
  • Next month, I am turning 45.

    And guess, what - I feel the best I have felt in my entire life.

    So what’s going on?

    I started feeling my best when I started saying BYE 👋

    So in today’s episode, I’m sharing 10 things I ditched and how quitting is helping me feel ahhhh-mazing.

    Plus I’m talking about:

    Surprising and unexpected effects of saying adios

    How to feel REALLY good at any age

    Why it’s time to stop being convenient (You are not a spider plant! đŸ•·ïžđŸȘŽ)

    This Episode In Timestamps:

    06:38 Plan based on capacity, not unrealistic expectations.

    09:00 Self-care through small daily actions greatly improves well-being.

    13:04 Over communicate, free mental energy, focus on today.

    14:56 Commit to workouts, embrace the present, stop procrastinating.

    18:10 Small steps matter more than big, perfect moves.

    Links and Resources:

    Gentle Productivity Club IS NOW OPEN! Yay! 🌟

    Gentle Productivity Club is one of my favorite things that I do. I love it and I would love to have you join us.

    Gentle Productivity Club helps you put a new kind of focus on your goals and how you're living, while remaining gentle with yourself and how you're moving through things.

    And I promise you, it is like the biggest, most beautiful, glorious win.

    Head over now to sign-up (Right now, today. 😉)

    Tiffany's Website

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Raise Your Hand Say Yes

    Tiffany's Instagram

    #raiseyourhandsayyeswithtiffanyhan #tiffanyhanpodcast #gentleproductivity #gentleproductivityclub #cozyentreprenuer #mindfulness #lifecoach #prioritizingforwomen #worklifebalance #smarternotharder #momentumforwomen #selfimprovement #smallstepsforwomen

  • For many of us, taking action can feel like an uphill battle, even if we’re motivated or inspired. The weight of uncertainty, fear of failure, and the allure of procrastination often paralyzes our best intentions.

    It’s a common struggle to transform a thought into some sort of tangible action.

    In my own life, I have found simple steps to take that help me actually get started.

    What I am sharing with you today:

    How to take action (it’s not just about creating an attainable first step)

    The three steps that help us make things happen

    How to keep going!

    Resources from this episode:

    Momentum: How to Find It (and keep it!)

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!


    Getting prepared is actually its own starting action. If we haven't done that step, then we're trying to jump forward, and it's harder. It takes more - more strength, more initial force, more power to overcome that inertia, and then nobody wins.

    There are two deep breaths that are most important. Number one is the one that you take right before you do the thing, right before you take action. The second one is the one that you take after you've started because it lets you know that you survived.

    Envision taking the action. Seeing it is going to help you believe that it's possible.

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  • Something that I hear so, so often goes like this:

    There are so many things happening all the time and all I can do is just keep reacting.

    Ack. We don’t want to live like that, right?

    We want to work toward goals and have direction - we want lives that feel good. So how can we do that amongst all the adulting stuff that keeps popping up?

    Today, we’re going to talk about momentum.

    I’m sharing:

    3 keys to momentum (and a side order of science)

    How boundaries and bumpers keep us moving forward

    Why fun and easy momentum actually works

    Resources from this episode:

    What to Do About Your Fear (and how to move beyond it)

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    We are opening the doors to Gentle Productivity Club very soon! Yay! 🌟

    Gentle Productivity Club is one of my favorite things that I do. I love it and I would love to have you join us.

    Gentle Productivity Club helps you put a new kind of focus on your goals and how you're living, while remaining gentle with yourself and how you're moving through things.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!


    The beautiful thing about being on a journey is that every step of the journey teaches you more about what you need to know for the next step of the journey.

    One thing that you can do to prepare yourself better for potential friction is as you're thinking about momentum, as you're thinking about starting, and how to protect yourself from the outside forces, is to say when the friction shows up, here are some different things I can do.

    All or nothing thinking is never going to be satisfied because we can always try to have more and the opposite of more in all or nothing thinking is nothing. Not helpful.

    It’s an adjustment to start reshaping your goals so that they actually fit into the life that you currently have. And it's a gift.

  • We’ve all heard it a million times:

    “Work smarter, not harder.”

    But guess, what? If that worked, we’d all be doing it already, right?

    And if like me, you have ADHD or an otherwise neurodivergent brain, this advice wasn’t created for you.

    But not to worry - I've got you!

    There absolutely is a way to get things done, without trying to cram your magical brain into the “work-smarter” box. So listen in as we discuss:

    Why “work smarter” isn’t a sustainable strategy

    What balance actually looks (and feels) like

    How to find your Thrive Zone

    Links and Resources:

    We are opening the doors to Gentle Productivity Club very soon! Yay! 🌟

    Gentle Productivity Club is one of my favorite things that I do. I love it and I would love to have you join us.

    Gentle Productivity Club helps you put a new kind of focus on your goals and how you're living, while remaining gentle with yourself and how you're moving through things.

    And I promise you, it is like the biggest, most beautiful, glorious win.

    If you want to get on the waiting list and be the first to know when registration opens up, be sure to head right here. (Right now, today. 😉)

    Watch the video on youtube:

    Tiffany's Website:

    Gentle Productivity Club:

    Tiffany's Instagram:

    This Episode In Timestamps:

    05:47 The pressure of the word "smart.”

    09:28 Embrace gentle living to focus on what matters.

    12:08 Thrive zone: optimal conditions for human life.

    16:19 Identify your needs and priorities today.

    18:15 Prioritize what matters most and find joy.

    #raiseyourhandsayyeswithtiffanyhan #tiffanyhanpodcast #gentleproductivity #cozyentreprenuer #burnout #productivityhacks #mindfulness #lifecoach #motivation #adhdproductivity #adhdinwomen #neurodiversity #worklifebalance #smarternotharder

  • If you are someone who has ever found yourself staying up way past your bedtime, looking at YouTube videos or scrolling Instagram trying to find that one life hack that is going to make your life infinitely better, this episode is for you.

    Today we're talking about three very simple things that you can do to improve your life over time.

    If you do them consistently, I promise they will make your life exponentially easier and help it feel better. And they each cost $0, so I promise you can start today.

    So let’s jump into:

    Why we zone out when we’re looking for answers (and no - it’s not just you!)

    My three simple but not easy ideas

    How to turn my three ideas into consistent habits

    Links & Resources:

    Tiffany's Website

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Tiffany's Instagram

    Tiffany's Core Values Masterclass

    This Episode In Timestamps:

    00:00 Sharing free tips for improving life.

    05:46 Journaling: a powerful but underutilized tool for transformation.

    08:02 Journaling regularly as a habit for self-reflection and processing emotions.

    11:19 Journal prompts for reflective moments.

    13:58 Values sharpen focus on what's important, guide decision-making, and prioritize intentions over actions.

    20:21 Quality sleep is crucial for health and clarity.

    25:22 Creating an evening routine for better sleep and energy.

    27:00 Simple steps for life change.

  • Fear.

    Yikes, right?

    Fear keeps so many of us from doing the things that we want to do in our lives.

    We all experience fear, but when we’re going through it, it’s easy to feel alone, and like we are the only one who get stuck in fear’s clutches.

    So today, let’s get into fear - specifically, the kind of fear that keeps us from taking action on the things we want to do.

    Let’s talk about:

    The relationship between fear and procrastination

    Why beating up our fear doesn’t work

    5 steps to get through fear that is blocking your path

    So join me - you can read, listen or watch!

    Resources from this episode: Get this episode's Cheat Sheet!

    My Instagram 🩋

 don’t forget to head over to Instagram and add a butterfly to my post about this episode as part of the experiment we’re doing.

    (And even if you don’t, just know that you are NOT the only one looking for belonging, understanding and acceptance, OK? 🩋)

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!


    Every time you try to fight the fear, all you end up doing is making it more powerful because you're giving it your attention, and everything you pour into it, it is going to give back to you exponentially.

    Part of what happens with fear is that as we take action towards whatever it is that we're building, it starts to dissipate.

    There is a better way forward for you, a more loving way forward, and a more sustainable way forward that is so much easier, because you are not pouring all of your energy into fighting the fear. Instead, you learn to work with it, and then on the other side, you actually have energy left to be in your life.

  • Oh motivation. It’s tricky, right? We think that if we could just harness motivation, we’d be unstoppable.

    So how do we do that? How do we make motivation work for us?

    And can we start TODAY?!

 yeah, actually!

    So let’s get into it with:

    The biggest motivational myth

    Why not feeling motivated is not about weakness or laziness

    Five motivational shifts that are going to help you start taking action

    So join me - you can read, listen or watch!

    Resources from this episode:

    Ep. 426: The Foundation of Saying Yes

    Ep. 430: Practicing Radical Self Belief (and creating a containers of safety for YES)

    Ep. 429: Creating a Say Yes Lifestyle (with 6 steps to help!)

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!


    Tell yourself the truth. Your life's purpose is not to white knuckle your way through to some externally defined end result that you are not connected with.

    Stop making your goals unreachable. Stop it. The moon is not for your to do list. Put it on your vision board if you want to shoot for the moon. But for your to do list - be more reasonable.

    You cannot out-motivate your capacity, nor can you use motivation to solve a capacity problem.

  • You’ve probably heard some advice in the past about consistency, right?

    Maybe people have told you not to “break the chain” as you’re pursuing a creative idea. Or maybe you’ve heard not to skip even one day when you are setting up a new routine.

    And maybe you’ve also realized that advice like that can actually get in your way - as in, you miss one day, and figure all is now lost.

    So today, we’re going to talk about consistency.

    Listen in as we break down:

    What that common advice about consistency gets wrong

    Three mindset shifts we can make about consistency

    My favorite consistency hacks that will help you follow through on what you want to do

    So join me - you can read, listen or watch!

    Resources from this episode:

    My planner that I talked about (You can also see it in the YouTube version of this episode - Episode 324)

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.


    This is the first mindset shift that you have to embrace about consistency: Your version of consistency does not, should not, and will not look like anybody else's consistency.

    You can be your own version of successful by embracing your own version of consistency. It's not a second place way of doing things.

    You can always add on later if you want something fancier. But if you want consistency, make what you are doing stupid simple.

  • Hello friends!

    This week, we are tackling a question straight from my Gentle Productivity Club membership.

    Here it is:

    “Do you think it's easier to be gently productive after years of working to burn out?

    I love the idea of being soft and gentle with myself, but I'm pretty early in my career and feel like I need to spend my spare time working now and be gentle later.”

    Such a great question, right?!

    So in this episode, we’re talking about:

    Does it ever make sense to hustle now and rest later? (spoiler alert: nope!)

    The big productivity myth

    5 things to think about as we step into gentle productivity

    Resources from this episode:

    You can now also watch Raise Your Hand Say Yes on YouTube!

    (and then you can always head back here to the show notes for each episode if you need any extra details like books I talk about or other fun stuff I mention)

    Additional Resources

    Ep. 430: Practicing Radical Self Belief (and creating a container of safety for yes)

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!


    “When we put aside the myth that says working harder equals more success, we can ask ourselves: what do I want to believe about success, about what's possible, about what that success looks like, about what creates it?”

    “You have to trust yourself enough to know when you need to slow down. Yes, it's going to feel slower, but the quality of what you're able to create is going to be so much higher.”

    “Remember that you are not even going to be able to call on the discernment that you might need, the faith that you might need, the trust that you might need, that radical self belief that you might need until you slow down.”

  • We are back with Part 3 of the pivotal yes series!

    So first - a quick recap:

    In Part 1, I talked about the yeses that have made the biggest difference in my life (and how they felt)

    In Part 2, I talked about how to actually listen to the little whispers that pop up, and how to be with those whispers and begin to understand what they are telling you.

    So - you might want to go back and listen to those episodes if you haven’t and yet.

    And then today, we’re jumping into one of my very tippy-top favorite topics, Radical Self Belief.

    Today we’re going to talk about:

    How Radical Self Belief helps you cut through the noise and clutter of life

    The 5 pillars of Radical Self Belief

    How Radical Self Belief helps you create a container of safety

    So join me - you can read, listen or watch!

    Resources from this episode:

    Ep. 428 - The Pivotal Yes (the yeses that have made the biggest difference in my life)

    Ep. 429 - Creating a Say Yes Lifestyle (With 6 Steps to Help!)

    Ep. 408 - Your Best Life is Already Here (more about Radical Self Belief and DF-STAG)

    Gentle Productivity Club

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Send me an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at


    ~ 5:50

    “What radical self belief allows us to do is create the container of safety within which we get to evolve and live and experiment and play and figure things out. We're creating that container as we take our baby steps.”


    “One of the big secrets that I've learned being an adult is that everybody is making it up as they go. So you might as well play along for yourself, too.”

  • Hello there friends!!

 remember last week when we talked about listening to our quiet whispers and the yeses that have made the biggest difference in my life?

    Today’s podcast is technically part two of that, so if you haven’t listened to that episode, be sure to head over and give that episode a listen first.

    And then, dive into today’s episode where I’m talking about:

    How to know which whispers to say yes to

    What saying yes to your whispers actually looks like

    6 steps to help you clarify and get closer to the yeses you’re craving

    Resources from this episode:

    Episode 428

    Episode 427: Saying Yes To Saying No (and how to do it)

    Episode 426: The Foundation of Saying Yes

    Episode 374: Radical Self Belief: What It Is, What It Isn’t and What It Can Do For You

    Join me for FREE Gentle Productivity Club Don’t Wanna Do Session

    Do you have questions for me? Or podcast ideas?

    What about thoughts on that question I ask in this episode: Should we do a whole episode about becoming less busy?

    Leave a comment or an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    Join Me For a Don’t Wanna Do Session (for FREE!)

    I have a special freebie offer for you!

    Join us for FREE in a Gentle Productivity Club Don't Wanna Do session.

    In these sessions, we gather on Zoom for one hour and bring the stuff that we don't wanna do - like making appointments or cleaning the fridge or anything that you keep putting off.

    I really want to invite you to join one of our Don't Wanna Do sessions for FREE(!) because I know that there are things that are standing in the way of you making space and being able to say yes.

    So let’s clear away those pesky things from your to-do list, OK?

    Here is the link where you can join us live! Yay!


    ~ 7:32 “Responsibilities don't take away our longings. And often our longings are pointed to something more powerful, something bigger and better. So even if you can only spare ten minutes (of quiet) a day, take that ten minutes a day.”

    ~ 9:01 “Notice the whispers. Just be with them. Hear them. Say, oh, that might be a whisper over there. Oh, that might be a whisper over there. The more that you notice them, the more that you see them, those tiny little whispers - they will get louder.”

    ~10:27 “The whispers that are meant for you are going to keep showing up.”

  • I’m sharing the yeses that have made the biggest difference in my life.

    We’re getting specific. And personal.

    My hope is that in sharing them - you’ll be encouraged to find the yeses that you need most.

    Here an overview of what I am sharing today:

    What pivotal yeses look like and feel like

    How our yeses add up to create a lifestyle

    Why we need to start asking yourselves NOW what we really want

    Next week, I’ll be back with Part 2 - Diving deep into how to recognize your own yeses!

    But for now, join me and give this episode a listen!

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Your feedback makes a huge difference!

    Leave a comment or an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at

    See you next time!

    Resources from this episode: Gentle Productivity Club

    4 Years of Sobriety: 5 Things I Got Wrong and 5 Things I Had NO IDEA About

    Telling the Truth Outloud with Laura McKowen

    Reflections on a Year of Sobriety (Woah. And Yay!)

    Home Podcast


    ~ 6:57 “Every single yes is a brick, paving your way into the life you want.”

    ~ 18:52 “What we're doing here, when we are saying yes, when we're thinking about our yeses, when we're talking about raising your hand and saying yes, we are creating a lifestyle. And that's what I want for you.”

    ~ 19:09 With every yes that you say, you reinforce that you are a person who figures things out as you go, who is brave, who does scary things, who can create a home within yourself so that the circumstances of your life don't determine whether or not you are a success, so that the the results from one thing doesn't determine whether or not you've made it or whether or not you can keep going.

  • We’re back this week talking about no.

    I know! What are we doing talking about no on the Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast?

    Well, as we discussed last week, nos are important and help serve out greater yeses.

    With this in mind, let’s explore:

    The different kinds of nos you may want to say

    Scripts to help you say no (yes, please!)

    A couple of great no resources

    Don’t forget - you can now also watch Raise Your Hand Say Yes on YouTube!

    (and then you can always head back here to the show notes for each episode if you need any extra details like books I talk about or other fun stuff I mention)

    Resources from this episode:

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Episode 426: The Foundation of Saying Yes

    The Joy of Saying No by Natalie Liu

    The Book of Boundaries by Melissa Urban

    The Raise Your Hand Say Yes Podcast is on YouTube now! Head over there and subscribe and follow and like this episode and click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Got questions? Or ideas you would like me to maybe talk about here?

    Leave a comment or an Instagram DM. Or, you can always find me at


    ~ 3:19 The way that we make space in our lives is by saying no.

    ~ 13:42 If you are new to saying no, start with a baby step, which might be an easier no, a smaller no, or it might be like a little whisper of a no to somebody who is really safe for you.

    ~ 16:11 You are allowed to make space in your life for the things that you want to say yes to.

  • Today, we’re back diving into yes. We’re talking about all the things you want to say yes to, and what you need to put in place in order to be able to say yes to those things.

    So get ready for:

    How to build your yes foundation

    Why we need to consider HALT (are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired?) as part of going after the big things we want

    How to deal with HALT( hungry, angry, lonely or tired? in three steps

    And I want to hear from you about this.

    What questions are rising up right now?

    What are your yeah-buts?

    You can reach out in an Instagram DM, or, you can always find me at

    And if you’re watching on YouTube, (YAY!) it would make me especially happy if you left a comment, because this brand new platform makes me so excited to interact with you even more.

    Speaking of YouTube, you can head over there and subscribe, follow and like this episode and then click the notifications button so you get a fancy little alert every time a new episode goes live.

    Resources from this episode:

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Curious about quitting social media? Wondering how I stepped away from social media for a year? Here is a great place to start!

    Wondering about my sobriety journey? Here are a couple of resources:

    4 Years of Sobriety: 5 Things I Got Wrong + 5 Things I had No Idea About

    Laura McKowen on Telling the Truth. Out Loud.


    ~ 7:47 If you’re too tired to feel your feelings, what happens when that yes brings so many more feelings?

    ~16:28 How are you feeding yourself? How are you taking care of your instrument? If you’re a violin player - if you are a fiddle player in a bluegrass band - and you treat your fiddle like shit, it’s not going to sound very good when it’s time to perform.

  • Hey hey hey friends! I am so excited to share that the Raise Your Hand Say Yes show is back!

    It’s a brand new iteration, and in today’s episode, I’m talking all about that and so much more, like:

    How to skillfully balance yeses and nos and feel good about it

    How to find more peace AND go after what lights you up

    How small steps help create radical self belief

    How Raise Your Hand Say Yes 2024 is a new game, with a new set of rules

    Plus, I finally get to share with you maybe the most exciting news - you can now also watch Raise Your Hand, Say Yes on YouTube!

    Resources from this episode:

    Tiffany on YouTube (more fun stuff is coming here soon!)

    Episode 400: Introducing My Year of No (and Why I’m Quitting Social Media)

    Gentle Productivity Club

    Tiffany on Instagram

    Episode 347: Radical Self-Belief: What It Is, What It Isn’t and What It Can Do For You

    Episode 23: The Crazy Faith Episode



    ~ 7:03: “We want to be able to take bold, inspired moves, and we also want to have the capacity to steward the bold, inspired moves, to turn them into something beautiful.”

    ~ 7:42: “The road to your yes is going to be paved with so many no's.”

    ~ 13:47: “The seemingly too-small things make up the days of our life.”

  • Y’all. You know I love year-long experiments.

    In 2013, I tried to get 100 rejection letters. In 2015, I did a #postitdaily project on Instagram. In 2017, I experimented with quitting booze for a year. (And guess who celebrated her 7-year sober anniversary on January 4!?) In 2018, I did a #yearoftruthtalks on IG. In 2022, I gave myself a Year of No. And last year, I did Revival.

    The goals of my Revival experiment were to:

    release the rules about how things should be done reclaim how I want to show up to everything—my work, my life, my family, my self...all of it reconnect with my wildly-creative self and live the experiment out loud with radical self-belief, delight, curiosity, and intuition as my guides.

    Soooo, did I do it? Short answer: yes. But there are A LOT of asterisks!

    Listen in to hear about all those asterisks, get into why it worked, and what lessons I’m bringing into 2024!

    Because we know there's something more to life than the perfectly coiffed, perfectly creative version of ourselves we think we need to be.


    Gentle Productivity Club (open through 1/18/24)

    Sign up for my newsletter

  • What happens when you've been sharing your life online for 18 years, and realize one day that things aren't working? How do you step back from the internets when you're so connected to so many? Is this even allowed?

    In today's show, I have a candid and insightful conversation with the incredible Elise Cripe. She's been a familiar presence online for 18 years (and has been on this show multiple times), but she's decided it's time for a big shift. She's stepping back from the internet. Indefinitely.

    And she's talking about it here.

    In this conversation, we talk about:

    + why Elise is making this change (including a look into the money piece!)

    + how long it took her to go from *hungry for change* to actually making it

    + what she's most looking forward to, once her life-online break starts

    This is an in-front-of-the-change conversation that we don't normally here, especially when showcasing the Afters is so popular! Settle in, and enjoy!

    Links & Show Notes:

    Elise's links: Blog | Instagram

    Elise's Get to Work Book: Site | Instagram

    Connect with Tiffany: Get the newsletter | Site | Instagram

  • Welcome back to The Tiffany Han Show! This podcast has been a 9 year journey, and today I'm sharing why I took an 8-month hiatus from the show. Dive into what I've learned about healing, patience, and self-care during this hiatus.

    We'll also explore the concept of healing as a non-linear journey and the dangers of rushing the process.

    And finally, you'll hear about future of The Tiffany Han Show, including what's in store for upcoming episodes (and why I can't promise weekly episodes quite yet).

    Remember, healing is not a race; it's a deliberate and often slow process that always takes longer than we think it should. Have faith.

    Thank you for joining me today, and I can't wait to continue this adventure with you on The Tiffany Han Show!

  • Hey, y’all! It’s been a minute, and I’m back with some updates. In this episode, I’m giving you the lowdown on what’s going on with the podcast, an update on my Year of No, and a preview of what’s on tap for the new year. I’m drilling down into the healing process and why it requires slowing all the way down, and sharing my desire to travel back to a simpler time. Perhaps we can hold on to what worked from our pasts and bring those principles with us into this new year. Listen in to learn how.

    Resources mentioned:

    Get Tiffany in your Inbox!

    Got a question? Ask Tiffany!

    Get Tiffany’s free Radical Delight Kickstart

    For detailed show notes head to

  • Alright, y'all! All of my best September podcasting intentions got derailed by Covid, Mercury retrograde, and my launch. I'm back today with a scrappy update to share some big lessons I've been learning.

    In this episode, you'll hear how my Year of No influenced my decision not to put out an episode now, what happened when we got Covid and how it affected my business, why I'm not freaking out about low launch results, and the huge *5 months in the making* revelation I had last week over a spoonful of Nutella.

    Resources mentioned:

    Psst...Grown-Up Gap Year applications are open to podcast listeners through 10/4!

    The application