Leslie continues the He Is series with Part Two of her message on walking in the wisdom of Christ. There are many ear-tickling messages in the church today. Often, these ear-tickling messages come in attractive packages. When a little bit of truth is carefully blended with an ear-tickling lie, it’s easy to become convinced that it must be on target, simply because it sounds so pleasant and right. In this episode, Leslie offers practical ways to apply the wisdom of Heaven to new thoughts or ideas that we encounter and cultivate Biblical discernment in our Christian lives. Though there is much confusion in modern Christianity, Jesus has promised that those who seek His wisdom diligently will find it.
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Leslie continues the He Is series with an exploration of Jesus as our Wisdom. We often reason according to human logic, but Heavenly wisdom reasons according to an entirely different pattern. The modern Church is filled with subtle error, so we must apply Heavenly wisdom to every message or idea we encounter. As Leslie explains in this episode, Jesus Himself is the Wisdom of God. Knowing Jesus, walking with Him and being rooted in His Word is what equips us to proactively protect our souls against the enemy’s insipid lies and walk in His Heavenly wisdom.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To enter our 2025 Ellerslie scholarship giveaway, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Leslie continues the He Is series with a powerful reminder of what it means to make Jesus our everything. In this episode Leslie challenges us to ask the question - Do I have true passion for Jesus Christ, or am I following Him out of obligation? Mediocrity is common in modern Christianity, but it is not mean to be our norm. Leslie offers Biblical inspiration and practical insights for overcoming apathy and cultivating a heart of true passion toward Christ, overcoming distractions and growing spiritually during busy seasons.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn about our 2025 Ellerslie Online Program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
In this episode as part of the He Is series, Leslie unpacks Biblical keys to finding lasting joy in Christ. If persecuted Christians can rejoice in their prison cells, if impoverished people can be cheerful amidst their circumstances, and if the Apostle Paul could be happy even with his unimaginable trials, what excuse do we have not to embrace lasting joy? And yet many of us struggle with the pitfall of "delayed happiness", basing our joy on specific circumstances, hopes or dreams. In this message Leslie helps us transition from circumstantial happiness to unshakeable joy no matter what our circumstances - in Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To apply for our 2025 Ellerslie full ride scholarship giveaway, To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her He Is series with an encouraging message on gaining unshakeable confidence in Christ. In this episode, she offers Biblical keys to overcoming insecurity, stepping out of our comfort zones, and making an impact on this world with the Heavenly confidence that is only found in Jesus. If you have ever struggled with insecurity or have hesitated to take bold steps for God's glory, this episode will inspire and encourage you to become infused with the confidence of Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To register for our Ellerslie Online discipleship program, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her message on He is My Healer with a Biblical look at the often confusing issue of physical healing. In this episode, Leslie offers key Scriptures and Biblical principles for knowing Jesus as our Healer while also keeping a surrendered heart when it comes to our physical health. If you have struggled with knowing how to pray about health issues, this message offers a Biblically balanced perspective, as well as encouragement for seasons of physical suffering.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To register for our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit For additional episodes from Leslie on physical health, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series this week with Part Two of her message, He is My Healer. In this episode, she shares four key truths that can help us experience the supernatural inner healing that is found only in Jesus, no matter what difficulties or traumas we have faced. This message reminds us that even when nobody else in the world can relate to our struggles, He is the All-Sufficient One and the God of All Comfort. As Leslie shares in this episode, when we receive the healing that Jesus offers, we will see God turn all that the enemy meant for evil in our lives to good.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To learn about our 2025 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series with a powerful message about finding true inner healing and emotional restoration in Christ. Many of us sense that we need inner healing from traumatic things we've walked through, but we don’t always believe that healing can be found in Christ. The enemy often tells us that we will always be impaired by our emotional pain, or that we will find better answers in human comfort than in God of all comfort. But as Leslie shares in this episode, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is our true Healer and Restorer. Human comfort is only meant to be an extension of the Heavenly comfort and healing that is ultimately found in Jesus Christ. This message offers Biblical keys to finding emotional wholeness in Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series with a powerful exploration of the worthiness of Christ - He is worthy to receive anything and everything we have to give Him. As modern Christians, we often focus on the personal blessings and benefits we might receive from Christ, but our true motive for following Him should simply be His worthiness. In this message Leslie unpacks a powerful classic sermon called Ten Shekels and a Shirt, freshly reminding us of what it really means to live for the glory of our King.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To explore our 2025 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series with a powerful reminder about what it means to really surrender our lives to the One who is worthy of all. It's easy to give only part of our lives to Christ, and yet maintain selfish control over key areas of our lives. This episode brings us back to the heart of true Christianity - not just giving lip-service to Christ, but cultivating a heart that is fully yielded to the One who gave everything to redeem us.
To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series this week with Part Two of her message: He is My Victory. This episode offers a powerful and practical look at what it means to walk in victory through difficult circumstances and challenging relationships. While we often believe that we need to be discouraged or defeated when we face undesired circumstances or frustrating relationships, Leslie shares key Biblical truths that can help us step into the triumph and victory that is ours in Christ. This episode is a great reminder that whatever challenges you are going through right now - whether circumstantially or relationally - victory is not only possible, it is God's plan for you as a daughter of the King.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To check out our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series this week with an encouraging and life-giving message on finding victory and triumph in all situations through Christ. Though modern voices often insist that victorious Christianity is not possible, the Bible makes it clear that we are called to be "more than conquerors" over every difficult circumstance we face. Whether it's walking in victory over the controlling power of sin, the oppression of the enemy, or difficult and discouraging circumstances, this episode shows us Biblically how we can experience real triumph through the power of Jesus Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To shop our Christmas gift bundles, visit To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit
This week, as part of the He Is series, Leslie unpacks a beautiful attribute of Jesus - He is our Friend. We don’t often think of Jesus as a close trusted Friend, and yet that is the kind of relationship He desires with us. It is truly awe-inspiring to realize that even though He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, He delights to enter into personal, intimate, daily fellowship with us. In this episode, Leslie offers key practical ways to begin cultivating a thriving friendship with Jesus Christ and truly step into the reality that He is our Friend.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To see our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues the He Is series this week by unpacking the reality that Jesus is our Hope. Even though the enemy often tries to discourage us with dismal pictures of what lies ahead, in Christ we always have a hope and a future. In this episode Leslie offers three lesser known but extremely effective ways to make Jesus is our Hope on a daily basis. This encouraging episode reminds us that with Him there is always a reason to smile at the future.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To check out our Set Apart Christmas specials, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
This week Leslie dives into her new series with a powerful episode on making Jesus our Peace. Scripture says that the peace Jesus gives "surpasses all understanding”, which means that His peace is far more powerful than “all human thought, reasoning, and understanding.” His peace is stronger than our emotions, thoughts, circumstances or any lies the enemy may whisper to us. That is why Christians throughout history have been able to face extreme situations and remain supernaturally peaceful through it all - because they chose to make Jesus Christ their Prince of Peace. As Leslie reminds us in this episode, even when fear and uncertainty swirl around us, we can have perfect peace in any storm when we remain in Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about Leslie's books, magazines, and other resources for women, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie begins an exciting new series this week, He Is - Experiencing the Extraordinary Reality of Jesus. In this episode, she casts an inspiring vision for knowing Jesus as so much more than our Savior or even our Lord - knowing Jesus as the One who can truly meet our every need, even when others fail us. Leslie reminds us that knowing Jesus is an endless frontier of discovery. This message freshly challenges us to pull up our tent stakes and explore the depths of all that He is and all that He wants to be in our daily lives.
For more resources from Leslie, visit To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministires, visit
This week Leslie revisits some of the most foundations truths living set apart for Christ, in this inspiring episode on overcoming spiritual apathy. In this episode, Leslie reminds us that to truly be Christ's disciple - we must start all in for Jesus and stay all in for Jesus: No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happens in the world around us, no matter how many temptations come against us, no matter how many disappointments we face, and no matter how misunderstood or reviled we are. In times like these, we all need to be freshly resolved to count the cost, take up our cross and follow Him. This message helps us gain a clear vision for the crucified, radically devoted, and incredibly fulfilling life He has called us to.
For more free resources from Leslie, visit For gift ideas, books, and other materials on Set Apart Living, visit our new online store: To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions this week with a powerful look at ways to strengthen your marriage. While tools like marriage books and marriage conferences can be helpful, the primary way to cultivate a strong and healthy marriage is to bring Christ into the center of the relationship. In this episode, Leslie offers several practical ways to bring vibrant prayer, spiritual growth, and Christ-like character into your marriage, no matter what your specific life challenges may be. When Jesus Christ is invited to be the Guest of Honor in your marriage relationship, the result is strong and lasting unity with your spouse.
For more marriage resources from Leslie, visit and, and To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2025 Ellerslie Discipleship Programs, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with this practical look at preparing for marriage in a Christ-centered way. In this episode, Leslie shares key spiritual truths that help us prepare now for a strong, lasting, God-honoring future marriage. As Leslie reminds us, you don't need to wait until you meet your future spouse to begin preparing for a love story that will stand the test of time. And even if God has called you to a lifetime of singleness, applying these principle will never be wasted, because they strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ.
For more resources from Leslie, visit For additional podcasts on preparing for marriage, visit and To learn more about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
Leslie continues her Most Asked Questions series with a powerful look at what it means to fall in love with God's Word. In this episode, she unpacks three key principles for gaining a true passion for the Bible and offers practical ways to bring your personal Bible study times to life. This message reminds us that diving into God’s Word for the purpose of knowing Him is one of the best ways we can spend our time and energy, and that it will always reap eternal fruit in our lives.
For more resources from Leslie, visit For part one of this message, visit: To learn more about our Ellerslie Discipleship To learn about our 2025 Set Apart Conference, visit For Bible study books by Nathan Johnson, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit
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