
  • Here we are at the final episode of this series! Just acknowledge it has been a while!

    Welcome to the seventh and final episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    These teachings can be dated back 5000 years and is a branch of spiritual philosophy has influenced both Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures!

    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity , rhythm and cause and effect and I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles.

    Hope you have all enjoyed this journey and exploration!

    What are the 7 Principles?

    Seven Hermetic principles

    The principle of mentalism.

    The principle of correspondence.

    The principle of vibration.

    The principle of polarity.

    The principle of rhythm.

    The principle of cause and effect.

    The principle of gender.

    7. The Principle of Gender:

    Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.

    The seventh principle states that all things have masculine and feminine qualities. Yes, the two sexes can be thought of as a physical manifestation of this principle, but as we're all coming to understand, on an internal level, all of us hold both energies. (Think the left and right brain)

    The word “Gender” is derived from the Latin root meaning “to beget” to procreate , to generate, to produce.

    Feminine, magnetic, calls things in, allowing, attraction, bringing things in.

    The feminine is the receptive, sacred, treasured, protective energy, that maintains tradition and honors the priority of what is most important, while nourishing that which is most essential to life.

    Masculine, directive, creative, outward production, making things happen, taking action.

    The masculine is the penetrative, assertive, progressive, conquesting, explorative energy that drives progress.

    All beings contain this great Principle within them, as two parts. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy.

    There is a great analogy in Native American tradition, where the wings of a bird symbolise the two energies of masculine and feminine so each wing is important for balance and harmony and together give rise to creation and motion.

    The two energies are foundational for creation… the masculine of thought and action, feminine and magnetism coming from the emotional body…

    Allowing - feminine

    Creation - masculine

    Its a dance….creation…

    Creation is a Spirit led dance…

    To get back into your centre

    Dance, movement is connection to divine, source, goddess energy

    Yin and yang energy

    Left and right brain

    The left brain is connected to the right eye, the right brain connected to the left eye..

    We’ve seen the patriarchal energy dominate and as we move into the aquarian age we are seeing a rebalance to be addressed towards the feminine energy.

    Mental Gender ( the dual mind )

    There is this dual aspect in the mind of every person; The “I” represents the masculine principle of mental gender, the “Me” represents the female principle.The “I” represents the aspect of Being; the “Me” the aspect of becoming.

    Really hoped you’ve all enjoyed these short introductions to the 7 Hermetic Principles!

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome to the sixth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    A 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion.

    My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take advantage or co-create your experience in accordance with these universal laws.

    The idea is to start noticing how these principles or laws if you like govern the universe, and therefore influence our reality -

    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity. I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles

    On the last episode we talked about the principle of Rhythm -Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.

    6. The Principle of Cause & Effect:

    Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.

    This principle embodies the fact that there is a ’Cause for every Effect;’ and an ‘Effect for every Cause.’ Meaning, that nothing merely ‘happens for no reason' and that there is no such thing as ‘chance.’

    The old saying everything happens for a reason or things are happening for you.

    This also implies you have some control over your life, that you can cause or initiate the effect.

    This also relates to karma and the law of action.

    Karma as a past experience, good or bad.

    (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

    "a buddha is believed to have completely purified his karma"

    Every action has some form of consequence.

    “The Hermetists understand to a certain degree to rise above cause and effect, they become causers instead of effects”.

    This means we can with awareness, shift how we react to certain situations, and come from the perspective that things happen for us, by us - that karma can reside on a higher realm or dimension, as the hermeticists believe.

    In our own lives we can transcend our karma by becoming aware of our own internal triggers or cause to situations that keep re-appearing in our lives to be addressed

    Old wounds or patterns or behaviours, relationship dynamics etc

    It comes to to whether our lives are fated and to what degree we can exert our free will to alter the effect, by addressing the cause - by changing the way you look, or act to a certain cause we can therefore change the effect our outcome.

    In some wisdom traditions and teachings, this reality is seen as a soul cauldron where souls come for purification and rectification- a school of life, to transcend life challenges - and come back to “holiness”

    Or Moksha - 1. (in Hinduism and Jainism) release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma.
    the transcendent state attained as a result of being released from the cycle of rebirth.

    Also freedom from samsara - The Sanskrit term samsara translates as “wandering through,” or “aimless wandering.” Samsara is the concept of reincarnation, a cyclic existence where our spirit or individual soul is trapped in an endless wheel of life, death and rebirth.

    7. The Principle of Gender:

    Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

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  • Welcome to the fifth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take advantage or co-create your experience in accordance with these universal laws.

    The idea is to start noticing how these principles or laws if you like govern the universe, and therefore influence our reality -

    To recap we have introduced the Hermetic wisdom in our first episode in the series- and we’ve explored the principle of mentalism, correspondence, vibration and polarity. I encourage you to check out the previous episodes to know more about these principles.

    Which leads us to the 5th principle-

    5. The Principle of Rhythm:

    Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.

    The fifth principle states that between the opposing poles, there exists an inherent rhythm. The tides move in and out. We inhale and exhale. Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so, too, do we.

    This principle embodies the truth that everything exists in a measured motion, from here to there, moving in and out, swinging backward and forward, the rise and fall of the tides, ebbing and flowing and never truly sitting still. Never stopping, always changing.

    This is also relevant in the ability to come back to balance or homeostasis, to come back to a neutral point. “The mental law of neutralisation”

    This encompasses the dualistic nature of everything.

    As with all the principles, we can learn to utilise them to interpret and create our reality - the principle of rhythm can have an over arching theme esp in this time and stage of humanity ad we see more and more people awakening and aligning to their greater selves.

    One could look at the cycles of evolution that we as humanity are and have been going through - the bigger picture -

    It isn’t hard to recognise that even though we live on a planet that surrounds us with beauty, that there is a lot of darkness happening within humanity. The ancient Sanskrit teachings understood that civilization goes through distinct cycles of creation and destruction. Native traditions have similar stories to describe different ages of humanity as well. It can be easy to lose hope sometimes, but there many possibilities for spiritual growth and awakening during this time. Let’s look at the bigger picture knowing that the warm glow of dawn always follows the coldest, darkest moments of the night.

    What is a Yuga?

    The ancients understood time as a circle, not linear, and the circle of ages are known as the yugas. Like the four seasons in our year, there are four yugas in the full cycle (Mahayuga). Each cycle has distinct themes and spiritual lessons for humanity.

    Below are the four yugas in order from beginning to end. It is important to note that the first yuga is the longest with each one getting successively shorter (4:3:2:1) until the cycle starts again.

    The ancient Greeks called these four ages of human civilization the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze, and the Age of Iron. The Phoenix always rises from the ashes of its predecessor.

    If we are actually living in the Kali Yuga now, then any and all behaviour that is wholesome, honest, generous, virtuous, happy, authentic, is emulating behaviors that bring us closer to the Satya Yuga. Satya Yuga is the next phase in the cycle, a golden age of abundance. Knowing that the Kali Yuga can end abruptly at any moment, observe what is happening around you, grow your compassion, and learn what you can from this precious time!

    This is one of many stories that illustrate what each of us observe when we pay close attention to nature.

    Life goes in natural cycles of gestation, birth, growth, decay, death, and rebirth. We see it in the plants, the seasons, in the rise and fall of nations, as well as in our own personal lives. When something is pure, it can be maintained as pure but cannot become more pure, it can only become less pure. In that same regard, when things are polluted or corrupted, they can be returned to purity. The Kali Yuga is as good a time for spiritual discipline and evolution as any.

    So as we can see, just like our own life, the planet, the cosmos, the universe goes through it’s own rhythms

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome to the fourth episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    In the last part of this series we talked about “The principle of Vibration” -

    “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

    The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration.

    It’s like the principle that everything is energy, everything has a certain frequency or vibrational signature.

    Now lets turn our attention to the 4th Hermetic Principle:

    4. The Principle of Polarity:

    Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.

    The fourth principle embodies the truth that ‘everything has its pair of opposites,’ ‘everything has two poles,’ and exists in a state of ‘duality.’ But the true nature of this principle is that ‘opposites are the same, only varying in degree.’

    A simple example of this is hot and cold. Cold is just the absence of heat, and they're both one thing: temperature.

    The same with light and darkness - which we are being a lot of expressed in the world right now as more and more of the shadow is being exposed by those that are shining a light - and on their own inner awakening journey.

    What you really have is the absence of light, or the presence of light, when there is absence is what we call darkness.

    Think of the opposing forces at play in the world right now, yet act identical in nature, like love turning to hate.

    A coin has two side but its just one thing-

    Or the yin and yang symbol - they are opposites of the same thing.

    This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will.

    The alchemical process of turning lead into gold, is analagous to transform an inner wound or pain into wisdom or growth.

    The ability through mental stamina or will to shift your perspective or to take a lower vibrational state and transmute it to a higher state.

    This principle is important to Hermeticists, because it suggests we can change the polarity of a degree of emotion, by recognising it is the same and choosing the degree which best suits our needs.

    This practice is the art of Mental Alchemy - shifting your thoughts from negative to positive, with intention - however as we know this has always been a conundrum, for our very nature is to experience the full spectrum of thoughts, sensations, experiences etc

    Story of the therapist: Jeremy Pope was talking to his therapist and he was in a real low, and he said that he really wished he could control it.He says, I hate that my highs are so high and the lows are so low…I just want to be in the middle. His therapist said you have to realise that if you’re looking at a heart monitor its going up and down, and if you were in control you’d put it in the middle and you’d flatline…so you need to remember life is all about the highs and lows and whenever you’re in a high or low, life has told you and will remind you , you will go to the opposite at any given time.

    Indeed, the pendulum does swing back and forth, if it rests it is no longer in movement, flux or vibration…

    There is a case for non-duality whereby we recognise our connection to all, the oneness as described by so many philosophies, wisdom traditions and teachings - that our true nature is divine - to transcend above duality to samadhi In yoga this is regarded as the final stage, at which union with the divine is reached.

    This of course is an enlightened state where there is no longer a subject/object split - where self, mind, body are an entangled process with the consciousness of the universe - the all is mind if you like

    Coming up in the next part of our RealityBites series, exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles of Reality:

    5. The Principle of Rhythm:

    Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome to the third episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    3. The Principle of Vibration:

    “Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

    The principle of vibration states that all things, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration.

    It’s like the principle that everything is energy, everything has a certain frequency or vibrational signature.

    We talk about raising our vibration, feeling certain vibes…matter, energy, spirit are all just varying rates of vibration.

    Hermeticists believe that even thoughts have their own rate of vibration, and can be controlled like tuning an instrument, to produce various results for the aim of self and environment mastery. As your understanding of vibration, frequency, harmony and resonance increase, so too shall your power over yourself and your world.

    Different rates of vibration - are different realms of experience and creation.

    The concept of raising your vibe or vibration is synonymous with manifesting the creations we desire which are vibrating at that level of reality.

    Also, think of a tuning fork that is set at a certain frequency - it becomes resonate with that which is vibrating at the same frequency.

    We talked about the principle of correspondence in our last episode of hermetic wisdom, where it states As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion or “As within, so without”

    And how we can influence the field with our corresponding energy or vibration - you can see how the hermetic principles are all related, connected and compliment each other.

    Think of our brain waves..what are our thoughts? Where does consciousness come from, emanate from? Hermeticists believe “all is mind” the first principle that the universe is mental in nature - still the hard problem of consciousness is open to debate and science has yet to fully prove or explain just what consciousness is.

    But lets look at our brain waves for a moment- as waves of vibration or frequencies - Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta.

    It is no wonder that so many eastern wisdom traditions and teachings have looked to quieten the mind through stillness and meditation practices - a still or quiet mind, or a mind that transcends thinking is more relaxed, calm and therefore more presence.

    Presence is in the NOW of all possibility - Eckhart Tolle talk a lot about presence and transcending the ego mind and identity - he says often that our suffering is caught up in our habitual thinking of the past and future - to know presence is to transcend this.

    That as soon as we label something, anything as the mind tends to do we are then separate from the presence pr divine aspect of our true nature.

    Something of course to ponder and contemplate and become more attuned to - often just focusing in on ht body, noticing sensations, will take you out of your mind and into the feeling of the body, its vibration.

    Next up principle number 4, The Principle of Polarity - Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites;”

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • In todays episode Penny joins us remotely as we discuss heightening drama in the world (wars and unrest) and how it effects each of us on a deep level. We talk about our own healing journey and what it takes to be the change we want to see.

    Topics & Conversational Points:

    We are back at Browne St cafe!

    A remote podcast with Penny

    World events, media bombardment!

    Consciousness, what we feed our minds, social media detoxing

    Consuming vs creating

    Mental sovereignty is so important

    The “entity” of social media

    Tuning into our own inner wisdom

    Mainstream media, legacy media is collapsing?

    Energetic resonance

    Division in the world is political

    Unity consciousness, we are not separate

    Our labels, titles , asking for the truth

    Getting back to love and truth

    Egoic identity vs your eternal self

    We need to transcend the drama and embrace unity consciousness

    Taking care of your mental well-being & clearing space for your creative flow

    Technology feeds off our mind energy

    Social media and it’s pros and cons

    Pornography has it’s own frequency projection

    All media channels carry a certain frequency

    Brain waves and frequency

    The principle of polarity and it’s spectrum

    Exploring not being on social media

    Intentionally putting a resonance into the field

    The AI agenda, digital connection vs authentic

    Let kids be kids organisation

    Is this the end of days?

    Awareness of what’s really going on in the world

    Self - empowerment

    Exploring and transcending the darkness

    Knowing your true nature as a light being

    Adding to the fear drama or coming from a place of peace

    Be the change you want to see in the world

    Healing your own trauma and inner wounds

    The perpetual war machine we see playing out, creating division

    The political and media institutions

    Nature as a way of remedy

    Tapping into the collective field of ideas and inspiration

    The answers are within you, the benefits of proper sleep

    We are powerful creator beings

    We are in an information war - who are we really?

    Walking with the flow of the universe, we are sparks of creation

    The life-force of a new born baby

    Our cultural narratives and the tall poppy syndrome

    Generational trauma and our evolutionary family

    Karmic loops, lessons and healing

    Penny’s healing story with her father

    Recognising our choice points in our lives

    Forgiveness, open and receiving heart

    Is this reality a place of purification and rectification?

    We are all doing some pretty hardcore shit!!

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome to the second episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    2. The Principle of Correspondence:

    "As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion or “As within, so without”

    This principle can be interpreted in a number of ways I feel. It is one of universal law.

    “The principle of correspondence enables man to reason intelligently from the known to the unknown.” - The Kybalion

    It explains the many planes of existence, including those of lower and higher vibrational frequencies and how they're connected.

    That what we hold in our thoughts will manifest into reality, the inner world of formless though to form in the tangible world.

    It also implies that we are of a fractal nature and that the entire universe is expressing itself through us in all its dimensions.

    Manifesting principle - first you need to expand your mind, your heart, your energetic field, you have to expand energetically so your physical world can then expand. Its a very intricate and dance between our inner and outer world - as above, so below or as within, so without.

    Going a bit deeper into the art manifesting - what we hold energetically within us is what we will attune to, resonate with in the so called out side world - by correspondence

    In the other words the very thoughts you emit will correspond to the reality you create - as creator beings we have the capability to intentionally create by the process of thoughts, intention and aligned action

    I’ve always been fascinated by how we create our reality and therefore how we create or day to day lives, our habitual thoughts, sub-conscious programming and belief systems influence our world

    Form or the material, was once formless - no - thing

    If I could distill one thing about manifesting, you are that, which you wish to attract.

    In other words what you embody as a frequency or vibration is that which will be reflected back to from the field the universe.

    Simply put you create more of what you already are -

    It influences the field because you are the field and the knower of the field.

    You are that with what you want to attract.

    If you are habitually positive, joyful, optimistic then you will create and attract more of these experiences by virtue of the people , places and experiences.

    So it comes down to the beingness which is a distinction between wanting something through lack or fear or desperation -

    Or if you are emitting a resonance or energetic field or instilling or programming the field with frustration or lack or anger or bitterness then thats what you will reflect back.

    The key difference is you are already that what you want to be rather than, IF I can only just attract that loving partner then I will be happy, when I get that dream home then I will be content , when I leave that job then I will have less stress etc etc

    The missing link, you already are that which you want more of- that way you’re not coming from a place of lack or desperation or fear, because in the universal field there is INFINTE abundance - there is no lack and therefore by correspondence because you are the knower of the field and the field then that’s the way you must act accordingly.

    And it reminds me of a verse in the bible which I have always loved - Mathew 25:29

    “For to every one who has will more be given , and he will have ABUNDANCE. But from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

    Something to definitely ponder- a good way to wrap this episode!

    I hope you take the time to consider and ponder the principle of correspondence - and notice where it shows up in your life - to be aware of the energy you are imprinting in to the field - when you realise you are the field, the universe then by karma what you put out comes back to you.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome to the first episode of a 7 part RealityBites Series featuring and exploring the 7 Hermetic Principles as told in The Kybalion - In The Kybalion, a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed in the study of hermetic philosophy.

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    What are the 7 Principles?

    The principle of mentalism.

    The principle of correspondence.

    The principle of vibration.

    The principle of polarity.

    The principle of rhythm.

    The principle of cause and effect.

    The principle of gender.

    My hope and intention with these series of podcasts is that you can become aware and familiar of how these principles show up in your own reality - and how you can best utilise, take advantage or co-create your experience in accordance with these universal laws.

    This will require an awareness and willingness to observe when these principles show up and then take some time to be present and contemplate on them.

    It’s my hope, that ultimately, you come to a realisation that you are not separate to anything, a unity consciousness approach, that we are all unique expressions of the universe having our own unique experience, that you are indeed the field and the knower of the field, which means what you want is also what the universe wants - and to create or manifest that which you want, when in alignment with your highest good or soul mission will be facilitated by recognising and implementing the 7 Hermetic principles.

    In some ways, this is an expansion and deeper look into the “the secret” all the law of attraction - how we manifest and co-create our reality with the universe

    These principles can considered as timeless and ancient wisdom that doesn’t belong to any one school of thought.

    So, lets take a closer look into these laws that govern the universe and expand further on what they may offer…

    Are there natural laws that govern the universe? What foundational principles has man utilised throughout the ages? Reality means: “the state of being real, true, enduring, valid, fixed, permanent , actual - The Kybalion

    In the Kybalion a book first published in 1908 by the “Three Initiates” the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus are conveyed, the study of hermetic philosophy from Ancient Egypt and Greece.

    He was father to occult wisdom, the founder of astrology , the discoverer of Alchemy.

    The Egyptians named him Thoth, years later the people of Ancient Greece named him “Hermes, the god of wisdom”

    Trisigisitus means “thrice great”… the greatest great.

    We use the word hermetic today which means “sealed” or nothing can escape.

    The Kybalion - the exact meaning and origin of this term has been lost .

    What is Hermetic wisdom?

    In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how ...

    What are the 7 Principles?

    Seven Hermetic principles

    The principle of mentalism.

    The principle of correspondence.

    The principle of vibration.

    The principle of polarity.

    The principle of rhythm.

    The principle of cause and effect.

    The principle of gender.

    The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as far as the first century of AD.

    They were outlined by the author Hermes Trismegistus.

    His teachings went on to influence both Greek and Egyptian cultures.

    In Greece he was called Hermes: In Egypt Thoth.

    However the true origins are still obscure and true identity of Hermes Trismegistus.

    The Seven principles were passed down over time and compiled in the book called The Kybalion, great source of wisdom that has stood the test of time.

    The 7 principles of Hermeticism teach us how to use our minds to communicate with the Mental Universe.

    Delving deeper into the seven principles and how to understand and incorporate them into life to empower and improve your life:

    1. The Principle of Mentalism:

    “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." —The Kybalion

    This principle states that the universe is itself at a foundational level is a mental projection.

    That all phenomena of life, matter and energy of the material universe are thoughts of an infinite and universal, living Mind.

    Its like spirit, mind and spirit are the same according to the hermetic wisdom.

    Its like manifestation, where your thoughts create reality.

    It's believed that God is consciousness, or thought, and the universe is a manifestation of the mind of God or Source or Field

    This Mental Universe, for the sake of experiment, could be explained as an infinite intelligence, intelligent field, and even the nature of consciousness itself.

    “He who grasps the truth of the mental nature of the universe is well advanced on the path of mastery” - The Kybalion

    “Use law against law; the higher against the lower; and by the art of alchemy , transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.”

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome back to another episode of RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the idea of coming back to our wholeness or "holiness".

    Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode!

    It’s no secret that mental health/wellness has become more and more prevalent as a topic of conversation - as we are bombarded by events playing out on the world stage and of course perpetuated by the media.

    In these times as we navigate so many of the changes we see happening / shifts etc the stress and pressure seems to be heightened.

    Is the huge dramas and conflicts playing out in the global arena, an opportunity to address our own traumas? As a collective the recycling of these traumas are being expressed through war, conflict, retribution, division, disharmony , anger, hate, separation etc.

    Is this not just symptomatic of a world that is looking to transcend and evolve and ultimately heal those traumas, back to integration and wholeness and unity consciousness.

    Those on their path of awakening / personal growth etc inevitably will have to address their shadow selves - the wounds and traumas of the past.

    Karma or experiences of the past will need to be addressed , healed, integrated in order to be fully whole or what I call holiness.

    So I wanted to discuss this topic of coming back to holiness - in some ways this is a continuation of the Seeing All Life As Sacred podcast.

    “Holiness” as a new interpretation that transcends the religious context as perhaps it’s original intention of coming back into “wholeness”.

    As Ram Dass said : “we’re all just walking each other home”

    The greatest journey one can take in their lifetime is the journey back home, to self, to love. In the hero’s journey we are called to adventure from what is known into the unknown, to seek beyond ourselves.

    But ultimately we return back to home, ourselves having finally found all we had been looking for within.

    Home, healing, whole, holiness…the return back to our divine nature, our formless selves, our spirit our soul.

    T.S Eliot quote “We shall cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”

    They say the hardest journey one can ever take is from the head to the heart.

    We construct and curate egoic identities to cope, manage and survive in a world that tells us who we are meant to be or supposed to be in order to feel worthy.

    We become prisoners of the mind, living a life that is the illusory self.

    Meanwhile, the parts of our selves we have disconnected and disassociated from, the parts we have abandoned are crying out to be seen, heard, validated and loved.

    These orphaned parts, the aspects we have disowned, abandoned because of shame or guilt are the very parts we must call back to our selves with love, compassion and understanding.

    So much of our mental suffering is caused by our attachment to our inner thought narratives, our conditioned mind, programmed in society that ultimately distract us and disembody us from our innate wisdom..we inhabit conditioned beliefs rather than seek the freedom from within, through traditional practices like yoga, meditation and other wellness practices - that lead us, guide us to self - realisation

    Our journey back home is the journey back to wholeness, oneness with all, with our true self, beyond the identity.

    We as humans or as a person, a name are a continual process of change -

    It’s no wonder we feel so lost, fearful, anxious, depressed when we are living from a fragmented self, constantly having to adhere to an ego construct that is not who we really are. We realise that we suffer in order to gain validation.

    We truly are our own worst inner critics. We carry the traumas of survival into adulthood and look for others to save and love us.

    But more often than not, the very people we seek the love, the validation and answers from are operating from the exact space of lack, unworthiness and brokenness. How can they ever give you what they also “lack”?

    But the ultimate truth is we are never lacking..we are whole and complete in the eyes of love, the divine, soul God.

    That’s why the journey back home to self is to the heart. Your heart is the compass in life, to love. In love you are whole without condition.

    Love is understanding, compassionate, forgiving of all those parts of ourselves we have disowned or abandoned.

    Love is kind, warm and soft. Love is unity and oneness with all things. It’s eternal. It’s source. It’s home. It’s who you are. You are LOVE.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome back to another RealityBites! In this bite-sized episode we explore the reclamation of our own personal mental sovereignty.

    Below is a list of topics to consider and that are covered in this episode!

    The effect of media on our consciousness at this time - the technical, internet of all things era.

    Could you step away from social media?

    How do we get programmed? The cultural narrative that plays out - our reliance on devices.

    Social conditioning.

    Addressing your mental well-being - what does that mean for you?

    All the social media platforms and channels are an entity.

    Handing over your conscious awareness to this entity.

    Who does it actually serve?

    Does it sever your connection to your inner divinity and connection to source.

    Are we subjugated to this entity?

    Analogy of the fish in the water.

    Where are you giving your energy or power away?

    Consuming vs creating

    The “all is mind” Hermetic Principle #1 - The principle of mentalism

    You are the field and the knower of the field.

    Universal mind vs the artificial mimic over lay.

    How do we transcend the conditioned mind? Our sub-conscious beliefs.

    If we are to create a new reality a new earth then what must we let go of, deprogram , uncondition ourselves from our current programming.

    Are we creating from the collective mind conditioned by those that have and continue to manipulate our realty to serve their agendas?

    If so then we are creating in subservience to their needs, not that of the divine self, in unity.

    Unity consciousness in relation to divide and conquer and the separation we see playing out right now.

    Is all the conflict, upheaval, suffering the last death throes of the old paradigm and in effect the loss of control of how our reality is manipulated by controlling the perception of reality.

    Such a huge topic as we evolve as a humanity, a species, our place in the cosmic realm our place in the galactic family.

    Truly a time where space is no longer the final frontier, but human consciousness is the new frontier…as above so below the hermetic principle of so within so without.

    We have to realise we are not separate from our reality or the universe that we are indeed the universe expressing itself in this temporary human form.

    How do we reclaim our mental sovereignty?

    Stillness, meditation, self reflection , witness the mind, nature, limiting use of social media, your consumption - creating space and listening to your inner wisdom.

    Your diet is not only what you eat but everything that you consume.

    The lifelong journey and process of knowing thyself .

    To reclaim those aspects that we have neglected but are equally valuable to those parts we show to the world.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire


    In 2020-22, the New Zealand government enacted emergency laws, mandates and a medical passport system that caused thousands of New Zealanders to lose jobs, businesses, homes and health. Furthermore, those people were locked out of New Zealand society, unable to go to funerals or weddings, participate in sport, visit loved ones in rest homes or even to visit cafes and hairdressers.

    But when New Zealanders who had suffered under the measures stood up to exercise their democratic rights of protest and freedom of expression, instead of trying to calm the tensions, the government ignored and demonised those who protested as a “river of filth”. And the media censored them and labelled them as white-supremacists and far-right extremists.

    In the end, the divide became so large that the biggest protest movement in New Zealand’s history became inevitable, leading to the Freedom Convoy and Freedom Village occupation on the lawns and streets around parliament in February 2022. And as it happened, award-winning documentary filmmaker, Alistair Harding followed along, living amongst the protesters, filming the events and recording the stories of the people who participated.

    The result is We Came Here for Freedom – a documentary film in two parts giving voice to the thousands of New Zealanders who were ignored and mis-represented by their own government and media.

    In this episode we chat with award winning New Zealand filmmaker Alistair Harding, who documented the Wellington Protests of February 2022. We get a behind the scenes perspective of those events, how the film came about, it’s impact and a better understanding of what really happened from the people who were there.

    The film which is in two parts can be viewed for free on takes viewers on an intimate journey with the Freedom Convoy that led to the Freedom Camp in Wellington on Parliament grounds.

    For those who were there, the film is an historic documentation of the fight for freedom and for those that were not, an opportunity to experience what really happened from a perspective not seen by the New Zealand media.

    Topics & Conversational Points:

    Alistair's journalist & publishing days, wanting to enter the film world Branding agency in Singapore, writing, National Geographic My vision had been taken from me Corporate directing & writing for Microsoft Rowing From Home to Home & Human Powered Adventure The Sea Decides - award winning documentary Defining moments Ideas are floating around above us - Rick Rubin The tourist guide book - quarterly tourist publication in Singapore SARS epidemic experience Making films about ordinary people doing extraordinary things The protest march in Murupara an inspiring story People were activated & called to speak their truth Four short films before We Came Here For Freedom as preparation Filming techniques to make you feel like you're there The Sylvia Park screening & screening nationwide Screenings are selling out throughout the country Communities are coming together It’s about bringing people together How happy or broken are people now The post traumatic collective/individual “I’m not alone” A certain desperation in Wellington during the early days of protest People are a lot more assured of what they know A feeling of healing & still hurt from the event The importance of telling the story The documentary acknowledged the people who were there The gaslighting from the media How the media can curate a perspective for their own agenda The fear based agenda The story that missed the cut of the film VFF press conference There are not sides, there are shades A massive psyop The Whanganui showing & the journalist The opioid crisis in the US The mainstream narrative is crumbling Questioning the narrative & the mainstream version of events The prison camp analogy What kind of person goes down to a protest? Painted as a river of filth What’s the thread that holds everyone together? Being in touch with your purpose in life gives you freedom An existential threat Fear was the product & used against us Learning from social pressure & getting past what people think of you Being a rule follower & being an upstanding citizen What would you stand up for? The erosion of democracy & freedom The protest at the meat works Steve’s baby shower story How we perceive the world around us The importance of freedom of speech The idea of testing ideas The disinformation project of Feb 2020 The NZ tall poppy syndrome Having an international perspective on things Looking at the bigger picture of things Will NZ wake up to what we really went through? Reflecting back on the events of Wellington The power of social media & live streaming Is the mainstream media as gatekeepers over? The media were fighting for control The digital future & the truth belongs to us all A society that values truth The power of people coming together The Arohata 7 & the power of solidarity, their powerful story People power Was there an injustice from the police? The court of public opinion is what counts Story telling & documenting history Looking into the eyes of the police state Sue Greys tribunal hearing Believing what the system tells you Counterspin story Is the tide turning with the media? Sam Blanchards “Silenced” movie What’s driving all of this that’s playing out in the world? Power grabs & greed Climate & energy agendas We need to learn to stand together The litmus test of the collective Hoping the film reaches those open to a different perspective Creating an intimate & personal connection with the people who were there The voices who were silenced So many people were moved by the screenings The haka was better than any award What was on the cutting room floor? Lisa Welburns story There were bigger hands at work The film was meant to be made The natural flow of the film & it’s structure Contact form on

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Thanks so much for tuning in to another bite sized, espresso shot of reality! In this episode we chat about our relationship to our emotions...

    Below are some organic notes for this episode which cover the topics covered.

    RealityBites #6 What’s Your Relationship to Emotions?

    When we talk about relationships the intimate/romantic ones come to mind, but we are in relationship to everything.

    Yes with other people, with the physical environment our reality.

    But I’d say the most important relationship we can ever have is to our self.

    How well do we know thy self?

    Yes we need connection, we are social creatures and we develop our first bonds with our parents etc.

    We are tribal by nature and learn so much in relationship to other people, and we often attract those people who will help facilitate our evolutionary growth through reflecting and illuminating back to us those things that require healing, our resolution.

    But back to our relationship to self and in particular to our emotions, our emotional body…our emotional intelligence.

    We are of course feeling beings - energy in motion

    We are guided so much by our internal emotional compass…how often do we really make decisions from how we feel as opposed to what we think?

    One of the biggest realisations I’ve made recently after exploring more my own relationship to my emotions is how I favour the positive ones over the negative.

    As we know we live in a contrasting universe..

    We are often taught to focus on the positive and neglect the negative, because we are not supposed to feel bad or when growing up we were told that feeling bad or down or sad was not good, so we carry that traumatic imprint…it’s like the inner child didn’t feel safe to express fully how they felt, they always had to be the good kid, the perfect kid to gain approval from the parent.

    The problem is we then carry this suppressed emotion our emotional body or nervous system and it never had a chance to be resolved, expressed, completed- weve used the coping mechanism of not expressing how we truly feel as a survival mechanism.

    So what ive come to realise is that all feelings are valid, even sacred as the are the natural expression of being human.

    It’s ok to feel whatever feeling that arises…its how the body naturally processes that innate part of our selves.

    And then theres the spiritual bypassing…whereby especially in the new age methodology’s we are taught that we need to raise our vibration, our frequency..

    That we always need to focus on the positive, to neglect the negative ones…in my experience this rarely if ever works as it bypasses the importance, to validate that we are in fact sad, anxious repressed..we have a whole industry that tells us to medicate, soothe and numb those feelings as though they are inadequte, which dis embodies us from our true nature…let alone all the distractions offered up through technology and media which further disconnects us from our body wisdom only feeding the cognitive mind.

    Accept being human, and all your emotions…

    If you have an addiction to being positive, chasing the bliss, even when you’re feeling sad, you are in effect saying , “ I shouldn’t be feeling this way”…which only makes you suffer more- maybe the sadness, the depression , the anxiety is your body call for help, it has a message for you…so It s so important to reconnect and attune back into your felt senses

    The negative emotions are never the problem, its the suffering, the way we neglect that part of ourself - no wonder we feel fragmented, disconnected to life, the world, but most importantly to self.

    So, what’s your relationship to your emotions? I recommend becoming curious and taking the time, go on a walk and tune in..and just accept and be with whatever you feel in any given moment…become more present and aware with what your emotions are telling you.

    Remember that all emotions are sacred, and valuable and carry deep wisdom for us!

    Being human means accepting and embracing the full spectrum of the human experience.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub
    on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our
    website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • On the show today we have a very special guest and long time friend Barry Duffield visit us for a sincere and candid talk. We discussed past glories and future hope while he navigates the challenge of accepting the love and care he has received since his debilitatating vaccine injury following his 2nd Pfizer Vaccine shot.

    Barry is well known to international audiences for playing Lugo in Spartacus and is also infamously brilliant as a writer of graphic novels and screenplays. He is currently seeking treatment to recover from his vax damage and Rob and I were deeply humbled to see what he is going through and to have his generous spirit in studio with us today. It was great to reconnect with him.

    Check out Barrys Socials and website here:

    To support Barry and his books go to his Amazon store:

    You can email him your love and support on

    Watch Barry in this video on FreeNZ Media with Liz Gunn

    Finally, watch with caution this shocking video from Hillside College regarding the Pfizer data dump that revealed Pfizers own reports admitting horrendous damage their 'vaccine' has caused worldwide, brace yourself this is heavy.

  • Penny Claridge, Truth Seeker, Female Spiritual Warrior and great friend of the show joins us to share her journey in recent times and discuss the power of bringing your energy to each moment and the art of "loving it lightly".

    To learn more about Penny's work please visit:

    Topics & Conversational Points:

    Lots of inner changes & shifts as we go through upgrades The collective consciousness and where humanity is at Did we choose to be here at this time Bystander vs creating life Think it, speak it, do it - thoughts, words, actions Penny talks about her travels around the country & following her guidance Finding your free spirit self Pendulum channel Finding our voice The global event that created a big shift Awakenings - spontaneous vs gradual Entry point to the truth Nutrition guidelines and questioning the status quo Unpacking your own psychological conditioning The stories your telling yourself Your inner narrative Realising you have the power to change your outcomes Looking at failure Re-framing failure as an experience Shifting your paradigm, to experiences, wisdom, learnings Poverty & victim mindset Thought work & writing the next chapter of your life Being the creator vs the bystander Manifesting through your intentions Loving things lightly vs loving it heavy Looking for a home and the art of non attachment Being in flow & enjoying the process The universe is working for you & magic sprinkles Nurturing connections & self-respect A home of healing & calm Using the wisdom of loving it lightly in your life The power of pure intention & having a high vibration Coming from a good place Creating a home for rest & quiet & bringing people together Having resonance with people Setting an intention of what is of the highest truth for me and seeing what comes up Conscious awareness of your day, presence My journey was extreme, jumping off the cliff Being in the space of uncertainty and unfamiliar 31:20 Trial by hell fire 2020 and a disquiet in my soul A feeling like something was off Natural life intervention & questioning the jab Doing your own research and they're going for the kids Falling down the rabbit hole fast Lockdown and living on the border Psychological traumatic time Being mindful and the value of having a routine & structure A lesson in self-management Big shifts, a spiritual breakthrough & intuitive awareness The bush, the bird, “it’s not your job to save the world, listen,connect & tell stories” Being here for “the clean up” Every connection I’ve made has led me to this point 42:00 “Guardians of the Galaxy” Mantis , the empaths save the world Working too much in your masculine Feminine and masculine balance Being out of alignment & looking within
    The spectrum of expressing the masculine & feminine energy The meaning & the mantis story Patterns in the bush, offset or balanced in perfect order There’s magic everywhere & everything is in divine order Right here, right now I am safe Penny’s first blog & it’s life changing effect My body, my choice, and sharing the facts Questioning the narrative & finding your network A baptism of fire Pragmatic people vs principle people We lean towards comfort as humans Choosing truth over comfort & finding our soul family 56:00 Coming from a place of non-judgement Energy, frequency & vibration Stepping into your own truth & finding yourself Being in 5D & massive downloads Creating a chat group & finding your community You’re a starseed! Being an empty vessel & surrendering Connecting with like minded souls Finding your voice with truth seekers Speaking from ego vs the heart Unpacking the world and reality The journey from your head to your heart Learning about your trauma & past wounds, purging your internal stuff Life & soul lessons 1:07:00 Scraping the bottom of the barrel & the primal wound The lesson is here to help you evolve & grow Facing your generational patterns of stories Leaning into your vulnerability Distraction of our emotional body The art of embodiment & being human All emotions are valid & need to be felt Non-judgement of emotions Being emotionally & spiritually aware We are healing ourselves & helping each other home Being ok to express & feel emotion Vulnerability is the birthplace of courage - Brene Brown Taking on other people's energy as an empath Having boundaries & practising discernment So much generational trauma & the tipping point Coming back to oneness The levels of consciousness & non-judgement The acknowledgement of what we have been through The scene from “The Matrix” & the paradigm shift 1:25:00 The profound shift we went through or didn’t What did we lose in the process? Soulless people or NPC’s Soul contracts, our fragmented self as humans Living a vanilla life vs living a life of extremes Freewill and duality & life as a game of chess In this world but not of this world Having curiosity & being open Seeing the world as an inverted reality Operating from a deeper knowingness in life Standing in your own power & truth What is really the truth? It’s all a pantomime! The correlation of mainstream media & being open to alternative viewpoints 1:39:00 Propaganda & media campaign Did we fall for a mass psyop? Creating the fear programme The state of where humanity is at how easy we can be controlled Excitement & fear The universe will catch me! Making a decision and you notice the fear, consider the excitement version Telling your story without fear!

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    Thanks so much for listening!

  • Welcome back to another RealityBites! In this bite sized episode we continue to explore the work of this time - the inner work of self exploration

    The life long dedication of the spiritual journey and the form it takes in your life

    How can we use the challenges, the ups and downs of life to evolve

    How to see all of life as being sacred

    The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work is a biography of the mythologist Joseph Campbell.

    The individuation process we go through

    What is the hero's journey? The threshold and the beginning of transformation

    Challenges, temptations and setbacks towards a transformation

    The process of the known into the unknown and coming back to self

    I see the hero’s journey as coming back to self, to wholeness to reclaim those parts of ourselves we have disowned or disconnected from

    Wholeness is synonymous with “holiness” a state of being whole

    Covered up by our trauma, shame guilt, loss and heartache

    Leaning into the discomfort

    In some ways the reclamation is coming back to source your divine nature

    Its making the unconscious , conscious as Carl Jung said

    We cannot separate or fragment our life story in order to truly heal those parts of ourselves we have disowned as being not good enough or dislike

    So, can we live our lives in a way that it's all sacred and divine?

    To see the hardships, the heartaches the losses as equal to the wins, the success and achievements

    When we hold a coin there is no separation between the heads and tales they are one in the same

    The ego self identification and separateness

    Cultural programming of external gratification and outwardly success at the cost of inner harmony

    And of course unhealed trauma , the root cause of so much of our suffering, anxiousness and depression

    Once again suppressed by numbing, distraction, avoidance, unconscious behaviours that drive our lives

    So we become disembodied - living our lives in way where we feel something is wrong with us or we need to be fixed

    A disunity to self…the hero’s journey is about integration, coming home to self, back to your true essence

    Honouring all aspects of your life and seeing that all as sacred

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    Thanks so much for listening and as always be well!

  • Welcome back to another episode of our bite sized episodes, ReaIityBites!! In this espresso episode I speak into the work of our time, for those that have been called to do the self exploration.

    I feel the true work of this time is not what we can accomplish on the outer but the transformation within.

    Its always been this way, the soul growth!

    That these times demand this, and the right environment has been created to facilitate this.

    The inner work…what does this mean?

    It means facing your inner demons, your shadows, your means going though it to transform and heal.

    To heal the incompleteness.

    Society and its programming is always trying to make you feel incomplete, we compete against each other in made up systems that cause division.

    We buy into the drama to distract us from going within to our heart and soul essence to reconnect to the divine light.

    Call us light workers or light beacons…but we are asked to be the light.

    Its just the most important thing we can ever do…as we transform and heal the energy we emanate and share will transform the outer world.

    Call it ascension, or the new earth or the new reality..the truth is for those that are in alignment and in touch with their inner knowing and intuition we now there has never been a time like this to upgrade, to reach new levels of consciousness as the reality around us is shifting.

    It truly is the micro and the macro…what’s happening on a universal scale is happening within us.

    And I know many of us have been called to reclaim our sovereignty to come into right relationship with the natural order, with Mother Earth, with lost knowledge.

    To unlock our full potential to be the light and love we truly are.

    We are energetic light beings…we a formless manifestations of the all creating life force.

    We are here to become harmonious within ourselves which will translate out into the world…

    And we are here to help the distortions which I am really picking up on surrounding the masculine and the feminine…to reclaim the divinity nature the sacredness of the natural women and man.

    We have to ask ourselves at this time on planet earth…am I here to create the new am I here to be a positive life force…and am I coming from a place of love, compassion understanding or am I projecting my fears, my wounds out it not the universe and into every relationship?

    If I haven't done the inner work then I will be continually repeating that old stuff and perpetuate the old paradigm.

    We are energy containers that have an infinite capability to carry love and light…but we have suppressed that love and light to fit into an old paradigm.

    So I ask you the listener…are you open, willing to become a better version of yourself…are you willing to love yourself enough and give your self permission to be the fullest most beautiful radiant soul on this planet at this time…I’m not saying perfect or infallible, I’m saying having the desire to open yourself to the full spectrum of being human beyond the systems, the programmes and ideologies.

    It truly is the work, the only work of this time…to share your truth, your gifts, your talents the real authentic you in all its magnificent glory.

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Hello folks! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?! Well, it’s been a crazy time of late and as you know life has a way of taking over…but we are back with a brand new episode just before we close out this year, 2022.

    In this episode we kick off with some recent contemplations over the past year and these crazy times we are facing as a collective. We touch on the liminal space as we navigate both a collective and personal evolution. We also touch on why we haven’t recorded in a long time.

    So sit back, take a moment and catch up with us as we have a deep and also relaxed chat about where we’ve been lately.

    Some thoughts to ponder and consider as you listen to this episode:

    How are we dealing with this profound transformation and change? Are we going through a birthing process? Is there a dis-integration in the systems we have become accustomed to?

    How can we best make use of this liminal space and integrate it’s wisdom?

    It’s a time of post trauma and a time of showing compassion to oneself and the people around you to allow the process of integration to happen.

    And remember to allow for space and to trust your own inner wisdom and voice.

    What can we do in times like this?

    1.Ask source, your guides, universe, your higher self for help, guidance and support…

    2.Be open to this guidance in whatever form it takes…

    3.Surrender to what is to your greater being, your soul

    4.Let go of what you think you know, be open to new possibilities

    5.Pray and set intentions of what you do want and would like to happen

    6.Trust the process, that the universe is always conspiring for your highest good

    7.Be in the receptive mode…and also feel worthy and deserving of receiving, help, support, love, abundance, kindness

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our

    website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

  • Welcome back to RealityBites #4!

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    Here’s some motivational quotes of inspiration that you may apply to your life and make them a ritual! One thing I love is inspirational quotes or parables or life lessons people have learned and shared to help other people…

    Celebrating the little wins on a daily basis no matter how big or small…all too often we are looking forward to the big prize or the big achievements in life - the new job, the holiday away, finally meeting someone special , reaching a health and fitness goal etc like your morning cup of coffee, a chat with a friend, a sunshine day, a hot shower, a good nights sleep, food on the table, a healthy body.

    When in reality every day above ground is a good day and it’s the tiny incremental steps and course corrections that lead to these goals we have.

    It’s those seemingly inconsequential things we do consistently that get us to where we want…

    It was Simon Sinek who made popular the idea that you go to gym and train one day and you won’t see results, the same the following day… it’s only after a consistent period of time, of micro improvements.

    That we can step back and see the progress we’ve made…life is all about the long game, the journey which leads me to inspiration #2

    “The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination…so what’s happened along that process? You’ve learned to love the journey, and when you love the journey the goals just happen, you hit milestones as a side effect, that’s cool, but I don’t love it as much as I love the journey..” Sal Di Stefano

    In our culture of aspiration and success we celebrate the win which is only natural, but it’s important that we don’t fall into “destination addiction” where we are only focused on the prize and not the process and what we learn as a result of the journey…as we know the peaks in life can only exist with the valleys.

    One thing I always talk about is honouring who you are and getting to know thyself. That journey of inner exploration and growth as we continue our souls journey and something David Goggins mentions surrounding overcoming insecurity…we all as a part of being human compare ourselves to those around us… we are often drawn to people who seemingly have the qualities we admire and want for ourselves, when of course this is merely a reflection of what we also hold.

    But what David Goggins realised was to stop caring about what other people thought of him…in his words “he had to stop giving a fuck, I realised that everybody is fucked up… I was walking around and I put these people up on a pedestal, everybody was better than me, so I can’t tell you anything about me because you’re going to judge me..and I’m gonna feel even worse than I am. What I realised when I calmed my mind down and stood back was just how jacked up this world is. once you realise you are not alone and that everybody hats talking to you about how jacked up you are, only thing they have done better than you is they’ve hidden their fucked up world better than you have”

    Wow, there’s something to think about! How often have you caught yourself thinking how much better other people seem to have it, or have it all together and you don’t? One thing I’ve learned and to remind myself things aren’t always as they seem, esp in this hyped up social media world on insta reels and stories which only give us a highlight or curated moment without seeing the full story or reality…

    It reminds me of a story when I took a visiting overseas friend out to a spectacular west coast beach. As I do I love taking pics of natural scenery and she said how we can never capture this moment by a picture, the picture merely is a representation of this moment or the subject you’re trying to capture.

    Which got me thinking…it’s true, nothing beats the real thing, having a direct visceral experience.

    Lastly I’ll leave you with the daily gratitude of 5 things to be grateful of…which ties in with celebrating the little wins

    At the end of each day think of 5 things you were grateful for. Once again no matter how big or small

    It could the fact you made it through the day, you did some form of exercise, you got your self out of negative mindset…

    As always, thanks for listening and be well...

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    On todays podcast we sat in the Brown Street Cafe with Jeremy Birchall: actor, father, teacher, truth seeker and voice director on major international tv shows and video games.


    "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt

    Welcome back to another realitybites #3!

    Hey Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following Reality Hub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos and visit our website: where you can also listen to the podcast online and read Rob’s blog!

    Topics and conversational points:

    So this quote has been around awhile and maybe you know it, but it stands true through time.

    And it got me thinking about how we engage in life…how we show up not just for others but for ourselves…

    What dreams, what experiences are we holding back from? Where are we limiting ourselves?

    Because we all have dreams no matter how big or small…maybe we’ve been told we can’t have what we truly desire…maybe this was what we believed and became a part of our belief system at an early stage.

    Maybe you’ve had many setbacks, losses moments where you just want to give up…

    And just like in the quote maybe the critic is the one we have within…

    It reminds me of one of my other favourite quotes “Something we were withholding made us weak until we found out it was ourselves”. - Robert Frost

    It’s easier to sit on the sidelines and criticise because we don’t have to face the consequences of losing or taking a hit.

    It reminds me of analogy with MMA or the UFC fighters who literally step in an arena and fight in front of millions…putting it all on the line, high risk and high reward..

    This is like the extreme of facing your fears or testing your limits, your edge, yet there is something innate and primal about this…this is why so many are captivated by this spectacle.

    Are we hardwired to be drawn to this, to see two gladiators “fight” ? On a deeper level isn’t this what we are doing on a survival level every day as a part of bing alive?

    But how many of us are willing to step into that arena, to face our fears, no matter how big or small they may seem?

    Time and again we have seen people in history accomplish great things, overcome huge odds in that pursuit to taste a victory and that victory is personal to everyone.

    But I ask this, is it better to sit on the sidelines and not engage or take the risk, take the leap even tight teeter of course is the chance you will fail…

    And we can interpret failure in many ways…some never bounce back and rise again, some use failure for growth or to learn to try and try again.

    I believe within us all we have this internal battle…

    We have all experienced setbacks, failures but what is it in the human spirit that keeps us striving and going again and again?

    The thing is we face these daily challenges in so many areas of our life.. that new job, the new relationship, we face little battles everyday some people obviously have greater battles than others…health challenges which encompass not only the physical but mental, emotional, spiritual..

    We are as human beings resilient, adaptable, hopeful…the human spirit is limitless…

    I guess the takeaway from all this for me is to keep going for what you desire, to keep punching, to keep dreaming, to live life you can look back on that you can say I gave to another shot.

    Thanks for listening!