
  • Does your brain seem to work differently than those around you—maybe you even went solo so you could operate at your best? Coach (and former psychotherapist) Diann Wingert shares her experience advising the neurodiverse:

    Neurodiversity—what it is, why it’s a spectrum and how experts look at it today (hint: don’t think of it as a disorder).

    Why so many neurodiverse people become entrepreneurs—and serial entrepreneurs.

    The signs you might be on the ADHD spectrum (and what to do with that if you are).

    How understanding the unique challenges and opportunities of how your brain works plays into the design and success of your Soloist business.

    Why radical self-acceptance—whether you’re neurodiverse or not—is the way to go.


    Diann Wingert Shiny Objects | LinkedIn | Instagram

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    After a twenty-year career as a psychotherapist and mental health administrator, Diann pivoted into business strategy and coaching for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. Her passion is helping those who think differently build a profitable, sought-after business based on their unique brilliance.

    Diann has extensive experience working with neurodivergent individuals, especially those who are gifted, ADHD, or both. On the personal side, Diann loves dark fiction, strong coffee, and laughing out loud. She is also a Peloton enthusiast, practicing Buddhist, and host of the newly re-branded ADHD-ish podcast.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather, connect and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:25

    Diann Wingert: Understanding, oh, there is a name for my difference. I am actually neurodivergent. I've always known I was different. And trust me, if you're listening to my voice and you are neurodivergent, You've always known it. We know we're different, but if we don't know why, what most people do is go to shame.

    00:30 - 00:45

    Rochelle Moulton: MUSIC Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton and today I'm so happy to welcome my new pal, the incomparable Diann  Wingert.

    00:45 -...

  • If you’ve ever hesitated to put your voice “out there” because you’re not the “right” size, shape, age, race, gender, orientation, know that you’re not alone. But it’s time to step up and be heard:

    Why it’s harder to sashay on stage with your megaphone when you’re different from the norm in your community (and yet you’ll be more memorable when you do).

    How creating a routine—a schedule—can keep the fear harnessed.

    Enlisting a partner(s)-in-crime to push you forward or back you up.

    Scoping out the “competition” to remind yourself of how you’re different—and why you need to publish.

    Using archetypes to rise above traditional thinking and claim a unique niche in your marketplace.


    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:39

    Rochelle Moulton: Walking into a gym full of more or less fit people when you're struggling with your weight and fitness requires a certain kind of courage. The wrong coach, and I've witnessed a few of them, could easily make you turn around and never come back. Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast, where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton. And today, I want to tell you a quick story and then talk about why your voice needs to be out there and we can talk a little bit about the how. So I

    00:39 - 01:14

    Rochelle Moulton: go to a gym where you have the option of buying sessions with 1 of their staff personal trainers. Now I've been a member there for about 5 years, so I've seen trainers come and go. And with few exceptions, they're usually in their 20s or early 30s, incredibly fit with the patience to work with whoever walks through the door. Sometimes, when I have nothing better to do, I eavesdrop on their conversations with clients to hear how they encourage or explain or just shoot the breeze. And it's kind of fun, you know, professionally really to see their techniques

    01:15 - 01:52

    Rochelle Moulton: and personality and action with all different kinds of people. But every once in a while, an outlier shows up. And I've been watching this 1 guy who's been around maybe a year. He doesn't look like any of the usual characters. He appears maybe 30 to 40 pounds overweight, and he wears their uniform in a baggy style, not like any of the other gym gods. And he seems like a nice enough guy, and he has 1 of the most infectious laughs I've ever heard. But I...

  • Have you ever considered moving yourself and your business to a new country? Content marketer Casey Kelly-Barton did just that and shares her challenges and opportunities as an ex-pat:

    Her journey to niching into the intersection of three related niches— including how niching bumped up her revenue and reduced her hours worked.

    Meeting the challenges to building a business while single-parenting after a divorce (and the most freeing thing she let go of).

    Why she decided to move countries with her business—and how long she let the idea simmer first.

    How she identified and evaluated target locations including the resources she tapped to explore the expat experience in advance.

    The dividends from intensely focusing on that critical first year of transition.


    Casey Kelly-Barton Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Casey Kelly-Barton provides content marketing and brand development for B2B companies in cybersecurity, fintech, and fraud prevention.

    When she started her business, she was a newly single parent looking for ways to make the most of her writing and strategy skills.

    Now, her business is well established with a roster of clients she enjoys working with, her kids are grown and she works from Portugal, where she moved in late 2023.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather, connect and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:28

    Casey Kelly-Barton: So I started researching and I was very methodical. I made a list of countries that met my criteria for like weather, time zones, languages, blah, blah, blah. And so I was looking at Latin America and Central America pretty carefully because I speak Spanish. My parents are still in Texas. It would be time zone friendly for my American clients. And then both my kids ended up in the EU.

    00:32 - 01:11

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton and today I'm joined by Soloist and new expat, Casey Kelly Barton. She provides content marketing and brand development for B2B companies in cybersecurity, fintech, and fraud prevention. When she started her business, she was a newly single parent looking for ways to make the most of her...

  • Demand is feeling lighter—you’re getting fewer inquiries or buyers seem to be more price-sensitive and you’re starting to worry about the economy. What do you do next?

    Why it doesn’t matter what the economy is doing when you play your own game.

    How “Mariah” added a new revenue stream when her primary one started losing steam (and a low-risk way to experiment with pricing).

    A tiny niching down test that can pay big dividends.

    Why experimenting with tactics can sometimes uncover a profitable new direction.

    When to consider offering group options including paid communities.


    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


  • Thinking about hosting a live event, but not sure how to make it well-attended, profitable and worth your time? Renowned author, speaker and creative firm advisor David C. Baker lifts the curtain on his wildly successful MYOB conference and live events:

    The role of in-person live events in David’s expertise business model (plus a peek at the numbers for his four revenue streams).

    How his pandemic pivot from in-person gatherings became a new lead generation source—and removed travel from his client engagements.

    Why his conferences and events include multiple opportunities for attendees to engage with each other; he shares a few ideas you can borrow.

    His philosophy on outside speakers: how he chooses, pays and manages them.

    The one thing you must do if you want to make sure your conference doesn’t lose money.


    David C. Baker MYOB Conference | LinkedIn | Twitter

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    David C. Baker is an author, speaker, and advisor to entrepreneurial creatives worldwide. He has written 6 books, advised 1,000+ firms, and keynoted conferences in 30+ countries.

    His work has been discussed in the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Forbes, USA Today, BusinessWeek, CBS News, Newsweek, AdWeek, and Inc. Magazine. He lives in Nashville, TN.

    His two most recent books can be found here and here. His work has also been featured in the NY Times, where he was recently referred to as “the expert’s expert”. He co-hosts the most listened to podcast in the creative services field (2Bobs).



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:17

    David C. Baker: You know, here's the easiest way to lose money with an event. When I learned this, my whole world changed about events. Do not sign up for room blocks because you're having to guarantee them. And then you have this pressure to sell and then you cheapen your brand by starting to beg people to come to these things and so on.

    00:24 -...

  • How can you work less and make more than you are right now? There is a glide path if you’re willing to experiment insists Jonathan Stark, author of Hourly Billing Is Nuts. Yes, the dynamic Business of Authority duo is baaaaaaaaack for an episode:

    Two experiments to try if you’re currently billing by the hour and want to explore alternatives.

    How to start thinking about value vs. time, especially when you hit the maximum number of hours you are able—or want—to work.

    What options to consider to ratchet up your revenue past the low 6 figures—and how to think about the audience or transformations you’ll need to deliver to get there.

    Why being a “ruthless” minimalist can keep your business easy to run and avoid time sucks.

    Exploring—and testing—ways to use AI right now in your expertise business.


    Jonathan Stark Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Jonathan Stark is a former software developer who is on a mission to rid the world of hourly billing. He is the author of Hourly Billing Is Nuts, the host of Ditching Hourly, and writes a daily newsletter on pricing for independent professionals.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:29

    Jonathan Stark: As you're growing your audience and you've got just more people aware of what you're doing, you can deliver smaller bits of value at a lower price, but a way lower cost. If you've got enough of an audience, then that completely support you. The classic example is like if you have a bestselling book. So if somebody goes to Amazon, they buy the book, they read the book, you're not involved. The author doesn't even know about you. And if you sell enough of them, if the audience is big enough, you can live like a king off of that.

    00:29 - 00:37

    Jonathan Stark: It's a great example of the kind of thing where you're delivering a little bit of value for 20 bucks to 10 million people and it's like, oh, that's pretty cool

    00:42 - 00:55

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello hello Welcome to this soloist...

  • Is it possible to build a profitable expertise business that is 100% values-aligned and mission driven?

    Lucy Flores—who has built a design studio dedicated to co-creating a more just, joyful and sustainable U.S. food system—says yes, with the results to prove it:

    Why she niched her business into food equity right from the beginning—and how it played out.

    How she thinks about and builds alliances, coalitions and partnerships (hint: she doesn’t have competitors).

    Her approach—as an introvert—to investing in relationships and meeting new people in her field.

    Why niching alone wasn’t enough—and what changed when she started marketing regularly.

    Adopting a mindset of cautious optimism and deciding when it’s “safe to fail”.


    Lucy Flores Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Lucy is the founder of Studio Magic Hour, a collaborative design studio working to advance equity in the food system, and a former Equitable Design Fellow at Hopelab.

    She's partnered with organizations including the California Academy of Sciences, the Fair Food Network, Hopelab, The Nature Conservancy, Plant Futures, Share Our Strength, and the Southern Poverty Law Center to lead design and design research projects, facilitate workshops, and coach in-house design and innovation teams.

    Previously, she helped launch FoodCorps, a national nonprofit dedicated to cultivating joy, health, and justice for kids through nutritious food, in partnership with schools and community. She is a member of the Design Justice Network, the Democracy & Belonging Forum at the Othering and Belonging Institute, Equity Army, and AIGA.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:25

    Lucy Flores: Being open to learning, right? Lessons learned is a part of what we do. And I think if you go in with this perfectionist mindset, expecting that it either needs to work out or it was a total miss, like that's certainly not gonna serve the folks you're working with and it's not gonna serve you...

  • Everyone has difficulties in life—and sometimes our unique genius arises from how we deal with them. Take Psychotherapist Jeff Eamer who turned a challenging mental health diagnosis into a life of purpose:

    How he moved from being an award-winning ad agency wonderkind to nabbing a 3-picture Hollywood deal.

    Why crashing—hard—led him to get help with his mental health.

    When saying yes to a $100K investment and six years of study and practice was exactly the right move.

    The importance of building and maintaining routines and boundaries.

    The signals that might mean it’s time to ask for help with your mental health.


    Jeff Eamer Website | LinkedIn | Desert Sun

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Jeff is an international award-winning advertising art director, copywriter and commercial film director. He had a brief stint in Hollywood as a screenwriter and producer on the film Coyote Ugly.

    He has dedicated much of the last 25 years supporting the mental health community as a Suicide Prevention Counselor, Psychotherapist, and member of the Los Angeles Crisis Response Team.

    He currently lives on his desert ranch with his two dogs: Koda, a 14-year-old black Lab and Ruby, a 10-month old Border Collie. Along with 11 chickens: Scarlett, Mrs. T., Cathy, GPT6, Beatrice, Gypsy Rose, Betty White, Griswald, Honey and Seva.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:33

    Jeff Eamer: I've been influenced profoundly by the symptoms of mental illness, and it created a phenomenon that created certain challenges that I could then relate to with my clients. So if I have a superpower in all of this, it's a greater sense of relatedness. And so when clients come spend time with me, I'm much more perhaps congruent or authentic and transparent than probably most therapists are. And so...

  • What if the standard productivity advice gets it wrong? What if your performance, health and happiness are grounded in how well you manage your energy, not your time?

    Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz’s The Power of Full Engagement makes an excellent case for the role of energy in performance:

    The four types of energy—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—and how they interrelate.

    How harnessing all energy sources allows us to optimize our productivity, happiness and engagement in the world around us.

    Why life—and work—isn’t a marathon, but a series of sprints (and why you want to manage your energy like a sprinter).

    How to get back on track when your energy sags.

    The role of your purpose and the amount of energy you invest in yourself vs. others.


    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:47

    Rochelle Moulton: We have to learn to adapt our system, our bodies, our emotions, our minds, and our spirits to be able to flex up to perform and then down to rest and rejuvenate. Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton and today I want to talk to you about managing energy instead of time. Now I started down this path when podcast guest, Joe Jacoby recommended the book, The Power of Full Engagement, Managing Energy, Not Time, is the key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by

    00:47 - 01:27

    Rochelle Moulton: Jim Lehrer and Tony Schwartz. I mean, when an Olympic gold medalist recommends a book on performance, you pay attention. So this came up because a few weeks back, I dedicated an episode to productivity for soloists. And I did that because a lot of us have internalized productivity as going 90 miles an hour to complete an endless to-do list versus carefully choosing what you want to pay attention to so you can Optimize your results. Optimize, not maximize. Well, this book, which I heartily recommend, by the way, is all about making sure you have the energy to tackle

    01:27 - 02:06

    Rochelle Moulton: what you decide is most important to you. You can't do everything you want, but you can manage your energy so you can do

  • When you’ve been on staff at an organization—especially in the lead role— transitioning to consulting can be a bit disorienting. Consultant to credit unions Mark Triechel talks about the lessons learned in his switch from regulating an industry to advising them:

    How to quickly morph from “retirement” into a Soloist expertise business serving your former constituents.

    Dealing with non-competes and ethics clauses honorably while building your new business.

    Becoming a “Soloist with a twist”—why you don’t have to work alone.

    How “changing teams” allows you to continue serving an existing niche in new (and profitable) ways.

    Turning what could have become a pure compliance practice into a strategic advisory business.


    Mark Treichel Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    In 33 years at the federal agency known as the National Credit Union Administration, Mark led the agency as Executive Director after starting at the entry level. His varied positions at every level give him a unique perspective on all things NCUA.

    He “changed teams” and is now in his fourth year of consulting with NCUA credit unions so they save time and money. He has two credit union educational podcasts: With Flying Colors and Credit Union Regulatory Guidance.

    His clients consider his team as secret weapons in the regulatory battles they face every year.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    ï»ż00:00 - 00:16

    Mark Treichel: It's really important that your ideal client knows that you exist. And figuring out who the ideal client is 1 big piece. If they're not aware that I'm here, they're not going to know that they can hire me.

    00:22 - 01:01

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton and today I'm here with Mark Treichel. In 33 years at the federal agency known as the National Credit Union Administration, Mark led the...

  • Can you build a six to seven figure Soloist business doing the opposite of what “the experts” recommend? Consultant Kris Jennings has created exactly that by forging her own path:

    How her “tiny, tiny” email list delivered over $1 million in revenue (and provides a vehicle to nurture key referral relationships).

    How she thinks about and serves her list (hint: it’s exactly the opposite of what most every email marketer recommends).

    What she does with advice from experts and “gurus”.

    How she measures success—and how her metrics have changed as her business matures.

    The evolution of her risk-taking philosophy in business—and what elements must be present for her to say an unqualified “yes”.


    Kris Jennings Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    With nearly thirty years of experience, Kris Jennings’ work has helped more than a million people change. From large technology implementations to digital products for Type 2 diabetes, she designs ways to help people take small steps forward.

    She has run a consulting and advisory business since 2012 and her clients include Fortune 100 global organizations. She now primarily supports change leaders and project teams. Her first book will be released this fall (2024).

    She holds a bachelor's degree from The Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. 

    Kris and her husband live in Minneapolis, Minnesota with their two delightfully curious, mischievous kittens. She dedicates time each year to bucket list adventure travel with their two young adult sons.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:11

    Kris Jennings: To me, it's not about selling something. It's about reaffirming the relationship that I have with those past clients, because they're gonna be the ones that are gonna refer me to other business. And I'm

    00:11 - 00:16

    : gonna be the 1 that's gonna refer me to other business. And I'm gonna be the 1 that's gonna refer me to...

  • You’ve got a bookkeeper, a CPA, maybe even a CFO/strategic financial resource for your business—when and where does personal financial planning fit in? Advice-only financial planner and author Sean Mullaney walks us through financial planning for Soloists:

    The types of financial advisors Soloists are likely to encounter—how they work and are compensated (and why that matters).

    The signs that tell Soloists you’ll likely get value from engaging a personal financial advisor.

    How to get started and identify potential planners that will meet your needs (and why geography just doesn’t matter anymore).

    One key question to ask any financial advisor candidate to assess whether they might be a fit.

    Why a Solo 401(k) often beats a SEP IRA for tax-advantaged retirement savings.


    Sean Mullaney Blog | Book | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Sean Mullaney is an advice-only financial planner and the President of Mullaney Financial & Tax, Inc. Through Mullaney Financial & Tax, Sean provides advice-only financial planning for a flat fee. Sean writes the Plutus Award winning blog on the intersection of tax and financial independence. He also has a personal finance YouTube channel and wrote Solo 401(k): The Solopreneur’s Retirement Account. 


    This discussion is intended to be for general educational purposes and is not tax, legal, or investment advice for any individual. Rochelle and The Soloist Life podcast do not endorse Sean Mullaney, Mullaney Financial & Tax, Inc. and their services.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

  • None of us are immune to transitions—it’s just that they seem start piling up at “mid-life”. Olympic gold medalist and performance coach Joe Jacobi shares his story and how you too can navigate resistance and uncertainty to pursue purpose, performance and impact:

    What working as part of a two-person boat teaches you about collaboration (and it’s probably not what you think).

    Why sometimes winning comes down to making fewer mistakes than your peers—and correcting them more quickly.

    How focusing on the unique ways your experiences and expertise can help others will magnify your impact.

    Learning to appreciate where you are “in the river” and navigate toward what you value most.

    When seeking alliances as a Soloist can provide more opportunities for fruitful collaboration.


    Joe Jacobi

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Joe Jacobi is an Olympic Gold Medalist, Performance Coach, Transition Expert and Author who collaborates with high performance leaders to unlock purpose, achieve peak performance, and create a lasting impact.

    Joe practices and refines these core principles and strategies in his own life and pursuits at his Pyrenees mountains home beside the 1992 Olympic Canoeing venue in La Seu d’Urgell in the Spanish state of Catalunya - the same canoeing venue where he and his canoeing partner, Scott Strausbaugh, won America’s first-ever Olympic Gold Medal in the sport of Whitewater Canoe Slalom at the 1992 Olympic Games.

    In 2022, Joe published his first book, Slalom: 6 River Classes About How To Confront Obstacles, Advance Amid Uncertainty, & Bring Focus To What Matters Most - Joe's reflections, experiences, relationships, and strategies from more than 40 years on the river transferred to navigating your river of the life.

    Today, he writes and publishes Thinking In Waves, short and focused weekly essays that transfer his experiences and lessons from surfing off-shore ocean waves on a surfski kayak to an innovative model for clear thinking, better choices, and increased value alignment.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 -...

  • A quick Amazon search shows over 50,000 productivity titles—probably because as a society, we are obsessed with being productive. But what does productivity look like for Soloists?

    My theory—and I’m curious for your experience—is that many Soloists approach productivity a bit differently:

    My own (positive) experience with the classic Getting Things Done—and what seemed missing for Soloists (hint: joy + impact).

    What happens when you lighten your cognitive load in organizing your work and life.

    How some contemporary productivity books, especially Slow Productivity (Cal Newport) and 4,000 Weeks (Oliver Burkeman) are addressing a non-hustle and deeply satisfying way to work.

    Why slow is often better than fast and less can be more.

    The role of hitting your “enough” goal consistently in re-thinking how you want to work.


    Getting Things Done

    Slow Productivity

    4,000 Weeks


    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram 

  • When you’re focused on building a $100 million business with a co-founder, what could possibly make you peel off to become a Soloist? Consultant Rob Fegan shares how he pivoted from his first business to a highly profitable (and life-enhancing) Soloist consulting practice:

    Why he transitioned from co-founding and growing their potentially $100 million business to become a Soloist.

    The value of experimenting and failing—or succeeding—fast.

    How he 5x’ed his prices in a single quarter by focusing on the value he was delivering to his ideal clients.

    When to shoot for big leaps vs. incremental growth (and why you don’t necessarily need a big audience to build a 6-7 figure Soloist business).

    How a failed experiment convinced him to double-down on his genius zone.


    Rob Fegan Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Rob Fegan is an author, speaker and the founder of Venvito Consulting. He is a highly sought-after expert and leading authority for Microsoft Partners. Rob is on a mission to help founders and individual contributors demystify the success formula to become a go-to partner working with Microsoft. 



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:30

    Rob Fegan : For me, I'm focused on working with 5 to 10 clients throughout the year. My business is not set up to work with thousands of clients or even hundreds of clients. It's really finding the few clients that I can help and serve in a way that allows me to be really part of their business to help me grow their business versus trying to touch a lot of people with just a little bit of value.

    00:35 - 01:07

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast where we're all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I'm Rochelle Moulton and today I'm here with Rob Fegan who is an author, speaker, and the founder of Venvido Consulting. He is a highly sought after expert and leading authority for Microsoft partners. Rob is on a mission to help founders and individual contributors demystify the success formula to become a go-to partner working with Microsoft. Rob, welcome.

    01:08 - 01:11

    Rob Fegan : Rochelle, thanks a lot. I'm excited for our...

  • That first year after leaving corporate life can be tricky—do you say yes to most every opportunity or niche immediately and start saying no? Strategic communicator Jacqui Miller aced (by any measure) her first year as a Soloist and describes how she made it happen:

    The surprising first thing she did when leaving her corporate job to start her expertise business.

    Why she made the decision to niche right away—and then continued to niche down even more.

    How she decides which clients to take on and which to refer (and why she’s a big believer in creating a circle of complementary professionals).

    What to do when you hit an inflection point in your career/business where you’re “not practicing at the top of your license”.

    The communication strategies that expanded her impact and relationships.


    Jacqui Miller Website | LinkedIn | On Thought Leadership

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Jacqui is a communications professional with over 15 years of experience in early-stage and high-complexity businesses. Previously, she led communications at PillPack, a digital pharmacy, from the first customer through its $1 billion acquisition by Amazon. She's also launched moonshots at Google X, and helped bring to market the first genomic tumor test for personalized cancer treatment at Foundation Medicine.

    Today, she works alongside founding teams to take the long view on communications as an executive function. Her philosophy is that the best PR strategy is ultimately just running a thoughtful business.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:23

    Jacqui Miller: I had never in my in-house W2 career tried to grow a big team or even really have many direct reports. So it would have been a new thing for me to do to go and try to build a bigger team as a consultant. So it did feel pretty natural. And then Everybody would ask me, oh, are you...

  • You’ve been thinking about starting a podcast (or are just not happy with how yours is converting into leads and revenue). Prolific podcaster, author and coach Alastair McDermott shares how he created and runs multiple ongoing and evergreen podcasts:

    Why you’ll need to start before you’re ready (and the advantages of failing faster).

    How you might use an evergreen limited run podcast to fill a hole in your existing content or warm up your prospects.

    Why the podcast you start may not be the one you end up with (hint: it’s normal to shift as you gain experience with the medium and your message).

    Podcasting as a way to scale your business—what traction looks like and how long it takes to get it.


    Alastair McDermott LinkedIn | Amazon | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Alastair McDermott helps independent experts & consultants to earn more by rapidly building authority and visibility so that you can command premium fees, work less hours, and never have to suffer a bad-fit client again!

    Alastair is an author, consultant & business coach. He hosts The Recognized Authority podcast, and has written a number of practical guides to building authority through content creation.

    His most recent book is “33 Ways Not to Screw Up Your Business Podcast“ and he is currently working on his next book: “Recognized: How to Win & Retain High-Ticket Clients by Becoming the Prominent Authority in Your Field“.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 - 00:17

    Alastair McDermott: I strongly believe in not waiting too long before you start. Like don't wait till you feel ready. You know, start before you feel ready because you'll never truly feel...

  • Moving from a job in big corporate to building a soloist expertise business is a bit of an adjustment. Consultant Mike Ryan turned his sweet spot into a thriving business and last year doubled his already significant revenue—he shares his story:

    The transition from being a buyer to becoming the seller—and how he built his referral “machine” (hint: cold calling didn’t work).

    Why he ignored advice to grow by hiring employees—and what he did instead.

    The two things that first accelerated and then doubled his revenue.

    Why understanding the relationship between fees and value for his clients was a major turning point in his business.

    How to resist the temptation to dial back after a 230% growth year and keep thinking bigger.


    Mike Ryan Website | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Mike Ryan is an expert in solving supply chain and inventory challenges for middle-market manufacturers. He quickly analyzes complex issues, generates cash, and improves EBITDA to deliver repeatable results.

    With over 20 years of experience working for companies like GE and Goodyear, he tailors blue-chip best practices to help manufacturers achieve their goals.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.


    00:00 – 00:29

    Mike Ryan: There were 2 things at play. 1 was figuring out how to work in parallel, work with multiple clients at the same time, which was definitely a mindset shift. And the second 1 was being confident and having the confidence to be able to look at a client and say, hey, here’s the value we are going to unlock in your business. The beautiful thing about the work that I do is it’s all measurable. Here’s the value we expect to unlock.

    00:34 – 01:17

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast, formerly known as Soloist Women, where we’re all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I’m Rochelle Moulton, and today I’m here with Mike Ryan, who is an expert in solving supply chain and inventory challenges for middle market manufacturers. He quickly analyzes complex issues, generates cash, and improves EBITDA to deliver repeatable results. With over 20 years of experience working for companies like GE and Goodyear, he tailors blue chip best practices to help manufacturers achieve their goals. He is also a super...

  • Can you build a six-figure advisory business working only 15 hours a week? CPA Erica Goode has—and she describes exactly how she did it (think serious boundaries):

    The lessons corporate burn-out can teach you about how to construct your own business.

    How setting rigid boundaries on her time allows her to meet all her work + life commitments.

    The value of time blocking (and another way to look at productivity).

    Why defining her version of “enough” allows her to stay focused and avoid chasing shiny objects.

    Introducing a potential new KPI for soloists—and why it needs your “happiness” factor to be complete.


    Erica Goode | LinkedIn

    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram


    Erica Goode has been a Certified Public Accountant for 15 years. She runs a virtual accounting firm supporting coaches and consultants with bookkeeping, accounting, and CFO services and also hosts the Coaches, Consultants, and Money podcast.

    She’s a former Director of Finance at a Fortune 50 company and started her career as an auditor at a Big 4 public accounting firm. Erica is also the mom of 2 and the wife of a fellow CPA. She lives with her family in the mountains of Idaho.



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Soloist Women community: a place to connect with like-minded women (and join a channel dedicated to your revenue level).

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.



    00:00 – 00:26

    Erica Goode: We fall back into this idea of like always being disappointed. Like we didn’t set an expectation for ourselves, so we don’t know if we hit it, so we kind of feel melancholy about it. But when you set an expectation and you can kind of see if you were close or if you exceeded it, well, then you get to give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge that what you’re doing is a good thing. And I think we tend to be pretty hard on ourselves. There’s more often than not, there’s time to give ourselves a pat

    00:26 – 00:27

    Erica Goode: on the back.

    00:32 – 01:12

    Rochelle Moulton: Hello, hello. Welcome to the Soloist Life podcast, formerly known as Soloist Women, where we’re all about turning your expertise into wealth and impact. I’m Rochelle Moulton, and today I’m here with Erica Goode, who’s been a CPA for 15 years. She runs a...

  • Failure can be an excellent teacher—if we’ll only let it! In this solo episode, I walk you through the lessons from a recent failed launch to answer that all-important question: Is it time to quit?

    Why continuing to pursue a passion project can sometimes masquerade as (business) madness.

    The dirty little secret almost no one who does public launches talks about.

    The top questions to ask yourself when an offering isn’t performing.

    TL;DR at minute 12.08, I make an announcement about my future services and this podcast 😉.


    Rochelle Moulton Email List | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram



    Join the Soloist email list: helping thousands of Soloist Consultants smash through their revenue plateau.

    Soloist Events: in-person events for Soloists to gather and learn.

    The Authority Code: How to Position, Monetize and Sell Your Expertise: equal parts bible, blueprint and bushido. How to think like, become—and remain—an authority.