
  • Stepping back into the business world after maternity leave felt like I was re-entering from another dimension. These last few months have been an unexpected masterclass on life and business, and I’m thrilled to share these transformative lessons with you today!

    But first, let me give you a bit of a personal update: Sunny, my lovely daughter, is now over three months old, and adjusting to motherhood has been both challenging and rewarding, more so than I ever imagined. The natural trepidation about balancing my role as a CEO and a mother has now settled, and I'm confident in my ability to juggle both roles magnificently.

    Less Worry, More Focus: One of the most striking lessons I've learned is how my perspective on worries and challenges has shifted. Before Sunny arrived, I often found myself preoccupied with aspects of my business that I couldn't control, like client retention or the precise implementation of strategies. Now, those concerns seem trivial. My focus has realigned towards things that genuinely matter and that I have control over, like ensuring my clients have the best strategies and experiences. This shift has made me a more effective coach and strategist.

    The Power of Stepping Back: Initially, I worried that stepping back from the business for three months would leave me feeling behind. Surprisingly, the opposite proved true. Distance from the daily grind allowed me to assess the industry with a fresh, clear lens. It has shown me the importance of not being overly immersed, as it can often stifle creativity. By stepping back, I could see where I had been giving away my creative power, and it rejuvenated my approach to business strategy.

    Value-Driven Business: During my time away, I became acutely aware of how deeply I respect and align with my clients' values. I work with women whose opinions I value, who operate at high levels of intelligence, and who live intentionally. This break helped me reaffirm my desire to work with clients who share my values of family focus, impact, and a discerning approach to business. It's about finding clients whose principles resonate deeply with mine.

    From Scarcity to Abundance: For the past few years, especially while trying to conceive Sunny, I had slipped into the mindset of ensuring 'just enough' – just enough money, just enough clients, just enough time. I didn’t realise how much this scarcity thinking weighed me down. Maternity leave was a revelation; it became clear that I can thrive genuinely and fully in both my roles as a mother and a CEO. The belief that becoming a mother would limit my capacity was entirely unfounded. Today, I embrace an abundance mindset, recognising that I can do more, be more, and hold more than ever before.

    Balancing Work and Motherhood: Returning to work presented its challenges and triumphs. My schedule now includes dedicated days for work and family, supported by my partner, Che, my mother, and an incredible nanny. Despite the chaos and adjustments, this balance allows me to be present for Sunny while continuing to grow and nurture my business.

    I’m immensely grateful to be back, sharing this space with you. Whether you’re in a similar season of life or a completely different phase, I hope these reflections provide some inspiration. Let’s continue to grow, learn, and support each other through every chapter.




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  • Picture this: You’re an incredibly talented entrepreneur with unique insights and valuable expertise, but no one knows your name. Frustrating, isn’t it? That’s where today’s guest host Kerry Rowett found herself—until she decided to change the game.

    Kerry is an Intuitive Business Energetics Mentor who works with highly successful entrepreneurs. In her Mastermind and 1:1 sessions Kerry helps her clients to clarify what they want and their aligned pathway to creating that. Kerry provides the Business energetics, healing & psychology support they require to get out of their own way so they can achieve their goals and then dream bigger.

    Are you curious how Kerry broke out of obscurity and cemented herself as a thought leader in her industry? Don’t worry! Today she’s sharing her journey and breaking it down into three actionable steps you can take to do the same.

    1. Know Your Clients More Intimately Than Their Best Friend

    The first step to standing out in your industry is to understand your clients better than anyone else, even their best friend! Kerry’s method involves in-depth target market research, which includes surveys, polls, and analysing client calls to identify key themes and issues. This deep understanding allows you to refine your signature framework and tailor your services to meet your clients' specific needs

    2. Find Your Secret Ingredient That Gets You Known and Paid

    Creating a distinct identity in your industry involves finding your unique ingredients. For Kerry this meant evolving her business, which originally centred around the concept of alignment, to better match her clients' needs by integrating business energetics, healing, and psychology. She recommends creating distinctive processes, tools, and models that make your work recognisable, and consistently innovating your approach to stay relevant.

    3. Amplify Beyond Your Own Networks

    Finally, to establish yourself as a thought leader, you need to reach beyond your bubble and engage with the broader industry. Have conversations with other experts, publish influential content, and become part of larger discussions. The more you put yourself out there, the more people will recognise and respect you.

    So, if you’re feeling invisible and undervalued, take Kerry’s story to heart. By following the steps she shared, you can increase your rates, increase demand, and ultimately become one of the leaders in your industry


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  • What’s your relationship with money?

    If someone were to take a look at your credit card or bank statement, would they be able to tell what your true priorities in life are?

    Perhaps they’d find money is being spent by default in a way that doesn't put an emphasis on what you say truly matters. That would no doubt be true for a lot of us.

    This week on the podcast, we welcome guest host Katy Almstrom, a leading money mentor and wealth coach, teacher and speaker who helps ambitious women achieve financial freedom.

    With over a decade of experience in teaching and coaching combined with her own debt-free and simplified life, Katy provides a unique service for her clients to help them slow down, map out their own joyful wealth-building journey, and create a life that has WAY less stress around money.

    Katy is an expert on how to refocus in order to gain control over your finances, run your business in a way that’s true to you and make the most revenue in the least amount of time.

    Today, she shares three specific lessons she learnt about managing money from building her own successful mastermind:

    Be More YouLong-Term Vision with Short-Term FocusQuestion Everything

    If you're feeling stuck, tired or overwhelmed right with your money or your business, take these insights from Katy to heart and know that there are simple steps you can take to achieve the time and financial freedom you’re dreaming of.


    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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    Instagram: @katy_almstrom


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  • When life as an entrepreneur feels like juggling a million different tasks, how do you successfully maintain harmony between work and personal life - all while continuing to see growth in your business?

    Our guest host today, Karen Aird, has not only mastered this balance but has actually doubled her business revenue along the way.

    She describes co-founding urban retreat Clear Mind Studio with her husband Craig in 2008 as a personal quest to help others reduce stress and find peace and balance in a fast paced, constantly evolving world.

    Whether it's unwinding after a hectic week or seeking time out from life's challenges, Karen’s journey towards peace in her business has been incredible - and just like for many of us, filled with lots of challenges, triumphs and failures along the way.

    In this episode, Karen shares her learnings from the five strategic changes she made to free up time and take her business to new heights:

    1. Implementing AI for Client Management

    2. Utilising Asana for Team Communication

    3. Planning Marketing Campaigns in Advance

    4. Overstaffing, Outsourcing and Clear Role Allocation

    5. Implementing a Customer Loyalty Program

    By implementing these strategic changes, Karen and Craig have drastically transformed Clear Mind Studio. These modifications freed up their time, allowing them to seize opportune moments for growth—such as opening their second studio in Fremantle, WA.

    Their ability to focus on strategic growth rather than getting bogged down in daily operations has been instrumental, and shows how the right strategies can make all the difference in transforming your business dreams into reality.


    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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    Instagram: @clearmindstudio


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  • Have you ever felt the strain of balancing your business ambitions with your personal well-being? Imagine if you could have both—success and freedom. Well, it’s not an easy task, but today’s guest host Mia Poklepovich has made it her reality.

    As a mental health occupational therapist, she knows how difficult it can be to prioritise your own needs in a service-based business. Struggling with burnout, Mia knew she needed a change and went on a journey to create a thriving, impactful business without sacrificing her well-being. She’s here today to share the strategies and mindset shifts that made it possible. Ready to be inspired? You’re in the right place!

    Lesson 1: Permission to Create a Freedom-Based Business

    Mia’s first lesson is that you need to give yourself permission to build a freedom-based business. This was challenging for Mia at the beginning and she still falls into old habits from time to time, but she has a secret weapon! Look at what your end goal is, and work backward from there. This way, every opportunity and decision can be checked against your overarching goal, ensuring it aligns with your freedom-based strategy.

    Lesson 2: Protecting Your Energy as a CEO

    Mia’s second lesson is the importance of protecting your energy, a lesson that rings especially true in the demanding field of health and wellness. As business owners, we often put ourselves last, looking after our clients, team, and community first. However, Mia stresses that to help others effectively, you must take care of yourself first. This might mean saying no, delegating tasks, or taking the necessary rest time.

    Lesson 3: Trusting Yourself

    Mia’s final and maybe most important lesson is that we need to trust ourselves. Scaling a business brings on lots of uncertainties and new challenges. If you can’t trust yourself, you won't be able to make hard decisions when it matters. Mia advises gathering all necessary data and knowledge to understand where the fear is coming from, whether it's an old core belief or the natural anxiety of trying something new. By breaking down your fears and understanding their origins, you empower yourself to move past them.

    So, if you're looking to transform your therapy practice or any business into a freedom-based model, take a leaf out of Mia’s book. Give yourself permission to live and work freely, protect your energy, and trust yourself. The journey won’t get easier, but you will become stronger, wiser, and more resilient.


    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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    Instagram: @ot_inspire_therapy

    Instagram: @miapoko


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  • Building a successful business is no small feat, especially when juggling family responsibilities and personal aspirations.

    Just ask this week’s guest host, Jacqui Naunton who went from graphic design freelancer to running a six-figure business with multiple revenue streams, all while juggling the demands of motherhood. Today she’s sharing her remarkable journey, and the strategies and mindset shifts that fuelled her success. Ready to be inspired?


    Jacqui began her career as a graphic designer and was just swapping time for money. This strategy worked well for her, until she started considering motherhood and realised she needed a more scalable, flexible approach. This is where I came in and encouraged her to create an online course.

    Now the leap from graphic designer to course creator wasn’t seamless. She struggled with imposter syndrome, and the idea of upsetting other graphic designers but she knew that the gap in the market needed to be filled.

    Business owners were already attempting to DIY their graphics using tools like Canva, often with mediocre results. Jacqui’s course offered them a chance to create professional designs without the hefty price tag of hiring a designer.

    One powerful lesson from Jacqui's journey is the importance of setting high goals. Early in her coaching journey with me, she had modest expectations for her first online course. With some encouragement, she stretched her target to 55 students—and astonishingly, she hit that exact number.

    So, if you’re setting goals for your business, I encourage you to ask yourself, "Is this the goal, or can I aim higher?" The objective isn't to tie your self-worth to these targets but to give yourself something tangible to strive for.

    Something else that has really helped Jacqui’s journey was building a supportive team for herself. She realised that to grow her business sustainably, she couldn't do it all herself. She hired a virtual assistant, video editor, and multiple designers. Although this meant a smaller profit margin, it allowed her to focus on her priorities, ensuring her business ran smoothly while she spent valuable time with her family.

    The Power of Branding

    As a graphic designer, Jacqui knows the importance of strong branding, that goes beyond just the aesthetics. Branding is a powerful tool for connecting with your ideal audience and conveying your business's values. For Jacqui, her brand as the girl in the purple jacket reflects her values of fun, inspiration, and empowerment. This consistency in branding has made her business recognisable and trustworthy, enhancing her professional image and attracting ideal clients.

    Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your business to the next level, consider how Jacqui’s lessons can apply to your business. What goals will you set higher today? How will you adapt your business to fit your life? I can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve.


    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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    Instagram: @whitedeerGD


    Podcast: The Seriously in Business Podcast

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  • In the wild ride that is entrepreneurship, the ability to pivot when necessary is an absolute game-changer.

    However, the idea of shaking things up can feel much too risky - especially when it comes to continuing to generate revenue.

    But is it possible to shift gears without losing your hard-earned momentum?

    Today’s guest host is here to answer that question for you! Robyn Birkin is an online business strategist who helps female service providers and course creators create a six and multi-six-figure business in part-time hours with just one front-facing signature program.

    Once a well-recognised life coach for women navigating infertility, Robyn made a gutsy decision to flip her business focus on its head. Now, as a thriving online business strategist, she’s sharing her secrets on how to keep the money rolling in—even when you’re making a radical shift in your business.

    Embracing the Pivot

    Robyn believes that pivoting shouldn’t just be about chasing more money—it's about aligning your work with your values and long-term goals. She encourages us as entrepreneurs to get real with ourselves. Ask yourself the question: Does my current business align with what I want my legacy to be? Am I genuinely passionate about it? If the answers are no, it might be time for a big change.

    The Decision-Making Framework

    To help others navigate this challenging territory, Robyn developed an effective decision-making framework. At its core, it’s all about ensuring your business aligns with your goals and values. She believes the key is in being honest with yourself about what excites you and what doesn’t.

    One of the hardest but most crucial steps is being willing to ‘slingshot’—taking a step back temporarily to make a more significant leap forward. This might mean letting go of a part of your business that no longer fits, even if it’s currently bringing in revenue.

    5 Key Strategies for Generating Revenue During a Pivot

    So what are some practical ways to continue to make money during a radical change in your business? Robyn shares the strategies that worked for her that will give you the confidence to brave a pivot:

    1. Double Down on What's Worked

    2. Create Growth, Nurture and Conversion Content

    3. Rely on Data

    4. Balance Marketing and Sales Efforts

    5. Constantly Refine Messaging

    Being a CEO sometimes means making hard decisions and pushing through the discomfort to get to your true purpose. But waiting for you on the other side is that deeply fulfilling life and career you set out to create in the first place.


    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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    Instagram: @robynbirkin


    Podcast: Signature Online Course Secrets

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  • Running a business can feel like a juggling act, especially when you're managing the demands of work and family life.

    Today’s guest host, Bec Cuzzillo knows this struggle all too well, but, through strategic planning and intentional decision-making, she was able to find the balance.

    Bec is a Spiritual Business Coach for spiritual women ready to scale their impact, create confident cash, and step into the highest vision for their life and business. As a fiery Aries mama of 2, Bec built a scalable business model that thrives alongside her busy family life. Join us as we unpack her strategies and learn how to build a business that adapts to your unique needs.

    Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

    Years ago, when she became a new mother, Bec realised her business was spread too thin across multiple areas. Recognising the need for change, she narrowed her focus to the things that truly brought in revenue or value. Here is her advice for other business owners:

    Assess What’s Selling Well: Identify which of your offers are your major income earners. Focus your energy on these.Evaluate Energetically: What excites you? Where do you feel the most drained? Align your business activities with what lights you up.Trim the Fat: Use data and gut instinct to cut back on offers that aren’t serving you effectively.

    Strategy Matters

    After you’ve simplified, the next step is focusing on strategy! To do this you need a good understanding of who your client is and exactly how you serve them. Consider the following questions:

    How are people currently coming into your world, and where are they going next?How scalable is your business right now, and how can you optimise it for more scalability?What tweaks can you make in your current business model to improve it before creating something new?

    Designing a Self-Centric Business Model

    Bec’s final pillar for creating a scalable business model is to align your business with your needs and desires. You didn’t start your business to feel trapped in another 9-to-5 grind, so take the time and set it up to serve you. If you’re not sure how to do this, reflecting on these questions is a good place to start:

    What’s Important to You? Identify your core values in life and ensure your business decisions honour these.What are your current responsibilities and commitments? Design your business around them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.What aspects of your business make you genuinely happy? Prioritise these to maintain your passion and drive.

    Building a scalable, adaptable business model is not just a dream – it’s entirely possible with intentional decisions and consistent effort. So, take a leaf out of Bec’s book and start rethinking your business model today. What can you simplify? Where can you get more strategic? And most importantly, how can you design a business that truly works for you?


    Connect with Bec Cuzzillo


    Podcast: Feminine Fire

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  • For those of you who may not know, I’ve just welcomed my beautiful baby girl, Sunnie Marg Robinson, into the world. From unexpected challenges to moments of pure joy, this experience has reshaped my perspective on life and business. So, I’m taking a quick break from my maternity leave to share with you my birth story and the incredible mindset lessons it taught me.

    Our journey began months before Sunnie arrived. At around 25 to 30 weeks, we discovered she was breech. Though I tried everything from inversions and acupuncture to chiropractics and moxibustion to flip her, Sunnie was steadfast in her position. This initial phase tested my mindset significantly, especially my preparation for a C-section, scheduled for the 11th of July—interestingly at 11:11 AM. Yet, just four days before the planned C-section, Sunnie miraculously flipped!

    While I had mentally prepared for a c-section, I was overjoyed that I could return to my original plan of a vaginal birth. This experience reminded me of the immense power of mindset flexibility, where embracing uncertainty and adapting to changes became paramount.

    The next two weeks were an excruciating yet exhilarating waiting game for natural labour to kick in. My heart was set on avoiding induction, so every waking moment was spent walking, eating dates, and doing stretches, all while hoping to trigger spontaneous labour. Just one day before my scheduled induction, labour finally began with a stretch and sweep, igniting contractions almost immediately.

    Affirmations and breathing techniques were my lifelines. I was deeply rooted in calmness, thanks to hypnobirthing preparations. As contractions intensified, my partner Chay’s whispered affirmations anchored me: "You're so powerful," "Your body was made to do this," and "You've got this." These affirmations were soothing and reinforced my belief in my capabilities. They also reflected the mindset strategies I have long applied in business.


    Arriving at the hospital at 2 AM, I was prepared for the next phase. Asking for an epidural became a saga of its own, extending over two grueling hours due to an emergency C-section elsewhere. This unexpected delay pushed my mindset to its limits. I found myself physically and mentally shaken, but Chay's unwavering support helped me re-anchor into my strength.

    The key lesson here is knowing you can go further than you think possible. In business and life, we set boundaries for ourselves, but often, we are capable of much more when pushed to our edges.

    During the final stages of labour involving pushing and crowning, I realised the importance of support. Surrounded by an amazing medical team and listening to our birthing playlist, I felt an overwhelming sense of empowerment. Even when a final push required additional assistance with a vacuum because of Sunnie’s large head size, I didn’t feel defeated. Instead, I felt an immense gratitude for the support that ensured a safe delivery.

    As I looked into Sunnie’s eyes for the first time, I felt an immense wave of gratitude and growth. Each step of labour taught me lessons about strength, patience, and the importance of mental preparedness. I hope that my experiences resonate with you and provide some insights into the incredible power of the human mind during life’s most challenging moments.


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  • Are you ready to elevate your launch to the next level?

    You’re in the right place because that’s what we’re talking about on this episode of Scalable Freedom! Today’s guest host Ana Lilia shares what it takes to have a successful and fun launch for your upcoming program. Spoiler alert: it involves both data and energetics.

    Ana is a celebrated manifestation, mindset coach, and healer. She is passionate about helping people tap into their full potential by using their breath as a powerful transformative tool. Ana's expertise lies in assisting individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and aligning themselves with their deepest goals and desires. Her unique approach to healing and transformation has made her a sought-after coach and mentor in the wellness community. She is also the host of the podcast Breathe More.

    During a launch period, our doubts and insecurities will often bubble to the surface. This can be difficult and its why Ana believes energetics – our emotional and vibrational state – is a key ingredient for a successful launch. Everything in this world carries an energetic imprint, including how we show up in our sales copy and Instagram posts. With the right tools, we can manage our energy and maintain a confident mindset throughout a launch.

    In Ana’s recent launch for the Soulful Entrepreneur Mentorship, she combined her energetic practices with data analysis. By keeping track of everything, she was able to make informed decisions and fine-tune her strategy in real-time. For instance, tweaking the headline of an opt-in page based on data insights led to higher conversion rates. Another big factor in Ana's success was conducting market research before the launch. This meant reaching out to ten ideal clients and asking them about the challenges they were facing. With this feedback, Ana was able to create a lead generator perfectly tailored to her dream client.

    Ana provides several actionable tips for having a successful launch:

    1. Set Clear Intentions: Before you start, make sure you’re clear about your goals, from how you want to feel, to how much you want to make, to what clients you want. Visualise and immerse yourself in the success of your launch.

    2. Incorporate Healing and Somatic Tools: Launching can be stressful and it’s easy to fall into catastrophic thoughts or dysregulation. Tools like breathwork or visualisation exercises can help us stay regulated, confident, and on track. It’s also important to include fun activities in your schedule to stay grounded and positive.

    3. Analyse Data Regularly: Check your analytics daily. This helps you make real-time adjustments and keeps your strategy on track.

    4. Engage with Your Audience: Just posting on social media isn’t enough, you need to engage personally with your audience. Reach out through private DMs or emails to build a connection. In my launch, I found that personalised voice memos made a huge impact.

    5. Reflect and Adjust: Continuously reflect on your energy and data and make adjustments to keep yourself on track. Stay grounded, manage self-doubt, and remember your past successes to keep moving forward.

    Energetics and data are both powerful tools on their own, but combining them is where the magic happens. By following Ana’s approach—setting clear intentions, using somatic tools, analysing data, engaging actively with the audience, and maintaining a reflective practice—entrepreneurs can navigate their launch with confidence and achieve their desired outcomes.


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Ana Lilia



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  • There are so many sales strategies out there - it’s easy to get distracted by everything you see online! But there’s one really simple strategy that, in my view, is one of the most powerful and it often gets overlooked… The art of personal reach out.

    Our fabulous guest host today is Fi Mims, a personal branding photographer, mentor and coach who specialises in elevating personal brands and business visibility, supporting her clients to look and feel their best.

    Fi’s photographs capture her clients as authentic, beautiful, and powerful and her coaching supports them to find self-belief, confidence, and purpose. With 20 years of experience behind her, Fi has navigated the many challenges that modern women face and managed to build and maintain a multi-six figure business through it all.

    I have known Fi for many years through her photography work and in October last year, she joined the Scalable Mastermind. Since joining the program, Fi has been honing in on personal reach out and has seen amazing results.

    In this episode, Fi shares why business owners often avoid personal reach out as a sales strategy and the many reasons why you should start doing it.

    3 Obstacles to Personal Reach Outs

    1. Lack of Confidence: Many women in business grapple with self-doubt, questioning their expertise and worth. Fi suggests a mindset shift, focusing on past successes and positive feedback to build confidence.

    2. It’s Too Salesy: No one wants to be seen as a pushy saleswoman. But instead of seeing all personal reach out as aggressive, reframe it as being a genuine attempt to help someone. You are offering them a solution to a problem they have and what you have to offer will help them in their business.

    3. Fear of Rejection: Rejection will inevitably happen. Sometimes people won’t respond to your reach out and that’s okay. We need to normalise rejection as par for the course in sales and stay focused on the value that we offer.

    Crafting Effective Personal Reach Outs

    1. Target the Right People: If you reach out to people you don’t know, that’s when it can feel pushy and salesy. Only reach out to people who already know you and would genuinely benefit from your offer.

    2. Use Familiar Platforms: Make sure you approach potential clients on a platform where you both feel comfortable communicating. Instagram is Fi’s preferred platform and for an even more personal touch, she sends voice messages.

    3. Communicate Clearly: Prepare your words carefully to come across as genuine and sincere and not in any way pushy. The right message will effectively convey your offer and invite further conversation and relationship.

    In an era where people crave genuine connections, a personal note stands out and fast-tracks the relationship-building process. With so much information coming at us on the daily, a personal reach out cuts through the noise and has the ability to clarify any confusion or hesitation that might have been holding someone back from making the decision to work with you.


    Another incredible benefit of using this strategy is that it’s free! The time you invest into reaching out to potential clients with thoughtful and genuine messages will be well worth it in the long run.


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

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  • Our special guest on the podcast today is the one and only Nivek Harrison, the Online Business Manager here at Swift Ventures and owner of The Virtual Chapter, a support agency for online coaches & service providers who want to scale their operations with ease.

    Nivek has been a member of Team Swift for almost 5 years, coming on board to kick off of our very first mastermind, so it’s fair to say she has been integral to the process and knows The Mastermind Model™ inside out. Since then, Nivek has gone on to become a co-coach in Swiftmind Scaled.

    Through her combined skills and unique approach to project management and team leadership, Nivek helps service-based business owners create systems and structure in their business so they can show up and serve their clients in a deeper way (and get back a whole bunch of time while doing it).

    The Virtual Chapter is now a multi-six figure agency with a team of 12 and serves clients globally. Through their team model, Nivek and The Virtual Chapter have supported countless clients from business launch through to 7-figures. Her in-depth knowledge of systems, tech and operations means she is able to guide business owners to create an easeful and scalable business model.

    Needless to say, Nivek knows a thing or two about systems and in this episode, she’s taking you behind the scenes to share the top 3 systems we use and love at Swift Ventures.

    1. Project Management System

    Our project management tool of choice is Asana. It contains every single thing that we do each day and quite frankly, without it, we’d be lost!

    Why do we use Asana?

    Centralised Tasks: Every task, from the smallest to the most significant, is documented in Asana. This keeps the entire team on the same page and ensures that nothing falls through the cracks. It also means that we can see what everyone else is working on so we can collaborate and get a full understanding of the workload.

    Process Documentation: Our tasks in Asana often include links to Loom videos for how a task is to be completed. This consistency is vital for training new team members and maintaining high-quality work.

    2. Client Onboarding System

    Client onboarding is one of the crucial touch points in a client journey with you, but it’s often overlooked. Over the years, Nivek and I have spent a lot of time honing and crafting our onboarding system, particularly around our masterminds, because we understand how vital this process is for client success.

    Task Management & Automation: At Swift Ventures we use Asana to manage our client onboarding tasks, ensuring key steps like contract sending, payment setup, and course access are systematically handled. We also do manual checks for certain tasks to ensure each client gets the attention they deserve.

    Educational Resources: New clients receive detailed instructions and Loom videos on using our preferred tools and platforms (like Slack and Kajabi) and we know from client feedback that this makes them feel comfortable and supported right away.

    3. Data and Analytics System

    Last year, we committed to getting even better with our data and analytics to set ourselves up for making the most informed decisions in the business.

    Google Analytics and Looker Studio: These free tools provide comprehensive insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and other critical metrics. At the time, we were repurposing our podcast episodes as pins on Pinterest but when we looked at the data, it became clear that this strategy wasn’t effective. Understanding the analytics helped us pivot to a more effective strategy.

    Revenue and Conversion Tracking: By monitoring monthly revenue, recurring income, and conversion rates, we’ve been able to make strategic decisions to optimise our marketing and product offerings. As a whole, data analytics helps us understand what’s working and where adjustments are needed.

    I hope you love this episode and find the behind the scenes business insights from Nivek really helpful. With the right systems and tools, you can really transform the way you operate your business and, ultimately, see amazing results for your clients.


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Nivek Harrison:


    Podcast: Effortless Online Systems

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  • Today on the podcast, we’re joined by guest host Tahryn Bolt, a marketing and messaging wizard here to share how she skyrocketed her offer to multi-six-figure heights.

    Her secret? Micro messaging!

    Tahryn is the wizard behind six-figure coaching business The Social Bolt, where she helps clients embrace their unique blend of magic and do business in a way that works for them. She supports her clients to grow in-demand businesses and call in Beyonce-level clients on repeat using the magic of a simplified strategy, magical marketing and micro-messaging.

    In this episode, Tahryn takes us through the tweaks she made in her own micro messaging that supported her to scale, and shares practical strategies we can all implement to connect with our dream clients and stand out in the bustling online arena.

    What is Micro Messaging?

    First up, Tahryn defines micro messaging and why it’s the key to everything we do in our businesses. Despite what the online space might have you thinking, you don't just copy and paste the same messaging across every element in your business.

    Your messaging should change depending on your brand strategy, offers and marketing strategy. This then informs the lead magnets you create, how you write your copy, nurture your community, which offer you sell and how and when you sell them.

    The Bolt 3D Framework

    Tahryn takes us through the framework she has developed, which centres on the three essentials elements every business owner should focus on:

    1. Desire: Understanding Your Ideal Client

    Understanding your ideal client's desires is where effective micro messaging really starts. Tahryn advises getting to know your dream clients as if they're your best friends, understanding both their current struggles and their aspirations. By relating personally to their journey, you can craft messaging that hits home.

    2. Demand: Positioning Your Offer as Essential:

    According to Tahryn, the trick to creating an irresistible demand for your offer is speaking about it more than once. Consistently highlighting how your offer can transform your clients' businesses and lives is key, and Tahryn explains her approach to marketing and launching her own in-demand offer to ensure it always sells.

    3. Differentiation: Standing Out From the Crowd:

    Your ultimate point of differentiation is you. Without putting your unique spin on things, your content, offers and business will blend into the sea of AI-generated and boring content out there. Tahryn shares how she approaches showcasing her own unique blend of skills and personality, distinguishing herself from many other business coaches in the online space. She encourages us to loudly and proudly share what makes us unique—because that’s what will truly set us apart.

    Tahryn's take on micro messaging is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to refine their communication and scale up their offers. And if you want even more nuggets of gold on all things messaging, check out Tahryn’s podcast How I Do Content via the link below!


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Tahryn:

    Instagram: @thesocialbolt


    Podcast: How I Do Content

    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • Want the inside scoop on what’s actually working on Facebook Ads right now?

    Today on the podcast, our guest host Jayne Day is sharing her expert advice on how to approach paid ads and the top three strategies you can implement to have them perform at their best for your business.

    Jayne is an online marketing consultant and the go-to specialist for Facebook and Instagram advertising. With her business Webonize, she’s a funnel strategist for coaches, consultants and online experts, passionate about helping them build profitable businesses while creating the lifestyle and freedom they most desire.

    The strategies she shares with us today are a super helpful guide for anyone looking to optimise their ad campaigns using Meta Ads Manager.

    Holistic Marketing Strategy

    Firstly, your ads aren't a standalone solution for your marketing - they should be a part of a complete holistic strategy. While ads won't fix a strategy that isn't working, they will enhance and elevate the results of a strategy that does. For most businesses, a holistic strategy could include lead generation, email marketing and social media marketing along with their ads.

    Jayne takes us through the four stages that are ideal to take your audience through: attraction, engagement, nurturing and converting. She also takes us through the framework she has formulated that will help reach potential clients who don’t yet know about you or your offer.

    Perfecting Your Messaging

    Given the noisy online environment and the plethora of competitors, businesses need to craft messages that cut through the clutter and connect with their target audience. Whether in ad copy or on landing pages, your messaging should clearly communicate the benefits and address the problems or desires of potential clients. Jayne takes us through creating well-crafted messaging to not only attract the right audience, but also aid Facebook's AI in targeting the ads more effectively.

    Testing and Ad Types

    The third strategy Jayne highlights is the importance of continuously testing different types of ads to see what works best. Factors like ad format—be it videos, images or Reels— and copy length should be regularly tested and tweaked. She shares which types of videos and images are performing best right now, and gives us ideas on creating the most effective sales copy to capture our audience’s attention.

    Bonus Tips for Facebook Ad Optimisation

    Bonus round! We hear some great tips on giving Facebook some control over ad display and allowing it to mix and match ad elements that yield better conversion results. Jayne also takes us through some handy settings inside Meta that will help optimise our ads’ performance.

    This episode is jam-packed with some really practical insights that bring clarity to an often confusing advertising platform. So, tune in and get your ads up and running at their most effective today!


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Jayne:

    Instagram: @webonize


    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • With the rise of AI in 2024, breaking through the volume of content online and standing out authentically can feel impossible. So how do you produce engaging content that is unique to you, sets you apart and has the impact you want to create through your work?

    On today’s episode, our guest host Hazal Ozturk is here to talk about just that, sharing how she has learnt to engage with her audience in a meaningful way and reach multi-six figures in her business.

    Hazal is a corporate marketer of 10 years turned marketing and business coach for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to scale to multi 6-figures without feeling like they're faking it, using her “Self, Strategy, Systems” framework. Her coaching company, Hey Hazal, has helped her clients achieve results like multi-6 figure quarters, 13x their profit, leave their 9-5’s, go viral and create a thriving, easeful and authentic online business. She’s also host of her own top charting podcast, The Self-Makers Podcast.

    She takes us through her proven strategies for honing in on authentic messaging, sharing vulnerably and the power of embracing a CEO mindset when fears set in:

    Authentic Marketing

    The concept of authenticity in marketing has evolved and is now more crucial than ever. Hazal defines authentic marketing not as sharing every aspect of one’s life, but as sharing content that feels genuine and meaningful. She encourages us to look within to know what to share and how to remain true to ourselves in not crossing our own boundaries.

    Effective Messaging and Storytelling

    Hazal introduces a four-step process to help businesses fine-tune their messaging: identifying the client's biggest problems, understanding how these issues manifest in their lives, recognizing unproductive attempts at resolution and offering unique solutions. She shares practical storytelling prompts to help business owners create engaging and authentic content that drives results.

    The Importance of Thought Leadership

    Owning your thought leadership is pivotal for personal and professional growth. As we grow larger and more influential, it becomes increasingly likely that we will encounter disagreements and even dislike from others. It's essential to understand that having divisive opinions is okay and part of being a thought leader. By accepting this reality, coaches can better prepare themselves for the inevitable challenges that come with expanding their influence.

    Building a Resilient Mindset

    Cultivating a solid relationship with oneself is crucial in order to withstand the many challenges that come with entrepreneurship. Hazal highlights that having a grounded and secure sense of self allows us to navigate mindset wobbles, which everyone experiences at every stage of business. By developing resources and support systems, we can hold and understand our feelings better and create the tools to build that resilient mindset.

    This is an amazing episode that will help you recalibrate and find fresh ideas to enhance the impact you create with your marketing.

    If you’re looking for more ideas on how to show up in business as your most magnetic, authentic self, click the link below to check out Hazal’s amazing podcast, The Self-Makers Podcast.


    Resources Mentioned: The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Hazal:

    Instagram: @hey.hazal


    Podcast: The Self-Makers Podcast

    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • Welcome to the very first ‘Business Insights from the Inside’ episode! While our host Ellie is on maternity leave, we’re bringing you some incredible episodes led by her clients over the next 10 weeks. They’ll be sharing their insights, strategies, tips and processes that have created the amazing results generated in their businesses.

    Today, we have guest host Sofia Bernardi, a mindset and business coach who is sharing with us how she built a million-dollar business organically in less than four years - all by the age of 26!

    Sofia is a master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, having been trained under Tony Robbins Life Coaching certification and John Gottman’s Couples Therapy Certification. Her love and energy is contagious, leaving people feeling empowered and inspired to create the life they deserve and desire.

    In this episode, we hear all about what Sofia prioritises in order to create sustainability, and the exact steps she has taken to scale to over a million dollars in her business.

    Key Strategies for Success

    Sofia takes us through five key areas crucial for building a successful business:

    1. Mindset: A strong CEO mindset enables you to show up consistently, even when challenges arise. Sofia breaks down mindset mastery into clarity, confidence and consistency—each a critical component in ensuring you're taking effective, aligned action.

    2. Marketing: Effective marketing is essential for connecting with your target audience. Sofia shares her strategies for getting your messaging clear, attracting and engaging your audience and developing a robust content plan. The better you know your audience, the better the results in your business will be.

    3. Energy: Energetics play a vital role in alignment and staying motivated. Sofia discusses various tools like meditation, hypnotherapy and embodiment practices that help in maintaining high energy levels and alignment with your business goals. She explains the concept of mend, move and manifest to describe her approach to energy management.

    4. Events: Running impactful events can create a sustainable business model, by lessening the need for things like back-to-back sales calls and numerous conversations per day. Sofia talks about her experience with online events and how they’ve been pivotal in her business growth. She stresses the importance of having well-planned and promoted events that can serve a lot of people at once, and allowing you to sign multiple clients at a time.

    5. Sales: A seamless sales process is essential for scaling your business. Sofia shares tips on creating no-brainer programs, leveraging conversations in a soulful way, and focusing on client retention to ensure long-term success and sustainability.

    If you're a budding entrepreneur or coach, this episode is a treasure trove of actionable strategies and personal reflections on what it takes to grow a sustainable and scalable business. If you want further nuggets of gold from Sofia, make sure to check out her podcast via the link below!



    The FREE Mastermind Launch Playbook

    Connect with Sofia:


    Instagram: @sofiarosebernardi

    Podcast: Rising Coaches

    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • By the time you listen to this episode, I’ll officially be on maternity leave - perhaps with a baby, perhaps not - who knows? But I am very excited to share this final episode with you before we dive into a series that I have coined “Biz Insights from the Inside”.

    Over the next approximately 10 weeks, I’ll have my clients take you through the tools, tips, strategies, wins and incredible examples of what they've created and achieved in their business.

    But before that, today we’ll be exploring the top three essential steps I’ve taken over the past several months to ensure my business remains functional and thriving, even in my three-month absence.

    Team Management

    The first vital component of preparing your business for an extended absence is ensuring you have a reliable team. For my lean business model, having one key person I can trust to manage the backend is crucial. I talk about who and what I’ve set up to support my business manager, and explain the different approach I took in hiring a new team member to support our upcoming season. I also discuss the importance of clear communication and expectations, ensuring the team knows their priorities during my absence.

    System Setup

    If you are preparing your business so it can run without you, you need to have great systems in place. This includes a clear handover and processes for everyone to be able to succeed. For my business, we use a lot of automation with different project management and scheduling tools. This means things like emails going out automatically and payments being followed up on. So, what can you automate in your business? How can you make it really simple? Once you’ve figured out what to automate, pop that into an automation in your project management software and rinse and repeat again and again. This will give you so much peace of mind and support your team to thrive in their roles while you’re away.

    Cashflow Management

    One of the most critical aspects of preparing your business for your absence is cashflow management. Knowing your revenue streams and understanding your financials allows you to maintain business operations fluidly. I planned for cashflow management long before my maternity leave, ensuring that even with reduced revenue, the business can support its team and operations. By focusing on forecasting and front-loading revenues, we avoided the necessity of drastic changes during my absence.

    If you’re planning an extended leave or just want your business to function smoothly without your constant oversight, this episode is for you. Implementing these strategies has given me the peace of mind that my business will run efficiently during my leave.


    Now these strategies are yours to take away, should you find yourself in a season where you need to step away for a moment or two.

    Happy planning!


    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • Over the last six months, I've shared the exciting news of my pregnancy and the approaching maternity leave period. And I’m sure you've been wondering: how do you keep the business running smoothly - and profitably - while having three whole months off?

    The truth is: with a lot of intention and meticulous planning! Today, I’m sharing three innovative ways I've prepped my business for maternity leave. I walk you through the key strategies that have significantly supported me, allowing me to navigate this time with creativity.

    1. Serving Clients and Maintaining Quality

    The first challenge I’ve tackled is ensuring my SwiftMind Scaled clients continue to receive meaningful support while I’m away. Along with introducing some amazing trainers and mentors to step in during this time, we’ve also made adjustments to things like contract lengths and payment schedules. The intention behind these additions was to enhance the client experience and maintain the high standards of my mastermind.

    2. Keeping the Podcast's Momentum Going

    Next, I faced the question of how to keep the podcast running smoothly. I’ll share with you the exciting new series I’ll be creating, where I’ve asked some of my clients to host their own episodes and share their most valuable strategies and tips in business. This approach not only keeps the podcast active but also provides an opportunity for my clients to add value to the community.

    3. Sustaining Marketing Efforts

    For the challenge of growing and generating leads while I’m on leave, I’ve decided to focus on providing purely value-based content for the next three months, minimising the selling aspect. This strategy allows my team and me to concentrate on serving clients and building community without the pressure of sales targets. With this plan in place, we can maintain engagement and continue supporting our clients, knowing that we've set up the business for continued growth and longevity.

    I hope this episode inspires you to think creatively about any challenges you face in your business. Whether it's planning for an extended leave or dealing with other obstacles, approaching these situations with innovation can lead to solutions that are even better than your usual operations. By prioritising clients, team member and the long-term health of your business, you can create a thriving environment that withstands any period of absence.

    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • I am well and truly into the third trimester and now it’s only a matter of weeks until baby girl arrives. This season has been truly incredible and today I wanted to share an update on how things are going both on the business front and behind the scenes on the personal side.

    Contrary to many stories you hear about the third trimester being challenging, my experience has been largely positive. Up until the last few days, I haven't faced significant slowdowns or energy loss but I have a general awareness that things are going to change a lot relatively soon.

    Supporting Purpose-Led Clients

    One of the biggest business triumphs this trimester has been supporting our incredible clients. I truly work with the smartest, kindest, most go-getter women out there and supporting them has been deeply rewarding. So many of these women have hit major milestones like their first million in revenue and their biggest launches yet. I feel so grateful to be part of their journey, knowing that they are purpose-led in their work.

    Kicking Revenue Goals

    We've also hit our revenue goals for the year, even surpassing them! We aimed for half a million dollars but have now contracted closer to $700,000. This financial security means I can take maternity leave without worrying about reducing contracts or negotiating special deals with suppliers, which is something I have been adamant about. I’m really proud to know my business is robust enough to support our team and operations during my absence.

    Preparing for Maternity Leave

    The biggest hurdle has been preparing the business for my absence. From setting up client support to strategising for 2025, the workload has been intense. I've had to juggle a lot of responsibilities, ensuring that everything runs smoothly while I'm away.

    With so much to think about, I realised that I was placing a lot of pressure on myself to achieve some pretty unrealistic goals, like setting up a brand new evergreen funnel. So, I’ve taken the pressure down, which is a beautiful reminder for this next season heading into motherhood.

    Baby Girl is in Breech Position

    My baby is currently breech, despite my best efforts to get her to turn. Even though it’s not my preferred birth method, I have made the decision to have a planned cesarean section if she doesn’t turn around. I can honestly say that I've come to a place of surrender and acceptance about this and trust that she is choosing her birth path, which brings me a lot of comfort.

    Overcoming the Urge to Control

    A significant personal realisation has been acknowledging my tendency to control situations when I’m faced with uncertainty. As we get closer to my due date, I've found myself wanting to control whatever I can, which my husband lovingly pointed out recently. I’m learning to trust the process, both for the business and for my personal life.


    So, whether you are navigating pregnancy, preparing for extended leave, or planning your next big business move, I hope my experiences serve as inspiration and support in your journey. Here’s to celebrating triumphs, overcoming challenges, and trusting the journey.


    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group:

  • I am thrilled to be taking you behind the scenes today to share the 5 biggest takeaways from my recent $111k launch. Launching is such a huge aspect of any online service-based business, so today I’m sharing a little about this launch experience and what it looked like for me to launch a mid-tier program in the current sales environment.

    We’re seeing high-ticket and low-ticket items sell really well in this climate but a lot of people are saying that this is a challenging time for selling mid-tier offers. Despite this, I knew it was the right move for my business. Through this launch, I not only hit my exact sales target, but also gained some powerful insights into the sales process that I’m excited to share with you.

    Specificity Over Generalisation:

    More than ever, I had to be very specific on my messaging for this launch. Messaging shifts and changes constantly, so if you are selling something that you’ve previously sold before, your launch theme will likely need to be different. It’s so important to understand the exact problem your client needs to solve and this is where market research plays a crucial role. By asking a few specific questions of my audience, I found out that the majority of people had the same pain point which was generating leads. Armed with this knowledge, I tailored my messaging to address this issue directly.

    Personalisation Over Automation:

    In a world driven by automation, the human touch of personalisation stands out as a powerful tool for building trust and connection with your audience. By engaging in personalised conversations, DMs, responding to individual questions, and offering tailored solutions, you will reap the benefits not only in relationships but in sales. For a lot of business owners, this idea sounds incredibly time-consuming, but I encourage you to think of personalisation as an important part of your business that can be prioritised over other things.

    Data-Driven Decisions:

    The best way to move through your launch is to track your data. By closely monitoring and analysing data insights, we were able to make informed decisions and adjust the launch strategies where needed. This agile approach allowed us to optimise ads, and change our messaging and sales processes in real time, leading to an increase in sales after what looked like a lull.

    Storytelling and Case Studies:

    Gone are the days of a cart open email sequence. That is a really old school way of marketing and it just doesn't work anymore. Authentic narratives and client success stories are what will really grab someone’s attention. By showcasing real client experiences and outcomes, I was able to build credibility, trust, and connection with my audience, which naturally leads to sales.

    What stories can you tell about your clients? Those are the things that are going to really cut through.

    The Power of Your Signature Framework:

    Your signature framework is the unique process you have in your business that gets your clients from A to B. When you have a clear roadmap to show people how you can solve their specific problems, you instil in them a sense of trust and confidence. During cart open, I did an open house where I took people inside our Kajabi portal to show them everything they would get in the program.

    I really hope this episode is supportive for you, no matter where you're at in your sales cycle in your business at the moment. Enjoy!


    Connect with Ellie:


    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: