This episode of RNN is fully dedicated to a 'new kid on the block' with application of Cardiovascular MRI for fetal CMR!
Special guests are:
1. Prof. Monique Haak, Fetal ultrasound expert and fetal surgeon, form the Leiden, University Medical Centre, The Netherlands.
2. Dr. Fabian Kording, University of Hamburg & Co-Founder & CEO of Northh Medical, Germany.
3. Dr. Malenka Bissell, Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Cardiology and passionate about neonatal and fetal cardiac MRI, University of Leeds, UK.
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In this RNN episode a live report from the 2023 scientific meeting of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance - SCMR.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this edition we discuss a large scale study on aortic aneurysm in The Netherlands called ‘the RADAR study’, to bring aortic aneurysm on the Radar of researchers and clinicians.
The goal of the RADAR study is to predict development of an aortic aneurysm in the course of life, to predict growth of an existing aneuryms and to predict aortic dissection or rupture to support timely intervention.
In this episode I have two special guests. PhD-student Joe Juffermans and associate professor Jos Westenberg from the Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands.
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Welcome to RNN Café to informally discuss topics of interest for radiology. In this episode focus is on workflow interruptions and a possible solution: RadConnect. Special guests are Kenneth Hergaarden, PhD-Student at the Cardio Vascular Imaging Group (CVIG), Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands and Merlijn Sevenster, Royal Philips, The Netherlands. We discuss the effects of workflow interruptions on our work as radiologists, based on a recent publication by Shah et al. from the Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA entitled 'Workflow Interruptions and Effect on Study Interpretation Efficiency' ( Next a potential solution to the problem is discussed: 'RadConnect' a tool in development for asynchronous communication between radiology technicians and radiologists, later to be extended to other medical professionals as 'MedConnect'.
Check the ranking of RNN in the Top worldwide best Radiology Podcasts:
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This is the first RNN podcast as RNN Café to informally discuss topics of interest for radiology. In this episode focus is on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Special guest is Omar Hertgers, PhD-Student at the Cardio Vascular Imaging Group (CVIG), Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands. Omar informs us about 3 topics of his research program relating to AI application in radiological healthcare. 1. Local adaption of externally developed AI-applications; 2. rAIdiology AI lab; 3. Worklist prioritization.
RNN ranks #29 in the Top worldwide best Radiology Podcasts:
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Special guest is prof. Diederik Gommers. He is professor of ‘intensive care medicine’ at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Nethelands. Prof. Gommers is president of the Dutch Society for Intensive Care medicine.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands, prof. Gommers has been part of the Outbreak Management Team, that advises the Dutch government and prime minister Mark Rutte on measures required to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
He is also responsible for informing the Dutch house of representatives, 'de Tweede Kamer', on the current state of Intensive Care units in the Netherlands during the corona crisis.
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The Netherlands Heart Days (NHD) celebrates 15 years of successful conferences! The NHD usually is hosted by Curacao. Next year 2022 you can hopefully enjoy the NHD program live on the beautiful island Curacao! In this podcast many special guests tell about the history and future plans for NHD: - Prof. Matthijs Oudkerk, founder of the NHD - Mrs. dr. Estelle Noach, Chief Operating Officer NHD - Dr. Izzy Gerstenbluth, National Epidemiologist and operational leader of the COVID-19 crisis on Curaçao - Mr. Erich van der Hoeven, President of NASKHO: Netherlands Anthilles Foundation for Higher Clinical Education - Dr. Maarten Jan Cramer, cardiologist and associate professor of Cardiology at the University Medical Center Utrecht - Prof. Tim Leiner, Chair NHD - Dr. Jan Willen Gratama, Treasurer NHD - Prof. Hildo Lamb, secretary NHD and founder of RNN
RNN ranks #17 in the Top 35 worldwide best Radiology Podcasts:
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Sorry, Podcast in Dutch this time.
Tour of Duty: Radiologen Betrokken bij COVID-19 Zorg LUMC
Artsen van de LUMC afdeling radiologie worden ingezet voor behandeling van COVID-19 patiënten. De komende maanden worden Radiologie AIOS ingezet als zaalarts op de COVID-19 afdeling in een 3-weken durende “Tour of Duty”. Alle afdelingen van het ziekenhuis leveren op deze manier een bijdrage aan de zorg voor COVID-19 patiënten. Dit is extra uitdagend omdat de AIOS van de radiologie niet dagelijks als zaalarts werken. Er zijn daarom mensen benaderd die relatief recent in de kliniek werkzaam waren.
Inmiddels heeft de eerste arts-assistent radiologie zijn Tour of Duty erop zitten: Laurens Pierik. De indrukken van Laurens klinken precies als de krantenartikelen uit de eerste golf: Stervende patiënten die maar 1 familielid aan bed mogen hebben, ingepakt in maskers en duikbrillen. Schakelen tussen ‘schone’ en ‘vieze’ ruimtes. Moeilijke familiegesprekken. Escalatie naar de IC. En natuurlijk een hoger risico zelf COVID op te lopen.
De coronacijfers stijgen ongekend hard door. De ziekenhuisopnames stijgen mee en ook de LUMC COVID-afdeling wordt opgeschaald. De LUMC afdeling Radiologie levert 4 arts-assistenten en er zal ook een stafarts bijdragen. Naast Laurens mogen binnekort ook Faisal Hasan, Dimitri Muylaert en Lars Pietersen de stethoscoop weer afstoffen. Spannend, maar mooi dat er een kans is om een steentje bij te dragen. Jammer dat het zo hard nodig is.
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Welcome to a new episode of the Radio News Network RNN. In this episode 2 very special guests. You'll be updated by the president of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) prof. Tim Leiner and Mrs. ISMRM herself: Mrs. Roberta Kravitz. They comment on their personal background, the impact of COVID-19 on the ISMRM society and future topics and meetings.
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Prof. Maitray Patel, from Mayo Clinic USA, comments on 2 of his recent papers. First, a paper published in 'Radiology' is discussed entitled 'Radiologists Make More Errors Interpreting Off-Hours Body CT Studies during Overnight Assignments as Compared with Daytime Assignments' ( The second paper was published in J Am Coll Radiol entitled 'Management of Incidental Adnexal Findings on CT and MRI: A White Paper of the ACR Incidental Findings Committee' (
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A new Dutch 'CO-RADS' system is introduced for grading chest CT with high prevalence of COVID-19. Special Guest is prof. Mathias Prokop, on behalf of the Dutch COVID-19 Investigators. What is the CO-RADS grading system from 1 to 6? What are the core chest CT features of COVID-19? How can COVID-19 related lung disease severity be graded?
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Special guest dr. Ling Lin comments on COVID-19. Why is it worse than regular flu? How do quarantaine measures compare between China and EU? How is daily life in affected cities in China? What are the radiological features of COVID-19 on chest CT? What are possible treatments?
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A team from the Leiden University Medical Centre and Philips Healthtech won a Facebook challenge on AI-based reconstruction of sparcely sampled k-space to speed up MRI acquisitions. In this episode an interview with winning team members.
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Explanation of new Philips Healthtech vision on healthcare and RSNA 2019 highlights
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Update on new products of Siemens, including remote scanning for MRI
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Current and future products of Perspectum Diagnostics
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Highlights of Medis Medical Imaging Systems at RSNA 2019
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RSNA 2019 news and interviews
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