
  • I can’t MAKE you happy

    I can’t MAKE you wealthy.

    I can’t MAKE you healthy.

    Only you can truly do this.

    What I can do is show you the way and guide you on a path that will profoundly alter your destiny.

    As a child I’ve witnessed many miracles. My father was known as the “Miracle man of Africa”. I saw my father restore eyesight to the blind and heal those unable to walk.

    People have often asked me if I have any of my father’s healing abilities. I always decline to answer. However, many people claim to have experienced miracles in their lives when they worked with me.

    I started coaching people 22 years ago, with a sincere intention to transform lives. I’m prilveleged to have impacted hundreds of thousands directly and millions indirectly, through my videos, online courses, and my two bestselling books.

    I won’t BS you and tell you that healing is easy.

    That all you need to do is think positive, recite nice affirmations, listen to a guided meditation, do a cacao ceremony, a little breathwork and then your life will miraculously change.

    It’s not true.

    Here’s the truth- It will take work.

    - Healing your childhood traumas.
    - Clearing your generational patterns.
    - Shifting your subconscious limiting beliefs .
    - Letting go of the playing small and hiding.
    - Releasing old fears..
    - Building a truly fulfilling life of your dreams.
    - Living your purpose and making an impact in the world .

    It takes serious commitment but trust me the level of freedom on the other side is so worth it.

    I know this because not only have I done the work in my own life but have helped individuals from all walks of life for TWO decades now.

    Some would says that perhaps my most life-changing process has been my 12 day Boundless Bliss journey in Bali.

    Earlier this year I announced that this was the final year I would be offering The Boundless Bliss:The Bali Breakthrough Experience.

    It’s true.

    I will be focusing my work on large group seminars, writing more books and online courses. All of which will make my work more accessible to more people around the world.

    So, if you are someone who feels ready for the next level of your life.

    If you feel a deep knowing that you are here for a big purpose and are ready to live it now.

    If you know that you are ready to breakthrough whatever it is that has held you back from living your full potential.

    If you have felt a stirring in your soul and have been thinking about this Boundless Bliss journey with me for awhile now……..

    Then I invite you to take the first step in creating your own miracle.

    Join me for the next journey starting December 5-16

    I promise that if you commit, your life will transform in miraculous ways beyond what you could ever imagine.

    If you are ready, the next step is to watch the video and APPLY for an interview at:

    You will see the magic begin to happen from that very moment.

    I look forward to seeing you in Bali.

    Your time is NOW.



  • “The purpose of money is to also be of service. The only thing that you really take with you are the lives that you changed, the difference that you made"

    In this enlightening episode of SoulTalk, I explore the true essence and role of money in our lives. Most people do not understand the concept of money, as we are conditioned to believe in the mindset of scarcity, which keeps us feeling disempowered.

    Money is a tool to navigate in this world, and it is created by providing value and making impact on the people around you. The more value you can add to people by solving a pain, problem or challenge in society, the more potential for making money your will have.

    Tune in to this episode and learn the mindset that it takes to make more money, as well as practical steps to understanding a balanced, value-driven perspective on true wealth, prioritizing service and impact to creating a fulfilling life!


    (00:00:55) - Money as a central focus in life.
    (00:01:22) - Misconception about money’s scarcity.
    (00:02:29) - Shifting your perception about the scarcity of money.
    (00:03:24) - The three-dimensional reality and money.
    (00:04:24) - Building a spiritual relationship with money.
    (00:06:29) - Using Money as a mirror of one’s conscious energy.
    (00:08:20) - The danger of attachment with money.
    (00:09:45) - Focusing on value addition rather than chasing money.
    (00:14:51) - Using money to make a difference in humanity.
    (00:15:50) - The purpose of money and its potential for service.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    What comes to mind at the mention of money? Is money truly unlimited? How do you navigate the scarcity mindset of money? Do you believe money is unimportant? How can I be of service and add value to those around me? What is my relationship with money?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The 2 most important things to understand about making money. How to recognize the role of money in supporting spiritual and humanitarian endeavors. Understanding money as a feedback mechanism that mirrors your consciousness. Powerful insights about the spiritual and metaphysical aspect of money. How to maintain a healthy relationship with money.


    Email Me: [email protected]


    EMAIL KUTE: [email protected]


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  • “If you are not yet fully purified and you have not reached full enlightenment, where you know you are one with the universe and everything is that oneness, that means there is something still in you that requires a change”

    In this enlightening episode of SoulTalk, we delve into the realms of consciousness, karma, and the transformative power of meditation with Dr. Tony Nader. He is an author and a globally recognized expert in Transcendental Meditation, and is the successor to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation Movement.

    He shares invaluable insights into how evolving our consciousness can lead to greater happiness, the significance of karma and destiny, and the ways we can navigate and transform our life's challenges. Dr. Nader emphasizes that the solutions to global issues must come from a shift in human awareness, not just surface-level changes. He explains that the role of consciousness in conflict resolution is to bring awareness to the surface and to the collective consciousness of the people.

    Listen to this episode and learn how to harness the power of inner peace to create positive change both personally and globally. Tune into this life-changing conversation!


    (00:01:45) - Dr. Tony Nader's background and new book, "Consciousness is All There Is"(00:02:16) - Discussion of consciousness and its meaning.
    (00:05:11) - The universality of consciousness.
    (00:07:23) - The nature of consciousness.
    (00:16:02) - Techniques to expand consciousness.
    (00:21:18) - How consciousness can be both unchanging and evolving.
    (00:26:11) - The purpose of life from the perspective of consciousness.
    (00:30:05) - Suffering and the role of ignorance in harmful actions.
    (00:36:15) - Discussion of how karma affects life experiences.
    (00:39:39) - Can we change our karma?
    (00:45:15) - How past actions influence present life and the role of reincarnation.
    (00:47:04) - The process of reincarnation and the evolution of the soul.
    (00:54:46) - All about the Maharishi Effect.
    (01:00:54) - Dr Tony Nader’s final thought.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    Can you speak about the relationship between lesser consciousness, pain, happiness, and true experience? How much of our life is affected by our karma? Is our life destined and can we change our karma? How much of what we experience today is influenced by our parents, grandparents, and generational thoughts? What happens to our consciousness when we die? What words of guidance and wisdom can you provide for those listening to help us understand what on earth is happening on planet Earth?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The importance of meditation in expanding consciousness and peace. What happens to your consciousness when you die. How to change your karma through spiritual practices. How to master your mind and cultivate inner peace. The power of thoughts in shaping our experiences and manifestions. The role of individual and collective consciousness in resolving conflicts.


    Dr Nader’s URL:

    Dr Nader’s New Book:

    Transcendental Meditation:

    Dr Tony Nader’s previous Soultalk episode:

    Email Me: [email protected]


    EMAIL KUTE: [email protected]


  • "Life is a university for your soul's growth and evolution. Everything is your teacher. Everyone is your teacher. School is always in session."

    On this episode of SoulTalk, I delve into the challenging yet transformative topic of betrayal. As human beings we have all felt the pain of being betrayed. It can break your heart, close your heart, or invite you deeper into your heart.

    I delve into the various forms of betrayal, which can include romantic, business, and family betrayals. As well as one that is often overlooked but can be the most painful of all- Self-betrayal. Betrayal can be the powerful medicine that leads you to self-loving.

    Also, I share how to shift from pain and victimhood into fully owning your power. You become powerful when you see betrayal as an opportunity for deep personal growth and to approach life with a perspective that every challenge holds a gift for the soul's evolution.

    Tune in to this episode to get a comprehensive guide to understanding how to use the experience of betrayal as catalyst for your personal growth and spiritual evolution.


    (00:02:05) - The universal experience of betrayal in human relationships.
    (00:02:45) - Betrayal in the different spheres of life.
    (00:04:28) - Harnessing the potential for spiritual growth and transformation through the pain of betrayal. .
    (00:05:37) - Understanding life as a university for soul growth and evolution.
    (00:08:00) - First key to overcome betrayal.
    (00:10:38) - Second key to overcome betrayal.
    (00:12:59) - Third key to overcome betrayal.
    (00:17:43) - Final key to overcome betrayal.
    (00:19:25) - Attracting relationships that honor and respect you.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    What are the different levels and types of betrayal? How can betrayal serve as an opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation? How can you understand and have compassion for those who have betrayed you? Why is self-forgiveness important in the process of overcoming betrayal? How can you stop second-guessing yourself and trust your intuition moving forward?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to understand nature of betrayal and why it happens. How to use betrayal as a catalyst for deeper self-awareness, compassion, and authenticity. Steps to forgiving yourself and those that hurt you. How to honor yourself and build a foundation of self-respect and authenticity in all your relationships. Techniques to move past seeing yourself as a victim and take your power back.



    EMAIL KUTE: [email protected]


  • “ By accepting our own humanness, then we're able to be more present to each other. I think that's a big part of recovering the place of high safety.”

    Today, we are honored to have New York Times bestselling author Mark Nepo, a poet and philosopher who has been teaching for over 40 years. He has published 25 books, including The Book of Awakening, Falling Down and Getting Up, and Finding Courage, Mark has been interviewed several times by Oprah Winfrey as part of her Super Soul Sunday TV show.

    In this episode with Mark, we explore themes of loneliness, authenticity, and the balance between solitude and community. Mark shares his insights on the importance of staying current and authentic in relationships, and finding the courage to be true to oneself.

    He also talks about nuances of maintaining healthy relationships, even when they are challenging. Mark emphasize the need to set boundaries, communicate openly, and support each other's growth without judgment.

    Listen to this episode and learn how to find the right balance between solitude and engagement, and how to stay true to one's own truth and needs. This episode is sure to stir your heart and help you nurture a deeper connection with yourself.


    (00:02:56) - Discussion of the natural state of solitude and its impact on the world.(00:04:24) - The importance of being authentic and taking risks to connect with others.(00:09:46) - Navigating self judgement as a creative.
    (00:11:17) - The rewards of solitude and connection.
    (00:13:46) - The importance of accepting one's own humanness and being present.(00:29:45) - When to accept and call other’s out on their bad behaviors.
    (00:31:08) - The role of teaching and mirroring in relationships.
    (00:33:57) - Learning the practice of staying close without losing oneself.
    (00:37:12) - The challenge of staying connected with someone who is toxic or abusive.(00:38:21) - Setting boundaries and communicating openly in relationship.
    (00:41:17) - The pros and cons of Codependency in relationship.
    (00:43:35) - Practicing inner life in order to stay grounded.
    (00:46:40) - When to identify when to leave a relationship.
    (00:53:44) - Keeping relationship alive.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    Why do so many people feel alone, even when surrounded by others? How can we find the right personal balance between solitude and connection? What are the keys to maintaining healthy, authentic relationships? How can we stay present and supportive in relationships without losing ourselves? What is the role of personal practices in maintaining inner strength and balance? How do you handle the challenge of staying connected with someone who is toxic or abusive?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to overcome feelings of loneliness and find meaningful connection. How to find the balance between solitude and engagement in maintaining healthy relationships. The importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and setting boundaries in relationships. The significance of personal practices in maintaining inner strength and balance. Key strategies for staying present and supportive in challenging relationships. How modern life and technology can heighten feelings of isolation, even when surrounded by others.

    Get in Touch:

    Mark Nepo’s URL:

    Mark’s upcoming webinar: Finding Inner Courage: Our Walk in the World, which starts July 21st, and runs for 3 Sundays. Info is at

    Mark’s New Book:

    Mark Nepo’s previous Soultalk episode:

    The next Boundless Bliss is July 20- August 1 we are filling up, so if you feel ready APPLY today on

    ● Email me at [email protected]
    ● Visit my website:

  • "The next level of your life requires the next level of you, and the next level of you requires that you release and let go of everything and everybody that is not in alignment with your soul .”

    In this powerful episode of the Soul Talk podcast, I dive deep into the anatomy of how to create life-changing breakthroughs. We'll explore what a breakthrough truly means and how it can revolutionize your life, bringing clarity, direction, and transformative change.

    I will share essential mindsets and practical steps needed to achieve breakthroughs, including the importance of openness, humility, clear intentions, and the willingness to let go. There are 5 key stages to a breakthrough, that when understood will change your life forever.

    Whether you're seeking breakthroughs in health, relationships, love, career, or personal growth, this episode provides the practical wisdom and inspiration to help you break free from the past limitations and step into your true potential.

    Tune in and start your journey towards living your most authentic and fulfilled life!


    (00:01:05) - Introduction to breakthrough and a special invitation to Boundless Bliss Bali event. (00:02:14) - The impact of breakthrough on personal growth. (00:06:02) - First Key in accessing breakthrough. (00:06:22) - Second key in accessing breakthrough. (00:07:00) - Third key in accessing breakthrough. (00:07:36) - Fourth key in accessing breakthrough. (00:08:05) - Fifth key in accessing breakthrough. (00:09:35) - Recognizing the blockages between you and your desired breakthrough. (00:12:00) - Create a Supportive Environment for breakthrough. (00:13:59) - Addressing the correlation between Ego, Identity and breakthrough. (00:17:25) - Moving from comfort zones to breaking points. (00:19:55) - Intentionality and surrender in accessing breakthrough.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    What is a breakthrough that you would like to experience in your life? Why is it that we don’t have breakthroughs, even though we say we want them? What is in the way of your breakthrough? Who are the people in your life that may be affecting your ability to grow and transform? What do you need to let go of in order to move to the next level of your life? How does your environment impact your ability to experience a breakthrough?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    Five key stages to all breakthroughs cycles and how to navigate them The Importance of Openness and Willingness on the healing path. The biggest blocks to breakthroughs and how to release fear of change. Insights into the power of clear intentions to help set specific, actionable goals. How to let go of control and old patterns that no longer serve you.



    EMAIL KUTE: [email protected]


  • In this engaging episode of SoulTalk, we are honored to host the multi-talented IN-Q, an Emmy-nominated poet, multi-platinum songwriter, renowned keynote speaker, and best-selling author of Inquire Within. Known for his groundbreaking achievements, such as being named to Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 list and performing as the first spoken word artist with Cirque du Soleil, IN-Q shares his creative journey and insights on tapping into creative expression regardless of one's background or profession.

    IN-Q delves into the creation of his latest album, "Never Ending Now". He discusses how the album mirrors his path of self-love and romantic relationships. As he shares the creative process behind the album, listeners gain a deeper understanding of how art can serve as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

    Listen to this episode and grasp the message of resilience, authenticity, and self-discovery that resonates deeply with you especially in these uncertain times.


    (00:02:33) - IN-Q’s background and the exploring creativity in our everyday lives. (00:05:55) - Sticking to the honest expression as the core of impactful art. (00:09:46) - Navigating self judgement as a creative. (00:11:07) - IN-Q’s personal experiences shaping his album’s creation. (00:19:44) - Balancing financial sustainability as a true artistic person. (00:25:25) - Challenges in making your work accessible to people without compromising on integrity. (00:27:58) - IN-Q’s insights on persistence and knowing when to keep going and when to stop. (00:33:55) - How to handle both creative and marketing responsibilities as an artist. (00:36:19) - Reflecting on personal definitions of success and how they evolve over time. (00:42:58) - The importance of staying grounded amidst upcoming societal changes most expecially the upcoming elections. (00:44:00) - IN-Q gives us a special poetic performance from his new album.

    Some Questions I Ask:

    How do you define creativity in your life? Can you tell us about a time when you felt vulnerable in your creative process? How did The Never Ending Now album come to be? Can you talk about the role of The Never Ending Now Journal in helping others with their poetic journey? What difficulties have you encountered with branding and marketing as an artist? How do you personally define success beyond financial gain? What are your three most cherished life lessons?

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to perceive life itself as a form of creative expression in order to enrich everyday experiences. IN-Q’s pathway of authentic art creation to make a profound impact. How to embrace your vulnerability to create more meaningful connections in relationship. Tools for healing, stress relief, and alleviating anxiety in daily life. Creative strategies to promote your work effectively while enjoying the journey. Tips to live boldly and stay true to your heart.

    Get in Touch:

    IN-Q’s URL:


    EMAIL ME: [email protected]

  • In today's episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, I responded to a recent question from a loyal listener, ‘How do I make my girlfriend more feminine?’ Let me tell you that the answer lies not in changing others, but in understanding ourselves.

    We all have masculine and feminine energy inside of us, so understanding our authentic nature and sharing who we really are is a gift to ourselves, as well as our partner.

    So if you want to know my answer, tune in to this week’s episode and discover the power of aligning your energy in relationships and how you can make your partner feel safe enough to embrace their feminine essence.


    0:00 - Intro 0:53 - What’s the truth about femininism? 4:42 - Defining that feminine energy. 8:03 - How feminine nature is powerful. 11:04 - Is it OK to make a woman more feminine?

    Some questions I ask:

    How do I make my girlfriend more feminine? What is the difference between feminine energy and masculine energy? What is every man’s role in creating a space for women? How is trust vital in making women feel safe and relaxed in their feminine energy?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    The power of authentic feminine energy and how it it has been suppressed in culture. Understanding Feminine energy vs. Masculine energy. How societal conditional impacts one’s authentic expression and how to heal. Practical tips for balancing masculine and feminine energies in a relationship. How to create more chemistry, and polarity in relationship.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • Everything is a cycle on planet Earth.”

    In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by her holiness, Sai Maa.

    Sai Maa is a revered spiritual luminary, humanitarian, and healer known for her profound teachings about consciousness, love, and light. Today, with a deeper understanding of the cosmic shift in consciousness, she encourages people to tap into their inner power and align with their soul’s purpose.

    Discover how to discern the truth from your feelings and distinguish genuine emotions from fleeting ones. Tune in to today’s episode and explore your inner emotional experiences to find your purpose and live your life fully!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 2:21 - Sai Maa’s awakening journey. 5:41 - Reasons why there is so much suffering in the world right now. 8:43 - How to determine if your feeling is true or not? 23:41 - What is the call for global awakening? 31:46 - What is the “journey to profound healing” program 39:13 - How to open one’s awareness? 47:06 - Understanding the alchemy of matter and mind. 48:21 - Why consciousness is everything. 49:08 - What is the purpose of incarnation?

    Some questions I ask:

    What is the real cause of human suffering? How can you say that karma is over? What is the meaning of enlightenment for Sai Maa? Why do people have to go through and experience childhood abuse, rape, and trauma? How does destiny come into play in consciousness?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Sai Maa’s awakening moment and her “journey to profound healing” program How to shift perception to see eternal truth and love. Understanding the concept of human suffering and awakening to higher consciousness. How today is characterized by global awakening. The importance of commitment to living life fully.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Sai Maa at and

    Email me at [email protected]

  • “You are the one that has the power to change and shift the generations to come.”

    In today's episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, let me explore the concept of generational healing and how it impacts our lives.

    As a living testament to healing generational karma, I share my personal experiences of dealing with the shadows that haunt me deep inside. Let’s explore how confronting and transforming these patterns passed down through generations can actually lead to healing. Also, I give some practical tips on how you can overcome your own generational karma.

    Tune in to this week’s episode to discover the power of generational healing to shape your life and future through soul work and forgiveness!


    0:00 - Intro 3:16 - What is generational healing? 8:57 - How to shift and change one’s generational karma? 17:01 - The importance of forgiveness. 20:47 - How every human experience is an opportunity for importance of forgiveness? 25:11 - What soul work do you need in your life?

    Some questions I ask:

    What is the concept of generational healing? What are the examples of generational karma and how to deal with it? How can we recognize the patterns of generational karma in our lives? Why is understanding our family history important? How can we determine what soul work we must do for ourselves and our ancestors?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Kute’s personal experiences in healing his generational karma. Defining generational healing and its impacts on one’s life. How to understand generational karma. Practical tips for changing and shifting your generational karma. The importance of forgiveness in healing generational karma.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Maya Wieder, a speaker, the CEO and Founder of Dream University, and the author of “Dream Doing Less, Having More.”

    Maya is a visionary leader and teacher known for her profound insights about personal growth, spirituality, and the art of living authentically. With a diverse background that includes living in multiple countries and founding Dream University, Maya brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her work. She challenges the notions of courage, goal setting, and destiny, advocating for a more intuitive and soulful approach to life.

    Today, Maya shares her journey from walking away from her successful career to nothing. Discover how she found her true passion and identity by doing this, and her realizations about life, love, and soul. Tune in to learn more about how she made all this happen!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 2:26 - Maya’s journey to walking away to nothing. 8:34 - How to live life? 11:23 - Practical tips for making your own identity. 19:03 - The importance of journaling and meditation. 21:20 - How to discern? 27:16 - The truth about white lies. 30:16 - How you can make anything happen. 34:58 - What is the best approach to goal setting? 40:58 - Is life destiny or karma? 45:10 - Maya’s soul questions herself.

    Some questions I ask:

    What inspired Maya to unplug and what did she do during those 8 years? How can one discern what’s true and align it with the soul versus what’s driven by fear or ego? Can life be easy, or is struggle necessary for growth and evolution? How do you navigate the belief that you can achieve anything with the reality of life’s limitations? What’s your opinion on goal setting and how planning comes into play? Is life a destiny or karma?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Maya’s journey to discovery and healing, and to becoming a speaker, author, and coach. The truth about why Maya walked away from her career and unplugged for 8 years. How to discern between what you want and what you truly need. How to navigate from fears and life uncertainties. Practical tips for goal setting. Reasons why you should prioritize your health above anything else. How to be of service to life.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Maya at

    Email me at [email protected]

  • Have you ever found yourself so exhausted, yet obligations from work and life continue to demand your attention? Say no to burnout!

    In today's episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, let me explore the transformative power of rest and the 7 types of rest.

    Rest is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. No money or material wealth can compare to its importance in one’s life. Because it rejuvenates the body, allowing it to recover from physical exertion and heal from daily wear and tear. It refreshes the mind, body, and soul. No matter how successful or healthy one may be, the value of rest remains unparalleled in sustaining a well-balanced and fulfilling life.

    So if you’re not getting the rest you need, join me as I explore the transformative power of rest and discover how incorporating rest in your life can lead to success, increased creativity, and a deeper connection with your inner being. Tune in to this week’s episode and learn the 7 types of rest in your life!


    0:00 - Intro 0:53 - Reasons why you need rest in your life 7:17 - What is a good rest? 8:51 - #1: Mental Rest 10:31 - #2: Verbal Rest 12:09 - #3: Social Rest 13:56 - #4: Electronic Rest 16:05 - #5: Spiritual Rest 17:32 - #6: Emotional Rest 19:17 - #7: Creative Rest

    Some questions I ask:

    What if rest is the key to your success? What if rest is the key to moving faster in your life? And what if rest is important in activating power, resources, creativity, and potential inside of you? Is it okay to rest when you feel exhausted although there are still a lot of things to do? What happens when you don’t allow yourself to rest when you feel tired?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Defining wrath and the 7 types of rest. How rest can make or break you. Reasons why you need rest in your life. The importance of intentional rest every day.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • Have you ever experienced moments when you feel like you’re talking to God?

    In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Neale Donald Walsch, a renowned spiritual author, speaker, and teacher. He is best known for his transformative book series “Conversations with God.”

    Today, Neale explores the concept of surrender and his personal experience of surrendering. Learn the 4 fundamental questions about life, purpose, human behavior, and spirituality as he shares his perspectives on identity, responsibility, forgiveness, and the nature of reality.

    So if you’re feeling confused, scared, or lost, tune in to this episode to learn how to navigate life during these challenging situations and embrace a deeper understanding of yourself, the world, and humanity!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 4:42 - Neale’s definition of surrender and its misconceptions. 8:58 - Reasons why surrender is hard at times. 11:03 - The ugly truth about racism. 18:20 - How does a relationship fails? 28:31 - Is there a line between surrender and responsibility? 33:01 - How to navigate life with surrendering? 41:19 - The concept of being “right or wrong.” 45:48 - How to experience “oneness?” 52:45 - How is forgiveness the biggest obstacle to spiritual growth? 58:03 - What is the “new age bypass?” 1:00:51 - Practical tips for managing fear through life’s uncertainties?

    Some questions I ask:

    What does the word “surrender” mean and how does it work? What is the source of the cycle of failure in relationships? Is there a line between surrendering, accepting what’s happening, and abdicating responsibility? How can we deal with the pain that arises from certain situations? Do karma and destiny exist?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Neale’s POV on surrendering and his journey of surrender. The 4 fundamental questions of life. Understanding the concept of right and wrong. The importance of knowing your own personal identity. How to experience a sense of oneness. Practical advice for people who feel confused or scared right now.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Neale at

    Email me at [email protected]

  • In today's episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, let me share the 4 keys to awakening your intuition.

    Intuition is that gut feeling or instinctive knowing without needing to think about it. It helps us make quick decisions without really thinking about it first. It lets us understand things without relying on logic or evidence. Remember the last time you might said to yourself, “I knew it?” However, it’s not always accurate but rather can be useful for problem-solving and creativity. Following my intuition has been one of the keys to my success in life.

    So, let me explore intuition deeper to let you know its significance to one’s life and tips for developing your intuitive skills. Tune in to this week’s episode to unlock your intuition and transform your life into success!


    0:00 - Intro 3:26 - What is intuition? 5:26 - How to recognize your intuition? 8:58 - The importance of intuition in your life. 10:33 - Key #1: Be still every day. 11:09 - Key #2: When you feel something, stop questioning. 12:43 - Key #3: Act on your intuition. 13:45 - Key #4: Stop paying attention to the signs and the clues of life.

    Some questions I ask:

    What is intuition? How do we develop our intuition? What’s the difference between intuition and ego? How many times have things happened in your life where you said to yourself, “I knew it?” Why should you tap your intuition to live a more authentic and fulfilling life?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    4 keys to awakening your intuition. Practical tips for recognizing intuitive signs. The importance of overcoming doubt and fear. How to cultivate intuition in your life. The power of living intuitively.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Emily Fletcher, an accomplished meditation teacher and the founder of Ziva Meditation.

    Ziva Meditation is not the typical meditation you know, but it is a technique that blends mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting designed to help people perform at their best self. This technique applies to the modern lifestyles we live in. Today, Emily introduces her new body of work called Sacred Secret, representing the transformative understanding or realization that comes from consistent practice and inner exploration.

    These two are closely related concepts but represent different meditation and personal development aspects. So, if you want to learn more about spirituality, meditation, and manifestation, tune in to this week’s episode to discover the secret formula to Ziva Meditation and Sacred Secret!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 2:06 - Understanding Emily’s new body of work called Sacred Secret. 3:57 - How to use pleasure to pray? 6:02 - Is having desires bad? 12:11 - How meditation is the answer to feeling good and bliss. 17:12 - Practical tips for manifesting the life you desire. 21:25 - How much control do we have in our lives and destiny? 26:15 - The truth about enlightenment, sickness, and death. 30:27 - Best practice to wake the body for pleasure and joy. 38:08 - How to tap your energy. 44:57 - Emily’s POV on psychedelics. 48:24 - Humanity: then vs now 50:44 - Is AI significant for consciousness?

    Some questions I ask:

    What is Emily’s new body of work she’s been exploring and creating? Where can someone begin activating internal feelings of goodness and bliss if someone doesn't feel good? How much of our life is karma, and how much can we shift or transcend it? What is the truth about sickness and death? How do you see humanity today, and what excites you about it? Do you think AI is necessary in our culture, and what are your thoughts on it?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Emily’s Ziva Meditation technique and Sacred Secret. The secret formula for manifestation. How to use pleasure to pray. Emily’s thoughts on psychedelics. How to navigate with one’s desires. Practical tips for helping the body to wake up to pleasure and joy.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Emily at

    Email me at [email protected]

  • In today's episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, let me explore spiritual awakening and personal growth through the 8 stages of spiritual path.

    A spiritual path is a journey to explore, understand, and connect with the inner self, higher consciousness, and divine entity. It is how one seeks meaning, purpose, and fulfillment beyond the material world we live in. Its ultimate goal is to attain enlightenment, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of one’s existence in life. So, let me ask you a question, how well do you know yourself?

    Tune in to this week’s episode to discover the 8 stages of the spiritual path and reflect on your own spiritual journey!


    0:00 - Intro 0:14 - Boundless Bliss Bali 3:00 - Understanding the journey of awakening. 3:42 - Stage #1: Awakening: The birth and innate connection to divinity. 6:07 - Stage #2: Conditioning: Individuals encounter familial and societal influences. 13:11 - Stage #3: Questioning: The dissatisfaction with societal norms and personal identity. 15:24 - Stage #4: Dark night of the soul: Marked by profound questioning, disassembly of old beliefs, and facing suppressed emotions. 20:56 - Stage #5: Aloneness: Individuals feel drawn to solitude for introspection and healing. 24:41 - Stage #6: Personal Power and Empowerment: Recognizing one’s ability to shape reality. 25:56 - Stage #7: Surrendering: Surrender to a higher intelligence or divine will, moving from personal to soul power. 28:28 - Stage #8: Oneness: Individuals recognize their inherent oneness with the divine and experience profound love and connection.

    Some questions I ask:

    Is there a map to the spiritual journey? Are all born awakened? What is the goal of spiritual practice? Why do we develop roles, masks, and personas? How does society contribute to our consciousness? How can we enhance spiritual evolution?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    The 8 stages of the spiritual path. How to practice spirituality in your life. Practical tips for ultimate awakening and surrendering. How to uncover your true nature. The importance of reflecting on your spiritual journey.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • “You are what you eat!”

    In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Darin Olien, an American wellness expert, author, and entrepreneur. He co-hosts the Emmy Award-Winning series “Down to Earth with Zac Efron.” He authored “SuperLife” and founded Barukas™, producing nutrient-rich nuts sustainably.

    Today, Darin shares his surprising journey from a career-ending injury to diving into the world of superfoods and natural health. It’s a story he never imagined. Also, he shares how his father struggled with multiple chemical sensitivities which led him to write his new book, “Fatal Conveniences.” This unexpected twist not only changed Darin’s life but also fueled his mission to raise awareness about toxic products and bad eating habits.

    So if you’re aiming to live a healthier lifestyle, then this episode is for you. Tune in to learn the truth about what’s good and bad for your body, mind, and soul!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 3:15 - Darin’s journey in finding his calling. 11:43 - How are 11 million people dying every year? 24:17 - The reality about the chemicals present in all foods. 32:59 - Practical tips for living healthier. 39:21 - The dangers of your everyday consumption. 48:57 - The importance of taking action now.

    Some questions I ask:

    How did Darin find his path to explore the world of superfoods and natural health? What is the concept of “Fatal Conveniences?” What is the truth about modern products with potential harm to health and well-being to how companies can market products containing toxic chemicals without proper regulation and testing? How can individuals become more aware of the toxic chemicals present in everyday products and make informed choices to minimize their exposure? How can individuals make more informed choices about the foods they consume?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Darin’s inspiration for writing his book “Fatal Conveniences.” The impact of toxic products on one’s health and well-being. Understanding the economic factors and corporate influences behind the production of toxic products in the market. Practical tips for reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and adopting healthier lifestyle habits. The importance of having social connections.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Darin and get a copy of his book “Fatal Conveniences” at

    Email me at [email protected]

  • “How to raise your kids conscious, healthy, and happy?”

    This is the question many parents always ask me so let me address that in today’s episode of the SoulTalk Podcast.

    Raising children is probably one of the most common journeys in life, yet it’s also one of the most challenging. As parents, we often find ourselves navigating through the complexities of parenthood, seeking guidance on how to best support our children in their growth and development.

    One fundamental truth that we must always remember is that every child is unique. Each child comes into this world with their own set of talents, quirks, and potentialities. So as parents, our role is to honor and nurture the individuality of each child, recognizing that what works for one may not work for another.

    Today, let me share some parenting pieces of advice, learn its spiritual aspect, and understand the importance of unconditional love in creating the environment for your child’s growth and development. So if you’re one of those who requested this topic or have someone who might need to hear this, tune in to this week’s episode to learn more!


    0:00 - Intro 3:17 - Did you know that being a parent is a privilege and not a right? 4:43 - Tip #1: Understand your children as souls who belong to life. 7:50 - Tip #2: Parenting is a spiritual path and endeavor. 12:20 - How to help your children to be free? 15:34 - Tip #3: Be an authentic role model to children. 18:18 - Tip #4: See a child as a soul as you see yourself. 20:06 - How every child is unique. 21:30 - Tip #5: Every child needs unconditional love. 25:56 - How crucial is the mother’s role in a child’s development and growth?

    Some questions I ask:

    Is being a parent a right or a privilege? How should parents see their children? What is the greatest gift parents can give their children? How do children express the unresolved aspects of their parents’ psyche? What role do intuition and conditioning play in parenting? How a mother’s role is crucial in raising the next generation?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Kute’s personal journey in parenthood. Practical pieces of advice for raising conscious, healthy, and happy children. The important role of parenting as a spiritual endeavor. How to show unconditional love to your children. Reasons why every child is unique.

    Useful Resources/ Links:

    Sign up for my email to receive special updates about my upcoming programs this 2024:

    FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

    If you are ready to transform join me in Bali July 20-31-

    Get in Touch:

    Email me at [email protected]

    Visit my website:

  • “Trauma is not so much what happened to us, but rather it's what we hold inside in the absence of that present…”

    In this week’s episode of the SoulTalk podcast, I am joined by Peter Levine, a psychotherapist, author of Waking the Tiger, and Somatic Experiencing (SE) creator.

    Over the past 50 years, he has developed SE, a form of alternative therapy to heal trauma and stress-related disorders, and then taught it to anyone who would listen. Peter has mentored thousands of therapists and healers across the globe. His drive and passion became a “Johnny Apple Seed” of spreading his knowledge to the world.

    Today, Peter opens up about his childhood story and how it impacted his principles in life to develop SE. Discover his insights on trauma, healing, psychedelics, life lessons, and the importance of childhood experience for every human being.

    So if you’re feeling overwhelmed for no reason, anxiety, severe nightmares, or anything that you think might be a sign of trauma, tune in to this week’s episode to find out and learn practical tips to overcome it!


    0:53 - Guest intro. 2:08 - Peter’s story and inspiration for studying stress and trauma. 8:32 - What is trauma? 9:44 - Signs you’re having a trauma. 20:41 - Understanding the Voo sound for healing trauma. 29:16 - How to differentiate trauma from fear? 41:33 - Are psychedelics good or bad? 48:20 - Practical tips for raising a child to minimize trauma. 50:58 - Peter’s top 3 life lessons.

    Some questions I ask:

    What is trauma, and how do I know I’ve been traumatized? If someone experiences a racing heart due to trauma, what can they do? Is it true that one can heal from trauma? What are the tools for managing and healing trauma? What are your thoughts on psychedelics? Is it helpful and truly healing or is it detrimental? What’s your advice on raising a child to minimize trauma?

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    Peter’s journey to developing the Somatic Experiencing approach to healing trauma. Defining trauma and its impact on one’s mind and body. How to know if you’re traumatized. How to avoid trauma and promote healing. Peter’s top 3 life lessons.

    Get in Touch:

    Connect with Peter:

    Get a copy of the book: An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey

    Email me at [email protected]

  • I can’t MAKE you happy

    I can’t MAKE you wealthy.

    I can’t MAKE you healthy.

    Only you can truly do this.

    What I can do is show you the way and guide you on a path that will profoundly alter your destiny.

    As a child I’ve witnessed many miracles. My father was known as the “Miracle man of Africa”. I saw my father restore eyesight to the blind and heal those unable to walk.

    People have often asked me if I have any of my father’s healing abilities. I always decline to answer. However, many people claim to have experienced miracles in their lives when they worked with me.

    I started coaching people 22 years ago, with a sincere intention to transform lives. I’m prilveleged to have impacted hundreds of thousands directly and millions indirectly, through my videos, online courses, and my two bestselling books.

    I won’t BS you and tell you that healing is easy.

    That all you need to do is think positive, recite nice affirmations, listen to a guided meditation, do a cacao ceremony, a little breathwork and then your life will miraculously change.

    It’s not true.

    Here’s the truth- It will take work.

    Healing your childhood traumas. Clearing your generational patterns. Shifting your subconscious limiting beliefs. Letting go of the playing small and hiding. Releasing old fears.. Building a truly fulfilling life of your dreams. Living your purpose and making an impact in the world.

    It takes serious commitment but trust me the level of freedom on the other side is so worth it.

    I know this because not only have I done the work in my own life but have helped individuals from all walks of life for TWO decades now.

    Some would says that perhaps my most life-changing process has been my 12 day Boundless Bliss journey.

    So, if you are someone who feels ready for the next level of your life.

    If you feel a deep knowing that you are here for a big purpose and are ready to live it now.

    If you know that you are ready to breakthrough whatever it is that has held you back from living your full potential.

    If you have felt a stirring in your soul and have been thinking about this Boundless Bliss journey with me for awhile now……..

    Then I invite you to take the first step in creating your own miracle.

    Join me for the next journey starting July 20-31.

    I promise that if you commit, your life will transform in miraculous ways beyond what you could ever imagine.

    If you are ready, the next step is to watch the video and APPLY for an interview at:

    You will see the magic begin to happen from that very moment.

    I look forward to seeing you in Bali.

    Your time is NOW.

