
  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    This week, we give our final thoughts on Sailor Moon Stars, answer audience questions, and say goodbye to Sailor Moon!

    We also talk about the biggest spoiler challenge, our favorites and least favorites, putting glue on pizza, dumb doctors, Teenage Adultesque Sailor Girls, Kalnip, Sailor Intermediate, Stockholms syndrome, doing the numbers, going to one, enjoying your own tea, bringing back Mimette, the dragon switch, our gun-to-head picks, Dr. Syphilis triumphant, getting eugenicky, Cincy's Oh my God counts, reaching 100% cultural penetration, Arthur C. Clarke power, playing with your sword, and Sopranos french fries!

    Thanks for joining us onthis adventure!

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    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

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  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    The saga comes to a close this week as Usagi faces off against Galaxia for the fate of the galaxy! Can one girl stand alone against the legendary Sailor Senshi?

    In this episode, we discuss magical girls. We also talk about grating doppelgangers, spoilers ahoy, getting your bits out, Debbie Harry, rapier and diaper, Hug Assault, going for TV-MA, a Shin Godzilla level of damage, getting blipped, 185 dead car ladies, turning the "In the Manga..." tables, the Chibi Chibi secret sauce, Sex Switch, Sally the Witch = Thor, Late Night Anime, magical boys, and Shojo is third person!

    The sword was a little kid!

    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription to your favorite noob!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

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  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Hope is a precious commodity this week as Galaxia stands triumphant over the remains of Earth's defenders! Is there anyone who can stand against the Legendary Sailor Senshi and her campaign of destruction?

    In this episode, we discuss the Ainu people and their history and culture. We also talk about forgetful princesses, Bluey Time, point broken, Galactic Lampshade Attack, Chibi Wan, Sailor Cop, becoming fecund, abyss gazin', the very last "What Kal Thinks Is Going to Happen", panspermia, when Khabarovsk Krai, eating good with the Ainu, fur debt, getting your punishment beating, the God window, milder wolfsbane, small excrement, throwing yourself on a landmine, and a Lord acton reference?!

    Chibi Chibi and the Star Serious Lasers!

    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription this holiday season!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Time is running out this week as Sailor Moon must face the reality that the Outer Senshi have betrayed her! Can she convince her former allies to spare her life or will Galaxia see her dream of conquest realized?

    In this episode, we discuss the legend of the 47 Ronin, as well as the history of bushido and the samurai in Japanese history. We also talk about whether Superman wears clothes, doing the show in crayon, puddle people and crystals, a big cousin check to cash, calling 119, the Dummy society, not beating about the end of the world, Minako Solo, farmers with sticks, knock-off samurai, going from obi to ascot, Grand Theft Palanquin, galaxy brain bushido, The 47 Pillars, Galaxia's neighbors, the "Thanos pose", a Doomsday situation, and Galaxia is the Utlimate Warrior!

    Sweet dreams, David Lynch.

    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription this holiday season!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    A stunning betrayal ROCKS the Sailor Senshi this week as Galaxia's power grows. Can Sailor Moon and the Sailor Starlights rally themselves to face the threat or will Galaxia hold illimitable dominion over all?

    In this episode, we discuss the February 28th coup attempt of 1936. We also talk about Space Walmart, Neighborhoodia, a time and a place, Jacob wins, keeping your face, sapphic banter, flirting in the space room, Baby's first murder, the Awakener-in-law, Majin Uranus, a teenage girl Sengoku, Sailor Copper Skunk, the "Showa restoration", killing your principal, getting a good bro-in-law, trivia, and wife ratings!


    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription this holiday season!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    The end of everything begins here as Galaxia casts her evil shadow across the Earth! Can the Sailor Senshi and the Sailor Starlights overcome their differences and face their foe or will darkness claim the galaxy?

    In this episode, we discuss '"johatsu" or disappearances, the cities of San'ya and Kamagasaki, and kamikakushi or "spirited away". We also talk about high steaks, DBZ as The Simpsons of anime, powerful ball magic, hopeless circus drunks, spontaneous harvesting, our first confirmed animal death, "dipping your Toei in", missing the meta, Scrappying it up, Ice cream flashbacks, Super Saiyan Galaxia, Macguffin hunts, Earth-chan, two-and-a-half feet of contrivance, Japan's Most Wanted, "night movers", Starboobs, trivia, Super Sailor Saturn, and longer ribbons!

    And we laughed and wept and so on.

    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription this holiday season!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Three Lights are taking a bow this week when they decide to play their last show! Will they find the Light of Hope and restore their Princess, or will Galaxia bring down the final curtain?

    In this episode, we discuss the work culture of Japan and freeters, hikikomori, and karoshi or "work death". We also talk about Sailor Moon polycules, disbanding the band, fish-out-of-water stuff, horned-up lust beasts, having male friends, "wooing" everything, tooching that boot, no-selling a finisher, trying to "Dragon Ball" it, sandbagging, arbeito, freeterhood, overlapping climaxes, Moratorium Guy, and being new to capitalism!

    If your mind is clouded, everyone will be puzzled!

    Give the gift of a Sailor Noob Patreon subscription this holiday season!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

    Leave us a comment on Spotify!

    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Princess Kakyu has arrived and so has a new chapter in Sailor Moon Stars! The Sailor Senshi have discovered a potential new ally, but can they mobilize themselves before Usagi falls prey to Sailor Tin Nyanko?

    In this episode, we discuss the modern Japanese sports, specifically sumo, karate, and kendo. We also talk about crusades vs. holy wars, sexy angry carrots, The One True Ship, diaper pants, the invention of panties, a triple entender, explaining phones to zoomers, canonical women, shooting a winger, Kryptn, robot geniuses, Sailor Fuku Nyanko, the stair house thing, roulette theories, the evil star god, Sailor Galactus, power water, shikiri rishiki, Tang hand, double crying, and studying for a kendo exam!

    Good bye ding dong, hello Queen Kong!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    This week, the conflict against the Animamates reaches a new level as Sailor Lead Crow succeeds in capturing the True Star Seed! Can the Sailor Senshi and the Sailor Starlights defeat their enemy or will the galaxy belong to Galaxia?

    In this episode, we discuss the history of geisha, jokyu or cafe girls, and maid cafes in Japan. We also talk about calligraphic co-dependency, Rule 34 Patterns, Bee Family, singing drummers, Moby Dicking, pink balls, segregating girls and kids, colon hats, eating okra, being very serious, Scott Stapping, Little Rorschach, Sailor Lead Spaghetti, geisha podcasts, courtesan Vaudeville, Tokyo Vice Cops, hero juice, and we're sorry, Women!

    In Soviet Russia, rod swallow you!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Minako is on the route to stardom this week as she becomes a finalist in an idol competition! Can she win the judges over with her skill and charm or will Sailor Tin Nyanko turn her dream into a nightmare?

    In this episode, we discuss virtual idols and vtubers in Japan. We also talk about cyberpunk furries, Grand Theft Pacman, unlimited fish eggs, the bit that never comes, caring for the villains, A Starseed is Born, momcore, spider-packages, dating cats, KISSer Price, ending up like Du Jour, Ghost Beats, pizza salad, being uncanny valley-ey, "Weebmalion", the KK Slider/Gorillaz collab, trivia, and an email from the times!

    Get in the swimsuit, Minako!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    A new challenger appears this week as the girls attend a video game competition! Will Ami rise to victory and confront Taiki or will Sailor Gamer-chan eat up all her continues?

    In this episode, we discuss the history of Nintendo and its most famous properties. We also talk about FX's Shogun of Harlem, Breaking Bento, pretending to like Star Wars, Sour Cream Lunch, Ami-ga 4000, HMLT, grid girls, 2 out of 10, Rain Manning it, "the Wineglass", garbage characters, Jon Mulaney jokes, the "NO" strategy, Giant Tetris, being willing to work with criminals, Sheriff vs. Bandido, the POW deficit, Kid Icara, and subconscious Twilight!

    It'sa me! Video!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    The wheel keeps turning this week as the Starlights' past is revealed! Can Seiya make Usagi understand his mission or will his day at the park turn into a night of violence?

    In this episode, we discuss the Japanese theme parks Hanayashiki, Sanrio Puroland, and Tokyo Disneyland. We also talk about conehead vibes, power swag, Miss Minutes slash fic, double j'ing, two out of three pants, Civil Soldier War, tough bits to commit to, kittymom face, Blonde Waldo, being hot and lonely, Sailor Yogurt, musical telepathy powers, coming around on Seiusa, "adult" vs. "womanly", being mauled by a sex bear, Tokyoites, zoo memorials, Sanrio Fool Land, clown outies, stickers, and doing an "Earth Girls Are Easy"!


    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    This one goes out to all the lovers as Three Lights go on a request and dedication show! Usagi and Seiya are still reeling from last week’s revelations, but can Seiya heal their relationship before the Animamates tear them apart?

    In this episode, we discuss radio stations and public radio in Japan. We also talk about starseeds, Shogun syndrome, magical queer best friends, defacto cat parents, space drag heroes, Sailor Disco Death Cat, Rule 63 Lou Bega, canine shibari, ro-cat launchers, Holland's juciy boot, musical telepathy, sailor friendzone, the concept of a siren, audio calisthenics, the magic of just sharing things, wanting natto, double black hair, CyberGreek, and autograph boards!

    It's the '90s!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Things take off this week as Usagi and the girls go on a moonlight flight with Three Lights! But when Sailor Aluminum Siren shows up to crash the party, everyone's deepest secrets will be revealed!

    In this episode, we discuss the history of aviation in Japan. We also talk about smelling secrets, zoo libraries, my own private Oahu, Viz cope, the Kilometer High Club, lust strength, mes yeux, Fetish Night at the Space Disco, Food Unicorn, Chekov's Plane, Good Morning Manchuko, mokusei, Name that Plane, triparite monsters, and finally AmiMako?

    Become a permanent thief at the storehouse!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    The squad gets taken out to the ballgame this week as a rival student challenges Usagi and Seiya to softball! Can they find victory on the diamond before the Animamates bring their season to an end?

    In this episode, we discuss softball in Japan. We also talk about "calques", the old college try, playing with the boys, the Big Book of Hairdos, Lady Fartbutt, mostly guileless, Sailor Scrappiness, a Bad News Bears bet, "everyone", overneath, "new power, gentle wave", kittenball, peer pressuring yourself, softbras, and sailor silhouettes!

    RIP CPK!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Things get noisy AND nosey this week as Usagi and the squad try to track down Chibi Chibi! Which is more mysterious: the existence of Usagi's second(?) daughter or the secret of the land of sweets she disappears to?

    In this episode, we discuss zaibatsus in Japan and the League of Blood incident. We also talk being a spoiler bloodhound, Pizza Festival, uvula wipes, Japan Girl Dolls, Witchfinder Barbie, saying zarei to seiza, living with Diddy, the corn snack field, press X to Chibi Chibi, robbing the Lost and Found, solid tears, Chuck Jones rules, the "loonification field", the Wilhelm Vase, Money Clique, trivia, and Stilt-Man!


    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Taiki discovers this week what it’s like to have an innocent girl’s heart in his hands…literally! Can he find the strength to give her hope or will the Animamates claim another victim?

    In this episode, we discuss charity and charitable giving in Japan. We also talk about expensive fruit salad, sex danger, Hospital High School, Somy TV, putting octopus weiners in your mouth, confirming contemporaneity, sipping indolently, Arthur fist, sad giants, being "Crystal long", cartoon foreigners, the scent of liberal democracy, Eric Idle's bloody arm, Kansai dogs, trivia, and the blast and the bubble!

    RIP James, John, and Emi!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Monsters are dangerous but they've got nothing on teenage boys! When Usagi hosts an impromptu house party (and reality show episode), the Animamates arrive as deadly gatecrashers!

    In this episode, we discuss Japanese reality shows like Susunu, Denpa Shonen!, Terrace House, and The Boyfriend. We also talk about Jean-Claude Man Dame, wolf cops, Luna's Mom voice, "That's our Rei!", erotic baths, passionate cards, Emilypostichore, nuki ni kuji, the eggplant game, food-throwing age, Michael Keaton recipies, trivia, and building a beautiful bookcase!

    The eggplant is self-evident!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    This week, Usagi and friends head to the mountains for a little R&R, but there's someone or something terrorizing campers! Can they solve the mystery of the Camp Ravager before their weekend is cut to ribbons?

    In this episode, we discuss the Japanese film industry. We also talk about being too hot to act, being an "ichi cousin, san removed", Dewey Cox's sinks, 2 Fast 2 Chibi, bawitdabyebye, having Jason problems, Primary Commanders, Super Nice!, abortive beach episodes, Hibagon, heels in the forest, the Zazie Beats of Japan, what Kal thinks the series end will be, Sunshine Samurai, movie B-sides, and Sailor Potter!

    RIP Gena, Alain, and Atsuko!

    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

    Put Sailor Noob merch on your body!

    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

    Buy us a coffee on Ko-Fi!

  • Sailor Noob is the podcast where a Sailor Moon superfan and a total noob go episode by episode through the original Sailor Moon series!

    Things feel familiar this week as a tiny bundle of dangoed joy appears from somewhere(?) to meet the Sailor Senshi! Will Usagi solve the mystery of Chibi Chibi before Sailor Cop and the Animamates put her in the cooler?

    In this episode, we discuss police in Japan. We also talk about having it good in the 90s, Queeging, rookie galaxy numbers, Japan's love for the X-Files, a tan stacked greenhead, retired Artemis, "doing Faith again", Scrap Re-do!, crystal tubes, Ami is the Fred, sentai RoboCop, Cable and Phoenix, going back to the well, more Twilight talk, dancing cops, the art of arrest, trivia, and bicycle stop-and-frisk!


    We're on iTunes and your listening platform of choice! Please subscribe and give us a rating and a review! Arigato gozaimasu!

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    Listen to our new podcast, Mona Lisa Overpod!

    Become a patron of the show and get access to our live-action PGSM, Animedification, Utena, Ghibli, and Evangelion podcasts!

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    Sailor Noob is a part of the Just Enough Trope podcast network. Check out our other shows about your favorite pop culture topics and join our Discord!

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