In part one of our ongoing series, we discuss the documentary ‘1971’, where direct action brought forth public knowledge of the FBI’s domestic counterinsurgency operation dubbed ‘COINTELPRO’ after 8 brave young activists broke into an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, seizing documents they would later release to the press. They were never caught, and they were only known as the ‘Citizen’s Commission to Investigate the FBI” until 2014 when they revealed their identities to tell the story in book and film.
Watch the incredible documentary for free here: 1971
Read the book for free here: The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI
Show notes:
[2:30] - 1971 Documentary - 7 young activists break into an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania
[4:52] - Book: The COINTELPRO Files by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall
[6:00] - FBI on Marcus Garvey: The COINTELPRO Papers, Page 5:
[11:53] - Excerpt from ending of The COINTELPRO Files (p. 236-238):
“To be sure, mere hope is no solution to anything. It represents a point of departure, no more. The development of viable options to avert consummation of a full-fledged police state in North America will require a deep rethinking, among many who purport to oppose it, of priorities and philosophical positions, including the near hegemony of pacifism and nonviolence on the left. The emphasis accorded confrontation with the police and penal systems will have to increase rapidly and dramatically within virtually all groups pursuing progressive social agendas, from environmentalism to abortion rights. The fates of prisoners, particularly those incarcerated for having been accused of engaging in armed struggle against the state, must thus be made a central concern—and primary focus of activism—in every politically conscious sector of the U.S. population. Understandings must be achieved that what is currently being done to political prisoners and prisoners of war, in “exemplary” fashion, is ultimately designed for application to far wider groups than is now the case; that the facilities in which such things are done to them are intended to eventually house us all; that the enforcement apparatus which has been created to combat their “terrorism” simultaneously holds the capacity to crush all that we hold dear or seek to achieve, soon and perhaps irrevocably. In sum, if we do not move — and quickly — to overcome our tactical differences to the extent that we can collectively and effectively confront the emergent structure of “law enforcement” in this country, all the rest of our lofty and constructive social preoccupations will shortly be rendered meaningless by the very forces we have all too frequently elected to ignore.
There are many points of attack open to us, places where important victories can and must be attained. These include renewed and concerted efforts to extend real community control over local police forces, the dismantling of localized police SWAT capabilities, the curtailment or elimination of national computer net participation by state and local police forces, the abolition of police “intelligence” units, and deep cuts in the resources (both monetary and in terms of personnel) already allocated to the police establishment. The judicial system, too, must become an increasing focus of broad-based progressive attention; not only is substantial support work vitally necessary with regard to activists brought to court on serious charges, but every judicial ruling —- whether or not it is rendered in an overtly political trial - which serves to undercut citizen rights while legitimating increased police intervention in the political process must be met with massive, national expressions of outrage and rejection. It is incumbent upon us to infuse new force and meaning into “the court of public opinion,” using every method at our disposal. By the same token, maximal energy must be devoted to heading off the planned expansion of penal facilities across the U.S. and securing the abolition of “control units” within every existing prison in the country. The BoP and state “adult authorities” must also be placed, finally, under effective citizens’ control, and the incipient “privatization” of large portions of the “prison industry” must be blocked at all costs. Plainly, this represents a tremendously ambitious bill of fare for any social movement.
Coming to grips with the FBI is of major importance. The Bureau has long since made itself an absolutely central ingredient in the process of repression in America, not only extending its own operations in this regard, but providing doctrine, training and equipment to state and local police, organizing the special “joint task forces” which have sprouted in every major city since 1970, creating the computer nets which tie the police together nationally, and providing the main themes of propaganda by which the rapid build-up in police power has been accomplished in the U.S. Similarly, the FBI provides both doctrinal and practical training to prison personnel — especially in connection with those who supervise POWs and political prisoners — which is crucial in the shaping of the policies pursued within the penal system as a whole. Hence, so long as the FBI is able to retain the outlook which defined COINTELPRO, and to translate that outlook into “real world” endeavors, it is reasonable to assume that both the police and prison “communities” will follow right along. Conversely, should the FBI ever be truly leashed, with the COINTELPRO mentality at last rooted out once and for all, it may be anticipated that the emergent U.S. police state apparatus will undergo substantial unraveling.
In the concluding chapter of Agents of Repression, we offered both tactical and strategic sketches of how the task of bringing the Bureau to heel might be approached. In his book, War at Home, Brian Glick extends these ideas in certain directions. At the same time, both we and Glick indicated that our recommendations should be considered anything but definitive, and that readers should rely upon their own experience and imaginations in devising ways and means of getting the job done. Since publication of those books, a number of people have contacted us to expand upon our ideas and to enter new ones. Although the specifics vary in each case, there are two consistent themes underlying such contributions. These are first that is it is imperative more and more people take the step of translating their consciousness into active resistance and, second, that this resistance must be truly multifaceted and flexible in form. We heartily agree.
Hence, we would would like to close with what seems to us the only appropriate observation, paraphrasing Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton: We are confronted with the necessity of a battle which must be continued until it has been won. That choice has already been made for us, and we have no option to simply wish it away. To lose is to bring about the unthinkable, and there isn oplace to run and hide. Under the circumstances, the FBI and its allies must be combatted by all means available, and by any means necessary.”
[24:01] - Biderman’s Chart on Penal Coercion (The COINTELPRO Papers, Page 323)
[35:24] - John Punch (1605-1650) was an Angolan-born resident of the colony of Virigina who became its first ‘legally” enslaved person in British colonial America under criminal law.
PBS: John Punch, James Gregory, and a man named Victor were all indentured servants contracted to Virginia planter Hugh Gwyn. These three men each performed similar tasks as slaves and each also felt so exploited he was willing to take unimaginable risks to pursue freedom. John, James, and Victor ran away and were captured within days.
Though fleeing similar circumstances, the fates of the runaways differed under the court's aegis. A judge sentenced all three to whippings. He then added four years to the indenture terms of James and Victor, both white Europeans. John, a black man, alone he condemned to lifelong servitude.
Read the transcript of the court decision:
MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL AND GENERAL COURT OF COLONIAL VIRGINIA, 1622-1632, 1670-1676 (Library of VA, 2nd ed. 1979)
Further reading: The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist
[38:39] - FBI documents on plans to divide the SDS to BPP through sabotage and informants
[39:50] - The Church Committee
[40:30] - SDS leader unknowingly furthers FBI narrative: The COINTELPRO Papers, Page 5
[43:26] - FBI on Jane Fonda, Jean Sanburg and the BPP: The COINTELPRO Papers, Page 214-219
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In this episode we reflect on the relationship between communism and neurodivergence, and the rising resurgence of eugenics in popular discourse is paving the way for repression.
People Mentioned
- Imani (@crutches_and_spice)
[Imani’s TikTok](
- Ash (@comrade_ash):
- [Ash’s TikTok]
- Madeline Pendleton (@madeline_pendleton)
[Madeline’s TikTok](
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Recorded on March 1, 2025
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
An overview of how the past year in TikTok discourse (psyops) fractured the growing pro-Palestine coalition by ceding ground to liberals, and why these “leftists” can’t seem to leave them behind. What does being principled in these discussions look like?
Clip referenced: Gil Scott Heron interview
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Recorded on February 16, 2025
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This episode was originally recorded as episode 12, but once the conversation shifted from our planned topic, we decided to turn it into a premium episode. We hope you enjoy this discussion on Marxism and Religion.
Show notes:
[6:50] - The infamous quote on religion as an ‘opium of the masses’ comes from Marx’s 1834 writing, A Contribution to the Critique…
The United States Agency for “International Development” (USAID) has been gutted by Trump and Elon Musk. In this episode we talk about the liberal outrage at losing their most public CIA front and how Trump is accelerating the empire’s demise.
Show notes:
[00:05] - Kwame Ture on oppression, class interest & US imperialism
[17:50] - Congress members lament over being locked out of Department of Education
[19:00] - SCOTUS rules giving US President’s imperial power
[26:40] - The martyr, Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah on why Trump will lead to the demise of Amerikkkan empire
[27:40] - Netanyahu sitting in the White House with Trump
[27:55] - Saudi statement on Gaza
[40:36] - Black Marxism by Cedric Robinso
[44:20] - Elite Capture by Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
[52:20] - Imani Barbarin - @CrutchesAndSpice on Tiktok
[55:00] - Revolutionary Defeatism: The Defeat of One’s Own Government in the Imperialist War by Lenin
[58:34] - FDR’s Second Bill of Rights & the Marshall Plan
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Recorded on February 9. 2025
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On the Potomac River helicopter-plane crash, Trump’s distractions and Amerikkkan desensitization to mass death coming home to roost
Originally recorded February 4, 2025
Show notes:
[1:40] - Blackhawk helicopter hits passenger jet landing at Reagan Airport in DC
[1:55] - Trump executive order threatens to revoke visas of international students who expressed…
Originally recorded January 30, 2025
In this episode we discuss the events of Trump’s first ten days back in office, the liberal outrage at aesthetics without material change, and lack of information about what is actually happening.
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Thank you all for being with us as we figure out a regular episode schedule. Things should become more regular over the next few weeks. We will also be introducing a mailbag segment at the end of episodes for listener questions and comments.
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In this episode we loosely discuss the Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) program in the US and the MKUltra similarities, leading into a discussion the Tiktok ban.
Show notes:
3:02 - Tiktok creator’s video playlist compiling reports from former students of ‘Gifted & Talented’/GATE programs during their school years
3:50 - Correcti…
On Xiaohongshu/RedBook planting seeds cultural revolution in the imperial core
Originally recorded January 16, 2025
This episode is edited in our new, more relaxed style. Thanks for bearing with us over the past 7 episodes as we’ve figured out the process.
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Show notes:
0:10 - Red Book / Red Note Xiaohongshu (XHS) app
(Our XHS profiles: Praxis & Mukamuri)
3:55 - Carl Zha’s RedNote Diaries: Compilations of American and Chinese interactions on the Chinese app RedNote aka Xiaohongshu
Further reflections on how a diverse subset of Americans are interacting with Chinese netizens
Thread of Chinese students sharing pictures of their school lunches with American school children.
Elderly American woman joins Red Note
12:13 - Praxis’ thread on X about the significance of the Red Note cultural exchange on the American psyche
Chinese propaganda melting away
Americans are also beginning to question propaganda around the DPRK (North Korea)
18:34 - China and neoliberalism: US deindustrialization coincided with Chinese mass industrialization
22:14 - Chinese user explaining the cultural differences in how Chinese people view community guidelines vs. Americans
22:45 - RedNote terms and conditions details
23:20 - Video of North American man speaking of how his view of China changed through using Red Note. He also contextualizes the community guidelines on the platform as reasonable, instead of orientalizing them
23:45 - Chinese police/military vs. American cops:
Chinese police disarmed and de-escalate situation with minimal force
Tianmamen square vs. Black Lives Matter protests
25:05 - Further context on censorship’s role in socialist countries
32:20 - On eliminating dogmatism andformalism and establishing Juchein ideological work
Speech by DPRK leader Kim Il Sung to Party Propagandists and Agitators
December 28, 1955
An excerpt:
“I would like to stress once more the prospects of the revolution in our country. Our revolution has two prospects. One is the peaceful reunification of our country, and the other its reunification under the conditions in which the forces of imperialism are sharply weakened by a big war.
We, of course, have been striving with all our might to bring about the first prospect.
Our struggle for the peaceful reunification of our country boils down to two points — to carry on construction successfully in the northern half and to conduct effective political work towards the southern half. If we fortify the democratic base by promoting socialist construction in the northern half and arouse the people in the southern half to the liberation struggle through effective political work directed to the southern half, the peaceful reunification of our country can be realized.
Political work towards the southern half means strengthening the influence of the northern half and inducing its broad popular masses to support us. To this end, socialist construction in the northern half should be carried on successfully. The living standard of the people should be raised and the economic foundation strengthened in the northern half through successful economic construction, and the entire people should be rallied around our Party. Then, no matter how desperately Syngman Rhee may try, he will never be able to dampen the fighting spirit of the people in the southern half who are constantly inspired by the socialist construction in the northern half.
A man who came over from the southern half some time ago said: "Syngman Rhee says in his propaganda that the northern half has a population of only 3 million and there is nothing left in Pyongyang but heaps of ashes. But I have seen here that the bridge over the River Taedong-gang has been restored to its former state and Pyongyang is being built into a much more beautiful city than ever before. Syngman Rhee has told a whopping lie." This is what will happen when we carry on construction successfully.
In 1948 when a joint conference of political parties and social organizations from north and south Korea was held, we did not have much to our credit in construction in the northern half. But all the Right-wing personalities of south Korea came to us with the exception of Syngman Rhee and Kim Song Su. The joint conference was of very great significance. Many of those who came to the northern half at that time remained here.
This is what Kim Gu said: "I have found north Korea to my liking. I have seen many Communists both in Shanghai and in south Korea (if he met any, they must have been those of the Tuesday group or the M-L group), but north Korean Communists are different. I thought before that Communists were narrow-minded and wicked people, but as I have found here this time, you are broad-minded and generous people with whom I can fully co-operate. I will co-operate with you by all means. I am old now, and have no ambition for power. If I do not go back to south Korea, Syngman Rhee will certainly clamour that I have been detained. And it is my desire to go back and give publicity to the fine things I have seen here. So I must go back at any rate. Do not think that I am going to collaborate with the Yankees. When I return here later, please give me an apple orchard, as I want to live in peace in the countryside for the rest of my life." Kim Gyu Sik, too, spoke in the same vein. After that, Kim Gu fought against the Yankees.
As you all know, Kim Gu was a nationalist. From the beginning he was against both imperialism and communism, and came to us with the intention of negotiating with Communists. In view of the fact that even Kim Gu who had regarded communism as an inveterate enemy changed his view of our endeavours to build up the country, it is quite easy to imagine what the workers, peasants, and the public figures with a national conscience in south Korea will think once they come and see the northern half.
Before liberation, the mere words that in the Soviet Union the working class held power and was building socialism made us yearn boundlessly for the Soviet Union where we had never been. How then can the people in the southern half possibly help yearning for the socialist construction of our people in the northern half who are of the same ethnical stock with them?
That is why successfully construction in the northern half is more important than anything else.
As can be seen from the above, when the people in the southern half are roused to action against U.S. imperialism and the Syngman Rhee regime by successful socialist construction in the northern half and through effective political work directed towards the southern half, the peaceful reunification of our country can be materialized.
This is the internal factor making it possible to achieve peaceful reunification.
The external factor conductive to the country's peaceful reunification should likewise be taken into consideration. If we succeed in maintaining peace for a five to ten years period, China, with her more than 600 million population, will grow incomparably in might, not to mention the Soviet Union, and the power of the whole socialist camp will be further strengthened.
Parallel with the growth of the might of the socialist camp, the national-liberation movement of the peoples in the colonial and dependent countries has been ever more intensified, and many countries have been achieved national independence. The peoples of India, Indonesia, Burma and other independent states in Asia and the peoples of the Arab countries are fighting for peace against imperialist aggression.
All this is a telling blow to imperialism, especially U.S. imperialism. When the forces of peace, democracy and socialism grow stronger, the U.S. imperialists will finally be compelled to withdrawn from Korea.
Of course, the struggle for the country's peaceful reunification is an arduous and protracted one. But when we grow stronger and the forces of peace, democracy and socialism are further strengthened internationally, we will be able to achieve peaceful reunification. This is one prospect of the development of the revolution in Korea and of the country's reunification.
The problem of the country's reunification might also be solved not by peaceful means but by war. If the imperialists were to unleash a war on a world-wide scale, we would have no alternative but t o fight, and then it would be quite possible for us to fight and defeat the U.S. imperialists in Korea by our own strength. Although it would be somewhat hard for us to fight against U.S. imperialism single-handed, we should be able to defeat it rather easily when it is compelled to disperse its forces all over the world. In that case, we shall sweep the forces of U.S. imperialism from Korea and achieve the reunification of the country. This is the other prospect of the development of the Korean revolution and the reunification of the country.
We, however, do not want this prospect. We desire the first prospect, that is, reunification by peaceful means, and we are struggling for its realization.
No matter what the prospects of the country's reunification may be, it is more important than anything else to strengthen our Party and steel the Party spirit of its members.”
(We encourage you to read the rest of the short reading.)
34:10 - Society as the Spectacle by Guy Debord (encapsulated in Episode 4)
36:55 - Chinese-American users releasing simulated videos discourages Americans from users RedNote
37:45 - Compilation or Chinese users dispelling propaganda of RedNote partitioning IP addresses
41:22 - Chinese Trump on RedNote
49:00 — Chinese user explains how Americans flocking to RedNote is also de-radicalizing Chinese right-wingers on the mainland and aboard who had precipitously fell victim to anti-China, pro-American propaganda
Further Chinese reflections on their shifting views of Americans through interacting on RedNote
“Americans are finding out China is better than they imagined
Chinese are finding out America is worse than they imagined”
00 - Chinese community vs America identity self-sorting
52:46 - Academic intellectualization of RedNote in order to dismiss it
Chinese users explain on Rednote why Americans must save themselves
58:30 - A cultural revolution
59:00 - On disposability in western culture
1:01:00 - Chinese is a socialist market economy progressing towards communism
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Originally recorded January 11, 2025.
In this episode, Mukamuri and Praxis dive into the propaganda tactics used in the West to discredit countries that stand against American imperialism. A thought-provoking discussion on media narratives, power dynamics, and resistance. Don’t miss it!
Names - on podcast
Yoemni Park
Joe Rogan
Frantz Fanon
Resources mentioned:
White Malice
Eleven Reader
Wretched of the earth - Frantz Fanon
Time Stamps
0:28- Yoemni Park on Joe Rogan Podcast -
3:07 - The North Korean deflector Industrial Complex
5:00 - Cuban man amazed by Costco -
11:50 - Wretched of the earth - Frantz Fanon
29:40 - Africa stream
30:26 - White Malice -
January 18, 2025
In this episode, Mukamuri and Praxis Redacted break down Africa’s ongoing fight against a new kind of colonization—this time led by the United States. They explore how the continent is working toward unity, reclaiming its sovereignty, and fighting back against global powers trying to keep it divided.
To get exclusive access to an additional weekly episode (including this one) subscribe to our premium Substack for $8/month.
Recorded January 9, 2025
Show notes:
[2:33] – All African People’s Conference - For more information read White Malice by Susan Williams
[4:48] – Africa is Still at War
7:00 – The Importance of Reading: Africa Taking a Stand
12:28 – Mozambique Opposition Leader’s Return and CIA Operations (Venâncio Mondlane)
15:26 – Mobutu Sese Seko’s Relationship with the CIA and Belgian Secret Service
32:20 – The Hidden “Land Back” Revolution in Zimbabwe
39:00 – Cuba’s Involvement in the African Liberation Struggle
51:00 – Why Project for the Anti-American Century?
Resources Mentioned
• White Malice by Susan Williams
• Eleven Reader
• The Last Letter of W.E.B. Du Bois
• Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
Notable Names in the Episode
• Kwame Nkrumah
• Patrice Lumumba
• Joshua Nkomo (Leader of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union)
• W.E.B. Du Bois
• John Mahama (former Ghanaian president) and Ibrahim Traoré
• Morgan Tsvangirai (Zimbabwean opposition leader)
• Frantz Fanon
• Walter Rodney
• Robert Mugabe
• Bashar al-Assad
• Nelson Mandela
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In the first premium episode, Mukamuri and PraxisRedacted discuss escaping the cycle of endless liberal nonsense on Tiktok and elsewhere in light of the Beyonce frenzy over the past week.
To get exclusive access to an additional weekly episode (including this one) subscribe to our premium Substack for $8/month.
Recorded January 3, 2025
Show notes:
[0:45] — …
What is the use of “class consciousness” in the imperial core and who is the global proletariate?
In this episode we discuss the fallout of the CEO shooting and the implications of the cultural response.
Originally recorded December 29, 2024
Show notes:
[22:36] - In the book ‘Settlers’ J Sakai writes:
‘“The special and non-proletarian character of settler artisans and workers (which has been so conveniently forgotten about by today's Euro-Amerikan radicals) was well known a century ago by Europeans such as Marx and Engels. In 1859 Marx wrote of "...the United States of North America, where, though classes already exist, they have not yet become fixed, but continually change and interchange their elements in constant flux..."(30)What Marx saw in this class fluidity was the ultimate privilege of settler society — the privilege of having no proletariat at all. He later pointed out: "Hence the relatively high standard of wages in the United States. Capital may there try its utmost. It cannot prevent the labor market from being continuously emptied by the continuous conversion of wages laborers into independent, self-sustaining peasants. The position of wages laborer is for a very large part of the American people but a probational state, which they are sure to leave within a shorter or longer term."(31) And Marx was writing not about a momentary or temporary phase, but about basic conditions that were true for well over two centuries in Amerika.”’
Books referenced:
Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon
Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariate, J. Sakai
Additional reading:
Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord
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UPDATE 03:55 EST 12/25 — A new, calmer cut of this episode’s audio format has been released. If you downloaded it upon release, I suggest deleting and re-downloading for the updated edit
Future eps will have an audio cut & separate, more informal video edit.
December 24, 2024 - This episode examines what is shaping up to be a color revolution underway in Georgia and its role in advancing the interests of the American Empire.
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Originally recorded on December 21st
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December 21, 2014. Originally recorded on December 18.
In this episode, we examine the aftermath of the regime change in Syria, exploring updates and discussions about recent events in the Levant.
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December 15, 2024. Originally recorded on December 8th
In this episode, we analyze the political developments in Syria and their ripple effects across the West Asia and North Africa, exposing how they tie into the relentless pursuit of U.S. imperialist domination.
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Show notes:
[24:45] – The War on Syria
'US, Syria & ISIS' series on PraxisRedacted Telegram Channel
based on the reporting of journalist Aaron Mate
[41:00] – Dangers of Sectarianism
Babur, founder of the Mughal emperor in the Indian subcontinent, writes a secret will to his son about the dangers of disrespecting other religions/sectarianism
Direct translation of the will in English: Prasad, Rajendra. India Divided (3rd ed.). Hind Kitabs Ltd. pp. 38-39.
Photo of the original will with context in Arabic (with subtitles) can be found Egytian Youtuber El-Daheh's video at 03:06
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