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The podcast for hustlin' women craving more self care, clarity, support, mindset + transformation coaching. Amber Connelly helps hard working, selfless women kick exhaustion to the curb to heal from burnout once and for all. She knows that all of the answers lie within you, and she is ready to ask you the questions, provide you with the tips/insights you need to gain energy, clarity and hope. Amber's down to earth approach will leave you feeling supported and ready to take intentional action.
In den vergangenen Jahren haben Podcasts mehr und mehr an Beliebtheit gewonnen, nicht nur weil sie den Vorteil haben, dass man sie überall und jederzeit anhören kann – sei es beim Kochen oder auf dem Weg zur Arbeit – sondern auch, weil sie eine Wissensvermittlung über eine persönliche und authentische Plattform ermöglichen.
Verschiedene Mitglieder der SDS-Familie laden spannende Gäste zu unseren neuen SDS PODACSTS ein, in denen Sie interessante Einblicke in den Wirkungsbereich unterschiedlicher Akteure des Keramik-Implantat-Marktes gewinnen. Dazu zählen Implantologen, Vertreter der Industrie oder von Gesellschaften ebenso wie die treibenden Forschungskräfte, deren gemeinsames Ziel es ist, die biologische Zahnmedizin weiterzuentwickeln, sicherer und besser zu machen.
Alle 4 Wochen – max. 45 Minuten -
Getting certified as a Personal Trainer is easy, but the hard part begins when you're trying to work with your first client.
Join Alex Potrc, the PT Business Academy CEO and long-time Personal Trainer, while he talks to the Fitness Industry leaders, role models, and influencers about business, training, nutrition, and success.
If you're a Personal Trainer, Fitness Enthusiast, or someone who enjoys training, good food, and a quality lifestyle, this is for you! -
Wir nehmen Sie mit auf eine Reise durch bahnbrechende Technologien im Gesundheitswesen! Als Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie (BPI) präsentieren wir unseren neuen Podcast "Mehr Einsatz Wagen", den wir in Zusammenarbeit mit den HealthCare Futurists ( produziert haben.
In unserem Podcast zeigen wir, wie digitale Technologien die Transformation des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland vorantreiben.
Mit unserem mobilen Studio im HealthCare MakerMobil ( reisen wir quer durchs Land, um uns ein Bild davon zu machen, wie es um die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland steht. Wir sprechen über Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Transformation und suchen gemeinsam nach Lösungen für eine zukunftsfähige Medizin.Wir treffen Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus der Politik, Wissenschaft, Apotheken- und Ärzteschaft, Patientinnen und Patienten sowie Start-Ups. Wir besuchen Menschen, die uns verraten, was im Gesundheitswesen nicht funktioniert, wie sie an Veränderungen arbeiten und wie ihnen die neuen Technologien helfen.
Abonnieren Sie noch heute unseren Podcast und erleben Sie eine Reise in die Zukunft der Medizin!
Für Kommentare nutzen Sie gerne unsere Social-Media-Kanäle oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an [email protected] -
Your go-to podcast for candid conversations with successful entrepreneurs who are willing to talk about what it really looks like to take the “road less traveled.”
Rise and Climb will feed your soul, raise your vibration, and shift your mindset, so that you can stop feeling overwhelmed and distracted, finally face your fears, reignite your dreams, and live that wild and wonderful, regret-free, extraordinary life you were born for.
We explore how to make the shift from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary one — from just getting by to really thriving.
We get vulnerable about life and love and health and business — the things that really matter — and talk candidly about all the things that tend to get in the way of you truly living your best life, a life by design instead of by default.
If you’ve ever looked at your life and thought, “I was made for more than this,” then the "Rise and Climb" podcast is for you.
This podcast speaks to entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives — world-changers, impact-makers, culture-shapers, and risk-takers — who want practical strategies and actionable advice for growing their business, expanding their reach, and attracting their tribe.
Your host is Lori Lynn, also known as Her Royal Excitedness, "Two Comma Club Editor," book midwife, freelance actress and voice-over artist, copywriter, marketing enthusiast, educator, and lover of impromptu dance parties, karaoke, and green tea.
Her favorite karaoke songs are L.L. Cool J's "I Need Love" and Bette Midler's "Otto Titsling" from the movie *Beaches*.
If you want to become instant friends, you need only quote *The Princess Bride*. -
Want to learn how the best traders in the world made careers out of trading?
Tune in to the Trader's Journey (formerly the Investors Underground Podcast) for interviews with some of the best traders in the world. Learn how they got involved in the markets, what the early stages of their careers were like, and how they finally developed strategies that worked.
Our in-depth interviews take you inside the minds of different traders, allowing you to learn about their strategies, approaches to stock selection, risk management, and more.
Topics include technical analysis, risk management, performance optimization, short selling, day trading, swing trading, and more.
We interview specialists in different areas to help you gain the insights you need to take your trading to the next level - from multimillionaire career traders to part-time traders who have found reliable ways to supplement their income.
Subscribe for new interviews every other week! -
Hacking Work este primul proiect social, civic și educațional din România care vorbește clar, curajos și cinstit despre piața muncii și despre relațiile dintre angajați și angajatori. ►► Acest produs multimedia este realizat de echipa Hacking Work și produs de SPOR - Școala Pentru oameni Responsabili. În proiectul Hacking Work includem episoade de podcast audio și video publicate pe Youtube, Spotify și celelalte platforme de streaming, newsletterele și articolele publicate pe Substack, articolele de analiză și opinie publicate pe blogul și emisiunile de radio difuzate în parteneriat cu posturile cu acoperire națională.
Jamie and Joe have over 75 years of combined knowledge in the candle industry. In the early 80’s, Jamie started in a family owned business producing utility candles including votives & religious 7-day candles. Jamie currently works as a consultant to the industry and aids in the development of millions of candles a year.Joe started in the early 90’s working with in the development of waxes. Joe eventually moved on to the development of candles and their formulations. He now focuses mostly on wicks where he helps candlemakers chose the right wicks for their candle formulas.
Enostavno LAJF z Alešem Potrčem je podcast namenjen vsem, ki jih zanima več o tem kako združiti družino, posel, trening in dobro hrano v preprosto življenje. Kot dolgoletni osebni trener, lastnik prvega fitnes centra v Slovniji, ki je bil namenjen izključno osebnim treningom (FIT Tovarna) in mednarodni predavatelj na področju fitnesa, se tudi sam spoprijemam z vsemi težavami poslovnega in družinskega življenja.
Z mojimi gosti, ki prihajajo iz različnih področij, vse od life coachev, poslovnežev in športnikov, ter drugih prijateljev iz fitnes sveta, govorim o tem kako na nas vplivajo različne življenjske situacije in seveda kako jih na različne načine premagamo.
Pridružite se mi v zanimivih diskusijah z gosti in uporabite vse kaj vam ponujamo. -
The Opposite Twins are back! And they're talking about it. Niki and Gabi are spilling tea about personal growth, rocky life changes, and the realities of living as a career influencer. The twins are re-connecting with themselves, each other, and their dedicated audience as they turn to a new chapter in their lives. They're finally able to be themselves online and are taking us to some funny, wild places!
Z besedo "Sodobni Gurman" (foodie) v modernih časih označujemo nekoga, ki se izjemno navdušuje nad hrano in pijačo, ima o njej veliko znanja in ji je popolnoma predan. Ta podkast raziskuje biznise, znanosti, kulturne dejavnike in predvsem osebe, ki bogatijo hrano in pijačo našega vsakdanjika.
Hey Peaches!The Let’s Talk, Peaches podcast is a community that empowers us to go after the life we want. We are constantly asking the question, how can we set ourselves up (mind, body & soul) to best achieve happiness and success. Does it mean getting uncomfortable or redefining societal norms? Does it mean learning how to invest or how to effectively self-care. Perhaps all of the above!? Let's dive in shall we?!