

    I release the need to compare myself to others; I am on my own journey. I embrace my unique qualities and celebrate what makes me different. I am becoming more secure in myself with each passing day. I accept myself unconditionally and treat myself with kindness. I am worthy of love and respect just as I am. I release the need for approval from others; I approve of myself. I release self-criticism and choose to focus on my strengths and accomplishments. I honor my worth and set healthy boundaries in all of my relationships. I believe in my worthiness and value as a person. I am confident in expressing my true self authentically and without apology.


    "Your value doesnā€™t decrease based on someoneā€™s inability to see your worth." - Unknown

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I am the architect of my atmosphere, creating it with intention and positivity. I create a safe and comforting space for myself and others. I am a channel of divine love and light, creating a sacred atmosphere wherever I go. My environment supports my goals and aspirations. I am grateful for the blessings of spiritual growth and awareness. I infuse my atmosphere with love, compassion, and kindness. I am grateful for the abundance of beauty in my surroundings. I am deeply connected to the spiritual essence within myself. Every breath I take fills me with peace and tranquility. My surroundings reflect the love and kindness I cultivate within myself.

    "When you create a sacred space within, you naturally create a spiritual atmosphere around you." - Unknown

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I believe in myself and my abilities. I am worthy of success and happiness. I trust my intuition to guide me in the right direction. I am capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way. I radiate confidence and positivity in everything I do. I embrace new opportunities with courage and enthusiasm. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals. I am surrounded by people who love and support my vision. I am unstoppable, and nothing can hold me back from reaching my dreams. I am proud of who I am and what I have accomplished.


    "With confidence, you have won before you have started." - Marcus Garvey

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I choose joy in every moment of my life. Happiness flows through me effortlessly. I am grateful for the abundance of joy in my life. Today, I embrace laughter and find joy in the simplest of things. My heart is open to the beauty and joy that surrounds me. I release all worries and embrace a life filled with joy and positivity. I deserve to experience joy in all aspects of my life. My happiness radiates from within and attracts more joy into my life. I find joy in the present moment, letting go of the past and future. Every day, I choose to focus on the good and invite joy into my life.

    "Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day." - Henri Nouwen

    Xoxo Sarah V,


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    I am capable of adjusting my sails to navigate any storm that arises. Change is my friend, and I welcome it with open arms. I trust in my ability to find opportunities for growth. I release the need for control and embrace the beauty in allowing thing to happen naturally. With every change, I become stronger and more resilient. I am ready to evolve and embrace new possibilities. I am like water, flexible and adaptable. I mold myself to fit any container and flow effortlessly through any obstacle. I trust that everything unfolds in perfect timing. I am resourceful and creative, finding creative solutions to any challenge that come my way. I am empowered by change, knowing that it provides me with the opportunity to shape my own destiny and create the life I desire.

    It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." - Charles Darwin

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I am in harmony with the rhythm of life, finding balance in every moment. I trust in my ability to prioritize and maintain balance in all aspects of my life. I nurture my mind, body, and spirit, creating equilibrium within myself. With each breath, I find a deeper sense of balance and inner peace. I embrace the ebb and flow of life, knowing that balance is always within reach. I release what no longer serves me, restoring balance and harmony within. I am grounded and centered, able to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease. My life is a reflection of balance and alignment, radiating harmony to those around me. I honor my needs and boundaries, creating space for balance and self-care. I am a beacon for balance, bringing stability and clarity to every situation I encounter.

    "Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them." - Thomas Kinkade

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I surrender to the flow of life, trusting in its wisdom. I release my need to control every outcome and embrace the unknown. I let go of resistance and allow things to unfold naturally. Surrendering brings me peace, clarity, and freedom. I trust that everything is happening for my highest good, even if I don't understand it right now. I surrender my fears and doubts, knowing that I am supported and loved. Each moment of surrender brings me closer to alignment with my true self. I surrender my need for perfection and embrace the beauty of my imperfections. I release the past and surrender to the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Surrendering opens the door to miracles and blessings in my life.

    "Surrender is the path to freedom through acceptance." - Unknown

    Xoxo Sarah V


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    I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life. Wealth flows to me easily and effortlessly. I attract opportunities that lead to my financial success. I am worthy of wealth and prosperity. My income is constantly increasing. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways. I release all negative beliefs about money and embrace abundance. I am aligned with the energy of abundance. I am prosperous in all aspects of my life.

    "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we become." - Tony Robbins

    Xoxo Sarah V,


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    "I am committed to being faithful in all aspects of my life." "I honor my commitments and remain loyal to those I love." "My heart is steadfast, and my actions are true." "I trust in the strength of my fidelity to guide me through challenges." "I cultivate deep trust and transparency in my relationships." "I choose honesty and integrity in all my interactions." "My loyalty is unwavering, and my love is constant." "I am faithful to my values, staying true to what I believe in." "I cherish the bond of trust I share with my family and friends, nurturing it with honesty and devotion." "Every day, I reinforce my commitment to faithfulness through my words and actions."

    "Faithfulness is not just staying true to someone; it's staying true to your word, your value, and your promises." - Unknown

    XOXO Sarah V


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  • Affirmations for self kindness "I am worthy of love and kindness, just as I am." "I treat myself with compassion and understanding." "I honor my needs and prioritize self-care." "I release any self-judgment and embrace my imperfections with love." "I deserve to give myself grace during challenging times." "I am enough, exactly as I am in this moment." "I forgive myself for past mistakes and allow myself to grow." "I am deserving of happiness and inner peace." "I choose to speak to myself with words of kindness and encouragement." "I am grateful for the person I am becoming, and I celebrate my journey with kindness."


    Inside me, there are two dogs. One is mean and evil, and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins, I answer, the one I feed the most." - Native American Proverb

    Xoxo, Sarah V


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    I trust in the divine wisdom that guides me. I am open to receiving divine guidance in every aspect of my life. I listen attentively for all divine messages. I trust in the power of divine guidance to illuminate my path and show me the way forward. I am guided by the loving presence of the divine. I surrender my worries and doubts to the higher power that guides me. I am always on the right path, guided by divine wisdom. I trust that everything is unfolding according to a divine plan. I follow my intuition. I trust that I am being guided towards my highest good.


    When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.ā€ - Barbara J. Winter

    xoxo, sarah v


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  • Affirmations for New Beginnings

    Here are 10 of the most powerful affirmations for New Beginnings:

    I embrace the fresh opportunities each new day brings. Every new beginning is a chance for growth and transformation. I trust in my ability to navigate new beginnings with grace and resilience. I am deserving of all the blessings that come my way. I welcome new opportunities with open arms and a courageous heart. I am the architect of my own destiny, and I choose to build a future filled with love and joy. I am surrounded by love and supported as I embark on this new chapter of my life. I release all fear of the unknown and trust in the divine plan unfolding for me. I am empowered to create the life of my dreams, starting with this fresh new beginning. I am grateful for the opportunity to reinvent myself and create a life filled with purpose and passion.


    "What the caterpillar called the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." - Richard Bach

    Sarah V
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  • As we step into November, I want us to focus on the beauty of change and the spirit of gratitude. Remember to appreciate the small moments in life. Stay focused on your goals, and understand that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. Always Radiate positivity and kindness to everyone you encounter,because you never know who youā€™re entertaining. Know that your presence can make a positive impact, so stay resilient, stay grateful, and cherish the journey.


    "I am open to the opportunities that November brings. I embrace change with grace and optimism, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and transformation."

    "I am grateful for the abundance in my life. I appreciate the simple joys and blessings that surround me, and I attract more positivity and abundance with every expression of gratitude."

    "I release all worries and fears, allowing peace to flow through me. I trust in the journey of my life, knowing that I am guided and supported by God."

    "I nourish my body, mind, and soul with love and compassion."

    "I approach each day with enthusiasm and determination. I am focused on my goals, and I persevere through any obstacles that come my way. I am resilient and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to."

    "I radiate positivity and kindness to everyone around me. I am a source of inspiration and encouragement, uplifting others with my words and actions. My presence has a positive impact on the world."

    "Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward


    Sarah V


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    For more meaningful discussions on spirituality, self love, and personal growth, consider joining our book club: She is Affirmed Book Club

  • Welcome to our October Guided Gratitude Meditation episode!

    In this episode, we invite you to embrace the spirit of thankfulness as we enter the beautiful month of October.

    As the leaves change and the seasons shift, it's the perfect time to reflect on the blessings in our lives. Join us as we lead you through a soothing guided meditation that combines the power of gratitude with biblical affirmations. Discover the peace and strength that come from acknowledging God's goodness and love in your life.

    Whether you're a seasoned meditator or new to the practice, our meditation is designed to be accessible and impactful for everyone. We'll take you on a journey of gratitude, incorporating powerful Bible verses and affirmations that will inspire and uplift your spirit.

    Take a moment for yourself, find a quiet and comfortable space, and let us guide you towards a heart full of thanksgiving. This October, let's cultivate gratitude together.

    Subscribe to our podcast for monthly guided meditations and spiritual insights. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and faith as we embrace the transformative power of gratitude.

    Remember to like, share, and leave a review if you find our meditation helpful.

    Your feedback is invaluable to us.

    Thank you for choosing to spend your October with us, and may this meditation bring you joy, peace, and a deeper connection with your faith.


    Sarah V


    Follow us for updates, behind-the-scenes content, and more.

    Don't forget to connect with us on social media:

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    For more meaningful discussions on spirituality, self love, and personal growth, consider joining our book club: She is Affirmed Book Club

  • 10 positive affirmation to release your creative energy.


    I am a creative soul

    I embrace the power of my imagination.

    My life is the source of my inspiration.

    I am creating in every moment.

    I am a talented person.

    My gift allows me to express myself effortlessly.

    I allow my intuition to speak freely.

    I honor myself and my gift.

    My work is an expression of who I am.

    I am the original, the sourceā€¦ I release the fear of being copied.

    At the deepest level, the creative process, and the healing process arise from a single source. Therefore, when you are an artist... you are a healer.

    -Rachel Naomi Remen

    Speak these creative soul affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed



  • 10 positive affirmations to help you prioritize yourself.


    This life is mine and I plan to live itā€¦ on my own terms.

    I am my top priority.

    I have healthy relationships with my family and friends.

    Itā€™s okay for me to prioritize self care.

    I realized that there is honor in receiving.

    People love and respect me for who I am.

    I focus on my goals because they matter too.

    I show up as my authentic self, daily.

    I attract people into that lifeā€¦ who show up for me.

    I have done more than enough.

    Someone once said watering a rock does not make it soft.

    So I urge you to fill your own cup first and let them benefit from the overflow.

    Speak these people pleaser affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed



  • 1O positive affirmation to help you maintain an abundant mindset.

    I'm grateful for the constant flow of money and resources into my life.

    I appreciate the money I already have.

    I am rich.

    I embrace new streams of income.

    I manifest abundance with ease.

    I have a beautiful relationship with money.

    Iā€™m in alignment with my financial goals.

    Money comes to me everyday.

    The more I give the more I receive.

    I think abundant thoughts.

    Gratitude builds the bridge to abundance.

    -Roy Bennett

    Speak these attract wealth affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed



  • 10 positive affirmations to build conifidence and self trust.


    I am the exception to the rule.

    I am creating a new path.

    I get what I want out of life.

    I am worthy of the best things that life has to offer.

    My thoughts are powerful.

    I have mastered the art of manifesting.

    My persistence works in my favor.

    It is already mine.

    I amā€¦ I exist.

    I assume the best for my life.

    You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe it is the only reason you do not see it.

    -Neville Goddard

    Speak these law of assumption affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed



  • 10 positive affirmations for self acceptance.


    I am the best version of me.

    I accept myself.

    I create space to receive love.

    I honor my journey.

    I am worthy of healing and forgiveness.

    I am here.

    I am evolving.

    I stay true to myself.

    I embrace the person Iā€™m becoming.

    I deserve to see myself in a positive light.

    Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others feel uncomfortable.

    Janelle, MonƔe

    Speak these Enneagram types affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed



  • 10 positive affirmations for inner balance.


    I live a life of perfect Harmony.

    I choose to feel great in this moment.

    I have an inner peace that surpasses all understanding.

    I give myself permission to see the positivity in every situation.

    I am unshakable.

    My life is a testimony.

    I am grounded.

    I attract peace and release stress.

    Peace and harmony flow through me.

    I am worthy of alignment and deserving of a peaceful existence.

    Life is a balance between holding on, and letting go.


    Speak these harmony affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.


    Sarah V


    She is Affirmed Book Club

    Socials: Let's Connect!

    Podcast IG:

    Tik Tok: @sheissarahv / @sheisaffirmed

