
  • Join us for a special interview with Riverside County's Veterans Services Director, Grant Gautsche, who will share with us the various services available to our Veterans. Also, hear from one of our very own Catherine Garcia who is currently in the armed services and is part of our Child Support Staff assisting our customers. Enjoy this Coffee Break and if you know a Veteran let them know We Are Here to Help!

  • Season 3 Episode 10

    Welcome to Season 3 Episode 10 of Riverside County Department of Child Support Services Coffee Break Podcast with our Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations season finality. (0.50) a review of episode 1. (1.41) Nathan discusses the theme, Intersections and what does this mean. (2.21) Review of Season 3 and review of our Community Partners and the resources they offer. ( 3:35) Nathan reviews our new web page, and career and job resources. (4:17) Nathan shares about his interview with First5 Riverside, and the services they provide including the Family Resource Centers and the youth programs. (5:25) Nathan hopes that as you listen to the recap of these interviews you can go back and listen to them again or if you missed one to pick up a nugget of information. (5:38) Nathan also interviewed DPSS ( Department of Public Social Services) and they shared some resources for self-sufficiency, also that Child Support Participants are not exempt from their services. (6:37) Episode 5 is covered and the practical aspects of the child support program talking about visitation, custody, and timeshare and how these impact the child support obligation. Stipulations and modifications were also covered. (7:53) Episode 6 with Sahar Andrade and learning regarding the topic of Diversity, Unconscious Bias and Inclusion, how we treat our customers, and the importance of respecting one another. (8:26) Episode 7 and Supervisor Chuck Washington, and the role Supervisors play and his passion for public service, also covering new library openings. (9:43) Episode 8 Riverside County Office of Education, and the importance of literacy by 5th-grade initiative and reading to learn. Dr. Molly shared many examples of what parents can do to get kids excited about reading. (10:20) Most recent episode on Child Support Awareness Month, and highlighting the importance of the services we provide. Nathan announces season 4 coming this Fall.

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  • (0:49) Introducing special guest Nicole Darracq, Director of the Office of Communication and Public Affairs with the California Child Support Services, and Marquese Howard Marketing, Media, Communications Coordinator from Riverside County Child Support Services. (1:17) Child Support Awareness Month (CSAM) is recognized during the month of August. (1:24) CSAM was proclaimed to be Child Support Awareness Month by then-President Bill Clinton on August 7th, 1995. (1:29) President Clinton wrote a special proclamation on why proclamation was special to him and his presidency at the time. (2:42) Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director, discusses how President Clinton mentions the importance of the state and local government developing innovative approaches to help families cope with child support issues. (3:10) Nathan refers to language that was used in the proclamation at the time “Deadbeat Dads”. (3:48) What child support means to Nicole Darracq at the Federal and State level. (5:20) Nicole gives insight on how child support is not supposed to protect and defend one parent over another but encourage parents to co-parent. (6:29) Child support Awareness Month is not just specific to California, but a nationwide recognition. (6:32) Nicole discussed how Child Support Awareness gets throughout the nation. (15:23) Marquese discusses events Riverside County has planned for August. (15:58) Open Saturday, August 14th for parents who can’t come to the office during the week. (16:40) Marques, talks about the new Debt Reduction Program airing on August 19th. (17:12) August 26th Employer Workshop. (18:44) Marquese discusses Riverside County's new mobile outreach van in the community. (19:33) “Acts of Support” from Riverside County Department of Child Support to the public. (20:21) Nicole's last remarks “It’s about the children” (21:36) Marquese last remarks for parents to please reach out to us “We are here for you”.

  • (0:07) Introduction with Nathan Hartel (host) Deputy Director of Child Support Services. (0:57) Nathan gives an outline of Dr. Molly McCabe's background. (2:15) Nathan discusses to primary things Child Support Services does as part of a caseload 1 We establish court orders for child support and medical support,2nd we enforce orders. (4:29) Dr. McCabe discusses how her passion is driven by her family background she explains how her own father had a difficult childhood, but because he develops strong literacy skills he was able to pursue the life he wanted to live and that’s what drove Dr. McCabe and all her work. (5:44) Nathan goes into as an agency how Child Support Services values the role parents play and how they strive to do their best. (7:16) Dr. Molly McCabe explains that ultimately the goal of the initiative for every single child in Riverside county has strong literacy skills develop by the end of 5th grade. (7:27) Defining literacy as the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and represent your thinking/ideas. (9:00) Dr. McCabe gives her top 5 examples of what families can do to support literacy development in children. 1) Create a love of reading, (11:34) 2nd example Family conversations (speaking & listening) (16:07) 3rd example Let them learn about things that they are curious about. (15:10) Nathans gives an example of how you can reinforce reading with your own children. (19:50) Dr. Molly talks about her 4th example of support literacy with children “find lots opportunities within your natural setting”, work on all literacy skills have routines (20:08) Using TV shows and movies to develop literacy (21:12) work on comprehension to develop literacy (23:28) 5th example of developing literacy skills Attend family literacy events and reach out to local libraries. (24:21) Nathan speaks on our 3 brand-new libraries in the county French Valley, Menifee, Desert Hot Springs. (25:58) What to do if your child’s teacher says your child is behind. (27:30) Dr. Molly McCabe strongly suggests you ask for resources that the district and the schools have available to the parent. (28:00) If you have young children that are still learning to read use these resources (28:53) If you have older children you can use these resources to help with literacy. (30:57) Dr. McCabe says, “Don’t try and do too much”. (31:56) How to respond to a child that just doesn’t like to read. (33:28)” Give incentives” sometimes children just need a little incentive to engage. (35:38) Nathan shares the families we serve at Child Support Services. (36:44) Dr. Molly McCabe explains the important role our families play with their children in literacy. (29:02) Dr. Molly gives closing remarks with great resources for families on the Riverside County Office of Education web page. (39:36) Follow RCOE on social media Twitter: @rcoe, Instagram: riverside_coe. (40:36) How you request services and open a new case with Child Support Services.

  • Welcome to Season 3 Episode 7 of Riverside County Department of Child Support Services Coffee Break Podcast with our Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations “all things related to child support and more”. Enjoy this episode with our Special Guest Supervisor Chuck Washington from the 3rd District of Riverside County. Supervisor Washington will discuss what is going on in District 3, Riverside County, what is his role, and how he got to where he is today.  This episode is a "Double Espresso Shot”, just a little bit longer than a single espresso shot, and packing an even greater punch, it is rich, and it is definitely full! Don't miss out on this exciting episode!

  • Welcome to RivCoDCSS Season 3 Episode 5 Coffee Break Podcast and “all things child support” with Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations. Our Special Guest today is Paola Castro, Lead Deputy Child Support Attorney, IV-S, and Family Law Facilitators, from the Riverside County Superior Court. The focus of this podcast is timeshare and custody. We will hear about what is the true connection between, custody, visitation, and timeshare in the world of Child Support. You don't want to miss this podcast, rich and frothy with key details about one of the most frequently asked topics. So sit back! grab your coffee or favorite drink and enjoy this coffee break podcast.

    (1:50) Introduction of our Special Guest today is Paola Castro, Child Support Attorney, IV-S.  (3:02) Paola is excited to discuss this topic and the legal process around Timeshare.  (3:57) What really is the connection to custody, visitation, and timeshare to the world of Child Support?  (4:39) Paola answers this important question and explains the differences of the legal terms involved.  (6:00) One of the common questions or concerns of a client may be what is stated in a custody agreement may not be what actually is occurring?  (6:58) Paola discusses how this situation would impact the child support calculation.  (9:04) Is participation from both parties crucial?  (9:51) Paola provides a better understanding as to why it is crucial both parties participate.  (10:39) Clarification is given between the relationship of the child support calculation and custody or/and visitation court order.   (11:30) An explanation of the main items that go into the calculation and how it influences child support. (16:45) There are so many different scenarios for timeshare/co-parenting, how is it calculated?  (17:42) Paola explains and clarifies this question.  (20:56) What if the parents don’t agree on the timeshare?    Where and how are the discrepancies dealt with?  (21:41) Paola goes through answers to these questions.  (24:59) Best way to keep track of your timeshare/co-parenting details and filing the documents in court. (28:41) Don’t forget to use a great resource available – Riverside Superior Court Self-Help Center, aka FLAC. Distinguishing the responsibility and differences of all the legal representation involved.  (32:05) Information on our Virtual Workshop “We are here to help” Timeshare Calculator.  (32:48) Last words of advice from Paola on this topic.  (32:37) Nathan’s RivCoDCSS closing comments.  (34:57) Couple of reminders; subscribe to our podcast: available on a variety of platforms including, Spotify, anchor FM, apple podcast platform, and contact us at  Upcoming event – Legal day June 12, 2021.  




    951-274-4499 OR 760-393-2163

  • Welcome to RivCoDCSS Season 3 Episode 4 Coffee Break Podcast and “all things child support” with Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations. (2:10​) Special Guest today is Marivel Castaneda, Sr. Program Specialist and Alisa Smith, Supervising Employment Services Counselor from our Community Partner, Department of Social Services (DPSS). The focus of this podcast is the self-sufficiency programs offered by DPSS, including the Welfare to Work Program. (4:59​) Nathan reveals that RivCoDCSS and DPSS are striving towards the same goal – self-sufficiency for our clients. Helping our customers be at ease and to recognize that we are all here as County Agencies to provide every service that someone is qualified to receive, applies for and qualifies for. Including the cross-over of having a child support case and applying for DPSS services. (6:50​) Self-sufficiency is a general term. What does self-sufficiency mean to DPSS and what services are provided? Specific to self-sufficiency, what are those programs, what is offered, and what is available to the public? (7:27​) Alisa Smith states, self-sufficiency is a division within DPSS and also their philosophy. CalWORKS program and the Welfare-to-Work program will be discussed in detail later on in the podcast. (9:23​) Marivel Castaneda discusses part of the Self-Sufficiency DPSS program that includes CalWORKS. (9:38​) MediCal Program is discussed. What is the program, who is eligible, and what are the qualifications? (10:02​) CalWORKs program is the “CalWORKS Opportunity and Responsibility Program” and is a cash assistance program. (10:15​) CalFresh is explained and discussed. (10:50​) The general assistance program is reviewed. Program for adults 18 years and older. There are some specific program requirements. (11:11​) How do I apply for those benefits? It’s very easy to apply. (13:40​) Is there any information or documentation that should be ready ahead of time when applying for programs? (16:07​) Child support and CalWORKS. (18:38​) The General CalWORKS umbrella and the different services. (19:37​) Welfare-to-Work program discussed in detail: Employment services, job readiness workshops, classes on relationships, DPSS partners with Riverside County Behavioral Health services to offer counseling, childcare, transportation expenses, and other employment expenses to name just a few. (23.40) Who are these services available to? (25:10​) There are additional programs that are fairly new to the Welfare-to-Work Program: career development services, subsidized employment program which partners with local business’, work experience program, no-cost education in-demand fields, family stabilization program, housing support programs. (27:30​) Is there a limit on how long someone can have these services provided to them? (28:19​) Who qualifies? Family, children and/or an individual without children? (29:04​) This is a lot of information to take in, if I qualify and I’m receiving these benefits, will I have to pay the benefits back? (32:00​) What is the approach and response to encourage customers to provide updated information. (34:35​) Is there anything our listeners need to know about the different changes due to COVID-19 and circumstances with your office or programs? (36:36​) Program is coming to an end: last two questions. Any additional services you would like to add that may have been missed and what would you like to leave with our customers in closing? (40:08​) Nathan’s RivCoDCSS closing thought. (41:04​) Subscribe to our podcast.

    For information on all DPSS programs, go to the website:

    To apply online for all programs, go to:

    If in need of food assistance – get information at:

    If in need of medical go to:

    877-410-8827 – call for a hard copy application

  • As we continue our Coffee Break with our host Nathan Hartel, Deputy  Director of Programs and Operations of Riverside County Child Support  Services. Episode 3 with (0:13) Introducing Tammi Graham the Executive Director of our community partner First 5 Riverside. (1:01)  Tammi Graham the Executive Director of First 5 Riverside introduces  herself and gives a brief summary of her time with First 5. (1:33)  Nathan goes into discussing the number of families we serve at Riverside  County Child Support Services and services provided by the department (1:51).  Services include establishing court orders for child and medical  support, services helping our families be self-sufficient, and the roles  other agencies can play in helping with that. (2:30) Tammi gives insight on what to expect on First 5’s website. (3:15)  Even though COVID impacted many individuals, Riverside County Child  Support Services continues to offer services virtually. We are here for  our customers.  (4:06) Tammi explains how COVID impacted the services  provided at First 5 Riverside. Tammi discusses how First 5 partners with  other community-based organizations and how funding is still available  for these resources. (5:08) Tammi gives an example of a community-based provider that First 5 helps fund jointly with Prop-10 and CalWorks. (6:55) First 5 is anticipating a return to in-home services they provide. (7:27) Nathan discusses how child support customers can obtain an appointment virtually. (8:06) Tammi discusses the history of First 5 and how she started out, and what her mission and vision are. (9:08) Information about 58 other First 5 agency’s state and local levels (11:03) Understanding First 5 and going to website (11:54) Type of First 5 services that are available to you parents with children ages 0-5. (12:10)  Do you need Medi-Cal or help feeling out the application, First 5 can  help at their Mecca Valley location. (12: 40) Another resource offered  through First 5 is mental health counseling, legal services, and much  more. (12:56) Enhanced partnerships provide expanded resources for customers over the age of 5. (14:15).  Knowing where to go and what to ask with connecting partners from other  agencies such as Riverside County’s First 5, Public Social Services,  and Child Support Service. (15:04) Tammi discusses the different family resources offered at their Mead Valley location. (16:10) Resources for parents and how to obtain a parenting kit. (18:27) What can a customer expect from First 5? (19:34) The role of First 5 and its relation to childcare. (20:49) Early childhood education and development. (21:08) Tammi talks about the relationship with Riverside County’s Behavioral Health and the Set for School program. (25:15) First 5 contact information. (25:43) If you see something, say something the slogan for Child Abuse Awareness month.

  • Welcome to Season 3 Episode 2 of Riverside County Department of Child Support Services Coffee Break Podcast with our Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations. (.028) Why we talk, “all things child support”. (0.38) This episode is an “Espresso Shot”, quick, over fast but full of flavor and packs a punch!  (1:03) Information about resources on our website.  How to get to our general helpful resource page.  This page offers information on a variety of other county departments and agencies that can assist you.  (1:31) We have a new Job and Career Resources page which provides information on job opportunities, continuing education, GED prep program, apprenticeship, trade programs, truck driving, HVAC, other job and career resources, English as a second language, info on expungement of criminal record issues, citizenship, selective service, and military.  (3.26) Riverside County Department of Child Support Services is here to support the community!  (4:49) Again, go to to review the resource page on our website.  (5:16) Check out our upcoming events!  (5:21) How to subscribe to our podcast and find our past podcasts. (5:46) Tune in to find out about more services offered, who we are, what we can do for you, and info on opening a new case.  (6:08) Information on the opening of the 2nd Saturday of the Month with virtual appointments.  (6:41) Here are the ways to contact us by phone or by the website.  (7:03) Information on our upcoming Virtual Workshop, April 8, 2021 – with our community partner “First 5”!

  • Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) Season 3 will focus on our Community Partners and the Resources available to Riverside County residents.  These Community Partners have the same ideals and commitment as RivCoDCSS to serve our clients and the community. This Season’s Episode 1 with Host Nathan Hartel starts with (1:00) an introduction of Olga Sanchez, Senior Community Program Specialist and Community Action Partnership (CAP).  (1:18) Olga Sanchez introduces herself and explains the variety of services available. (1:50) CAP’s goal is to be able to encourage and motivate everyone to be self-sufficient and to have reachable and attainable goals.  Stronger, better residents for Riverside County.   (4:12) Let’s find out how COVID impacted CAP and the delivery of their services.  (7:39) Olga shares the location of the five-county offices and the best ways to contact the offices at this time.  (10:35) How are the services of CAP delivered? How does CAP go about the “how” part of customer service?  Olga provides valuable information to these questions.  (12:20) Information is shared about the utility assistance programs available from CAP.  Community Action CARES is discussed in detail and all the various utilities that qualify for this program.  (14:30) Who qualifies in general for CAP services/assistance?  Application information and the process is explained.   (19:06) CAP is a one-stop-shop.  The specifics of the different available services will be discussed more in-depth.  (20:01) Olga Sanchez begins with showcasing the asset-building programs.  (20:21) The savings match programs allow individuals to obtain a goal that they have set for themselves.  (21:05) Tech for Success Program is discussed. You can earn and obtain a desktop or laptop! (23:48) Details of the savings for services match program.  Open a new business, an education goal, or the purchase of a home for the first time.  The program is a dollar match on an individual’s savings.  (28:28) All of our relationships with loved ones, family, and friends have been affected over the last year.  The conflict resolution program and the mediation program is discussed. Workshops are available for both youth and adults.  (32:33) Other services are mentioned.  (32:40) The youth programs provide tutoring services, as well as a pre-apprenticeship program. (34:26) Overview of the VITA – Tax Program.  (38:28) Nathan has a few closing questions and CAP provides the answers and gives some helpful pointers.

  • Welcome to the Coffee Break podcast, where hosts, Child Support Chief Attorney, Bruce Wagner and Child Support Deputy Director, Nathan Hartel talk about topics that will help you understand the Child Support program just a little easier by bringing you coffee break sips of Child Support knowledge.

    This Coffee Break episode is a special one, as it is the finale to Season Two.  But that’s not the only thing that makes this episode special; the hosts have a special announcement: your Coffee Break host, Bruce has announced his retirement from DCSS! (1:20) This is Bruce’s final podcast with Coffee Break; but don’t worry, the Coffee Break’s will continue in Season 3, with Nathan as a solo host, along with special guests.

    As this podcast serves as a farewell and thank you to Bruce, it also served as a final opportunity to interview Bruce and have him share some of his best insight regarding the Child Support program. This interview also served as a reminder as to why the podcast was created, and that is to showcase what the customer experience with DCSS should be. (3:30)

    A little about your host, Bruce Wagner: did you know he was a math teacher? Yes, Mr. Wagner, high school teacher. (7:00) Who would have known he would later hold a career as a Child Support Attorney with the District Attorney’s division?

    Bruce talks about the greatest changes that occurred in the Child Support program within the transition of DCSS separating from the D.A.’s division, into its own entity under the Human Services division. (8:15) Through the lifespan of DCSS, the focus has changed into what can be done to help the parents/caretakers meet the requirements of their Child Support order. (9:50)

    The most important piece of information that Bruce can provide is this, “Child Support is not a science, it is an art. The most important aspect is to be honest, caring, and willing to work together, not only with the other parent/caretaker, but with the Child Support representatives, focusing on what is best for the child(ren); being heard and valued.” (15:40)

    Part of this approach to focus on what is best for the child(ren), also takes place in court. The Child Support attorneys do not advocate for either parent/caretaker. The attorneys present information to the commissioner, to narrow down the issue for a more efficient process. Child Support attorneys are impartial and work with both parents. (19:00)

    And as the final farewell, Bruce speaks on the most rewarding part of the Child Support program: providing quality service, being as fair as possible, and doing whatever DCSS can do to get an appropriate court order that will work for the parents and help improve the lives of the child(ren). This is not only in Riverside, but it is a focus for Child Support departments statewide. (23:50)

    Now, Mr. Wagner’s cup of coffee is empty, and he has no more refills. Best retirement wishes! Now as should our listeners, Bruce will subscribe as a Coffee Break podcast listener, and looks forward to listening to future episodes with many guests to the show in Season 3. Subscribe and stay tuned.

  • In this episode, Chief Attorney, Bruce Wagner, and Deputy Directory, Nathan Hartel, bring on a special guest to the show, Patricia, an attorney from the Family Law Assistance Center (F.L.A.C.). Together they will talk about the connection between Child Support and F.L.A.C. (2:00), can either entity provide legal advice, what forms can they help with, who is Patricia, (5:20), and what is the Family Law Facilitator’s program? Is F.L.A.C. part of Child Support? (7:00) How has COVID-19 affected the Family Law facilitator’s program? (9:20) How/where can I make an appointment with a Family Law Facilitator? (10:30)

    Listen to the group talk about how the new virtual way of meeting with a Family Law Facilitator has been a benefit for its customers. (12:00) To make an appointment with a Family Law Facilitator (14:00) contact them by calling the Self-Help Center at either their Riverside phone number (951) 274-4499, or their Indio phone number (760) 393-2163, or set an appointment online by going to

    Our hosts will speak with Patricia about how to prepare for court, (17:00), do customers have to file documents on their own (19:15), does the Family Law facilitator help with serving the other party (19:55), does the Family Law facilitator accompany customers to court? (21:00) There are many questions, and the coffee break team will answer them all. Listen to the excitement in the team as they announce F.L.A.C. making their return to DCSS for an in-person appointment starting the week of 10/26/2020. (22:30)

    There is so much to talk about when it comes to the assistance available from F.L.A.C.; the most common questions customers have, (24:00) a piece of advice from Patricia, (26:00), and information about the Guideline Calculator. (27:30) Through the discussion, you’ll hear the word “stipulation” mentioned multiple times, but what does that mean? Patricia ends the podcast with the best and simplest possible answer to that…” stipulation is a fancy word for agreement.” 

  • Join us for Riverside County, Department of Child Support Services Coffee Break podcast, hosted by Chief Attorney, Bruce Wagner, and Deputy Director, Nathan Hartel. Special guest speaker, Child Support Specialist, Lisa Hall will provide input and commentary by Coffee Break producer, Maria Soto. 

    In this episode, they will dive into the topic of modification requests of child support orders. How to request a modification (8:00). How COVID-19 may have caused changes in circumstances that could warrant a need for modification (16:00). What justifies a request for modification (17:00). Unemployment concerns (19:40). What could keep customers from completing a modification request? (23:00). A new feature called DocuSign and how it's helping to make the process easier (30:30).

  • Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) provides information regarding office reopening on Monday, June 15th. Our office is slowly starting the process of reopening, and customers will now be able to speak to a Child Support Specialist in person (1:00). Customers now can schedule an appointment from our website to physically come into the office or set up an appointment via Skype (1:40). This change will be effective at all 3 of our branch locations Riverside, Indio, and Blythe (2:50). We are not accepting walk-ins at this time to ensure public safety and take the necessary precautions (3:20). There will be no appointment needed for Kiosk Payments (4:00). Our office also highly encourages the use of face masks and accommodations for social distancing (4:40). Safety is our top priority, and we want customers to feel comfortable knowing the area will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each customer comes in (5:20). The in-person appointment option will be offered for those customers who feel ready to visit our office. However, all other communication options such as; LiveChat, Phone, and Customer Connect are still available (6:20). It is unclear how long we will continue to do business this way. Since we are still amid a pandemic most information is fluid and changes often, but the projected time is until Mid-September (8:00). We continue to encourage our customers to stay in contact with our office in whichever communication method best suits their needs (9:50). We want to encourage customers to continue reaching out to RivCoDCSS with any questions by phone, email, or on our LiveChat.

    Riverside County Child Support


  • Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) provides information regarding office operations during the COVID-19 pandemic during this episode. Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director, and Bruce Wagner, Chief Attorney kick off season 2 virtually because of the impact related to COVID-19. Our offices have closed to the public, and as of May 15th, our branches are now open for TouchPay Kiosk payments (4:00). Riverside, Indio, and Blythe allow 1-2 customers in the lobby for TouchPay Kiosk payments only. Despite our physical locations being closed to the public, our staff is available to assist you virtually anywhere (5:00).  Customers can contact us by phone, or by visiting our website and activating our LiveChat. Our staff is working remotely at full capacity to assist our customers with their child support needs. Our Chief Attorney, Bruce Wagner, mentions court closures that will remain closed for an undetermined point in time (6:28). There has also been a rise in different payment options such as; MoneyGram, PayNearMe, and PayPal (7:25). At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our office recognized the importance of communication with our customers and staff. As an agency, we realized that our approach to phone calls needed to change because of the current circumstances. Interactions with our customers are different, and instead of focusing on payments, our priority is their well-being (9:10). Our staff is reaching out to customers asking if they were impacted by COVID-19 in any way and how they can help. Deputy Director, Nathan Hartel, mentions enforcement remedies that have changed during the recent pandemic (10:45). There has been a more loosened approach to bank levies, and Driver's License suspensions that have all been directed by the State. Our department must abide by court order, and communicating your needs will help our staff remain informed of a change in circumstance (13:30). Modifications may still be requested if there has been a change in circumstance (15:00). Bruce also mentions how modifications are done while the courts remain closed (16:20). Court hearings are also mentioned, along with how to prepare (18:30). If you are on the calendar for a court date, our staff will contact you by telephone as long as contact information is up to date. Our staff will review your case with you over the phone. Please have financial information ready, an expense declaration filled out, and visitation information (21:20). Child Support currently still is garnishing 25% of unemployment income (22:48). What's next for our department is that customers can continue to receive excellent customer service virtually until the pandemic winds down. Our department is focused on new and innovative ways to serve our customers while the county aligns with office reopening guidelines (27:00). We want to encourage customers to continue reaching out to RivCoDCSS with any questions by phone, email, or on our LiveChat.  Riverside County Child Support  866-901-3212

  • Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) provides information regarding stimulus payments in this episode. Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director, goes over information related to stimulus payments and what it means to the world of child support (0:50). To begin, Nathan explains what a stimulus payment is, where it comes from, and what it means for child support customers. The stimulus payment comes from the Federal Government. The payment is sent to American families in need of certain income thresholds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (1:19). In the CARES Act, Congress decided that it would allow past-due child support to count as a debt that will be intercepted (2:53). Similar to an Income Tax return intercept, the government will offset the return toward past-due child support. Governor Newsom signed an Executive Order allowing the money to go directly to the families first before any of it goes to the government. Only the amount that is owed will be intercepted, and it will go straight to the family (5:20). Parents receiving support will get the payment as if it was a regular child support payment or past due support payment (6:18). Many have questions regarding their current situation and what it means to the portion of the stimulus payment of their current spouse (8:08). The option that is still available is that customers may file an injured spouse claim so that their spouse may get 50% of the payment. Also, the amount sent per child in the household will be intercepted and will not be refunded as it was decided by Congress. We hope this information helps clarify questions. It was a decision made by Congress, not Riverside County or any Local Child Support Agencies. We want to encourage customers to continue reaching out to RivCoDCSS with any questions by phone, email, or on our LiveChat.     

    Riverside County Child Support  Services 


  • Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) provides an update on how the Coronavirus has affected daily lives. Bruce Wagner, Chief Attorney, goes over how RivCoDCSS does business during COVID-19 as well as how the courts are doing business (0:38). Bruce goes over the information of value to our customers during this time since we can understand many have questions (0:55). What RivCoDCSS is doing around the issues related to COVID-19 and how we are handling court closures are also mentioned in this episode (1:18). The number one thing RivCoDCSS is doing is accepting requests for case modifications. During this time, modifications are critical since many have had an impact on their income from the pandemic. Anyone with a request for a modification is encouraged to call or email their circumstances to their caseworker (2:30). If you have an upcoming court date, our Legal Division team will contact you by phone (3:30). If a case is not resolved over the phone, our staff will wait for a later date in time. RivCoDCSS is currently on a priority system and is filing motions as quickly as possible. Anyone who has not seen any impact on income from the pandemic is encouraged to hold off on modification requests in order to help those who have truly seen an impact (5:58). The department is working diligently to assist parents being affected by COVID-19, we are here to help with your child support needs. We also encourage the public to check the Riverside County Superior Court website for any updates related to court closures. All in all, RivCoDCSS wishes for everyone to stay safe during the pandemic and assure support to your child support needs!   Riverside County Superior Court 274- 4499    Riverside County Child Support

  • Espresso Shot 1

    Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) has a special guest this episode, Executive Director at the Community Action Partnership (C.A.P) Riverside, Vince Wrzalinski. This episode explains how Taxes and Child Support are connected. The Department of Child Support receives qualifying tax refunds through a Federal Fund program called the Tax Intercept program (1:30). This program provides an opportunity for Tax filers who are entitled to a tax refund and are behind on Child Support to catch up on Arrears. How this program works is that the Federal Government will send the refund or part of it and apply it on any arrears on Child Support. Although it may seem like a negative step, this truly is an opportunity for customers to catch up with their Child Support arrears. The interest rate on past due Child Support arrears is 10% which is high, getting it paid down is very important. The IRS automatically withholds a refund and sends it to the Department of Child Support under a Federal Regulation (2:00). Our guest Vince explains how a Child Support customer can benefit from the resources provided through C.A.P. Of those resources is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) that is available for people with low to moderate-income under $70k. The (VITA) tax program will get qualifying individuals Taxes done for FREE (3:35). The limitation of forms is that it should be a basic 1040 form, have no business losses, and no rental income. The program operates through volunteers who have been certified by the IRS and have received rigorous training (4:50). RivCoDCSS and C.A.P have established a great partnership where C.A.P tax professionals will be assisting customers in our lobby with their taxes. There are select dates where the V.I.T.A tax Professionals will be in our Riverside and Indio locations this month will be March 12th, 2020 in Indio and March 14th, 2020 in Riverside. C.A.P has 26 locations throughout the County that make it convenient for those who may benefit from their services (5:43). The documents that tax fillers should have handy include; a Government ID, Driver’s License, Social Security cards for all dependents, W2's, 1098 forms, and health insurance forms (6:55). The V.I.T.A tax program end date is April 15th, 2020 with an exception of 2 main offices in Riverside and Indio remaining open. Overall, there are many benefits customers may take advantage of from the established partnership with RivCoDCSS and C.A.P.

    Riverside County Community Action Partnership C.A.P

    (951) 955-4900

    Riverside County Child Support


  • Espresso Shot 1

    Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) has a special guest this episode, Executive Director at the Community Action Partnership (C.A.P) Riverside, Vince Wrzalinski. This episode explains how Taxes and Child Support are connected. The Department of Child Support receives qualifying tax refunds through a Federal Fund program called the Tax Intercept program (1:30). This program provides an opportunity for Tax filers who are entitled to a tax refund and are behind on Child Support to catch up on Arrears. How this program works is that the Federal Government will send the refund or part of it and apply it on any arrears on Child Support. Although it may seem like a negative step, this truly is an opportunity for customers to catch up with their Child Support arrears. The interest rate on past due Child Support arrears is 10% which is high, getting it paid down is very important. The IRS automatically withholds a refund and sends it to the Department of Child Support under a Federal Regulation (2:00). Our guest Vince explains how a Child Support customer can benefit from the resources provided through C.A.P. Of those resources is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) that is available for people with low to moderate-income under $70k. The (VITA) tax program will get qualifying individuals Taxes done for FREE (3:35). The limitation of forms is that it should be a basic 1040 form, have no business losses, and no rental income. The program operates through volunteers who have been certified by the IRS and have received rigorous training (4:50). RivCoDCSS and C.A.P have established a great partnership where C.A.P tax professionals will be assisting customers in our lobby with their taxes. There are select dates where the V.I.T.A tax Professionals will be in our Riverside and Indio locations this month will be March 12th, 2020 in Indio and March 14th, 2020 in Riverside. C.A.P has 26 locations throughout the County that make it convenient for those who may benefit from their services (5:43). The documents that tax fillers should have handy include; a Government ID, Driver’s License, Social Security cards for all dependents, W2's, 1098 forms, and health insurance forms (6:55). The V.I.T.A tax program end date is April 15th, 2020 with an exception of 2 main offices in Riverside and Indio remaining open. They will also be on-site in our lobby through May 9th, 2020 after Tax Season has ended to assist customers beyond the deadline (8:40). Overall, there are many benefits customers may take advantage of from the established partnership with RivCoDCSS and C.A.P.

    Riverside County Community Action Partnership C.A.P

    (951) 955-4900

    Riverside County Child Support
