
  • In today's episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, we dive deep into the origins of social anxiety and why understanding its roots is crucial for breaking free. Have you ever wondered when and why your social fears started? Whether it began in middle school or as a teenager, this episode unpacks how key moments from the past shape our present behaviors and anxieties.

    Dr. Aziz also shares personal insights on his journey with social anxiety and offers guidance on how to shift those limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Plus, you're invited to a special free masterclass, Three Golden Keys to Solve Social Anxiety, where you can discover practical steps to overcome these fears and start creating a radically different 2025. If you're ready to stop letting social anxiety define you, this episode is for you! Don't forget to visit to sign up for the masterclass and continue your journey to confidence.


    Yes, it's absolutely possible to build your confidence quickly if you approach it the right way. But most people trying to boost their confidence on their own often make a few common mistakes that end up holding them back. As a result, they conclude: “I guess confidence just isn’t for me” or “I’m hopeless.” This leads to them shelving their dreams of being confident and settling for a life of discomfort and self-doubt.

    As someone who spent 15 years struggling with low confidence, I’m here to show you the way out. Let’s dive into the three biggest mistakes you might be making—and how to fix them.

    1. Avoiding Discomfort

    One of the most common mistakes is avoiding discomfort. Many people think that building confidence is just about positive thinking or motivational talk. While that can help, there’s only one surefire way to grow your confidence—facing discomfort head-on.

    Confidence grows through action, particularly the kind of action that feels uncomfortable. It’s like building physical fitness: just as lifting heavier weights challenges your muscles to grow stronger, doing things that make you nervous will expand your comfort zone and your confidence.

    “Avoiding discomfort shrinks your confidence, while taking action—no matter how small—builds it.”

    If you avoid taking risks, like speaking up in a meeting or introducing yourself to someone new, your confidence will stagnate. But by embracing gradual exposure to these challenges, you can grow stronger bit by bit.

    2. Relying on Harsh Self-Criticism

    The second major mistake people make is trying to motivate themselves through harsh self-talk. You may be familiar with the inner critic, the voice that tells you things like “That wasn’t good enough” or “You’re going to fail.” Many people mistakenly believe that berating themselves will somehow push them to be better. But the truth is, you can’t beat yourself into confidence.

    Harsh criticism leads to avoidance and demotivation. Instead, you need to motivate yourself through self-compassion and celebration of small wins. Even if a conversation or task doesn’t go perfectly, it’s essential to acknowledge the effort you put in and the progress you’ve made.

    “You can’t beat yourself into confidence. Celebrate your wins, even the small ones.”

    3. Lack of Consistency

    The final mistake is expecting instant results and then giving up when things don’t change overnight. Confidence isn’t a one-time thing—it’s a skill you need to practice consistently.

    Just like you wouldn’t expect to get fit after one or two workouts, you can’t expect lasting confidence after a few attempts. Aim to lean into discomfort at least three times a week. Whether it’s starting a conversation, sharing your ideas, or speaking up at work, taking regular action over time will make all the difference.

    “Consistency is key. You don’t need extreme efforts—just a little progress, again and again.”

    A Path Forward: Embrace Gradual, Sustainable Growth

    The key to lasting confidence is to be patient with yourself and stick with it over time. Make gradual exposure part of your routine, motivate yourself with self-compassion, and remain consistent in taking small, courageous steps toward growth.

    If you want to dive deeper into this process and have a proven roadmap, check out Confidence University. It provides a step-by-step guide, action plans, and support to help you build the confidence you deserve.

    Remember: you are not alone on this journey.

    Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are truly awesome.

  • Are you stuck in a cycle of social anxiety, feeling like it's just part of who you are? In today's episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, we dive deep into the concept of your "social anxiety identity." How much of your identity is wrapped up in social anxiety? Dr. Aziz breaks down how this hidden identity can control your interactions, limit your relationships, and ultimately hold you back in life.

    Through real-life examples and actionable steps, you'll learn how to uncover the stories you've been telling yourself and begin to rewrite your identity into one of confidence and ease. Social anxiety doesn’t have to define you or your future.

    Also, Dr. Aziz shares details about his upcoming virtual event, End Social Anxiety Now (November 1-3), where you can dive deeper into breaking free from the grip of social anxiety and set yourself up for a radically different 2025. Don’t miss out on early bird pricing! Listen in, and get ready to challenge your identity and take action toward lasting change.




    Do you feel like social anxiety defines who you are? It’s easy to believe that social discomfort is just a part of your personality, but what if that’s not true? What if you’ve unknowingly wrapped your identity around social anxiety, limiting yourself in ways you don’t even realize?

    In this podcast, we’ll explore how social anxiety can become part of your identity, why it holds you back, and most importantly, how to break free from it.

    Does Social Anxiety Define You?

    You might not think about it, but the way you see yourself—your identity—determines much of your behavior. If you have social anxiety, part of your identity might be tied to beliefs like "I’m awkward," or "People don’t want to connect with me." These beliefs are part of what I call a social anxiety identity, and they limit your ability to confidently interact with others.

    "The more your identity is one of social anxiety, the more it’s going to affect you and limit your life."

    By holding onto this identity, you might avoid social interactions, feel more self-conscious in conversations, and ultimately reinforce the very fear that holds you back.

    How Social Anxiety Becomes an Identity

    At the root of social anxiety is often a deep belief that something is inherently wrong with you. Maybe you think, “I’m awkward,” or “I’m not good at small talk.” These beliefs fuel the idea that you are more rejectable than others, making social situations feel risky and dangerous.

    This identity becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you believe you’re socially awkward, you tend to avoid interactions. And when you avoid interactions, you miss the chance to practice and improve, which reinforces the belief that you’re not good at socializing.

    "Your identity is the lens through which you see yourself, and ultimately, how you see the world."

    Breaking Free from the Social Anxiety Identity

    The good news? This identity is not fixed. You can break free from it with conscious effort and action. Here’s how:

    Identify Your Limiting Beliefs
    Write down three key beliefs that define your social anxiety. For example, “I’m not interesting,” or “People don’t want to talk to me.” These are the stories you’ve been telling yourself, often unconsciously.Create New Identity Statements
    Challenge those limiting beliefs by creating new identity statements that counter them. If you’ve been telling yourself “I’m boring,” create a new belief like “I’m a fascinating person.” At first, this might feel strange or even untrue, but that’s okay—changing your identity starts with challenging your old one.Take Action to Reinforce Your New Identity
    Once you’ve identified your new beliefs, put them into action. Start small: say hello to someone in a social setting or ask a question in a group meeting. These small steps will help you practice your new identity and build confidence over time.

    The Path to Social Freedom

    Your social anxiety doesn’t have to define you. With the right mindset and actions, you can start to shift your identity and break free from the limitations of fear and self-doubt. Remember, the more you challenge your old identity, the more space you create for a confident, free version of yourself.

    "This pattern can change faster than you think."

    As you begin this journey, keep reminding yourself that social anxiety is not who you are—it’s just a pattern. And like any pattern, it can be changed. You deserve to live a life filled with connection, confidence, and authenticity.

    Ready to make the shift? You’ve got this.

  • In this empowering episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz tackles one of the most challenging emotions—discouragement. Whether you're feeling stuck, hopeless, or weighed down by anxiety and pessimism, this episode is your guide to transforming those heavy emotions instantly.

    Dr. Aziz shares practical tools to shift your perspective and move from a place of helplessness to one of action and empowerment. Discover how to turn your discouragement into motivation, why taking action is the key to finding hope, and how you can start seeing the possibilities in your life right now.

    Plus, get a sneak peek into Dr. Aziz's upcoming virtual event, End Social Anxiety Now, where you'll dive deeper into these strategies and more. This episode is packed with actionable steps to help you break free from negative thinking and take control of your life. Tune in and start your journey towards a more confident, empowered you.



    Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or hopeless? You’re not alone. For many, these feelings of discouragement can spiral into anxiety or depression, making it seem like nothing will ever change. But what if I told you that you could shift this feeling instantly? In this blog post, we'll dive into how you can start turning things around today.

    Breaking the Cycle of Hopelessness

    Hopelessness isn’t just a feeling—it’s a perspective, a story you’ve convinced yourself is true. Thoughts like, "I can't change this" or "It’s too hard" hold you back. Over time, these thoughts grow stronger, creating a mental prison of discouragement. You may find yourself thinking, Why even try? Nothing will change.

    "The perspective that creates discouragement and hopelessness is one that tells you ‘I can’t change this,’ but that’s just a story you’re telling yourself. It’s not the truth."

    But the truth is, you can change things. The key to breaking free from hopelessness is to stop waiting for motivation and instead take action first. You see, action generates motivation, not the other way around. It’s a simple concept but one that many overlook when they feel stuck.

    Take Action First, Motivation Follows

    Most people wait until they feel motivated to act. They think, Once I feel ready, I’ll take that first step. But when you’re feeling hopeless or discouraged, waiting for motivation is the last thing you should do.

    The secret to shifting your perspective is by going on offense in your life. This means taking proactive steps, even when you don’t feel like it. Action brings clarity, momentum, and the confidence to keep moving forward. Waiting for motivation? That’s backward. You need to create motivation through action.

    "You have to go on offense in your life. Action generates motivation, just like confidence is a byproduct of action."

    The Instant Shift: A Simple Process

    Here’s a step-by-step process to instantly shift your mindset from hopelessness to empowerment:

    Acknowledge the Situation: Write down what’s happening in your life. Instead of letting thoughts swirl in your head, put them on paper. This helps you see things as they are, without the emotional weight attached to them.Set a Clear Goal: What do you want to change? Be specific. Maybe you want to overcome social anxiety, build meaningful relationships, or simply feel more confident. Make sure your goal is clear and resonates with you.Connect to Your Why: Why is this goal important? What will achieving it bring you? Be honest with yourself. The deeper you connect with your why, the more emotional energy you’ll have to move forward.Brainstorm Actions: Write down 10 things you could do to achieve your goal. Don’t overthink it—just brainstorm. The more ideas, the better.Take Immediate Action: Pick one simple thing from your list and do it right away. This breaks the cycle of inaction and sets the stage for momentum.

    Why This Works

    When you’re in a state of discouragement, your brain convinces you that change is impossible. The more time you spend in this state, the deeper you sink. But when you take action, even small steps, you start to see opportunities rather than roadblocks.

    "That story in your head about what’s impossible is not true."

    By shifting your perspective through action, you’re actively moving yourself out of the hopeless mindset and into one of possibility. You’ll start to feel more empowered, and before you know it, your outlook on life will begin to shift.

    Final Thoughts: Every Problem Has a Solution

    The path to overcoming social anxiety, low confidence, or any challenge in your life isn’t easy, but it’s absolutely possible. It starts with shifting your mindset, taking action, and building momentum. No matter how long you’ve felt stuck, change is within your reach.

    If you’re ready to dive deeper into these strategies and take bold steps to end social anxiety, join me for the End Social Anxiety Now virtual event from November 1st-3rd. It’s designed to give you the tools, support, and immersion needed to make real progress. And remember, every problem has a solution. You just need to take the first step.

    Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

  • In this empowering episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz tackles one of the most challenging emotions—discouragement. Whether you're feeling stuck, hopeless, or weighed down by anxiety and pessimism, this episode is your guide to transforming those heavy emotions instantly.

    Dr. Aziz shares practical tools to shift your perspective and move from a place of helplessness to one of action and empowerment. Discover how to turn your discouragement into motivation, why taking action is the key to finding hope, and how you can start seeing the possibilities in your life right now.

    Plus, get a sneak peek into Dr. Aziz's upcoming virtual event, End Social Anxiety Now, where you'll dive deeper into these strategies and more. This episode is packed with actionable steps to help you break free from negative thinking and take control of your life. Tune in and start your journey towards a more confident, empowered you.


    Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or like nothing will ever change? You’re not alone. Many people battling social anxiety, low self-esteem, and people-pleasing habits experience discouragement and even hopelessness. These feelings can manifest as chronic anxiety or a heavy sense of pessimism, making it seem like there’s no way out. But what if I told you that these feelings can be transformed instantly? Yes, it’s possible, and in this post, I’m going to show you how.

    The Burden of Discouragement

    When discouragement sets in, it often brings along a companion: a negative story about your life. You might think, “I’ll never overcome this,” or “What’s the point of trying?” These thoughts don’t just create a bleak outlook on the future—they also reflect a dismal view of yourself. This mindset can spiral into shame, anxiety, or even depression, leaving you feeling stuck and powerless.

    “The perspective that creates discouragement and hopelessness is one that tells you ‘I can’t change this,’ but that’s just a story you’re telling yourself. It’s not the truth.”

    The Instant Shift

    The good news is that these feelings are not permanent. In fact, they can be shifted instantly because they’re rooted in perspective, not reality. Unlike physical wounds that take time to heal, the mental and emotional states of discouragement and hopelessness are based on how you’re choosing to see your situation. And the best part? You can change that perspective in a moment.

    Take Action, Generate Motivation

    One of the biggest mistakes people make when they’re feeling down is waiting for motivation to strike before taking action. But as Dr. Aziz points out, this approach is backward. Motivation isn’t a prerequisite for action—it’s a byproduct of it. When you take action, no matter how small, you begin to generate the motivation and confidence you need to keep moving forward.

    “You have to go on offense in your life. Action generates motivation, just like confidence is a byproduct of action.”

    A Simple Process to Break Free

    Here’s a step-by-step process to transform your state of discouragement into one of hope and possibility:

    Acknowledge the Situation: Start by writing down what’s really happening in your life. This helps you see things as they are, not through the dramatic lens of your mind.

    Identify What You Want: Set a clear, specific goal. It could be something like “I want to feel more comfortable in social situations” or “I want to make new friends.” Make sure it’s something that truly resonates with you.

    Connect to Your Why: Ask yourself why this goal is important to you. What will achieving it bring into your life? This is where you tap into the emotional energy that will drive you forward.

    Brainstorm Actions: Force yourself to come up with 10 actions you could take to move towards your goal. Don’t worry about whether they’re perfect or doable—just get them down on paper.

    Take Immediate Action: Choose one of the easiest actions on your list and do it right away. This will kickstart your momentum and begin to shift your perspective.

    Moving Forward with Confidence

    By following this process, you’ll notice an immediate change in how you feel. You’ll start to see possibilities where there were none, and you’ll begin to believe in your ability to create change in your life. The key is to keep moving forward, taking one action at a time, and allowing that momentum to build.

    “If you follow this process, you’ll find that you naturally start to sit taller, breathe deeper, and feel more empowered. That’s what offense feels like in your life.”

    An Invitation to Go Deeper

    If you’re ready to take your journey even further, consider joining Dr. Aziz for his upcoming virtual event, “End Social Anxiety Now,” happening November 1-3. This immersive experience will dive deep into the strategies and tools you need to transform your social anxiety into social confidence. You’ll learn how to free yourself from the burdens of discouragement and step into a life of connection, authenticity, and freedom.

    Remember, every problem has a solution. Your feelings of hopelessness are not the end of the road—they’re just the beginning of a new chapter where you can write your own story.

    Until next time, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

  • In today’s episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz invites his good friend and colleague, Ben Gibson, for a deep and insightful conversation about a different kind of confidence: spiritual confidence, or divine confidence. While we often discuss self-confidence and overcoming personal doubts, this episode dives into something deeper—trusting in life, the universe, or something bigger than ourselves.

    Together, Dr. Aziz and Ben explore what it means to have faith in the unknown, to trust that there’s a solution to every problem, even when the path is unclear. Whether you come from a religious background, consider yourself spiritual, or identify as an atheist, this episode is for you. It’s about embracing faith and trust, not in a prescribed way, but in a way that feels accessible to everyone.

    Join them as they share personal stories, practical insights, and real experiences to help you cultivate faith in yourself, others, and life itself. If you’re looking for a way to build both self-confidence and a deeper spiritual connection, this episode offers powerful tools to guide you.

    Tune in, reflect, and start cultivating your divine confidence today!




    Unlocking Spiritual Confidence: Trusting in Life Beyond Self

    Are you struggling with social anxiety, people-pleasing, or a crippling fear of rejection? Perhaps you’re longing to live more authentically, to speak up boldly, and to not be paralyzed by what others might think. If so, you're not alone—and there’s a powerful shift you can make today that goes beyond simply “working on your confidence.”

    In a recent episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz Gazipura dives deep into a dimension of confidence that is often overlooked but is crucial for true inner freedom: spiritual confidence. Joined by his colleague Ben Gibson, Dr. Aziz explores how trusting in something bigger than yourself—whether you call it life, the universe, or the divine—can elevate your confidence to new heights.

    The Limitations of Self-Confidence

    Self-confidence is important. It’s about believing in your ability to handle whatever life throws at you, to step into the unknown, and to take courageous actions. But, as Dr. Aziz points out, self-confidence alone has its limits. No matter how much you build yourself up, there will always be moments where life feels overwhelming, uncertain, or even terrifying. This is where spiritual confidence comes into play.

    “There’s always something in the unknown that can make it seem threatening or scary until we develop this other side of things—spiritual confidence.”

    What Is Spiritual Confidence?

    Spiritual confidence is the trust in something beyond yourself. It's the faith that, even when things don’t go according to plan or when life throws unexpected challenges your way, there is a larger process at work. This isn’t about subscribing to a particular religion; it’s about finding a deep, personal connection to something bigger. Ben Gibson shares how, in his journey, this trust has become a crucial part of navigating life’s trials.

    “Faith is the belief in something that I don’t see. It’s not just a hope; it’s a deep inner knowing.”

    The Role of Faith in Handling Life’s Challenges

    Faith doesn’t mean you’ll be shielded from all pain or that life will always be smooth. In fact, it’s often through life’s most challenging moments that our faith—and by extension, our spiritual confidence—is forged. Ben and Dr. Aziz discuss how pain, loss, and uncertainty are not just obstacles to be avoided, but essential experiences that help us grow and ultimately, trust more deeply.

    Embrace the Process, Not Just the Outcome

    One of the key takeaways from this conversation is the importance of embracing the process. Just like an apple tree must go through the phases of blossoming, growing, and ripening, we too must trust the journey of our own growth—even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain.

    “There’s something beyond the thing that might have been great and even functional up until this point. When it falls away, it just means there’s a bigger process happening.”

    Action Step: Examine Your Perspective

    As you go about your day, pause and ask yourself: How am I perceiving myself, life, and whatever you might consider divine? Just observing your current lens can be the first step toward shifting it. This simple awareness can open up a pathway to greater spiritual confidence, helping you to face life’s challenges with a deeper sense of peace and trust.

    Remember, every moment of your life is a new one, and with the right perspective, you can move forward with confidence—not just in yourself, but in the life that unfolds before you.

  • In today’s episode, Dr. Aziz takes you on a deep dive into how to transform your identity to unlock greater confidence. He reveals that confidence isn’t something you’re born with—it's a skill you can develop. By understanding and reshaping your identity, you can break free from old patterns and create a new, empowered version of yourself.

    Dr. Aziz will guide you through what it really means to earn a new identity and why it's crucial for lasting change. You’ll learn how to push past the discomfort of growth and practice the actions that align with the confident, bold person you want to be. This episode is packed with practical insights and a clear action step to help you start building your new identity today.

    If you’ve ever felt stuck in who you think you are, this episode will show you how to break free. Tune in and take the first step toward earning a new, more confident version of yourself!




    What Is Your Identity, and Why Does It Matter?

    Your identity is how you see yourself—what you believe about yourself, consciously and unconsciously. It’s the mental structure that determines your actions, decisions, and ultimately, your experiences in life. It includes things like, “Am I smart? Am I attractive? Am I capable?” These beliefs shape how you interact with the world and what you think is possible for you.

    But here’s the good news: Your identity is not fixed. It’s not set in stone. You can change it. And by changing it, you can steer your life in a new direction. If you feel stuck in a “fixed identity,” it’s time to break free and create an identity that aligns with the confident, bold, and authentic person you want to be.

    "Your identity isn’t fixed—it’s flexible, and you have the power to shape it into something that serves you, not holds you back."

    The Power of Earning a New Identity

    Changing your identity isn’t just about thinking differently or repeating affirmations. It’s about earning that new identity through action. You don’t become more confident by wishing for it; you become more confident by doing the things that challenge you, that push you beyond your comfort zone.

    For example, if your current identity says, “I’m shy” or “I’m not good at talking to people,” you’ll need to start practicing interactions that defy those beliefs. Gradual exposure—taking small, manageable steps toward social confidence—is how you earn that new identity. Whether it’s saying hello to strangers, engaging more in conversations at work, or pushing yourself to be more assertive, every action you take builds your confidence muscle.

    Key Point: You Must Earn Your New Identity

    You create a new identity by consistently doing things that your old identity says you can’t. This isn’t about overnight transformation; it’s about building the muscle of confidence over time.

    From Fixed to Flexible: The Journey of Growth

    The biggest mistake people make is believing that who they are now is who they have to be forever. They think their identity is fixed and unchangeable. But that’s not true. Just like learning a new skill—whether it’s playing an instrument or getting better at a sport—you can learn to be more confident. It’s all about practice and persistence.

    You’ve likely learned new things before, even if it was something as simple as mastering a game on your phone. So why not apply that same mindset to your social skills and confidence? The discomfort you feel when learning something new is natural. The key is to push through that discomfort and keep going.

    "Your identity is as flexible as you allow it to be. Every time you challenge your old beliefs, you’re creating space for a new, more confident you to emerge."

    Action Step: Design Your New Identity

    Now, let’s put this into action. I want you to take a moment to think about who you want to be 12 months from now. What does that new, confident version of you look like? What have you accomplished? How do you feel about yourself? Write it all down. This is your new identity.

    Then, work backward. What actions will help you become that person? Maybe it’s starting conversations more often, taking risks in social settings, or practicing assertiveness. Whatever it is, commit to those actions and start earning your new identity today.

    "Your new identity is within reach. Take consistent action, face your fears, and watch yourself transform into the confident, bold person you were always meant to be."

    For more tools and guidance on building your confidence, check out my programs at Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and know on a deep level that you’re awesome.

  • In today's episode, Dr. Aziz delves into a topic that many of us struggle with: feelings of inferiority. Have you ever felt less than others, whether in terms of intelligence, appearance, confidence, or any other area? These feelings are more than just thoughts; they come with a heavy emotional weight that can make you feel unworthy, unlovable, and disconnected.

    Dr. Aziz explores the roots of these feelings and, more importantly, provides actionable strategies to overcome them. Through a deep dive into the sources of these beliefs, you'll learn how to stop comparing yourself to others and start embracing your unique strengths.

    He offers practical advice on how to shift your mindset and build your self-esteem, helping you break free from the paralyzing grip of inferiority and step into your life with confidence.

    Tune in to discover how you can start believing in your own worth today. And if you find this episode valuable, please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, helping others discover the show and support their journey to confidence.



    How to Overcome Feelings of Inferiority and Reclaim Your Confidence

    Have you ever felt less than others? Maybe it’s not something you say out loud, but deep down, there’s a sense of inadequacy, shame, or unworthiness that just won’t go away. These feelings of inferiority can be incredibly painful, leaving you feeling stuck, isolated, and unsure of yourself. But what if I told you that overcoming these feelings is not only possible but within your reach? In this blog post, we’ll explore where these feelings come from, how they persist, and most importantly, what you can do to break free and start feeling more confident today.

    Understanding the Roots of Inferiority

    You might have spent years trying to understand why you feel inferior. Maybe you’ve done therapy, reflecting on your childhood experiences—whether it was a critical parent, bullying, or feeling like an outcast. These insights can be valuable, but they often leave you with a lingering question: Now what? You have a narrative, but knowing where these feelings come from doesn’t always make them go away.

    Stand-Out Quote

    "It's not about where your feelings of inferiority come from; it's about what you're doing to yourself right now that keeps them alive."

    The Internal Critic and Comparison

    At the heart of inferiority is a critical voice that compares you to others or an idealized version of yourself. This comparison might be about intelligence, confidence, appearance, or wealth. The list is endless, but the impact is the same: it triggers feelings of shame, unworthiness, and unlovability. But here’s the thing—this comparison isn’t something happening to you; it’s something you’re doing to yourself.

    Key Point: Identify Your Triggers

    Take a moment to identify the top three areas where you feel most inferior. Is it your intelligence? Your appearance? Your social skills? Understanding what triggers these feelings is the first step toward dismantling them.

    Breaking the Cycle: Stop Believing the Lies

    One of the most powerful steps you can take is to challenge the beliefs that fuel your inferiority. Why do you believe that you need to be smarter, more confident, or more attractive to be loved and accepted? Who told you that? Often, these beliefs are inherited from others—parents, peers, society—but they no longer serve you.

     "Your feelings of inferiority are not truths; they're protective shields keeping you from stepping fully into your life."

    The Path to Freedom: Taking Bold Action

    To truly overcome feelings of inferiority, you must act in defiance of the stories that hold you back. Make a list of the things you would do if you knew you were awesome—if you were confident, attractive, intelligent, and worthy. This list is your roadmap to freedom.

    Action Step: Create Your List

    Ask yourself: If I knew I was awesome, what would I do? Write down five to ten things. These might be goals you’ve been avoiding, risks you haven’t taken, or opportunities you’ve let pass by. Start small if you need to, but start taking steps toward those goals.

    Embrace Your Awesomeness

    Remember, the feelings of inferiority you’re struggling with are not permanent. They are learned behaviors that can be unlearned through action, awareness, and self-compassion. As you begin to take steps toward the life you want, you’ll find that those feelings lose their power over you. You are capable, worthy, and deserving of everything you desire.

    "You have the power to rewrite your story. Take the first step today, and watch how your life transforms."

    For more tools and guidance on building confidence and overcoming social anxiety, check out my programs at The Confidence University. Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and know on a deep level that you're awesome.

  • In this episode, Dr. Aziz explores the concept of "social fitness" and how it can empower you to achieve greater social freedom and confidence. Just like physical fitness, social fitness is about building and strengthening your ability to connect with others and navigate social situations comfortably.

    Discover how social fitness can transform your life by changing your perspective on social anxiety and offering practical ways to develop your social skills. Dr. Aziz introduces you to a structured approach to improving your social fitness and shares techniques that will help you gradually increase your social confidence.

    Whether you struggle with social anxiety or simply want to enhance your ability to interact with others, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable steps to help you become socially fit and free.

    Ready to start your journey toward social freedom? Tune in now and take the first step toward building your social confidence. If you find this episode helpful, please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your feedback helps others discover the show and supports our mission to help more people break free from social anxiety.




    Imagine being able to walk into any room and feel comfortable in your own skin. How would that change your life? In today's world, social anxiety can feel like an insurmountable barrier, but the key to overcoming it might be simpler than you think. Enter "Social Fitness"—a revolutionary concept that can set you free. In this post, we'll explore what social fitness is, why it matters, and how you can use it to transform your confidence and social interactions.

    What is Social Fitness?

    Social fitness is a concept that mirrors physical fitness but focuses on building your social confidence and abilities. Just as physical fitness involves regular exercise to improve strength and endurance, social fitness involves practicing social interactions to enhance your comfort and confidence in social settings. Developed by Dr. Lynn Henderson at Stanford University, this concept is a game-changer for anyone struggling with social anxiety.

    "Social fitness changes everything because it shows there's nothing wrong with you—you're just not in shape."

    How Social Fitness Works

    Building Capacity

    The essence of social fitness is about gradually building your social capacity. Just like physical exercises strengthen muscles over time, social exercises enhance your ability to interact confidently with others. It's about consistent practice and facing social situations that might initially feel uncomfortable.

    "You can get in better social fitness shape by exercising over time with consistency."

    Applying Social Fitness in Your Life

    Start Where You Are

    Just as with physical fitness, it's crucial to start your social fitness journey where you are. Assess your current social interactions and identify areas where you feel most anxious or uncomfortable. This could be speaking up in meetings, initiating conversations, or attending social gatherings.

    Create a Plan

    To make progress, you need a plan. List the social activities that challenge you and rate them on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is extremely uncomfortable. Start with activities that fall around 3 or 4 on your scale and gradually work your way up to more challenging situations. For example, if you're anxious about speaking in meetings, set a goal to contribute at least once per meeting.

    Commit to Consistency

    The key to success is consistency. Aim to engage in social exercises at least three times a week. This could mean attending a networking event, having a conversation with a colleague, or speaking up in a group discussion. The more you practice, the more your social confidence will grow.

    Taking Action: Your Social Fitness Plan

    Create a social fitness plan that includes:

    Identifying Social Challenges: List situations that make you anxious.Setting Realistic Goals: Choose three manageable social exercises to practice each week.Tracking Progress: Keep a journal to track your experiences and growth.

    "Lift some threes and fours, and start doing things that make you uncomfortable."

    An Invitation to Grow

    The journey to social confidence is personal and unique. If you're ready to take your social fitness to the next level, consider exploring resources like my program, Confidence University, which offers structured courses to guide you step-by-step. You can also join my 12-month Unstoppable Confidence Mastermind for personalized coaching and support from like-minded individuals on the same journey.

    "Don't let social anxiety hold you back. With practice and persistence, you can unlock the confident, authentic version of yourself."

    For more information, visit and discover tools and programs designed to help you build social fitness and confidence. Remember, you have the power to change your social landscape—one interaction at a time.

  • In today’s episode, Dr. Aziz tackles the perplexing question: Why is it so challenging to be ourselves? While it might seem like being yourself should be the easiest and most natural thing in the world, many of us find it incredibly difficult. Dr. Aziz explores the reasons behind this struggle and provides insights into the invisible pressures and internal conflicts that keep us from being our true selves.

    Join Dr. Aziz as he helps you recognize these challenges and offers actionable steps to overcome them. Learn how to embrace authenticity and unapologetically be who you are, without succumbing to the pressure of societal expectations or internal criticism. Through this episode, you'll gain clarity on how to honor your true feelings, desires, and boundaries, leading to a more liberated and confident life.

    Ready to start your journey towards authentic living? Tune in now and take the first step towards being unapologetically you! If you find this episode helpful, please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your feedback helps others discover the show and supports our mission to help more people break free from social anxiety.



    Why Is Being Yourself So Difficult? Discover the Hidden Challenges and How to Overcome Them

    Does being yourself feel like an impossible task? You might think that being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world, but it can be incredibly challenging. Many people struggle with this because of social anxiety, people-pleasing tendencies, and fear of disapproval. In this post, we’ll explore why being yourself is so difficult and offer powerful tools to help you embrace your true self.

    The Hidden Challenges of Being Yourself

    Internal and External Pressures

    One of the main reasons it's hard to be yourself is the constant pressure to conform to others' expectations. This pressure can come from various sources, including family, culture, religion, and social norms. These influences shape our behavior, often leading us to suppress our true feelings and desires.

    Stand-Out Quote

    "Being yourself is safe. I'm allowed to be myself."

    The Inner Critic

    Another significant obstacle is the inner critic, that voice inside your head that constantly judges and criticizes you. This inner critic can be so harsh and relentless that it creates a negative self-image, making it difficult to express your true self. You might find yourself thinking, "I should be more patient, more forgiving, more generous," based on societal expectations rather than your true feelings.

    Conflicting Parts

    We are all a collection of different parts and motives. For instance, you might have a part of you that wants to be bold and courageous and another part that wants to avoid discomfort. These conflicting parts can create confusion and make it difficult to know which part of yourself to express.

    How to Overcome These Challenges

    Embrace All Parts of Yourself

    Start by acknowledging all parts of yourself, even those that you might consider negative or undesirable. It's essential to listen to these parts without judgment. For example, if you're feeling irritated or anxious, instead of pushing those feelings away, ask yourself why you feel that way and what those feelings are trying to tell you.

    Practice Self-Compassion

    Being kind to yourself is crucial in overcoming the fear of being yourself. When you catch your inner critic in action, pause and respond with compassion. Remind yourself that it's okay to have imperfections and that you don't need to meet everyone's expectations.

    Set Aside Time for Self-Reflection

    Spend a few minutes each day checking in with yourself. Ask yourself questions like, "How do I feel?" "What do I want?" and "What's important to me?" This practice helps you become more aware of your true feelings and desires, making it easier to act in alignment with them.

    Stand-Out Quote

    "Your every voice has a seat at the table. Every voice is allowed."

    An Invitation to Change

    If you find it challenging to be yourself, know that it's an invitation to change and grow. Being yourself is not about acting out every impulse but about listening to all parts of yourself and making choices that align with your true values and desires. Start by taking small steps towards self-acceptance and authenticity.

    "This is not who you are. This is not how it has to be. Change is absolutely possible, and I want to support you in that in any way I can."

    For more resources on overcoming social anxiety and embracing your true self, visit There, you can find free courses, books, and information on coaching programs designed to help you become the most authentic version of yourself.

    Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

  • In this episode, Dr. Aziz dives into the heavy but crucial topic of self-esteem and how to stop the cycle of self-hatred that many people with social anxiety and niceness struggle with. Discover why self-criticism can be so destructive and learn practical steps to break free from this damaging pattern.

    Dr. Aziz will guide you through understanding the different parts of yourself, the role of the inner critic, and why we often buy into these harsh messages. More importantly, you'll learn how to make the decision of a lifetime—to be on your own side and step fully into your life.

    Tune in to uncover powerful insights and practical actions that can transform your relationship with yourself and boost your confidence. If you’ve been enjoying the show, please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. Your feedback helps others find the show and supports our mission of mass liberation from social anxiety.

    Ready to stop hating yourself and start living with confidence? Let’s get started!



    Break Free from Self-Hate: Three Keys to Self-Esteem

    Do you ever feel like you're your own worst enemy? That inner critic that's constantly whispering negative things in your ear? You're not alone. Many people struggle with an inner voice that’s not just critical, but downright abusive. It's time to break free from this cycle of self-hate and embrace a healthier, more empowering mindset. In today’s post, we’ll explore three transformative keys to overcoming self-hate and building genuine self-esteem.

    Recognize the Inner Critic

    We all have different parts of ourselves. There's the part that wants to get up early and be productive, and then there's the part that just wants to stay in bed. Similarly, there’s a part of you that wants to be bold and confident, and another part that wants to hide and avoid difficult situations. The problem arises when a hypercritical part takes over and dominates your inner dialogue.

    Stand-Out Quote

    "We are often harsher to ourselves than we would ever be to a friend. This inner critic isn’t helping you—it’s hurting you."

    Understand the Impact of Self-Hate

    Imagine being in a romantic relationship where your partner constantly belittles you, calls you names, and makes you feel worthless. This is exactly what happens when we let our inner critic run wild. It's verbal abuse, and it’s coming from within. This kind of self-talk is not just unkind; it’s damaging.

    When I was working with a client recently, she asked if positive self-talk was the solution to her low self-esteem. While it's part of the solution, the bigger issue is the constant self-criticism that drains our self-esteem. It’s like trying to fill a bucket with holes in it—you need to patch the holes first.

    Challenge the Inner Critic

    The next step is to challenge this critical voice. Ask yourself why you are choosing to believe these negative thoughts. Often, this critical part is trying to protect you from perceived dangers, like rejection or failure. But in reality, it’s keeping you small and preventing you from living a full life.

    Key Content Points

    Awareness and Choice: Become aware of your self-critical thoughts and recognize that you have a choice. You don’t have to believe everything you think.

    Challenge the Critic: When negative thoughts arise, challenge them. Recognize that they are trying to protect you, but they are not serving you.

    Step into Life Fully: Defy the critic by taking the actions it tries to prevent. Put yourself out there, take risks, and be willing to face discomfort. This is where true growth happens.

    Stand-Out Quote

    "The only way to truly transform this inner critic is to do the things it's trying to protect you from. Step into your life fully and embrace the discomfort."

    An Inspiring Message of Hope

    You have the power to change this inner dialogue. It starts with awareness, continues with challenging those negative thoughts, and grows as you step into your life fully. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Many people struggle with self-hate and self-criticism, but it’s possible to break free. You can build a life where you are confident, bold, and authentic.

    Final Encouragement

    "You are worthy of love and respect, starting with yourself. Embrace who you are and take the steps to challenge that inner critic. The journey to self-esteem and confidence is one of the most rewarding paths you can take."

    For more tools and resources on building self-esteem and confidence, check out my book On My Own Side. It’s available on Amazon and Audible, and it’s packed with actionable insights to help you overcome self-criticism and embrace your true self.

    Thank you for being with me today. Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

    For more information, visit for free blogs, e-books, and training videos related to overcoming shyness and increasing confidence.

  • In this episode, Dr. Aziz dives into the three unconscious tactics that nice people often use, which end up perpetuating their anxieties and interpersonal problems. Discover how an apologetic tone, over-explaining, and pre-compromising can hinder your ability to communicate effectively and maintain healthy relationships.

    Learn how these behaviors stem from an obsessive need to control others' feelings and how you can start to change these patterns. With self-awareness and conscious choice, you can begin to communicate more directly and authentically, leading to deeper connections and greater self-confidence.

    Tune in to uncover how to stop these nice person tactics and start living more freely and boldly.

    If you’ve been enjoying the show, please take a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. Your feedback helps others find the show and supports our mission of mass liberation from social anxiety.

    Ready to transform your interactions? Let's get started!



    The Hidden Dangers of Being Too Nice

    Is it possible that being too nice can actually harm you and negatively impact those around you? While it might sound counterintuitive, especially since being nice often feels like the right thing to do, excessive niceness can cause significant problems in your life. Let’s explore how this happens and what you can do to shift this pattern.

    When people think of being nice, they associate it with positive traits like kindness, compassion, and consideration. However, niceness often stems from fear—fear of upsetting others, fear of rejection, and fear of conflict. This fear-driven niceness leads to several significant issues:

    Difficulty Saying No Being overly nice often means you have a hard time saying no. You accommodate everyone’s needs and requests, leaving yourself overcommitted and burnt out. When you constantly say yes to others, you neglect your own needs, leading to stress and resentment. Over time, this can damage your relationships as you may feel unappreciated and taken for granted.

    Suppressed Emotions Nice people tend to suppress their true feelings to avoid conflict. You might avoid expressing when something bothers you, which leads to bottled-up emotions. This suppression can cause chronic stress, physical ailments like headaches, stomach problems, and even a weakened immune system. Research shows that emotional suppression can increase your risk of all-cause mortality by 4x over 12 years.

    Living in Fear Constantly worrying about others' opinions creates a fearful existence. This fear of disapproval or conflict can lead to chronic anxiety, making everyday interactions stressful. This background anxiety drains your energy and affects your overall well-being.

    Negative Role Modeling If you have children or are in a position of influence, your excessive niceness can model unhealthy behaviors. Children learn from observing adults, and if they see you constantly putting others' needs above your own and avoiding conflict, they may adopt these same behaviors. This can lead to them struggling with self-advocacy and personal boundaries in their own lives.

    Embrace Authenticity Over Niceness

    The solution isn’t to become a jerk but to embrace authenticity. Being authentic means expressing your true feelings and needs honestly and respectfully. Here’s how you can start:

    Set Boundaries Learn to say no when necessary. Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining your mental and physical health. It’s not selfish; it’s essential for self-care.

    Express Your Feelings Practice sharing your thoughts and feelings, even when they might cause discomfort. This honesty builds trust and deeper connections with others.

    Challenge Fear-Based Thinking Work on recognizing when fear is driving your actions. Remind yourself that you can handle others' reactions and that their approval isn’t necessary for your self-worth.

    Be a Positive Role Model Show others, especially younger people, that it’s okay to prioritize self-care and to speak up for themselves. This modeling helps them develop healthier relationship dynamics.

    Take Action Today

    If you want to delve deeper into breaking the pattern of excessive niceness, check out my book Not Nice. It provides practical steps to help you embrace your authentic self. For more actionable advice, my book Less Nice More You offers a direct approach to making these changes.

    For those seeking significant, life-changing transformations, consider joining my 12-month mastermind program, The Unstoppable Confidence Mastermind. This program is designed to radically boost your confidence and assertiveness in every area of your life. Learn more at

    Final Thoughts

    Being too nice can be detrimental to your well-being and the well-being of those around you. Embrace your authenticity, set healthy boundaries, and express your true self. By doing so, you’ll not only improve your own life but also set a positive example for others.

    Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

  • Are you a control freak? You might be surprised to find that social anxiety often comes with an obsessive need for control. In this episode, Dr. Aziz dives deep into how social anxiety is tied to a constant effort to control how others perceive you. This control can be exhausting and counterproductive, but understanding it is the first step towards liberation.

    Join Dr. Aziz as he explores the roots of this behavior and provides practical steps to help you let go of the obsessive control, allowing you to feel more relaxed and confident in social situations. By the end of this episode, you'll gain new insights and tools to start living more freely and authentically.

    Ready to transform your social anxiety? Tune in now!

  • In today's episode, titled "Social Anxiety Equals Obsessive Control," we dive into a surprising aspect of social anxiety: the obsessive need for control.

    Have you ever thought of yourself as a control freak? Probably not if you’re shy or socially anxious. But what if social anxiety is a different type of controlling behavior? What if the constant worry about how others perceive you, the fear of saying the wrong thing, or the hesitation to approach new people is actually an attempt to control others' thoughts and feelings about you?

    In this episode, we’ll explore how this obsessive need for control manifests in social anxiety and why it’s so exhausting and counterproductive. We’ll also discuss the deeper fears driving this need for control and how to begin letting go, allowing yourself to feel more relaxed and confident in social interactions.

    Join me as we uncover the root causes of this obsessive control, and learn practical steps to release it, freeing yourself from the chains of social anxiety. By the end of this episode, you'll have new insights and tools to start living more freely and boldly.

    Ready to transform your social anxiety? Let’s get started!





    Are You a Control Freak? How Obsessive Control Fuels Social Anxiety

    Welcome to Shrink for the Shy Guy. This is the show for you if you're sick and tired of being held back by fear, self-doubt, social anxiety, or anything that stops you from being your authentic self. I'm Dr. Aziz, and today we're diving into a topic that might surprise you: control. Are you a control freak?

    Unmasking the Quiet Control Freak

    When you think of a control freak, you might picture someone loud, bossy, and domineering. But what if control manifests differently in those of us with social anxiety? What if it's a quiet, obsessive need for control that fuels our anxiety?

    Imagine this scenario: You're in a social interaction, feeling tight and restricted. You're worried about what to say, how others perceive you, and whether you're doing it all wrong. This isn't just fear—it's an obsessive need to control the outcome. You want to control how others see you, how they feel about you, and ensure you don't make any mistakes.

    The Exhausting Reality of Social Anxiety

    Consider how exhausting it is to try to control every social interaction. If you're speaking in front of a group, you might feel the need to manage the thoughts and feelings of every person in the room. This obsessive thinking leads to withdrawal, avoidance, and increased anxiety.

    "We obsessively try to control everything because we're terrified of feeling unworthy or unlovable."

    The need for control stems from a deeper fear of rejection and a desperate need for approval. We fear that if someone doesn't like us, we'll feel unworthy and unlovable. This fear drives the obsessive thinking and behavior that characterizes social anxiety.

    Breaking Free: Embrace Uncertainty

    The key to overcoming this obsessive need for control is to embrace uncertainty and the possibility of rejection. It's about realizing that you can't control everything and that's okay. This shift requires both internal work—feeling and processing your emotions—and external action—exposing yourself to situations that challenge your fears.

    "The real danger is the feelings we are terrified to face. But feeling those emotions is the path to freedom."

    Action Steps to Let Go of Control

    Acknowledge Your Patterns: Recognize when you're trying to control others' perceptions of you. Notice the obsessive thoughts and behaviors that arise in social situations.

    Feel Your Feelings: Allow yourself to feel the emotions you're avoiding. This might include fear, shame, or unworthiness. Practice staying with these feelings instead of running from them.

    Take Bold Action: Challenge yourself to step into situations that scare you. This could be speaking up in a meeting, starting a conversation, or sharing your opinion. Observe what happens without trying to control the outcome.

    By practicing these steps, you can begin to dismantle the cage of social anxiety and live more freely and authentically.

    A Message of Hope

    Breaking free from social anxiety is a journey that starts with recognizing the need for control and challenging it. You have the power to change your story and embrace uncertainty. Remember, you don't have to do this alone. There are resources and support available to help you on your path to liberation.

    Until we speak again, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know, on a deep level, that you are awesome.

    Thanks for listening to Shrink for the Shy Guy with Dr. Aziz. If you know anyone who can benefit from what you've just heard, please let them know and send them a link to For free blogs, e-books, and training videos related to overcoming shyness and increasing confidence, visit


  • Welcome to Shrink for the Shy Guy, where we tackle the fears, self-doubt, social anxiety, and shyness that hold you back from being your true self. In today’s episode, "Healing Toxic Shame," we’re diving deep into a topic that’s often hidden away but profoundly impacts us all.

    Do you ever feel an intense sense of badness, as if you’re not worthy of love or connection? That’s shame, and for some, it’s a constant, toxic presence. Today, we’ll explore what toxic shame is, where it comes from, and most importantly, how to heal from it. I’ll share powerful insights and practical steps to help you start transforming this toxic narrative into one of self-compassion and empowerment.

    This episode will guide you in recognizing the internalized messages of shame and how to replace them with messages of love and acceptance. By the end, you’ll have actionable steps to begin your journey toward healing and self-worth.

    So, join me and discover how to liberate yourself from the grips of toxic shame, step into your true power, and become the most free, bold, and authentic version of yourself. Let’s get started!




    Breaking Free from Toxic Shame: Reclaim Your Self-Worth

    Have you ever felt paralyzed by a deep sense of shame that seems to pervade every aspect of your life? It’s a feeling many professionals struggle with, impacting their relationships, careers, and overall well-being. In today’s episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz dives into the pervasive issue of toxic shame, offering profound insights and actionable steps to help you break free from its grip.

    Understanding Toxic Shame

    "Toxic shame is the feeling of badness that permeates your existence," Dr. Aziz explains. Unlike situational shame, which arises from specific events, toxic shame is a constant sense of being flawed or unworthy. This feeling often stems from early childhood experiences where negative messages from parents or caregivers were internalized. "It's like poison to a young nervous system," says Dr. Aziz, highlighting the profound impact of these early interactions.

    The Cycle of Self-Perpetuated Shame

    Many people continue to carry these negative perceptions into adulthood, often without realizing it. "You are shaming you," Dr. Aziz emphasizes. This internalized voice of disapproval can make you feel perpetually inadequate. However, the good news is that this cycle can be broken. "Toxic shame is not permanent," reassures Dr. Aziz. Recognizing that you are the one perpetuating these feelings is the first step toward liberation.

    Steps to Overcome Toxic Shame

    **1. Acknowledge the Source: Understanding that your feelings of shame are not an inherent part of you, but rather learned behaviors, is crucial. "These messages were not about you; they were about the people who projected them," says Dr. Aziz.

    **2. Challenge the Internalized Voice: Begin by questioning the truth of these negative perceptions. Dr. Aziz advises, "Why are you continuing to hold that perspective? Why are you advocating for your own awfulness?" Shifting your internal dialogue from one of criticism to one of compassion can be transformative.

    **3. Consciously Reframe Your Self-Perception: Imagine how you would talk to someone you love, especially a child. "What are the top three messages you would want to convey to them?" Dr. Aziz asks. Use these positive affirmations to start reshaping how you talk to yourself.

    Embracing a New Reality

    The journey to overcoming toxic shame involves consciously choosing to see yourself differently. "It's like learning a new language," Dr. Aziz explains. It might feel foreign at first, but with practice, it becomes second nature. The key is to step into your life without the armoring of shame, allowing yourself to connect deeply with others and live more fully.

    A Message of Hope

    Breaking free from toxic shame is not just possible; it’s within your reach. By taking deliberate steps to challenge and change your internal narrative, you can reclaim your sense of worth and live a life filled with confidence and authenticity.

    If you're ready to dive deeper and transform your life, explore Dr. Aziz's resources at From free mini-courses to comprehensive programs, there are tools available to support you on your journey.

    Until next time, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

    Thanks for listening to Shrink for the Shy Guy with Dr. Aziz. If you know anyone who can benefit from what you've just heard, please let them know and send them a link to For free blogs, e-books, and training videos related to overcoming shyness and increasing confidence, go to

  • Hey, welcome to today's episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy! It's Dr. Aziz and I'm excited to be with you. How are you doing today? Are you feeling free? Self-confident? On your own side? Capable? Inherently worthy? Or maybe not? Wherever you are today, that's okay.

    Sometimes people think that if they've been listening to this show, reading my books, or practicing these concepts for a while, they’re supposed to feel confident all the time. And if they don’t, it feels like a personal failing. Let’s clear that up right now—there is no perfection here. Even after all these years of teaching this stuff, I can still experience self-criticism, anxiety, or worry. But I can also not run those patterns. The key is to have the potential for liberation where you can sometimes run those social anxiety patterns and sometimes not.

    So today’s episode is titled "What If Their Thoughts About You Don't Matter?" This isn’t about forcing yourself to not care about what people think. Instead, we’re going to soften the clinging worry about others' thoughts and judgments.

    If you find this show helpful, would you consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen? Those reviews help the show reach more people who might benefit from it, spreading liberation.

    Imagine if you could feel free even if people have negative thoughts about you. What if their judgments don't matter so much? Today, we’re exploring that idea. Judgments often meet needs for certainty and significance. If we can see this with compassion and curiosity, we can start to liberate ourselves from the weight of others' thoughts.

    Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this topic and, as always, thank you for being with me today. Until next time, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you're awesome.




    Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by the fear of what others think about you? The constant worry about their judgments can be suffocating. But what if their thoughts about you don’t matter? Imagine the freedom you’d feel if you could let go of that fear. In today’s episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz dives into this very topic, offering insights that could transform your life.

    The Trap of Social Anxiety

    "Social anxiety patterns often involve hyper-focusing on yourself, imagining others are judging you, and trying to control the outcome to make sure people like you." This is a common experience for many professionals. The fear of judgment can lead to avoiding social interactions, which in turn increases feelings of isolation and disconnection.

    Understanding Judgment

    People’s judgments are often more about them than you. Dr. Aziz explains, "When someone judges you, they might be trying to meet their own needs for certainty or significance." Recognizing this can help you see that their thoughts don’t hold as much power as you might believe.

    Think about an elderly relative who criticizes someone’s outfit. Do those judgments really matter? Probably not. Similarly, the negative thoughts others might have about you are often fleeting and inconsequential.

    Shifting Your Perspective

    To overcome the fear of judgment, Dr. Aziz suggests a shift in perspective:

    Identify Your Fears: Write down the judgments you fear the most. This could be fears of being seen as awkward, stupid, or desperate.Reflect on These Judgments: Consider if these are judgments you frequently place on yourself. Understand that others’ judgments often stem from their insecurities.Practice Exposure: Look at these fears and challenge their power over you. Recognize that everyone has judgments and that they don’t define you.

    Embrace the Journey

    Building confidence is a journey, not a destination. It involves taking consistent action, facing fears, and practicing self-compassion. Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate fear but to learn to live with it and not let it control you.

    Final Thoughts

    What if their thoughts about you don’t matter? Imagine the freedom and confidence you’d feel. Start small, practice these steps, and gradually build your resilience.

    For more resources, visit, where you can find free courses and tools to help you on your journey to confidence.

    Until next time, may you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you are awesome.

    Thanks for listening to Shrink for the Shy Guy with Dr. Aziz. If you know anyone who can benefit from what you've just heard, please let them know and send them a link to For free blogs, e-books, and training videos on overcoming shyness and increasing confidence, go to

  • In this episode, Dr. Aziz sits down with Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy. They dive deep into the traps that hold men back, from the comfort of the nursery to the relentless drive of 10x culture.

    Learn about the pitfalls of striving for perfection and how to break free from the patterns of self-doubt and fear. Dr. Glover shares insights on the importance of masculine initiation, overcoming isolation, and the power of connecting with good men to enhance personal growth.

    Discover practical steps to face your fears, build genuine confidence, and find balance in your pursuit of success. Tune in for a powerful conversation that will inspire you to take bold actions and live authentically.




    Break Free from Fear: The Path to Unstoppable Confidence


    The Proven Path to Confidence

    Dr. Aziz opens with a powerful statement: "This is always the path to confidence." With over 15 years of experience and countless success stories, he shares the ultimate strategy for building unwavering confidence: consistently facing your fears.

    Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

    The concept is simple yet profound: to grow, you must step out of your comfort zone and confront what scares you. Dr. Aziz emphasizes that while many understand this idea intellectually, few truly live it.

    "Most people know it intellectually, but do not know it in their own experience of life."

    Fear is a natural part of growth. Instead of waiting for fear to disappear, Dr. Aziz encourages taking action despite it. This shift from passive waiting to active doing is the cornerstone of building lasting confidence.

    Key Steps to Conquer Fear

    1. Immediate Action

    Acting quickly on new insights is crucial. When you learn something that can improve your confidence, put it into practice immediately. This swift action reinforces your courage and begins the process of transforming fear into confidence.

    2. Consistent Action

    Confidence isn't built overnight. It requires regular, consistent actions that push your boundaries. Each small step outside your comfort zone adds up, gradually expanding what you’re comfortable with.

    "Fear is an invitation. It’s a guiding star, your compass to set your navigation."

    Real-Life Examples: From Anxiety to Extraordinary Confidence

    Dr. Aziz shares his journey of overcoming deep social anxiety. Afraid of speaking to people, especially women, and voicing his thoughts in groups, he found solace and a path forward in Susan Jeffers' book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. This pivotal moment helped him realize that waiting for fear to vanish was futile. Instead, he began taking immediate and consistent actions to face his fears head-on.

    A Conversation with Dr. Robert Glover

    In this episode, Dr. Aziz welcomes Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy. Dr. Glover shares insights from his extensive experience working with men on relationship and self-esteem issues. Here's a snapshot of his wisdom:

    On common recurring problems:

    "I see a lot of men feeling not good enough... driven by fear of failure, not good enough, and they've got to be more and more successful. It's never enough."

    On dealing with the ruminating brain:

    "We've turned it into something to be worshiped. Men are like, we bow at the altar of Navy SEALs, high performing, and super-exing your performance. And that's not all that life's about."

    On the impact of social media:

    "Put down the social media."

    On the practice of surrender:

    "The best way to open is to not close. So when your body and your mind, everything is saying no, how can you make it a yes?"

    On facing fears:

    "If something scares me now, I lean into it. I made a commitment when I turned 40. I didn't want to die afraid."

    On masculine initiation:

    "Masculine initiation can be dancing in front of a bunch of bros. It’s about facing fears and getting out of your comfort zone."

    Practical Exercises to Start Today

    Not sure where to start? Begin with simple exercises. Greet a stranger or take a cold shower to challenge yourself. These small actions may seem insignificant, but they build the foundation for greater confidence.

    An Inspiring Message: Your Journey to Success

    Building confidence is a continuous journey. Dr. Aziz encourages you to practice self-compassion and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small.

    "May you have the courage to be who you are and to know on a deep level that you’re awesome."

    Conclusion: Take the First Step Now

    The path to confidence is clear: face your fears, take immediate and consistent action, and embrace discomfort as a natural part of growth. Dr. Aziz’s approach isn’t about eliminating fear but transforming it into a powerful ally on your journey to self-discovery and empowerment. Are you ready to take the first step today?

  • Welcome to Shrink for the Shy Guy! Are fear, self-doubt, and social anxiety stopping you from being your true self? In this episode, Dr. Aziz shares the ultimate path to confidence: doing what scares you.

    Drawing from thousands of personal experiences and clinical cases, Dr. Aziz explains why facing your fears is the key to unlocking confidence. You'll learn how to move from merely understanding this concept to actually living it.

    Dr. Aziz shares his own journey from deep social anxiety to extraordinary confidence, emphasizing immediate and consistent action. Whether it's a casual greeting or a major life decision, taking steps towards what scares you is transformative.

    You'll also hear about practical examples, like how reading "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" led to a life-changing moment for Dr. Aziz, and how embracing fear continues to shape his life today.

    Ready to take action? Start small or go big—just do something that scares you today. This episode will equip you with the tools and inspiration to turn fear into your guiding star.

    Tune in now and discover how you can build unshakable confidence!


    The Path to Confidence: Overcome Your Fears and Unleash Your Potential

    The Journey Begins with a Single Step

    Ever felt trapped by your own fears? Imagine a life where confidence flows effortlessly, where social anxiety, self-criticism, and the fear of rejection no longer hold you back. Dr. Aziz, a renowned psychologist and coach, reveals the secret to achieving this in his latest video. Let’s dive into the essence of his transformative message and discover the practical steps you can take to begin your journey to unwavering confidence.

    The Universal Path to Confidence

    Dr. Aziz opens with a powerful declaration: "This is always the path to confidence." Backed by years of personal and professional experience, he emphasizes that the way to build confidence is not just a theory but a proven method observed in thousands of cases. The foundation? Doing what scares you.

    Embrace the Fear: Feel It, Do It Anyway

    It’s a simple yet profound truth: to grow, you must step out of your comfort zone. Dr. Aziz reminds us that while many understand this concept intellectually, few practice it in their daily lives.

    "Most people know it intellectually, but do not know it in their own experience of life."

    Fear is a natural reaction to expanding your boundaries. But, instead of waiting for the fear to disappear, Dr. Aziz urges you to take action despite it. This, he explains, is the true test of courage and the key to unlocking your potential.

    Real-Life Applications: From Social Anxiety to Extraordinary Confidence

    Dr. Aziz shares his own story of overcoming deep-seated social anxiety. Afraid of talking to people, particularly women, and speaking up in groups, he reached a turning point with the help of Susan Jeffers' book, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway." This pivotal moment led him to realize that waiting for fear to vanish was futile. Instead, he began taking immediate and consistent actions to confront his fears head-on.

    Key Steps to Build Confidence

    Immediate Action: When you learn something new, act on it right away. The quicker you take action, the more you reinforce your courage.Consistent Action: Confidence is built over time. Regularly face your fears to steadily expand your comfort zone.

    "Fear is an invitation. It’s a guiding star, your compass to set your navigation."

    Practical Exercises: Start Small, Think Big

    Not sure where to start? Dr. Aziz suggests simple yet impactful exercises. For instance, greet a stranger or take a cold shower to push your boundaries. These small steps can have a significant impact on your confidence over time.

    A Message of Hope: You Can Succeed

    Building confidence is a continuous journey. Dr. Aziz encourages you to be kind to yourself throughout the process. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion and celebrate each victory, no matter how small.

    The path to confidence is clear: face your fears, take immediate and consistent action, and embrace the discomfort as a natural part of growth. Dr. Aziz’s approach is not about eliminating fear but transforming it into a powerful ally on your journey to self-discovery and empowerment. Are you ready to take the first step today?


  • In today's episode, we're diving into The Nice Person's Endless Quests. Have you ever found yourself on a never-ending mission to be liked by everyone? Do you constantly seek approval or feel the need to be seen in a certain light by others? These exhausting and often invisible quests can hold you back from living authentically and fully. We'll explore the various quests that nice people undertake, such as the quest to be liked by everyone, the need for constant approval, and the compulsion to ensure others see you positively. These quests are tiring, unfulfilling, and ultimately futile. By recognizing these patterns, you can start making different choices. Learn how to identify these quests in your life and take steps to break free from them. The goal is to help you stop living for others' approval and start living for yourself. Stay tuned until the end for an actionable step that will help you put this insight into practice. Remember, change comes from consistent and considerable action. If you need more support, check out my resources at, including Confidence University and my 12-month Mastermind program for in-depth guidance and transformation. Ready to end the endless quests and reclaim your life? Tune in now and start your journey to true freedom and confidence! 🔥 Listen now and take the first step towards living authentically and boldly!





    The Quest for Approval

    One of the primary quests nice people undertake is the quest to be liked by everyone. It's a never-ending journey, full of strenuous effort and constant anxiety. You're driven by an emotional compulsion to be liked by your friends, colleagues, boss, and even strangers. This quest is exhausting and often leaves you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from your true self.

    "The quest to be liked by everyone is a never-ending journey, full of strenuous effort and constant anxiety."

    Dr. Aziz explains that this quest is not who you are—it's just a pattern you're running. You might have run this pattern for so long that it feels ingrained in your DNA, but it's not, and you can change. The way to change is to gain clarity and make different choices, followed by taking consistent and considerable action.

    The Quest to Be Seen Fully

    Another quest that nice people often find themselves on is the quest to be seen fully or positively. This is about over-explaining your actions and motives to ensure that others see you in a certain light. You might feel compelled to thoroughly explain why you're saying no to something or why you behaved in a certain way. This need to be seen accurately can lead to endless explanations and an inability to handle being misperceived.

    "The need to be seen accurately can lead to endless explanations and an inability to handle being misperceived."

    This quest can be just as exhausting as the quest for approval. You're constantly trying to manage others' perceptions of you, and when someone misperceives you, it can feel like a personal attack. But Dr. Aziz highlights that this too is a pattern that you can break free from.

    The Cost of These Quests

    These endless quests take a toll on your well-being. They prevent you from living authentically and fully. You might avoid putting yourself out there, sharing your ideas, or taking bold steps in your life because of the fear of being judged or misperceived. This self-imposed limitation keeps you stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing and social anxiety.

    "The endless quests for approval and accurate perception prevent you from living authentically and fully."

    Breaking Free from the Endless Quests

    Dr. Aziz emphasizes that these patterns are not your identity—they are just habits that you can change. The first step is to recognize the quests you're on and understand that you don't need to be liked or seen accurately by everyone. You can start to release these burdens by taking small, courageous actions that align with your true self.

    Action Step: Inventory Your Quests

    Your action step for today is to take an honest inventory of your life. Identify where you've been chasing someone's approval or needing to be seen in a certain way. Find one area where this pattern shows up and practice letting go. Remind yourself, "I don't need anything from this person." Breathe deeply and release the need for approval or accurate perception.

    "I don't need anything from this person."

    An Inspiring Message of Hope

    You have the power to break free from these endless quests and live a life of authenticity and boldness. It starts with small, consistent actions and a commitment to changing the patterns that no longer serve you. Remember, you are not defined by your quest for approval or accurate perception. You are capable of living a fulfilling, confident life.

    "You have the power to break free from these endless quests and live a life of authenticity and boldness."

    If you're ready to take the next step in your journey, check out Dr. Aziz's resources at You'll find further training, courses, and support to help you become the most free, powerful, bold, and authentic version of yourself.

    "The journey to confidence starts with a single step. Take yours today."

  • In today's episode, we're diving into one crucial question: Discomfort When? We'll explore why embracing discomfort is essential for meaningful growth and how most people shy away from it, resulting in minimal changes in their lives.

    Do you know that edge where you hesitate because of fear or uncertainty? Today, you'll learn why leaning into that discomfort is the key to radical transformation. It's not just about knowing the theory; it's about living it. You'll hear why small, consistent steps towards discomfort can build the confidence muscle and lead to extraordinary changes.

    Are you avoiding risks because you're afraid of rejection or failure? We'll tackle these fears head-on and provide strategies to face them. Whether it's asking someone out, speaking up for yourself, or taking a bold step in your career, today's episode will inspire you to take action now, not later.

    Tune in to discover practical action steps that will help you break free from the cage of niceness and people-pleasing. Let's make discomfort your ally, and 2024 will be the year of your boldest self.

    🔥 Listen now to find out why the answer to discomfort is NOW!

    Embrace Discomfort to Unlock Your True Confidence

    Are you tired of feeling held back by fear, self-doubt, and social anxiety? Ready to break free and step into your authentic self? You're not alone, and today, we're diving into the heart of transformation.

    In this episode of Shrink for the Shy Guy, Dr. Aziz explores the pivotal role discomfort plays in overcoming social anxiety and building unshakable confidence. Get ready to discover powerful tools that will help you step into your bold, authentic self.

    The Comfort Trap: How Niceness Keeps You Stuck

    Many professionals believe that by being nice and accommodating, they are fostering good relationships. However, this often leads to sacrificing their own needs and desires, resulting in a loss of self-identity.

    "When you prioritize everyone else’s needs over your own, you slowly lose touch with who you are," says Dr. Aziz.

    The first step towards breaking free is recognizing that true kindness starts with self-compassion and setting healthy boundaries.

    The Power of Embracing Discomfort

    Dr. Aziz emphasizes that the willingness to step into discomfort is crucial for meaningful change. This means facing fears head-on and taking actions that push you out of your comfort zone.

    "Discomfort is the pathway to liberation. It’s about stepping into the unknown and embracing the risks that come with it," Dr. Aziz explains.

    By leaning into discomfort, you build resilience and gradually dismantle the fears that hold you back.

    Practical Steps to Start Today

    Identify Your Discomfort Zone: Pinpoint the areas in your life where fear and anxiety are most prevalent. Is it speaking up in meetings? Approaching new people? Sharing your ideas publicly?Take Small, Bold Actions: Begin with manageable challenges. If speaking up in a meeting feels too daunting, start by voicing your opinion in smaller groups. Each small step builds your confidence.Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when you face setbacks. Remember, growth comes from persistence, not perfection.

    "Confidence is a muscle that strengthens with consistent practice," Dr. Aziz reminds us.

    Your Journey to Authentic Confidence

    Overcoming social anxiety and stepping into your true self is a journey that requires courage and commitment. But know this: every step you take towards discomfort is a step towards freedom and authenticity.

    "Life has no limit when you're not afraid to get in it," Dr. Aziz quotes, highlighting the limitless possibilities that await when you embrace your fears.

    In conclusion, the key to unlocking your confidence lies in your willingness to face discomfort head-on. Start today with small, bold actions, and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible.

    If you found these insights helpful, dive deeper into our podcast episodes where Dr. Aziz shares more transformational tools and personal stories of triumph over social anxiety. Your journey to a more confident and fulfilling life starts here.

  • In today’s enlightening episode, titled "Self-Confidence: How To Believe In Yourself," Dr. Aziz delves into the foundational aspects of self-confidence, revealing practical insights into what it means to truly believe in yourself. The episode explores why despite our desires to trust in our capabilities, many of us wrestle with pervasive self-doubt that diminishes our sense of self-worth and potential. Dr. Aziz tackles the common misconceptions and self-imposed barriers that hinder self-belief, addressing the critical difference between temporary setbacks and deep-rooted self-doubt. By examining the stories we tell ourselves about our abilities and potential, Dr. Aziz provides a clear pathway toward cultivating a robust sense of self-confidence that transcends mere optimism. Listeners will be guided through understanding the internal narratives that shape their self-perception and how to challenge and transform these beliefs to foster a genuine and empowering self-confidence. Whether you struggle with imposter syndrome in professional settings, social anxiety, or personal insecurities, this episode offers valuable strategies to start believing in your capabilities more fully. As always, Dr. Aziz reminds us that the journey to self-confidence is not just about overcoming doubt but about actively constructing a self-identity that embraces growth, learning, and resilience. Tune in for an episode that not only inspires but equips you with the tools to start making significant changes in how you perceive and project yourself in all areas of life.


    Do you find yourself questioning your abilities or worth? Have you ever wondered why believing in yourself feels like an uphill battle? In today's episode, we explore the bedrock of confidence—self-belief—and uncover the transformative power it holds over our lives.

    The Core of Confidence

    Self-confidence is more than just a feel-good term; it's the foundation upon which we build a successful and fulfilling life. But what happens when doubt creeps in? Dr. Aziz delves deep into the essence of what it means to truly believe in yourself and how to combat the pervasive self-doubt that many professionals face today.

    Key Insight 1: Understanding Self-Doubt

    Self-doubt isn't merely a personal failing; it's a common challenge that affects many of us. Dr. Aziz explains, "Everyone wants to believe in themselves more, yet feels like they don't. This isn't because we all 'just suck'—there's more going on beneath the surface." This revelation invites us to look deeper into our own patterns of thought and behavior that hinder our self-belief.

    Key Insight 2: The Role of Internal Narratives

    Our internal narratives play a crucial role in shaping our self-confidence. "The doubt inside your mind likes to argue that your limitations are fixed, but this isn't true," says Dr. Aziz. By challenging these narratives, we can start to see possibilities where we once saw barriers, opening up new avenues for personal and professional growth.

    Transform Doubt into Action

    Believing in yourself isn't just about dismissing doubts; it's about actively transforming them into stepping stones towards greater confidence. Dr. Aziz encourages us to confront our doubts head-on, asking, "What if the very thing you doubt you could do is exactly what you need to try next?" This approach not only shifts our perspective but also empowers us to take bold steps forward.

    The Journey to Self-Belief

    Dr. Aziz shares an inspiring message for anyone struggling with self-doubt: "Belief in yourself is a choice and a practice. Start small, challenge your doubts one at a time, and gradually build the kind of self-belief that transforms your entire life."

    Quote to Remember:

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." — Henry Ford (as referenced by Dr. Aziz)

    Closing Thoughts: A Message of Hope

    As we wrap up today's discussion, remember that the journey to overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence is continuous. Each step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards a more confident and empowered you. Dr. Aziz reminds us, "Liberation from doubt is not a distant dream, it's available to you right now, in this moment."

    Embrace the challenge of believing in yourself with open arms, and witness the incredible transformation that follows. Remember, you are capable, you are worthy, and yes, you are awesome.