
  • When I say “fat,” what comes to mind? Do you think about the fat in food, or the fat in our bodies? Does it have a negative connotation in your mind?

    This is the 3rd part of the “Macronutrient Series” where I’m covering the macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and (you guessed it) FAT!

    In this episode we’re digging into fat and what your body fat does for you, as well as the role of fat in your food. If you’ve ever felt like eating high-fat foods is unhealthy, or worried that eating things high in fat was going to cause weight gain or increase your risk of heart disease, then this is the episode for you.

    We’re going to break down everything you need to know about fat, and how to approach it from a gentle nutrition standpoint within your intuitive eating journey.

    Let’s do this!

    Episode Highlights

    -What we learned from the low-fat era (besides how bad fat-free salad dressing tastes)

    -The difference between fat in food and fat in your body (they’re NOT the same thing)

    -Should you worry about “healthy” fats vs “unhealthy” fats?

    -How to approach fat within the context of intuitive eating

    Today’s Wellness Woo is the Glucose Goddess

    Resources Mentioned

    - Listen to Episode #138 about Carbs

    - Listen to Episode #123 about Protein

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • How can you end the war with your body (and make PEACE with it too)?

    When you call a ceasefire, you’re not giving up or “letting yourself go” - you’re learning how to befriend your body and take care of yourself at a much deeper level.

    That’s what you’re going to learn from my guest today, Nina Manolson. Nina is a therapist and Body-Peace® coach who brings her 30 years of experience to the table to share how she helps women get off the dieting rollercoaster, and into a compassionate way of eating.

    We discuss everything from how to respond to your inner critic, what to do if your closet is a nightmare because nothing in it fits, and what the heck “body peace” is - and how you can find it too.

    Nina shares tips and strategies that you can apply, including a powerful exercise that she walks you through to help you reconnect with your body in a more loving way.

    Prepare your heart, because this episode is incredible!

    Resources Mentioned

    - Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    - Learn more about Nina Manolson

    - Check out Nina Manolson’s free resources

    - Follow Nina on Facebook or Instagram

    Read the full episode show notes here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

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  • Tune in for this exclusive podcast-only version of the Navigating the Balancing Act Masterclass!

    You know that dieting doesn’t work as a long-lasting solution…But I’m guessing there might be part of you that still wishes you could lose weight? I get it.

    So what do you do with that desire to lose weight when you’re also trying to ditch dieting and make peace with food and your body? THIS is the “balancing act” that we are navigating and is exactly what I’m breaking down in this masterclass.

    Pop in your earbuds, and get ready to be inspired and learn some actionable strategies that are going to help you approach this differently than you have before!

    Episode Highlights

    1. How to Navigate the “Messy Middle”: Where you know dieting doesn’t work but you also want to feel more comfortable in (and about) your body

    2. Actionable Strategies to Start Feeling Better in Your Body RIGHT NOW: Even if part of you still desperately wants to lose weight

    3. A Proven Framework to Improve Your Health, Confidence and Body Image: And how you can simultaneously achieve peace and freedom with food along the way!


    *If the doors to Non-Diet Academy have closed when you are listening to this episode, feel free to reach out to me about the next cohort, and ways we can work together in the meantime.

    For full episode show notes click here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • In this episode, I’m sharing how my client was able to FINALLY find peace with both food and her body after struggling with dieting, food obsession, forcing herself to exercise, and hating her body for over a decade.

    I’m walking you through the exact steps we took, and the strategies I taught her that allowed her to heal her relationship with food, her body and exercise.

    If you are struggling with any of these things, then this episode is a *must* listen!

    Key Takeaways

    1. Dismantling the diet mentality and letting go of dieting behaviors: You’ve got to understand how the diet mentality shows up in your thoughts in order to move away from dieting behaviors (which are often still present even if you’re not “officially” on a diet).

    2. Changing the way you eat requires changing the way you think about food: It’s one thing to let yourself eat the foods you consider “unhealthy” - it’s another thing to change how you view these foods and how you feel about yourself for eating them. This is essential for lasting peace with food.

    3. Weight and health are not the same thing: You can improve your health without obsessing about weight loss. True health is so much more than this, and by letting go of your weight obsession it opens the door to you addressing your health in ways that are effective.

    Today’s Wellness Woo is V Shred

    Resources Mentioned

    - Join Non-Diet Academy before enrollment closes!

    - Grab a spot inside my free masterclass “Navigating the Balancing Act”

    Read the full episode show notes here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • You’ve probably tried to lose weight before in order to feel healthier or more confident. Heck, you’ve maybe even experienced increased confidence and better health as a result of weight loss in the past…But was it sustainable?

    We don’t want to build your confidence on a house of cards that crumbles the minute you fall off the bandwagon or gain weight.

    You deserve to have more stable confidence than this. And it ain’t going to come from chasing the number on the scale.

    In this episode, I’m going to share what you need to focus on instead of weight loss if you want to feel better about your body.

    Key Takeaways

    1. What we have been taught “looks good” is based on diet culture’s narrow definition of health, beauty and attractiveness.

    2. The problem(s) with attaching your confidence to weight loss: It hinges upon doing something nearly impossible.

    3. 2 key strategies to improve your confidence: HOW you can choose to start thinking differently about your weight, your body, your health…and your confidence.

    Today’s Wellness Woo is lectins and oxalates.

    Resources Mentioned

    - Reserve Your Seat (For FREE) in the Navigating the Balancing Act Masterclass

    Read the full show notes here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • In this episode, I’m pulling back the curtain to share with you what the conversation sounds like with my clients if they’re slipping back into old habits.

    I want to normalize that this happens, and it doesn’t mean you’re failing, that intuitive eating doesn’t work, or that there’s something wrong with you.

    Rather than going into a shame spiral that makes you just want to throw in the towel, it’s important to be curious when you’re slipping back into old habits, and to explore what is happening to better understand it so that you can gain clarity on how to move forward.

    I’m going to walk you through exactly how I do that with my clients. This is an important episode for anyone to hear, because we all slip back into old habits that we’ve been trying to change. This happens to everyone, whether it be with food, or exercise, or going to bed on time, or maybe you’re trying to show up differently in your relationships or at work.

    Bottom line, behavior change is hard, and this conversation is going to help you see how to get through some of the ups and downs so you don’t give up on yourself or your process towards finding peace with food.

    Key Takeaways

    1. A roadmap to making peace with food: My 5 phases to becoming a non-dieter (and what a “non-dieter” actually is)

    2. What I say to clients when they’ve slipped into old habits: How I melt the shame, the questions I ask them, and next steps to move forward

    3. 2 Case Examples: Clients who struggled with falling back into old habits, and how they worked through this

    Today’s Wellness Woo is foot bath detoxes at the state fair.

    Resources Mentioned

    -Grab the Free 5 Phases to Becoming a Non-Dieter Guide

    -Click here to DM me on Instagram for the discount code for Non-Diet Academy (or click here to DM me on Facebook)

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • I know, I know, it’s so tempting to try and lose weight before vacations. In fact, it almost feels like you’re supposed to lose weight before a trip.

    I’m here to have a big sis heart-to-heart with you today to let you know that cutting out carbs and restricting your food isn’t going to make you happier on vacation. It’s going to make you miserable.

    In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to handle those urges to get back on the dieting bandwagon before a trip or special event such as a party or wedding, and I’m going to show you what to do instead when it comes to your strategy with eating.

    You’ll learn how to incorporate satisfying food, without cutting out your favorite sweets or desserts, and how to do this without going overboard. I’m going to show you the utility of flexible structure with food and menu planning (minus the diet mentality).

    We’re also going to dig into some strategies with body image so that you can wear the swimsuit, show your bare arms in that dress you bought, and be in the photos - no more avoiding these things!

    Key Takeaways

    Don’t be dieting and restricting to lose weight before a vacation or event. This will backfire on you. Plan satisfying meals and snacks to help you stay in the headspace of eating intuitively and providing yourself with food you enjoy (rather than restricting). (Don’t forget to grab the templates for this at Wear the darn swimsuit. Desensitize yourself to it by DOING IT. Wear it at home to practice if you need to. Find a style you like. Work through your fears of judgment about your body from people who you haven’t seen in a while. Even if they judge you, it’s going to be ok. You don’t have to spend your life dieting and obsessing about food to win their approval. Be in the photos. Capture the memories. Don’t scrutinize yourself.

    Today’s Wellness Woo is cortisol.

    Resources Mentioned

    - Grab my Free Meal Planning Cheat Sheet + Templates

    - Listen to Episode 83: Can You Balance Your Hormones? Navigating Menopause, Intuitive Eating and Body Changes

    Read the full show notes here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • Ice cream is hands down my favorite food of all time. I often eat it as my snack in the evening before bed (and yes, sometimes I literally eat it in bed).

    However, if you find yourself binging on ice cream (or any other food) at night, and if it is basically the only thing you have to look forward to in your life, then (I say this lovingly, because I care about you), we need to have a chit chat - which is what we’re doing in this episode.

    If food is the only thing that brings you joy, and if binging every night is your pattern at the end of the day, and you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, ashamed, and worried that things will never get better - I’ve got you covered. We’re going to talk about how to break out of this cycle, so that you can still enjoy food AND your life outside of food, without food having more importance than it should.

    Key Takeaways

    If food is the only thing in your life you look forward to, that’s telling us something really important What your Total Conscious Time (TCT) has to do with your eating How to decrease food obsession by first making sure you’re eating enough The areas of your life to audit to see what’s lacking and what areas need attention outside of food

    Decreasing the space that food is taking up will allow you to let LIFE in, which might be really fun and exciting, and it might be really hard and challenging. No matter your experience, I’m here to support you through it. Let’s dig in!

    Today’s Wellness Woo is euphemisms like “play food” and “sometimes food.”

    Resources Mentioned

    - Grab My Free Breaking the Binge Cycle Worksheet

    - Dan Siegel’s Healthy Mind Platter

    Read the full show notes here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • Do you have old clothes in your closet that no longer fit, but you’re hoping that you’ll lose some weight and be able to wear them again?

    Have you ever bought something in a smaller size that you currently wear to use it as “motivation” to lose weight? Perhaps a smaller bathing suit for an upcoming vacation, or you ordered your wedding dress a size smaller than you are now?

    Well, I hate to tell ya, but purchasing and holding onto clothes that are too small isn’t a magic potion for weight loss. (In fact, it’s a recipe for failure - and I don’t use that word lightly.)

    In this episode we’re not just digging into your closet - we’re digging into your BELIEFS about your body. Grab your pen and paper, and maybe a sparkling water, and let’s unpack your clothes AND your body image.

    Episode Highlights

    -Examining your thoughts, feelings and core beliefs about your body. (Don’t forget to grab the Body Image Journal Prompts to help you with this.)

    -How shame is connected to our body image

    -Brene Brown’s 4 steps to shame resilience

    -Shifting your fears about weight gain from “What if” to “Even if”

    Today’s Wellness Woo is Hers.

    Resources Mentioned

    Grab my Body Image Journal Prompts

    Join my Intuitive Eating Made Easy FB group

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • What to say if your child ever says, “I feel fat,” or if they are called fat by kids at school or someone in their life.

    Learn the do’s and don’ts of navigating these tricky conversations, whether you have small kids at home, teenagers, or even adult children.

    Erin Kerns Vazquez is my guest today, and she is going to walk us through how she went from dieting since the age of 10, to wholeheartedly embracing body acceptance and intuitive eating.

    Erin was bullied about her weight as a kid, and she wrote a children’s book about what messages she looks back and recognizes she needed to hear at a young age about her body. She describes the well-intentioned ways that adults in her life tried to help her “get healthier” (i.e. lose weight) to feel better about herself and to silence the bullies, and how these attempts at helping missed the mark.

    It’s a powerful conversation about healing your own body image, unpacking the messages you received about your body (and bodies in general) during childhood, the way that diet culture has reinforced these messages, and what you can do to foster a healthy body image for yourself and the children in your life.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Beliefs about our bodies start young: The way we see our parents talking about their own bodies impacts how we feel about our own bodies, even now as adults.

    2. A “healthy body image” doesn’t necessarily mean body positivity: Rather, it means that you have peace and neutrality with your body (even on the days you might wish it were different).

    3. What to say (and NOT say) to your kids if they say, “I feel fat”: Be clear and confident for how you navigate these tricky conversations with your kids, as you support them in navigating body image in a weight-obsessed world.

    Resources Mentioned

    - Body Image Journal Prompts: Grab my FREE guide filled with journal prompts to help you heal your body image from within.

    - Purchase Erin’s book “Your Body Is Never Bad” on Amazon (and don’t forget to leave a review for her on Amazon!)

    - Check out Erin Vazquez’s other books on Amazon

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review! Your feedback helps us reach more people and improve the show.

  • Get unstuck if you’re feeling lost or confused with intuitive eating!

    Given that intuitive eating is an approach towards food that’s much different from dieting because it doesn’t include rules to follow, it’s easy to feel like you’re floundering like a fish out of water, or that you don’t know what you do.

    Rather than winging it with food, I am going to show you how to regroup and refocus your energy on the things that are going to help you master the skills of intuitive eating like a seasoned pro.

    To do so, we are going to use Principle 6 of intuitive eating, “Discover the Satisfaction Factor,” as our North Star to help all of the other Principles fall into place.

    I’m also going to show you how having structure with food is going to HELP you eat more intuitively (and yes, this might sound counter-intuitive, but hear me out). I’ll be teaching you how to approach eating intentionally each day, so that your body gets what it needs, and it doesn’t become a free-for-all with food.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Satisfaction as the “hub” of intuitive eating: Why you should focus on this if you’re feeling lost or stuck

    2. Importance of having a consistent eating schedule: This is going to help you tune into your hunger/fullness, and it’s going to help your body know what to expect

    3. The 3 questions to ask yourself before you eat: This is going to help you honor your cravings AND your nutritional needs

    Episode Highlights

    Focusing on Principle 6 of Intuitive Eating, “Discover the Satisfaction Factor” will help you implement all of the other principles with more clarity Just because you feel stuck or worried that intuitive eating won’t work for you doesn’t mean you should give up. Join my upcoming masterclass on how to troubleshoot why intuitive eating isn’t working for you, and how to get unstuck

    Resources Mentioned

    Sign up for my FREE Masterclass Why Intuitive Eating Isn’t Working For You (And How To Fix It) Listen to Episode #139: The 3 Things I Wish I Could Tell You Before You Started Intuitive Eating Book: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • What I would tell you in the very beginning so that you can implement intuitive eating the right way, without getting lost, stuck or way off base! This episode goes hand-in-hand with the next episode, #140: How to Refocus If You Feel Lost or Stuck With Intuitive Eating. You can think of these episodes like sisters or besties, so make sure you listen to that one next!

    Looking back, I wish someone would have told me a few things when I was first getting into intuitive eating and healing my own relationship with food. Even as a dietitian, there were things I didn’t know and things I didn’t realize in the very beginning.

    In this episode, we’ll dig into Principle 3 of intuitive eating, which is called “Make Peace With Food,” you’re going to see that having peace with food doesn’t just mean eating whatever the heck you want, whenever you want it.

    If you’ve been trying to figure out how you can ditch dieting, embrace intuitive eating, and make peace with food, today’s episode is exactly what you need to hear! I’m going to share the mindset shift that completely changed how I approach my eating, and it is something that has given tons of my clients their own “ah-ha” moments as well.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Neutralizing your judgments about food: You can’t truly have peace with food if you’re still labeling it as good/bad or healthy/unhealthy

    2. Intuitive eating vs impulsive eating: Eating “whatever you want, whenever you want” isn’t going to get you where you want to be.

    3. Peace with food means saying yes AND no to food: It’s equally as important to let yourself eat what you desire, as well as being able to say no to food when you’re not hungry or it doesn’t meet your body’s needs.

    Episode Highlights

    A deep dive into why Principle 3 of Intuitive Eating, “Make Peace With Food” is such a game changer. Saying “no” to food without it feeling restrictive Make sure you go listen to Episode 140 which pairs with this episode!

    Resources Mentioned

    Sign up for my FREE Masterclass Why Intuitive Eating Isn’t Working For You (And How To Fix It) Listen to Episode 140: How to Refocus If You Feel Lost or Stuck With Intuitive Eating Book: Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Intuitive eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would be thrilled if you could rate and review my podcast! Your support helps me reach and encourage more people on their intuitive eating journeys. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Don’t forget to share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, make sure to follow the podcast if you haven’t already done so. Follow now!

  • This episode is part of the MACRONUTRIENT SERIES which contains episodes about carbohydrates, protein and fat. Make sure you’re subscribed so that you automatically get all of the episodes, and go back and listen to the protein episode after you’re done with this one. IIt’s linked below.

    Today we are talking about carbohydrates, aka “carbs.” Carbs are so scary these days that you could dress up as bread for Halloween and send chills down people’s spines (maybe a slight exaggeration). Diet culture has us thinking that we’re going to gain a ton of weight and instantly get diabetes if we have carbs, but that’s not how it works.

    We’re going to break down the science behind carbs, how to figure out what amount of carbs is right for YOUR body’s individual needs, and how to use the skills of intuitive eating to figure this out…no tracking or measuring required!

    Key Takeaways

    1. What even are carbs?

    2. What happens when you don’t eat enough carbs

    3. What happens when you eat too many carbs

    4. How many carbs do you need per day?

    Todays Wellness Woo is The Carnivore Diet

    Resources Mentioned

    - Listen to Episode #123: How Much Protein Do You Actually Need?

    - FREE QUIZ: Discover Your Unique Path to Food Freedom

    Additional Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Mindful eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review! Your feedback helps us reach more people and improve the show.

  • Is it hard for you to “waste” food? Meaning, is it hard to leave the last few bites of food behind on your plate? Do you find yourself continuing to clean your plate, even though you’re working on honoring your fullness and eating intuitively? If, so you’re in the right place!

    Key Takeaways:

    The fear of wasting food and money is a common reason that people struggle with the fullness aspect of intuitive eating Letting go of OLD beliefs (e.g. “The starving children in Africa”) that are getting in your way Calling in NEW beliefs that are going to empower you to get comfortable with food waste, listen to your body, and break through to the next level on your intuitive eating journey

    Today's Wellness Woo is Candida Overgrowth

    Resources Mentioned

    - Grab the Food Freedom Summer Bundle for only $44

    - Episode #133: What To Do If You're Full But Want To Keep Eating

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Mindful eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review! Your feedback helps us reach more people and improve the show.

  • It’s summertime and that means pool parties, BBQ’s, vacations, family reunions, and all sorts of other things that can make body image extra challenging. In this episode, I’m digging into some do’s and don’ts that are going to help you work through these body image challenges with clarity and confidence, so you can lather up with SPF and your flip flops and go enjoy all that summer has to offer.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Body image challenges: Things like chafing, wearing shorts, and being sweaty can be extra hard in the summer. We’re going to talk openly about it!

    2. Live life fully: Instead of avoiding events, hiding in the back of photos, or wearing pants when it’s a million degrees outside - let’s lean into experiencing joy in your body as it is right now.

    3. Dieting doesn’t solve anything: As tempting as it might be to go on a diet to slim down for summer events, it’s not going to help you.

    Episode Highlights

    -4 Body Image Do’s for Summer

    -4 Body Image Don’ts for Summer

    -The pep talk you needed to work through your body shame, to take back your power to go out and enjoy the heck out of this summer!

    Todays Wellness Woo is The China Study

    Resources Mentioned

    - Food Freedom Summer Bundle: A bundle of masterclasses and resources to help you live life fully and eat intuitively this summer.

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Mindful eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review! Your feedback helps us reach more people and improve the show.

  • If you’ve been approaching intuitive eating as “just let yourself eat,” there’s a good chance this isn’t working very well for you. The sentiment behind “just let yourself eat” is beautiful, but the reality is that you’re probably all over the place with food.

    Dieting teaches us to trick or ignore our hunger signals. How many times have you been told, “Drink a glass of water before you eat.” Or, “If you’re really hungry you’d eat an apple.” The underlying message is that you can’t trust your body. So to reject this message and to listen to your body can be trickier than “just letting yourself eat.”

    Key Takeaways In This Episode:

    “Just letting yourself eat” often turns into IMPULSIVE eating, not INTUITIVE eating. There’s a big difference. Creating some semi-structure with your eating schedule will actually help you become more dialed into your hunger and fullness signals. Learn my simple 5-step framework for how to reconnect with your hunger and fullness so you know exactly what to do in the moment to listen to your body (rather than winging it with food).

    Whether you’re a newbie to the intuitive eating world (welcome!), or if you’ve been doing it for a while, you’re going to get value out of the strategies in this episode to help you know what to do before you eat, while you’re eating and after you eat - so that you can become a seasoned pro at listening to your body with food.

    Today’s Wellness Woo is The Holy Mess

    Resources Mentioned

    - Grab the Free Guide: 5 Simple Steps to Reconnecting With Your Hunger & Fullness

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Mindful eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

  • In this episode we’re going to talk about ways to legitimately improve your health without dieting (and without chasing the number on the scale). We’ll explore 3 science-backed habits that will support you living a healthy lifestyle while also moving forward in your intuitive eating journey. Whether you’re looking to have more energy, improve your nutrition, or improve your bloodwork at your next doctor’s visit, this episode is packed with strategies that you don’t want to miss.

    Key Takeaways:

    Health isn’t determined by the number on the scale. You’re not going to improve your health or create healthy habits that last via dieting. You absolutely CAN improve your health without dieting, and while eating intuitively. The 3 habits you can implement starting today, no nonsense and no diet-y shenanigans, just things that work.

    Today's Wellness Woo is the DUTCH test for hormones.

    Resources Mentioned

    - Non-Diet Academy: My signature program helping you find peace and freedom with food, while also honoring your health.

    - DM me on Facebook or Instagram to chat and see if NDA is right for you!

    Read the full episode transcript here.

    Resources for Your Intuitive Eating Journey

    Mindful eating education on the blog Work with Katy Explore the self-paced mini-course Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster

    Connect with Katy Harvey


    Instagram: @katyharvey.rd

    Facebook: KatyHarveyRD

    Subscribe and Review

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review! Your feedback helps us reach more people and improve the show.

  • You know that moment where you’re eating and you notice that you feel full, but the food is so delicious that you want to keep eating? (Yep, me too!) In today’s episode I’m going to be sharing my 4-part framework for what to do in those instances, so that you can confidently choose whether to stop or keep eating - without guilt either way.

    When it comes to intuitive eating, honoring your fullness is an important part of it. AND it’s also essential that you are giving yourself unconditional permission to eat (and keep eating) when you choose to do so, even if that means you’re going to be overly full.

    There’s no right/wrong answer in these instances. I’m going to break down the 4 steps for you to take that will help you decide whether or not you want to keep eating, and what to do next after you’re done.

    We’re also going to talk about a couple of key mindset shifts that are going to make it easy peasy for you to stop eating at comfortable fullness, so you don’t keep having this internal battle over whether to keep eating vs stop when you’re full.

    Today’s Wellness Woo is Lumen.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Grab My Free (Updated + Revamped!) Guide >> 5 Steps to Reconnecting With Your Hunger and Fullness

    For full show notes, visit:

    Connect with me on Instagram!

    Join my free FB group Intuitive Eating Made Easy

  • So you’ve ditched dieting, and you started doing intuitive eating, and you find yourself eating random foods at random times of the day. You're not necessarily out of control with food, but you’re definitely all over the place.

    You wonder if you’re going to subsist on Doritos and ice cream for the rest of your life - and how can this possibly be “intuitive” (or healthy)?

    In these moments it’s easy to feel like, “Intuitive eating might work for other people, but it clearly doesn’t work for me.” Your trust in yourself, your body, and in intuitive eating begins to dwindle.

    Here’s what I want you to know: The social media version of intuitive eating and “food freedom” looks very different from the reality of what the process of healing your relationship with food truly looks like.

    It’s not all burgers, donuts and lattes. (Yes, those foods are obviously fine - but it’s not the fully picture of intuitive eating.)

    In this episode, I’m spilling the tea on some of the stuff that’s not talked openly about online when it comes to intuitive eating…the unsexy stuff that people don’t want to hear.

    I’m going to tell you the truth, AND I’m going to show you how to keep moving forward.

    Hit play and let’s dig in!

    Today’s Wellness Woo is demonizing breakfast cereal.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you’re looking for more support on your intuitive eating journey, email me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram.

    For full show notes, visit:

    Connect with me on Instagram!

    Join my free FB group Intuitive Eating Made Easy

  • There’s absolutely nothing that I want more than to see you find the peace and freedom with food (and your body) that you deserve.

    That’s exactly why I am digging into your burning questions in this episode, and wowser, the questions you asked were powerful!

    In this episode, we’ll be digging into:

    -How to eat mindfully when sharing meals with toddlers (challenge accepted, Lol!)

    -Strategies for managing food sensitivities and chronic health conditions without dieting

    -Gentle nutrition when majorly stressed out

    -Packing satisfying lunches for work when you’re not sure what you’ll be hungry for

    -”Can I really do intuitive eating? Is it actually possible when I’ve been dieting since I was 9 years old?”

    -What to do if you weighed yourself and now you’re triggered

    As you can see, things are getting REAL around here, and I’m spilling the tea on all my best strategies to help with these scenarios. Hit play and let’s go!

    Today’s Wellness Woo is Plexus

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Join the Stepping Off The Dieting Rollercoaster Mini-Course

    For full show notes, visit:

    Connect with me on Instagram!

    Join my free FB group Intuitive Eating Made Easy