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Over 18,000 people per day, from all over the world have found the Morning Mindset a great, Jesus-filled way to help them get their minds aligned with the truth of God's word, every single morning! Episodes are drawn directly from scripture, life-application-based, steeped in prayer, and challenging to mature and beginning Christ-followers alike. 7 minutes to get your day started with Jesus!
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Contact Carey at [email protected] -
LEVA MISSION. Stora ord men svårt i praktiken. I denna podd funderar Martin Alexandersson och Mikael Artursson på vad mission innebär för oss kristna. Varför missionerar vi, och vad innebär det egentligen? Du kommer att få praktiska hjälpmedel och duon slår hål på myter som försvårar att prata om tro. Tillsammans ser vi människor och samhällen förvandlade av Jesus.
Mikael Artursson är regional missionsledare för EFS Mittnorrland, och Martin Alexandersson är utvecklingskonsulent på EFS Sverigeavdelning. De brinner för att dela tron på Jesus med sina medmänniskor och är aktuella med podden Leva mission, samt kursen Träning för att dela evangeliet.
Podden produceras av EFS
För mer information och kontakt: -
Ett spännande samtal om kommande söndags bibeltexter.
En podcast om kyrkoåret och dess texter. Den vänder sig dels till dig som ska predika på söndag men också till dig som vill fördjupa dig i söndagens bibelläsningar och vill fundera vidare på deras plats i tron och i våra liv.
Ett nytt avsnitt av podden publiceras varje måndag.
Välkommen! -
Att dela tron med fler i vår tid.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Peace On Purpose Podcast is a coffee date style education podcast packed with practical strategies that are helping thousands of Christian homemakers and female entrepreneurs build a legacy from faith, not fear. You can overcome worry by realigning with God's endless possibilities in any and every area of your life.
I Hannas Café delar en mängd kvinnor med sig av olika livssituationer som drabbat dem. Det gemensamma för alla är upplevelsen av hur Gud mitt i all hopplöshet, grep in och gjorde det trasiga helt. Serien omfattar 50 program och varje
program är cirka 30 minuter långt. Hannas Café ingår som en del i det internationella programkonceptet Women of Hope (WoH). Programmen både värmer och förmedlar hopp. Rösterna bakom Hannas Café är Maggan Johansson och Stina Backlund. Både Maggan och
Stina bor och verkar i Skåne, Maggan i Broby i nordöstra Skåne och Stina i sydväst i Malmötrakten. -
What's up! Welcome to our new podcast "The Holy Hustle"! In this podcast, Zach and Jaylin will be discussing what it means to be a follower of Christ and how we can balance our faith with the demands of everyday life. Our goal is to guide you towards opening your bibles and learning about discipling Jesus in our world today. We believe that being a Christian is more than just going to church on Sunday, it's about living out our beliefs in every aspect of our lives, including our work and relationships. Each week, we'll be sharing our personal experiences and insights, as well as having in-depth conversations with guests who have a passion for living out their faith in their own unique ways. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just starting on your faith journey, we believe you'll find something valuable in our conversations. So join us as we explore what it looks like to be a holy hustler, balancing our faith and our daily responsibilities. We can't wait to dive into this exciting new project with you! God bless!
Luther for the Busy Man is a new project brought to you by the Free Lutheran Bible College and Seminary, in cooperation with Ambassador Publications, the publishing arm of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. Listen to daily meditations by Martin Luther himself, following the church calendar and read to you by Dave Ryerson.
Do you desire to gain wisdom, make an impact on your world, and create a living legacy? Through the use of positive/encouraging stories, parables, allegories, and analogies we will explore the trails of everyday life in a practical and meaningful manner as we scale towards our summit of life. The purpose of our Wisdom-Trek podcast and journal is to teach you wisdom and discipline, to help you understand the insights of the wise, to teach you to live disciplined and successful lives, to help you do what is right, just, and fair. By obtaining this wisdom then you will be able to create a living legacy for today that will live on and be multiplied through the lives of others. is your portal to all things pertaining to the acquisition of wisdom, insight, and knowledge. The Wisdom-Trek platform includes this website along with a daily journal, and a daily podcast on wisdom and creating a living legacy. It is your portal because it is our hope that everyone will share and participate in gaining wisdom, insight, and discernment. As we gain wisdom it is so we can share what we have learned with others. No single person is ‘all-wise’ and when we share with each other that we all gain wisdom. We encourage you to share insights, ask questions, and grow together. Join us today and become part of the Wisdom-Trek team. -
En teolog och en ingenjör provtänker
Teologi, teknologi, bibeln och naturvetenskap i oförutsägbara mönster.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The team at Clarity Podcast knows that missional leaders struggle with ambiguity and uncertainty in everyday life and mission. We believe that transparent unscripted conversations with people who care about you will provide clarity, insight, and encouragement so that you can be resilient, healthy, and confident in the decisions you make in life and mission.