"I suggest to you that it is because God loves us that he gives us the gift of suffering. Pain is God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world. You see, we are like blocks of stone out of which the Sculptor carves the forms of men. The blows of his chisel, which hurt us so much are what make us perfect."
C.S. Lewis' thoughts on the purpose of suffering are incredibly true, and still, naturally, we want to avoid suffering at all costs, because, well, it hurts!
Today on Rinse and Repeat we begin a new series on the topic of suffering, and today's message explores 2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
Join me today as we TAKE HEART even in dark hours of suffering, and begin to see God's purpose in pain.
In our series Strong in the Lord, we have learned all the parts of the armor - the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes with the Gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.
Having learned all the parts of the armor - the question now is - how do we put it ON, and how do we put it to WORK?
Today as we conclude our series on the armor of God, we learn the answer to this critical question, and how it changes everything in our spiritual battles!!
The conclusion to our series on the armor of God, today on Rinse and Repeat!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We get news of a loved one's tragic passing.
We face chronic illness or relationship strains or job losses.
In each situation, we long to actually FEEL God's presence. We long for His help. For a touch of His hand.
As I recently meditated on these things, God gave me His Word so clearly in Psalm 139:7-10, this beautiful picture of comfort,
7 Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.
In the Roman soldier's armor, the sword was not what we may typically envision as a sword - long with a hilt. Rather, it was a short sword, more like a dagger in a scabbard, designed for close hand-to-hand combat.
This is particularly significant when we understand that the Word of God is referred to as the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17. In other words, the enemy plans to attack us in ways that are up close and personal, and for those battles, we MUST be armed with powerful Word of God.
Hebrews 4:12a tells us that "the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." In this episode, I share how this powerful tool can be used not only to cut out harmful things from our lives but also to create and add beautiful things that make for our growth!
This episode is a continuation of our series on the armor of God, but it is also something of a special edition. I share four specific instances from my own life where the Word of God spoke CLEARLY into situations I was facing and how the Scriptures powerfully changed me and assured me of God's work amidst difficult circumstances!
So turn in your Bibles to Ephesians 6:17 for this SPECIAL episode of Rinse and Repeat!
Discouragement and Deception.
Two of the most effective tools of the wicked one.
Discouragement is especially effective, because it can arise from within and can take hold of us from any one of a variety of sources. And deception has been the enemy's weapon from the very beginning, in Genesis 3.
To combat both discouragement and deception, we require that our minds be protected - that we have the very mind of Christ. And for that, we need today's portion of the armor of God, the helmet of salvation.
For protection from discouragement and deception, turn to Ephesians 6:17 for today's installment of Rinse and Repeat!
"I believe in God, so why am I not seeing Him at work in my life?"
"I know I am saved, but I really don't FEEL anything!"
Have you ever heard those questions? Ever ASK those questions?
Surprisingly, not all faith - even all faith in Jesus - is the same. Different types of faith will completely change what your Christian walk looks like, and especially how well prepared you are for the attacks of the enemy. That's why taking up the shield of faith is so critically important.
As Ephesians 6:16 tells us, "above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one."
I recently received a heartfelt letter from a listener asking about dating advice for her daughter. Having been asked so many similar questions about dating by parents and young people, I thought it was time to share a lagniappe episode on the topic of dating.
Our text is 2 Corinthians 6:11-18, and we will explore various aspects of dating, what to look for in a future spouse, and so much more. Please note that I am offering Biblical insight but also my own personal opinions on this topic, drawn from various experiences.
So here it is, by popular demand - a lagniappe episode about dating.
Little do we tend to know, it lies right at their FEET!
Today's portion of the armor, "shodding our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace," is real power for every believer. This part of the armor takes us over rough terrain and prepares us for every eventuality.
This is not just about the Gospel saving us - an ESSENTIAL tenant of our faith - it is about the Gospel keeping us steady, steadfast, immovable, unshaken, no matter what comes!
Join me today for a look at the next part of God's great armor, and our great hope!
Follow your heart...
To your own heart be true...
You have my whole heart...
The heart is the subject of many cliches and much sentimentality. Today on Rinse and Repeat, we learn how the breastplate of righteousness is designed to protect the core of our being, especially the heart! In particular, we learn how God's righteousness (doing things God's way) protects us from sin and cleanses us from sin when we fail to do things God's way!
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
C.H. Spurgeon's quip holds true, especially in our age of social media and sound bites. Truth can seem outdated and old-fashioned, and upholding Biblical standards may seem out of sync with the times.
Ephesians 6:14 tells us, "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness." Truth is not relative or subjective. Truth is a Person - Jesus Christ - and is knowable.
Today, we explore the belt of truth and how girding our waist with truth allows us to stand firm at all times and in all seasons.
This episode also features my personal and recent testimony and God's faithfulness as El Roi, the God who sees me.
"The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy" -- Corrie Ten Boom
Today, we embark on a new series for a new year, exploring the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6. We will learn how to recognize the enemy's tactics and how to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Most of all, we will learn how to strengthen ourselves in the Lord, that we might STAND in the battle!
With so much that we pray to do and to change in 2025, what a great way to be prepared for the battles ahead!
In the first episode of 2025, we complete our series on surrender by understanding what it means to submit to one another in the fear of God (Ephesians 5:21).
Looking at various human relationships, like our relationship with authority, parents, and within marriage, we learn God's design for godly submission. Understanding what such submission is and what it isn't is remarkably important to not misrepresenting God's Word and His heart for His people and His design for society and the family.
As we begin 2025, join me with a fresh look at some of our most fundamental relationships and how we can best understand them through God's Word.
What makes a good man a GREAT good man?
On this special Christmas episode, we look at Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, a man called by God to do the impossible. How do you father the very Son of God? How do you provide for Him and His mother?
Today, we will explore Matthew 1:18-25, when Joseph hears from the angel about the coming of Jesus, a passage that isn't most commonly taught at Christmastime. I explore Joseph's faith-filled response to the angel's pronouncement and what it means for us this Christmas. In studying the brief passage of this "Great Good Man," we learn how to obey God simply and watch Him work powerfully in our lives.
Join me for this special Christmas episode of Rinse and Repeat, and Merry Merry Christmas from each of us at Rinse and Repeat!
God never asks us to surrender anything unless He has something greater in store, either in this life or the one to come.
This simple principle of surrender is proven over and over again in Scripture.
We see it in Hannah surrendering her son, to see God turn him into a priest before the king and in God giving her sons and daughters.
We see it in Jesus, surrendering His life for the salvation of the lives of the whole world.
And we will see it in our own lives, as He says, "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life." (Mark 10:29-30).
Join me as we explore how God gives greater, today on Rinse and Repeat.
What are we willing to do in our surrender to Christ?
Will we sacrifice time? Talents? Money? Relationships? Comfort?
Jesus commanded that all who would come after him would need to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Today, we examine what a life of that kind of surrender looks like, which one young missionary described as a life with "No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets."
Today, we embark on a brand new series here on Rinse and Repeat, a series exploring what it means to live fully surrendered to Christ.
So often, I am asked, "I don't feel anything in my Christian life. I don't feel what I once felt in my walk with the Lord." The Christian life is so often NOT about what we feel, but rather about a life of deep, abiding surrender.
In this first message in the series, I explore the various stages of our surrender, drawn from the life of Peter and his interactions with Jesus in Luke 5. Turn there with me now, as we learn how to “Trust the One You Believe In.”
For all who are hard on yourselves...
For all who are over-achievers or perfectionists...
A word on Biblical self-care and above all, mercy!!
The Bible refers to us as MORE than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
Have you ever wondered what makes us MORE than conquerors?
In today's episode, we conclude the book of Esther, as we see the Hebrew people MORE than conquering their enemies within the Persian empire. The Hebrews defeat their enemies with the means their enemies had devised for the Jews' destruction! That is just one example of being MORE than a conqueror!
Join me today as we explore how we are more than conquerors, no matter how daunting our circumstances appear today!
Sometimes, we can experience a traumatic event that we fear will change the course of our lives forever - moments that will mar us in unforgettable ways.
All hope can seem lost - but not so with God. In a moment, God can turn things around. He can restore lives, He can revive hope, He can raise the dead to new life.
Today, we see the Jews facing a law that spells their death, and yet, God hands them a supernatural reversal when all hope is lost. Turn with me to Esther 8 for hope when we need it most, today on Rinse and Repeat!
Today's episode zeroes in on not one, but TWO women filled with God's remarkable Spirit of wisdom (Ephesians 1:17).
As we turn to Esther 7, we will see the wisdom that God gave Esther not to blurt out everything she needed to say, as though she was giving the king "a piece of her mind." Instead, she exercised wisdom in WHAT she said and HOW she said it.
Likewise, we look at Abigail in 1 Samuel 25. and how she, too, was "one smart cookie" in what she said and how she said it.
Lessons on how to speak and conduct ourselves with godly wisdom, up next on Rinse and Repeat!
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