You recite the Qur’an, but do you truly reflect on it? You make dhikr, but is your heart really present? What happens when remembrance becomes routine and the message feels distant?
Join Sh. Yaser Birjas with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they dive into Juz 27 of the Qur’an, exploring how deep reflection leads to glorifying Allah, how conscious dhikr revives the soul, and why the Qur’an is the cure you’ve been searching for. -
You make du’a, set goals, and have a vision for your life—but what happens when things don’t go as planned? How do you reconcile what you desperately want with the plan Allah has written for you?
Join Ust. Fatima Lette with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they delve into Juz 26 of the Qur’an, uncovering the true meaning of patience and how trusting Allah’s plan leads to something far greater than we can imagine. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Who are your enemies? What is the secret to strong relationships? How can you build your sadaqah portfolio?
Join Sh. Fahad Tasleem with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they delve into Juz 25 of the Qur’an, urging us to reevaluate our relationships through the lens of taqwa, revive our souls with charity, and find serenity in supplication. -
Why do you sin? Is it because, deep down, a part of you feels like Allah’s way isn’t enough? What are you looking for when you step beyond His boundaries?
Join Sh. Mohammed Faqih, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 24 of the Qur’an, unpacking the reality of our relationship with Allah as Master and us as His servants. Learn how arrogance can destroy both our dunya and akhirah, and how humility leads to true success. -
What is true commitment to Allah’s cause? Is it worth all the mockery and sacrifice? What if the trials you face are blessings in disguise? How can deep reflection on the Qur'an increase the barakah in our lives?
Join Sh. Suleiman Hani with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 23 of the Qur’an, exploring the importance of perseverance in Allah’s cause, and sharing practical tips for strengthening our connection with the Qur’an. -
What if a part of you craves honor in this world? Shouldn’t good people be honored? How can you seek true honor with Allah?
Join Sh. Omar Hedroug, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 22 of the Qur’an, discussing where honor comes from and how to seek it the right way—through the guidance of the Qur’an. -
How can we trust in Allah's plan when victory seems distant? What does true leadership in the ummah look like? How can we detach ourselves from the dunya and attach to the akhirah?
Join Sh. Navaid Aziz, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 21 of the Qur’an, diving into Allah’s promise of victory, the vital qualities of effective leadership, and fulfilling our responsibility to guide others. -
“My parents just don’t understand me.” How does Allah want you to deal with unfair parents in Islam? Being grateful for your parents isn’t always easy, but Allah chose your parents for you for a reason.
Join Sh. Ammar Shahin, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 20 of the Qur’an, drawing lessons from the stories of Musa (as) and Suleiman (as). Discover how Allah’s plan always prevails and how His blessings unfold, even when things don’t seem to make sense. -
What kind of friends are you surrounding yourself with? Are they the ones who inspire you to follow the path of the Prophet ﷺ, or do they pull you away from it?
Join Sh. Ammar Alshukry with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on the timeless lessons of Juz 19, guiding us to evaluate our friendships, realize our blessings and be grateful for them, and do things solely for the pleasure of Allah to attain a pure heart.
This episode features a special poem by Sh. Ammar Alshukry about Sudan. -
Your greatest competition for growing in faith is yourself. To truly get ahead, you must find balance and strive to be enveloped in Allah’s mercy—because it’s His mercy that will carry you to the finish line.
Join Sh. Joe Bradford, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore juz 18 of the Qur’an, diving into business, balance, and how the furqan (criterion) helps us distinguish between right and wrong. -
Why do some seem to have it all while others face constant struggle? Why do we face these trials? Life’s tests, whether of ease or hardship, offer profound wisdom to those who pause and reflect.
Join Sh. Waleed Basyouni with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 17, discussing the trials of wealth and poverty, the blindness of the heart, and how to use our blessings to draw closer to Allah. -
You may have plans for your life, but what happens when Allah changes your destiny completely? The story of Musa and Khidr teaches us the reality of qadar—how what we want isn’t always what we need.
Join Ust. Sarah Sultan, Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore juz 16 of the Qur’an, uncovering the wisdom of Allah and the timeless lessons from Surah Kahf—the chapter we turn to every Friday for guidance and reflection. -
How does Shaytan deceive us into arrogance and disobedience? How does the erosion of ethical values cause a society to become lost? How do the blessings of Allah test our sincerity?
Join Sh. Ali Hammuda with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 15 of the Qur’an, uncovering the way to be a role-model ummah and liberating yourself from Shaytan’s traps by becoming a person of Qur’an, salah, and deep connection with Allah’s names. -
Why can’t I just believe in Allah and live my life? That might be your nafs talking, influenced by Shaytan, who also believes in God, but promised to lead children of Adam astray.
Join Imam Tom Facchine with Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 14 of the Qur’an, revealing the inner workings of Shaytan. -
Think of the story of Yusuf (as). Why do bad things happen to good people? What gives a believer the strength to keep going? And how often do we overlook the signs Allah places in our path?
Join Dr. Jinan Yousef with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 13 of the Qur’an, exploring the lessons of faith, resilience, patience, and ihsan (excellence). -
The Prophets came to guide us to the truth—one God, one purpose, and the reality of the akhirah. But while they call us to success, Shaytan distracts us with ease and entertainment. How do you keep an akhirah-first mindset without compromising for this world?
Join Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy with Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 12 of the Qur’an, learning how true success lies in living your purpose and calling others to Allah. -
Who are the best role models worth following? If you've sinned so much, is there still hope for redemption? What’s your legacy?
Join Dr. Tesneem Alkiek with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they delve into Juz 11 of the Qur’an, exploring the sacrifices of the first believers, the doors of mercy that always remain open, and the lasting impact of every choice on our Hereafter. -
Are your good deeds truly for Allah, or could hidden intentions be holding you back? What if even your sadaqah is tainted by desire, and your hopes for Jannah rest on shaky ground?
Join Sh. Hassan Elwan with Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore juz 10 of the Qur’an, uncovering how to purify our intentions, pass life’s tests, and stay steadfast on the path to Allah. -
How do I answer Allah’s call? What is the secret to connecting to the Divine? How do I know I am living out the purpose of my life?
Join Dr. Tahir Wyatt with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman, and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they explore Juz 7 of the Qur’an, delving into the lessons of power, gratitude, and divine protection. Reflect on the reminder in Surah Al-A’raf that reveals how turning to Allah brings true life and how the pursuit of worldly gains can lead to spiritual blindness. -
Did you know there are different recitations of the Qur’an, yet it remains perfectly preserved? In this episode, Shaykh Yousef, with his deep expertise in rhetoric, grammar, and recitation, unpacks profound Qur’anic statements about the Qur’an itself. Gain a deeper understanding of the Qur’an and your purpose and why the Prophet ﷺ is the ultimate role model.
Join Sh. Yousef Wahb with hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they reflect on Juz 8 of the Qur'an, revealing four qualities which show the holistic nature of Qur’anic teachings. - Laat meer zien