In Matthew 21v13 Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah when He says âMy house will be a called a house of prayerâ. As a church we are going to take several weeks to lean into what it means to be a house of prayer. In order to understand why we pray, we must first understand why the cosmos exists⊠God created the earth to make a hospitable home for Him to live and rest with humans. Humans are made to take what God has made and to heighten it through their worship. The way we are designed to do this is through communication, or prayer. Prayer re-orders you so that you become the kind of person who can re-order the world. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:01.12.25 Sermon Guide
Last week we talked about depth in our gathering and how adding a cross to our physical space helps us view our gathering as sacred.
This Sunday Alex shared about depth in our mission as the Church. Our mission cannot aim at securing cultural relevance or political power. Rather, each one of us must be faithful to sow the seeds that God has given us, and depend on His power to bring about the promised harvest.
At Saints' Hill we are limiting our mission to connection with God (prayer). All fruitfulness is tied to communion with Him, so we look forward to how He will bring about the harvest in our town and in our time.
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01.05.25 Sermon Guide
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Every year our senior leader, Alex Rettmann, takes time to pray and think about a word that might give an aim for the coming year. This year that word is depth.
In an age where the Church is thought of as a place to help you realize your project self, we want to put front and center, the Cross. The Cross calls to us, come and die, lay down your life and trust only in Jesus. When we answer the call of the Cross, we can receive the power of the Cross - a life of otherworldly triumph and miracles.
It requires depth and maturity to recognize that we live by faith in a world of brokenness, while also living with the possibility of heaven on earth.
Thank you Jesus for the Cross.
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12.29.24 Sermon Guide
When was the last time you were filled with wonder? Advent invites us to remember, to long and to wake up to the reality of God with us. The incarnation of Christ is an invitation - do you want Messiah to dwell with you? In this Sunday's teaching we look at Matthew 1:18-25 and turn our eyes again to the ceaseless wonder of Christ and the everlasting opportunity to be with God. We learn from Josephâs story what it means to be ruined and named when you say âyesâ to Godâs dwelling. Let us be filled with wonder and awe again as we behold Christ our Lord. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:12.22.24 Sermon Guide
In this season of Advent we contemplate two things at once - the first coming of Christ and the second.
Throughout Scripture we see that both come as a surprise. And in fact - all of God's activity in the world has been surprising. The Christian life isn't a life of calculating but a life of wonder at the comedy of grace.
God wants to take us on a trust journey of partnership to see his outrageous goodness manifested in our world.
May this season of Advent let the "yes" of Mary rise up in your heart, and may the love of Christ overflow in you and produce the kingdom around you.
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12.15.24 Sermon Guide
This last Sunday, Andoni wrapped up the vision series with a teaching on our last core value: we have the privilege of leaving a legacy of heaven. Throughout the Scriptures we see the divine principle of inheritance at play: what is done in faith has consequences for the generations that are yet to come. We have a glorious inheritance in Christ. When we live into all that He paid for - a life of knowing Him, loving Him and trusting Him - the generation after us will be able to start where we finished. This is how the kingdom of God is designed to spread and grow. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:12.08.24 Sermon Guide
On Sunday, one of our elders, Austin Smith, taught on our core value: we are a people filled with hope and joy.We as the Church do not define hope and joy like the rest of the world. For us, hope and joy are realities that were made available to us through Jesusâ great sacrifice on the Cross.Austin used Psalm 16 as a template for gaining the biblical perspectives of hope and joy in any life circumstance.Upon making our requests known to God, remembering who He is, and reassuring ourselves in what He will do, confidence arises in our hearts - not due to answered prayer, but due to His Presence. His Presence is the blessing, the reward, and our greatest treasure - now and forever. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:12.01.24 Sermon Guide
This last Sunday Bria outlined how and why our primary metaphor for the Church is family.
The family of God is a people led by the Spirit, who experience the fruit of belonging.
The family of God is made up of children - defined by the freedom of dependence and teachability.
The family of God will share in Christâs sufferings and in His glory - a people willing to go as low as He did to lay down our lives for one another.
From the beginning Godâs plan has been to draw people to Himself through the covenant love of family. In Christ we see this mission accomplished and we accept the invitation to participate in this family.
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11.24.24 Sermon Guide
As we continue in our vision series, Alex shared how the principle of honor is the gospel enacted relationally. We are defining honor as: thinking about people the way God thinks about people. The truth is, you cannot honor if you donât understand the degree to which God honored you through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. When you begin to understand the value that God places on your life, and your righteous identity in Christ, you are then able to give value and honor away to others freely. Listen back this teaching and follow along with the Sermon Guide to explore three ways you can apply the gospel to your relationships and honor those around you. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:11.17.24 Sermon Guide
The Scriptures are authoritative and tell us the truth that leads to freedom.
As we continue in our vision series we want to expand on this value in a way that will help you determine how you engage with the Scriptures.
The Bible is not a textbook for Christians, nor is it merely moral inspiration. Its complexity should not be seen as a threat, but a feature of the richness of it.
In this teaching Alex gives four tools to help us understand how to read the Bible and one key principle that guides the entire journey: relationship with Jesus.
May love be the fruit of our engagement with the Scriptures!
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11.10.24 Sermon Guide
On Sunday, one of our elders, Andoni Montaño, taught on our core value: nothing is impossible.
Through Andoniâs passage from Mark 11:12-25 we see that Jesus has specific desires for His Church.
He desires for us to understand that we live between two kingdoms - heaven and earth. He desires for us to bear fruit in every season by making His house about dependence on Him for the impossible to happen. He desires for us to carry on the ministry of reconciliation as He did.
This value is one we cannot lose sight of in our time. Let our faith be unhindered and let us release forgiveness freely.
Sermon Guide & Activations:
11.03.24 Sermon Guide
This last Sunday we continued in our Vision Series with a teaching on our core value: We are the righteousness of God.
Alex highlighted Jesusâ parable in Luke 18v9-14 where we learn that if you can go low and recognize the truth - your need for Godâs mercy - you will be made righteous. If you cannot go low and you insist on obtaining your value, meaning, and reason for life by looking to others, then you will be humbled by God.
We need to be made righteous to be made one. Jesusâ desire was union with us (John 17v24), that we could know Him and love Him, and be known by Him and loved by Him.
When this is your reality you will be able to live in confident honesty towards God and as an ambassador for Christ on earth.
The second identity that helps us host Godâs Presence well is the ache of the Bride. All throughout Scripture the Bible gives us marriage as a picture of Godâs desire for humanity and humanityâs need for God. The ache of the Bride is a strategic gift from the Holy Spirit to reveal our need for Jesus in a way that causes us to cry out for Him. We must empty ourselves of all other loves and illusions so that we may be filled with His love and His fire. God goes where Heâs wanted. Weâre praying that this desire for Him will become a service to our town and that people will be drawn into real life with Him as a result. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:10.20.24 Sermon Guide
This last Sunday Alex gave part one of his teaching on our fourth core value: we have the privilege of hosting the Fatherâs Presence.
We believe the Scriptures teach that the Church is supposed to be a home for Godâs Presence, an access point between heaven and earth. (1 Pet 2v4-5, Gen 28v11-17)
The first identity that we want to take on as a church to host the Presence of God well, is the ministry of a priest.
Priests in the Old Covenant offered up physical sacrifices, but since Jesus offered himself as the ultimate physical sacrifice, our ministry as New Covenant priests is to offer up spiritual sacrifices. Like David, we are to center our entire lives around praise, thanksgiving, song, and gazing upon the Lord.
This is one of the primary ways we participate in heaven coming to earth. You are a priest!
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10.13.24 Sermon Guide
We come together as the church because for us there is but one God, one Lord - Jesus Christ who is worthy of our worship.This last Sunday, Bria taught on our third core value: Jesus is Lord. Lives that speak âJesus is Lordâ are anchored in eternity with eternal priorities. Those who are anchored in eternity fear God alone - acknowledging their need for Him and refusing to live life apart from Him. They do not live for Self, but under the leadership and authority of Jesus, they become all that God created them to be. They are marked by singular love for Jesus. Let Him find in us a pure and spotless bride - not distracted with loves of this world, but drawn to His heart and in pursuit of His way. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:10.06.24 Sermon Guide
This past weekend we had our very first all church camp out at the Oregon coast. Our senior leader, Alex Rettmann, spoke from 1 Peter 4:7-11 about the two priorities we have as we live in the last days: People and Prayer.
This last Sunday Alex kicked off our annual Fall Vision Series with a teaching on our first core value - God is good. In the Old Testament, God declares that He is compassionate, forgiving, just, and patient. In the New Testament, we get the fullest representation of God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Though our beliefs about God donât change who He is, they radically affect how we interact with Him and who we become in this life. When we agree with the truth about who God is, we get to experience life the way we were designed to. Itâs not a life absent of suffering, but itâs a life full of His unconditional love, His gentle leadership, and His satisfying Presence. Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:09.15.24 Sermon Guide
On Sunday we spent some time looking at the incredible story in Luke 17v11-19. What we can ascertain from this story is that Godâs intention behind signs and wonders is always relational. Jesusâ ultimate goal on earth was to restore connection and right relationship between God and the people He created. Every healing, every miracle you experience in this life is designed to draw you to the feet of Jesus and bring you into deeper connection with Him. We received our ultimate healing, salvation, and deliverance through Jesusâ perfect sacrifice on the cross. May your heart be stirred up again to respond in praise and thanksgiving for all that His blood has done for you. Link to Sermon Guide and Activations:09.08.24 Sermon Guide
On Sunday, we got to hear from one our deacons, Chris Sharp. Chris continued in our Luke Series with a teaching on Luke 17v1-10.
All throughout the gospels, Jesus reveals to us that to follow Him and to live in His kingdom looks like something. This teaching in Luke highlights how radical it will be to live as a child, to offer forgiveness, and to exercise our faith.
This lifestyle of complete trust and obedience to God requires us to repent of lesser pursuits and be strengthened and comforted by His unending love and provision for us through His body and his blood.
Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:
09.01.24 Sermon Guide
This last Sunday we continued in our Luke series with a parable from Luke 16v19-31 about the relationship between worldly wealth and eternal wealth.
In this story, the rich man is the example of someone so consumed with lack, that they cannot use the material of their life to tell the truth of compassion and friendship.
God is, and always has been, after a people who are so aware of His love for them that they canât help but join in and use the physical world to tell the truth of Godâs love to others.
As New Covenant believers, our inheritance is Jesus! His Presence is our portion, and donât have to settle for lesser things.
Link to Sermon Guide & Activations:
08.25.24 Sermon Guide
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