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Dans On se narre bien !, nous partirons à la découverte de multiples ouvrages littéraires d’horizons divers et variés. Nous sommes Léa et Olivia, deux dévoreuses de livres qui avons décidé de créer un podcast pour nous permettre de découvrir l’univers de l’autre et ainsi partager nos coups de cœur. Pour chaque livre, l’une présente, l’autre découvre. Au programme, critiques, aventures, rires et anecdotes !
Bonne écoute !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Wenn ein NERD auf die KULTUR trifft, sind es Marco und Yves. Die YouTube-Helden von "Nerdkultur" und ehemals "Moviepilot" verquatschen sich jeden Sonntag über STAR WARS, MARVEL, DC und die anderen schönsten Nebensachen dieser Welt.
Yves verlässt MOVIEPILOT und ihr findet ihn ab August als BELYVES auf YouTube:
Und noch mehr von Marco auf NERDKULTUR: -
Schnappt euch Popcorn und lauscht den Bewegtbild-Enthusiasten. Kino und Film faszinieren uns seit der Kindheit. Packende Geschichten, ins Hirn brennende Bilder für die Ewigkeit, Musik die Gefühle lenkt, all das und noch viel mehr vereint die Filmkunst. Wir tauschen uns über jede Art von Film und Serien aus, ob Klassiker oder ofenfrisch spielt keine Rolle. Lass auch du dich von der Magie der Filme verzaubern.
Le chef d’œuvre officiel qui leur tombe des mains ? L’écrivain avec lequel ils aimeraient passer une soirée ? Le livre qui les réconcilie avec l’existence ?... Pour Le Monde, en partenariat avec le Salon du livre du Mans "Faites Lire", 6 auteurs se prêtent au jeu du "Keskili", une sorte de questionnaire de Proust élaboré par Le Monde des Livres pour découvrir leur rapport à la littérature et à la lecture. A partir du 15 octobre, retrouvez tour à tour Olivier Adam, Augustin Trapenard, Ananda Devi, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Jakuta Alikavazovic et Thomas Reverdy. Un podcast diffusé tous les vendredi sur Le et sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute.
Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations. -
THE RESPONDENT is A MULTIMEDIA CHILD ADVOCACY SERIES aiming to inspire family champions.
Greg Ellis set out on a journey to explore the condition of the male experience via a new video and podcast series, The Respondent - a multimedia conversation on positive masculinity; a whodunnit, in which Greg—as both lead detective and key perpetrator—works to track down the co-conspirators of men’s demise and the secrets to their reclamation. It’s also an exploration of how becoming a modern man today demands we reimagine masculinity, rethink fatherhood and revitalize our image of family.
Season one guests include experts, educators, and celebrity Respondents discussing agitating topics including family, philosophy, fatherhood, psychology, politics, family law, pop culture, entertainment, and much more...
Plug it Up is a horror movie podcast about the monstrous feminine. Host Caitlin Grant and her funny guests look at the monstrous feminine in all its forms, including: monstrous menstruation (like Carrie and Ginger Snaps), monstrous motherhood (like Rosemary’s Baby and The Omen), femmes fatales (like Jennifer’s Body and The Love Witch), black widows (like Dolores Claibore), body horror in women (like Teeth and Raw), treacherous friendships between women (like The Craft), women battling horrors (like You’re Next), and women who are themselves horrific (like Gone Girl).
Although this show focuses on the experiences and portrayals of women in horror, it’s a gender inclusive space, and the discussion is open to people of all gender identities and presentations. It’s an explicitly intersectional feminist, trans-inclusive podcast for horror fans. -
Are you a performing artist looking for more stability? Have you struggled to feel seen and valued? Are you frustrated by the gatekeeping and industry’s emphasis on scarcity to keep you small?
Join our community of women and non-binary artists seeking a thriving and sustainable career in the arts. Every week, host Jennifer Apple asks hard questions, sits with open-ended answers (or perhaps no answers at all!), shares resources, and expands the dialogue around the aspects of our industry that no one is talking about.
Whether you are an actor, singer, dancer, performer, writer, director, creator, theater and tv/film lover... Curiosity is the only requirement! If you believe that being an artist is about more than just the jobs you book, think this industry needs change, and want to get a look behind the curtain: The Empowered Artist Collective Podcast is for you!
Jennifer Apple is an Actor, Acting Coach, Writer, and Dog Lover who is in pursuit of honesty, vulnerability, and empathy so that we can truly see ourselves and each other to break down barriers and reveal the raw, real humanity that connects us all. She empowers performing artists to embody themselves fully and truthfully so that they can elevate their craft, pursue their careers with integrity, and discover their inner confidence and self-worth.
Let’s be in community together. Let’s support one another. Let’s make this journey a little less isolating and a whole lot more inclusive.
IG: @EmpoweredArtistCollective // TikTok: @EmpowerArtistCollective //
Host: Jennifer Apple // @JenniferApple_ //
Head of Production & Editor: Nayara Alexis // @NayaraAlexis
Podcast Music Composer: Aimee Lefkowicz // @Aimee.Isabella -
Dein Schweizer Podcast mit Film- und Serientipps, die du dir über deine Streaming Dienste gönnen kannst.
Kein Bock mehr dein Filmabend nur am Smartphone zu verbringen? Gönne dir unsere Tipps.
"Ohne grosses Fachchinesisch, sondern Popcorn für deine Ohren"
Instagram: @stream.away
Letterboxd: Dorian90/ Milo94 -
It's every fan's dream to read the books they love for the first time again. The wonder, the joy, the excitement and forums and not knowing what is going to happen on the next page. It's one of the best experiences ever. Join four readers as they read and talk about Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and other nerd worlds. So come vicariously live through some first-time readers!
Wir reden ganz viel über Filme und das Schauen von Filmen. Wir reden aber auch über viele andere popkulturelle Phänomene wie Comics, Hörbücher und Romane. Beim Reden schweifen wir oft ganz schön ab, bis wir nur noch über die Menschen und die Welt reden. Und so reden wir dann bis wir uns ausgeredet haben, und dann noch ein bisschen weiter....