassins, willing participants Niko and Kosta. Both Niko and Kosta share their first week experiences with a new food plan, logging into an app, working out consistently and what their biggest take away was. The theme of Part 2 definitely turned into twofold; Getting comfortable being uncomfortable and little things done consistently. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Well, it's happening! "A Canadian Experience" took flight and here is Part 1 of a series of 5 parts. This is the introduction episode. Introduction of our two participants and their introduction to their next 4 weeks. Tom goes over their workout, their nutrition, logging their food and workouts using an app, and what he is specifically looking for in their journey. A big thank you to Niko and Kosta for accepting this personal challenge and the willingness to share their journey with the PYP listeners. This 'Experience' is already feeling different/better than the previous ones and Tom is stoked! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has 2 wonderful client moments and a big announcement to share. That's it! A few more things sprinkled in along the way of course. But the big news - the big announcement - Tom is bringing back "PYP LIVE EXPERIENCE"! Except not exactly. A little different, a little more successful (hopefully) and a lot more enjoyable! You're going to have to listen to today's episode to find out the details. But Tom is definitely stoked! Tom chats about 'worry' and shares a great quote that really drives it home. Tom also talks heavily about the waste worry is and that it is on you. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Today's episode title stems from a text exchange Tom had with a friend. This episode is full of moments #stickynotes Tom has experienced since the last episode of PYP. A few themes run consistently in Tom's life currently and he shares them. One of Tom's favorite client stories and Tom throws out more stuff. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Tom is back at it with this jam packed episode! He has a very heart pulling opening book end in the beginning and a wonderful moment to book end the closing of this latest episode of PYP. Uncertainty. The root of all that is bad; stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry, depression. How does one overcome this? Can you overcome some losses? How to move forward. All this and Tom finishes his birthday story and shares a moment that touched Tom's heart. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! On the morning of March 25th Tom walked Zen from 5-5:30 am. He entered his complex and soon discovered a homeless dude chilling inside the gated complex. Immediately Tom had PTSD (if you heard the last episode you'll understand). Tom was standing with Zen and when he asked the man to leave, he did. A ton of weight dropped off Tom's shoulders. Tom walked in and by 6:30 he was in a heated discussion with his new internet provider about the non-working Modem and the fact its replacement was not received over the weekend as promised. Then Tom thought he threw out a cord he needed. This was Tom's birthday morning. He was pretty much done for the day. BUT! The best version of Tom took a few deep breaths and decided to just do one thing. Which led to one more thing and before you know it Tom was pleasantly, surprisingly recording this episode. Tom has never recorded an episode on his birthday nor has he ever recorded an episode feeling like he felt. The more Tom recorded the more victorious he felt. As the recording of the episode ended, Tom knew that because of how he responded he was guaranteed a better day than if he would've given in to the older version of him reacting to how the day started. Awareness and acceptance are key! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! It is with great pride Tom presents to you the 471st episode of PYP on its 9 year anniversary. That was going to be the topic and title until... YUP! Tom was detained; and what a story it became for this anniversary episode! What Tom wanted to discuss was how different he is now compared to the version of himself that began PYP. In hindsight, Tom realized that what he had experienced was the perfect example of how different Tom is and the version he has worked on so very hard to become. Lastly, the importance of knowing who you are and being that in lieu of everything that is going on. Be true. Be you. Be thankful. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! The second episode of 2024 is up and ready to listen to! The other title was 'Zen is 9'. That time of year where it's Zen's birthday, then PYP's and then Tom's. Tom shares a podcast which he took notes on - means it resonated. Tom became aware of the word 'processing' while he was in the midst of a true challenge. So much so, older versions of Tom were knocking on the door wanting to be in the moment as well. Not fun, not comfortable, not planned to experience nor share and why they're called tests. Tom discusses the importance of Zen and their relationship. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello, happy Thursday and happy New Year! Moving forward became the title of this episode because that is exactly what we're doing - moving forward into the new year. Tom had a couple of great stories jotted down on sticky notes before the actual end of the year. Then he filled out more and more sticky note observations from a spectacular end of the year and an even better beginning of this year! He was excited to share! Tom is hoping everyone enjoyed their holiday time and they hit 2024 running - deeming yourselves worthy! Enjoy, and as, always thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello, happy Thursday and welcome to the last PYP episode of 2023! And it's a good one! Good referring to how Tom is feeling and doing. It has been one of the most challenging and yet the most rewarding year of Tom's life. Tom loves doing the 'end of the year reflection' episodes; it's like a highlight reel of the past year. So, looking back at what he and Zen went through this year, Tom was quite stoked and thankful just to get through it all. All the unconditional love and support Tom received was an amazing gift. He was overwhelmed in the best possible way. To Tom's surprise, it got even better! Recently Tom (and Zen) had the best day of the year! It was a gift and a celebration surrounding the fact of how well Zen has recovered. Tom is so very thankful for so many things but this last gift was simply next level. Gratitude, gratitude and gratitude. Enjoy and thank you for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Tom was thinking he might have an episode a week after his last episode looking at his sticky notes. Then the tipping point; Tom remembered what happened nine years ago today. He knew he would record an episode that would come out on 'Thursday' (some folk call it Thanksgiving) which Tom doesn't celebrate. But what Tom will celebrate is that exactly nine years ago on a 'Thursday' he had spent it alone and had an amazingly quiet, peaceful, rewarding day. He knew he had spent the last year and a half depressed and he was coming out of it. And he was thankful everyday. The very next morning Tom knew he wanted to start a podcast. He knew what his message would be. To be thankful and mindful. Tom has not left that path or swayed from that message in the last nine years. And Tom has only gotten better. Tom sharing his experiences is part of his reward, part of enjoying the fruits of his labor. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

  • Hello and happy Thursday! Tom explains what's behind the title and where it came from. The title and a pretty amazing story happened the day before Tom recorded this episode. So it's a full episode of Tom's experiences and they all seem to end 'good' (wink-wink). Personal growth is quiet and a reminder of the importance of focusing on what you can control. Lastly, Tom feels he is being very repetitive with the message that your life is on you and he continues as such. Anyone looking interested in online training message Tom! Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

    Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

    Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!