Regular exercise is important to include in a weekly schedule because it contributes to keeping all facets of the body healthy. However, the day in and day out process of exercise can also lead to soreness in joints, muscles and ligaments. This type of soreness may not always be “serious” as it comes with the normal process of building muscle and working up your cardiovascular system.
Regardless, soreness can contribute to a lack of motivation and discomfort when it comes to exercise. Luckily there are some things you can do to help ease soreness which will help keep you and your body on track with maintaining a regular exercise schedule.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Why we decided to dedicate this episode to learning about body soreness and why it’s such an important part of living an active lifestyle.
2). What causes the soreness after exercise and what does it mean for the body when this occurs.
3). How regular stretching after your workouts helps lengthen and loosen you muscles which can help lessen the chances of regular soreness.
4). The importance of staying hydrated throughout the day and how that directly contributes to minimizing soreness after exercise.
5). Why making sure you get proper rest periods in between workouts is important when it comes to recovery and minimizing stiffness and soreness.
We hope the tips in the episode are helpful to you if you are experiencing regular soreness and pain from exercising. As mentioned, not all pain is bad and it is most likely and indicator of your body adjusting to the changes occurring from your workouts. However if you are experiencing severe pain or pain that doesn’t go away we definitely recommend checking with your doctor. Working through normal soreness is always an option and taking care of your body sure always be high on the list of things to reach a long and healthy life.
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“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”-Unknown
This quote reminds us that with gratitude for what we have, we realize we have enough in our life!
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Working up your lifestyle to include regular exercise is no easy task especially as we age. It can also be frustrating to finally accept exercising as part of your life and yet not see the changes that you were expecting. Losing weight, building muscle and feeling stronger and healthier are all effects of regular exercise but it may not happen as quick as you would like.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). How committing to losing weight or building muscle as goals can add to our frustrations when we don't see the results we we're hoping for after exercising.
2). Why it's important to be aware of the fitness and health market and know that not all "short cuts" are healthy choices to help speed up achieving your fitness goals.
3). Why it's important to focus on how you "feel" after exercising and the positive impact it has on your life instead of basing it only on vanity metrics like weight and physique.
4). How the relationship between fat and muscle directly correlate and how to incorporate a workout schedule that focuses more on an "all around" approach instead of focusing on just one thing like losing weight or building muscle strength only.
5). The importance of focusing on other benefits of exercise like mood improvement, heart health and a strengthened immune system which helps keep you healthy in ways that you may not visually see.
We hope you found value in this episode especially if you are on your own journey to better health and an active lifestyle. The effects of regular exercise and a healthy life do manifest themselves with consistency and commitment. Our hope is to encourage you to stick with your program and don't give up! The benefits of your hard work will pay off.
Team Meredith
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“Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow.” – Vincent Williams Sr.
This quote reminds us that in order for a different and better tomorrow to occur, we must push ourselves each day!
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Exercising regularly has many lasting benefits like added strength, flexibility, balance, heart health and so much more! But what happens when you feel like your body is just not responding to your workouts anymore or you feel tired and unmotivated to stay consistent? Your recovery periods after exercising may be to blame.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Why recovery is so important when it comes to an active exercise schedule and why it often gets overlooked.
2). How consistent stretching after a workout can help improve your body’s resilience to injury and wear down.
3). Why it’s important to be aware of the methods you choose for hydration and the growing market of products that claim they are the best way to re-hydrate.
4). How getting the proper amounts of rest and sleep are key to helping your body repair itself so you are ready to exercise as maximum energy again next time.
5). The importance of considering a regular massage to help your muscles, bones and tendons recover faster after weeks of consistent exercise.
We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode help you with your recovery periods after exercising. Making sure your body has had enough rest and nourishment in between workouts is key to maintaining a healthy schedule and giving you body what it needs will help you live a long and lasting active lifestyle for years to come.
Team Meredith
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“I have chosen to be happy because it’s good for my health.”- Voltaire
This quote reminds us to stay positive and happy, because it truly is good for our overall health.
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Osteoporosis (moderate to severe bone loss as we age) is becoming a very common condition in modern day adults. As of now, 54 million people age 50 or older have osteoporosis or are at risk of getting it. About 9 million people have osteoporosis; most are White or Asian American and about 20 percent of American women over the age of 50 already have osteoporosis. (
With these kinds of statistics it's easy to see the growing problem that people are encountering as they age. Fortunately through exercise, we can help curb the effects of this disease and allow those who suffer from it still lead very normal lives.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Some of the common feedback we receive from subscribers and followers on how their degrading bone density is affecting their lives and limiting the amount of activities they can participate in.
2). Why it's important to communicate with your doctor and PCP and to make sure you are cleared for lower impact/slow exercise before you attempt to start.
3). How simple lower body exercises can help build strength in your bones as well as activities like regular walking using gravity as your counter weight can make a big difference.
4). Why regular stretching throughout your body is very helpful when doing exercises to build up your bone density and how it helps keep your joints and muscles flexible and loose.
5). Meredith's recommendations of how often you should exercise and what types of exercises you should do during the week to help build your bone density and strengthen your muscles around them.
We hope the information we've shared in this episode is helpful to you or someone you know who suffers from osteoporosis. This growing disease effects more people each year and taking the necessary steps to counter this disease can help lead to a very successful active life style, now and into the future.
Team Meredith
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“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain
This quote reminds us that sometimes all we need to do is get started, and that will motivate us to keep going and even get ahead.
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As our population continues to age, we are seeing more older people staying in the active workforce much longer than in the past. People into their 60's, 70's and older are continuing to work for various reasons. This also means that working everyday can take a harder toll on the aging body.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). How the trend of people who are getting to retirement age or older and are staying employed or continuing to work is growing.
2). How working longer into your older years and not taking care of your body take a certain toll which risks injury or long term chronic pain.
3). Why incorporating strength training routines in your weekly workout is key to helping keep your body protected when performing lifting and or moving type activities.
4). The effects that can occur on your body when you sit at a desk for a long period of time.
5). How to stay motivated to exercise regularly when you have a busy work schedule even after you hit retirement age.
We hope the exercises we've shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may be an older worker. Staying in the workforce can be beneficial financially but we must also recognize that the physical side of working longer needs to be tended to as well. Keeping you healthy well into your later years no matter what your situation is always our goal!
Team Meredith
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“Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.”
This quote reminds us that as important as it is to stay healthy, we must do it for the correct reasons and love all of the things that make us who we truly are.
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Staying active and mobile is something we truly believe in no matter what your age. However, sometimes we find ourselves involved in activities that require us to be on the floor like playing with grand babies or cleaning under tables or chairs. Knowing the right exercises and areas of your body to work on to help you get back up from the floor can make these activities much easier and enjoyable.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Why we thought it was important to address this issue of getting up from the floor and how much of a problem this can be as we age.
2). How falling to the floor is a real problem for many older individuals and having the strength/skill to be able to help yourself get back up (if there are no injuries) can make a big difference.
3). How simple body weight exercises can help you build up the strength to help you if you find yourself on the floor and are ready to get back up.
4). Why focusing on exercises that work you gluteal muscles is an important aspect to building the stability you need to help transition from the floor to standing.
5). The many different ways you can work your core muscles while exercising that don’t require you to do sit ups on the floor which will also help with stability.
Being on the floor can be challenging for some folks and lifting your body back up to standing position may not always be easy especially as the body ages. We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may have issues when coming back up from the floor. Our goal is to help keep you safe and mobile for as long as possible and enjoy activities like playing with those grand babies!
Team Meredith
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“Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, just pretend that you do and at some point, you will.” – Venus Williams
This quote reminds us to believe in yourself everyday, even on the days you are not that confident in yourself, pretend and you will!
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Regular exercise is known to have many physical benefits by helping build strength, balance and your cardiovascular system. But did you know that exercise also helps boost your overall mood and mental health naturally?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Meredith’s personal experiences in working with clients of all ages and some of their views and feedback on how exercise has helped them mentally overall.
2). How advancements in studying exercise over the years has improved and how we know much more about this correlation between mood and exercise than in the past.
3). How moving around your living space and not staying dormant for long can have immediate effects on your mood especially if you haven’t been physically active over a period of time.
4). The different positive effects that regular exercise has on not just your mood, but your confidence levels, physical posture and overall outlook on life.
5). Some of Meredith’s exercise suggestions you can try which are easy like walking and/or upper and lower body movements that can be done in the seated position.
We hope the information we’ve shared in this episode is helpful to you or someone you know who may need help with their overall mental health and mood. Mental wellness is very important no matter what your age and exercise is one of the best natural stimulants to help keep your mood balanced towards positivity, confidence and happiness.
Team Meredith
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“Dead last finish is greater than did not finish, which trumps did not start.” — Unknown
This quote reminds us just to start, because not starting will never get us anywhere!
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There are many things to remember when it comes to aging and maintaining a healthy, long lasting lifestyle. Participating in regular and exercise and eating a balanced diet are 2 of those things. However one of the most important aspects to aging well is also maintaining healthy social interactions with family, friends and peers.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in working with clients over the years and some of their thoughts on the challenges to stay social later in life.
2). Some of the things that can contribute to feelings of isolation and not wanting to participate in social activities.
3). How limitations in mobility can cause less enthused feelings to leave the comfort of a home or living space thus, leading to less social activity.
4). How maintaining close social ties to family, friends and loved ones can help slow down cognitive decline in later years.
5). Why being online can be a helpful way to stay connected to people near and far and why scheduling time to connect is important.
We hope the tips and information we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may be struggling with staying connected to friends, family or peers. Studies have shown that healthy social interaction later in life plays an important role in living longer, happier and healthier not just for your mind, but your body and soul.
Team Meredith
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“I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
This quote reminds us that failure is what leads us to success, as it makes us push ourselves harder.
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Experiencing a fall can be devastating, especially as you age. According to the CDC there are about 3 million emergency department visits due to older people falls. Moreover, nearly 319,000 older people are hospitalized for hip fractures and falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). With statistics like these it is important to take necessary steps to help prevent falls and these types of injuries.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Why staying aware of Fall Prevention month is so important and how this helps keep this problem at the top of mind not just for one month but all year round.
2). Some of Meredith’s personal experiences in learning about the consequences of falls from clients in assisted and independent living facilities.
3). Why it’s important to communicate with those around you whom you live with about your concerns for preventing falls especially if you’ve experienced a one in the past.
4). Some of the effects that experiencing a fall can have on you both mentally and physically.
5). Why it’s important to make sure your living space is not cluttered or crowded especially when it comes to items on the floor.
We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode are helpful to you or someone you know who may be prone to falling. Falls can be costly to one’s long term physical and mental health and making sure you take the necessary precautions will help ensure a longer and healthier journey in life as you age.
Team Meredith
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“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” — Jim Rohn
This quote reminds us of how important it is to take care of ourselves, in order to live a happier and healthier life!
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Maintaining a regular exercise schedule is essential to a healthy life. However, life throws many curve balls at us and we are constantly challenged by adversity. This adversity can spill over into our personal lives and especially during exercising. How can you stay focused, present and mindful while you exercise so you can maximize the benefits?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
1). Meredith’s thoughts and personal experiences with being distracted mentally during exercise and how challenging that can be.
2). Some of Meredith’s experiences with clients and how they are challenged to stay focused when it comes time to exercise which is very common.
3). Some of the bad habits that can lead us to “stray” during a workout which can also mean missing out on some of the best benefits of regular exercise.
4). How going to a gym can be beneficial, but can also cause distractions as well.
5). Why practicing regularly to “be in the moment” when you’re exercising takes time but is worth it in the long run.
We hope the tips we’ve shared in this episode help if you are struggling to stay focused and mindful while exercising. Regular workouts benefit your physical and mental health and making sure you are “in the moment” during these periods will help you reap all the benefits that exercise has to offer.
Team Meredith
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“The real workout starts when you want to stop.” – Ronnie Coleman
This quote reminds us how hard our workouts can be, but that is when you know you are doing good…
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