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Two dudes, random subjects and talking smack. Listen if you want, don't if you don't. We're experts on nothing and fully expect this to be a car crash of a podcast.
Questions, views and opinions are our own. If you're on the woke train or a preacher of veganism this probably isn't for you.
Email: [email protected] -
After 26 years of performing his iconic "Super Happy Fun Time Hour" show in local clubs and large theatres across the nation, Slip E. Peels retired from the road. But he remains committed to showcasing some of the country's rising stars of stand-comedy in this condensed format: Super Happy Fun Time Minute!
Featuring music by Kevin MacLeod -
The OozeBear Public Podcast is a collection of jams, practices, live shows, or whatever else may be created on the OozeBear audio improv app and submitted by its users to the podcast. Open jams occur every Monday at 7PM ET if you want to play or listen to live improv online. Create, record, and submit your own episode on
A chronically-online creator is faced with the ultimate challenge: going outside, touching grass, and interacting with people on the street. Join host Avghans as he has conversations about whatever he wants, while navigating the awkward tension between different NPCs: Online and IRL.
Hildegunn Moltubakk er ei fråskilt trebarnsmor frå Ulsteinvik på Sunnmøre. Ho ringer stadig til svogeren sin, Leif-Per - for å lufte både frustrasjon og rare idear. Men nokon avlyttar samtalane og gir dei ut som podcast...
Vil du støtte denne podkasten? VIPPS eit valfritt bidrag til #604810.
Vil du sjå Hildegunn & Leif-Per i levande live? Det nye showet er til no sett av over 12.000!Sjekk turnéliste og billettar på www.zenario.noHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Optophobia is the fear of opening one’s eyes. Our show is dedicated to encouraging you — our listeners — to move beyond that fear. To solve riddles they don’t want us to unriddle. To investigate supposedly ironclad truths. To unearth evidence, buried for so long they believed it would stay buried. Each season we tackle a new investigation into what is often dismissively called a “conspiracy theory,” and each week a new guest weighs in. Are you bored by the lies? Open your eyes.
Brought to you by GOLD Comedy and hosted by the incredible Tessa Abedon, this is Ba Dum Tess. Along with side-pal Trina Sanyal, Tessa is in search of the little funny and profound truths that fill up this crazy world. We chat about random topics (like Medieval Times and mermaids) with killer (women and nonbinary) comedians alongside industry experts. It's a fricken blast, dude.
Adam & Andy, lifelong friends, who believe we all have an inner Karen inside all of us. Some who clearly show it more than others! With Karens becoming more and more popular in today's world (mainly because there is more to moan about than ever!) join us we catch up and chat about all of the triggering news from around the world. Let us help you to let off some steam... without a manager present!
There are so many podcasts in the world and not enough time to listen to them. Some sound professionally made, some sound like a hot mess, and some just sound made up. On Made Up Talk Show Jessica Coyle and Richard Krysztoforski highlight these less listened to podcasts, but here's the catch...These podcasts don't exist! Instead, they serve as the suggestion for an improv show, and are brought to life in the editing room to make the improvised podcast sound as real as possible. Each guest brings with them a new idea, and with that, a new fully improvised podcast is born.
Last Friday Night is hosted by the comedians and, more importantly, people: Brian Fiddyment, Rick Swenson, and Edy Modica. They discuss important things like world events, mental health, and what's up. They also interact directly with fans and listeners over voicemail, where they give professional and thoughtful personal advice. One thing's for sure: this is a podcast!