We (America) are a “National of Laws”. If we don’t properly, swiftly and justly execute the law, we end up-quickly becoming “Lawless”. Today, I am going to show you what happens when we fail to enforce the Law due to our guilt culture. We will cover the guilt culture in PT3 and today we prepare the way for the next episode!
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We are said to be a “Nation of Laws”, but if we don’t properly execute the law, we quickly become “Lawless”. In this multi-part series, we are going to look at the Death Penalty and what the Bible says about Capital Punishment or the “Death Penalty”.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
WELCOME to Part2 of “Everybody is an investor. In Part One, we looked at what king Solomon said about investing in Ecclesiastes along with other biblical Scriptures as a general template. TODAY, we are going to look at the Book of James, chapter one, verses 9-12 to gain God’s wisdom regarding what we are to do with the fruits of our investment once God has blessed us with them. Let’s get started.
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In 2024, 62% of US adults invested in the stock market, according to Statista. This is a 20 year high. 87% of upper-income, 65% of middle-income, and 25% of lower-income Americans own stocks. TODAY, through James 1:9-12, I am going to show you how we as Christians are to invest above all other means. Furthermore, we are going to learn what God tells us in light of how we are to act and think in relation to the amount, levels and value of our earthly investments.
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There are givers and takers in this world. Like a tiger, people show their true stripes as a “giver” or “taker” when given the chance. Today, I am going to show you through Genesis chapter 12 how Lot’s selfish and sinful “taking” heart was unveiled when given the choice by Abram to choose which part of the land he wanted to inhabit. Let’s get started.
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When we share the Gospel message, we are often considered fools. It’s not the Gospel’s fault and it’s not God’s fault. The problem lies with the heart of the person you are talking with. Our message is not foolish-it’s the people who listen but fail to accept Christ who are foolish. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believers. To the Jew first, but also to the gentiles” (Romans 116). It’s in the uncompromising Gospel where the power of God resides. And it’s in the uncompromising Gospels is where the power to save and to change people’s lives is. So, let’s worry more about giving out the true message of the Cross and a lot less about what people think of us. If we do that, lives will change, and the world will never be the same-but for the better.
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WILL THE U.S. DOLLAR REIGN as superior forever. Today, I will make the case that it’s safe as the world’s currency at present, but is fading into eternity-along all other past fiat currencies. As such, one day, NO, the U.S. Dollar will not be the main currency used by all countries. It’s not a matter of IF but WHEN. Let’s get started.
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I was reading through the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1-5 in the ESV regarding judging others when it occurred to me that this verse is almost exclusively studied regarding “judging others”. TODAY, I WANT TO LOOK AT MATTHEW 7 from the perspective of Jesus Christ-in that He calls us as believers to help others in RESTORATION as opposed to OBLITERATION. Let’s get started.
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Culture and the world in general speak quite a bit about “Equality”. Color equality, racial equality, income equality, gender equality, and the list goes on. Today, I am going to show you that God is the only true equalizer in that not only did He create ALL human beings as equal-being made in His image, but that true salvation and destination (heaven) is equally available to all human beings from all cultures, income levels and color.
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Today, I will share with you the most recent letter I received from David Berkowitz as an "Update February 2025". David is no longer a serial killer called Son of Sam but a saved servant or our Lord Jesus Christ, a servant of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Is retirement biblical? Today, I am going to address the subject of retirement and show you what the Bible says or does not say about retirement-and how you and I can retire in God’s will and calling.
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Today’s generation vary on how they see or “understand” God. As my past mentor and teacher, Dr. Norman Geisler use to say, “God created us in His image-and we have been returning the favor ever sense”. Today, through Matthew 7:21-23, I am going to show you that while God is merciful, patient, and not wanting any to parish, most humans demand of God that He (God) bend to become what they want God to be as opposed to their (our) bending to God-His will, and His ways. As a result, upon leaving their temporal life for the eternal, those who sought to make God in their own image will hear those fateful words, “I NEVER KNEW YOU”.
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God provides us quite a bit of wisdom in the Bible regarding stress, worry and anxiety. Today, I am going to break down five specific points God's Word gives us as to WHY we ought not allow anxiety to overtake us. In the end, it’s up to each one of us to trust in God and accept the true reason(s) for our anxiety. Let's get started.
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Many Life Events Are Beyond Our Control- our modern age, we have come to expect many if not most of life’s events to be within our personal control. Today, I am going to show you through king Solomon that (and why) many of life’s events, both good and bad, are beyond our control. Let’s get started.
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In the United States and countries around the world, people try to get ahead by double dipping. They may work two jobs, work the system to get two pensions plus social security. TODAY, I am going to show you through the words of Jesus himself that there is no double dipping when it comes to God hearing and rewarding our prayers. You either claim the reward for yourself or you depend on God to reward you supernaturally. The choice is yours.
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Jesus addresses when God rewards us for our good deeds. To be more specific, Christ discusses three pharisaic practices of piety. They include: 1) GIVING 2) PRAYER and 3) FASTING. Today, we are going to look at the first of these, which is when God rewards or does not reward our “GIVING”.
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Turkey is a self-proclaimed "secular nation" but be sure-it's not a country with religious freedom. Tune in to find out WHY!
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Politics are fickle. The problem is that politics are fickle and nobody remains in power forever. Because that is the case, politicians tend to amass as much money as they can before in a matter of time-they will be deposed from office, retire, or die. No human being rules in politics or business forever. This is where compromise and corruption infests and infects the godless leader's sole. When a person, especially a politician fails to seek God’s wisdom or listen to their pastor-no longer reads their Bible. It’s a matter of time before they become a fickle politician. And in time, that leads only to their becoming a depraved law maker or leader.
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What does it mean to minister? To minister to another is according to the dictionary says this: “To attend to the needs of (someone) "her doctor was busy ministering to the injured"
A Better Question Is: “What is the biblical meaning of ministering BIBLICALLY-Ministering is learning of and attending to others' needs. It is doing the Lord's work. When we minister, we are representing Jesus Christ and acting as His agents to watch over, lift, and strengthen those around us.
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When we SHARE our faith with others, let's keep in mind that those the Lord leads us to is responsible for the response to the supernatural Gospel message. Furthermore, there are only four responses which I have listed below. This ought to instruct us as to who we are speaking with. It's our job to lead others to Christ. It's up the Holy Spirit to work in their heart to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. And, it's up to each individual to FREELY RECEIVE Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Today I am going to show share each of those four responses and read you the short Parable of the Sower below and ask that you note in memory the four responses to the Gospel which will help you in your efforts while sharing your faith.
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