And just like that November is over!
It's been another busy month so Charlotte and Lesley have been catching up and reflecting on what's been going on this year.
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Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
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The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Howard Crawford is the Scientific Director at the Henry Ford Cancer Center in Detroit Michigan.
He's looking at health inequality and Pancreatic Cancer in African Americans.
Currently there's a 20% higher risk for African Americans developing Pancreatic Cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Georgia Papacleovoulou is the health and intelligence improvement lead at Pancreatic Cancer UK.
She shares what the charity is up to at the moment and its latest campaigns.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Les Hamon is 66. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year.
He's currently undergoing chemotherapy with a hope that he might be able to have surgery later.
Les shares his story of diagnosis and how he and his family have promised to be positive.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
We’ve spoken a fair bit over the last few days and weeks about clinical trials but we’ve not spent much time talking about what a clinical trial actually is.
Obviously they can be very different but to help us understand a bit more about what goes on in a clinical trial and to dispel a few myths you’re going to hear from Chris Bell, a Clinical Research Nurse at The Christie Hospital in Manchester
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Kasia was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in 2014 aged just 33 and with a young son.
She shares with us her diagnosis, treatment and how she uses her optimism and positivity to make sure she is getting the most from life.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Pancreatic Cancer takes it out of you physically, but what about the emotional impact of not only a diagnosis but also the treatment?
Anna Taylor is a doctor who is looking into depression and anxiety in pancreatic cancer patients due to go to surgery.
You can contact anna via email here [email protected].uk and she can be found on twitter as @Anna_K_Taylor
These are the links to the published papers:
Exploring the psychological/emotional impact of recovery after surgery, summarises the patient 'journey':
Summarising the role of primary care and the GP in caring for patients after surgery, and what support networks patients use and value:
This paper includes a quote from the loved one of a patient and how the diagnosis and treatment impacted them:
Anna also mentioned a review about antidepressants in cancer. This is the link to that paper -
She adds "In summary it says that although antidepressants are fairly safe medications for people who are medically ill (including cancer) the available evidence for them actually improving depression in cancer is not very good. It doesn't mean people can't have antidepressants and prescribing is all assessed on an individual basis anyway."
As always if you have any questions please speak to your doctor.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Pilar Del Valle is a Research Nurse based in Spain. But before that she spent time in the North West of England working for the NHS. It was here she discovered the role of CNS - something that doesn't exist in Spain.
Pilar worked as a CNS for a number of years and is now sharing what she learned during that time with her colleagues and patients in Spain.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
It's a sad fact at the moment that most people who are diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer die from the disease.
So how can medical professionals make sure that patients get the best care and support to make sure they get the most of the time they have left?
That's where Jane Holt a cancer support worker at St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust and Claire Bowman an Upper GI Cancer Nurse Specialist at Whiston Hospital come in.
They share an initiative they are part of to connect patients with the local hospice as part of a supportive care programme from point of diagnosis.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Giulia Biffi is a Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.
She also co-directs the Pancreatic Cancer Programme at the Cancer Centre.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Pilar Acedo is a biologist working at University College London in the Institute of Liver and Digestive Health.
Her research at the moment is based on the early detection of Pancreatic Cancer.
She shares what she's doing and what life is like working as a scientist in the field of Pancreatic Cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Michelle is from Maine in the United States.
She’s 54 and has a history of breast cancer and pancreatic cancer - both of them related to the BRCA2 mutation that she has tested positive for.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Talia Golan describes herself as passionate and fascinated by Pancreatic Cancer.
And she's not wrong. She's a director of the Phase I clinical trials unit at Sheba’s Pancreatic Cancer Centre in Israel.
Her current research involves examining BRCA genes and the role they play in Pancreatic Cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
18 months ago Dan hadn't heard of Pancreatic Cancer. But that changed in November 2021 when he got a devastating diagnosis.
A year on and Dan is doing well after surgery and rounds of chemotherapy.
He's been documenting his journey on his blog and told us all about what it's been like over the past 12 months.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Kathy Del Giorno is Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University.
Her laboratory is looking at pancreatic cancer, as you'd expect, and especially the changes in the acinar cells that secrete digestive juices and which change in pancreatic cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Stjin Van Laarhoven is a surgeon working in Bristol. He also works with trainee surgeons and newly qualified surgeons when it comes to developing their training.
This month he's focusing on Pancreatic Cancer and bringing Upper GI surgeons from across the world together for a special webinar highlighting the disease and how surgeons can look after their patients better.
If you want to register for the webinar Stijn is running it's taking place on 16th November and all the details are here -
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Catarina Pelicano is a PhD student based at CRUK Cambridge Centre. She is funded by Pancreatic Cancer UK.
In this episode she shares with us her research so far as well as the challenges faced by researchers in the Pancreatic Cancer space.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Nicola Day is a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist in Oncology Rehabilitation & Exercise at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge.
She shares with us how and why exercise can help patients being treated for cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Dr Alex Ney is clinical research fellow at University College London.
He's been working on a study about the role of data in medical research and the importance of communication between researchers and patients and their families.
If you want to find out more about the research there is a film that has been produced which you can find here.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
Lauren Maggs is a PHD student studying at Babraham Institute in Cambridge, joint with Cancer Research Horizons.
Whilst Lauren's research now looks at Pancreatic Cancer, this wasn't initially an area she was going to study.
Lauren shares with us how she became interested in Pancreatic Cancer.
You can find out more about Purple Rainbow here
Music Credit Purple Planet Studios
All views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast series are solely my own and those of individuals interviewed and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of their employers.
The charities mentioned and their employees are not responsible for and do not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in the podcast series.
The primary purpose of this podcast series is to inform, but it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services.
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