
  • Donald Trump has seized power, thrusting the United States into a constitutional crisis where absolute power rests in the hands of one man. This totalitarian brutality is inspired by the Christian Bible, where one magical dictator sets the rules for the entire world, and nobody else has any right to say no. In Texas, posters of the Ten Commandments in public schools are teaching children that slavery must be respected, that women are objects, and that freedom of religion is sinful. In West Virginia, a proposed constitutional amendment declares that the Bible is scientific truth and an inerrant historical document, while imposing Christianity on all citizens. These three places share the same despotic ideology of Christian Nationalism.

  • In a confirmation of exit polls from November 2024, The Pew Research Center data shows that Christian Americans are the group that most strongly identifies with the cruelty and chaos of Donald Trump.

    This podcast episode starts out with Christian Nationalist preacher Andrew Isker explaining that in the new America controlled by Donald Trump, there will be no room for Jews. Even a Judeo-Christian theocracy would be too secular for him. Isker wants to replace American democracy with a Christian monarchy.

    And what would that Christian monarchy look like?

    Let’s not speculate. Let’s see what social scientific survey data shows American Christians want for the USA.

    According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center:

    First of all, the more religious you are in America, the more likely you are to identify with the Republican Party.

    Confirming exit polls from the 2024 presidential election, among highly religious Americans, this new survey shows that 61% support the Republican Party of Donald Trump. Among Americans who are not very religious, only 27% support Donald Trump and the GOP.

    Atheists are the least likely group in America to support Republicans – only 15% of atheists do. The majority of Christians, the survey found, support Republicans and Donald Trump. That’s not just Christian Nationalists, by the way. That’s Christians in general.

    Donald Trump is a particularly Christian problem for America, not just a generally religious phenomenom.

    Only 31 percent of Jews, 29 percent of Hindus, and 42 percent of Muslims support Donald Trump’s Republican Party. The majority of Christians do.

    The survey found that 67 percent of atheists say they’re liberal.

    Only 14 percent of Christians said that they’re liberal.

    Being kind to others is mostly an atheist value. When it comes to welcoming of outsiders, for example only 27% of highly religious Americans in the survey said that immigrants make America better.

    Twice as many Americans with a low level of religious identity believe that immigrants strengthen America. What’s more, a whopping 89 percent of Atheists say that America’s openness to people from around the world is essential to America’s identity as a nation, a much higher level of acceptance of strangers than is found in any religious group in the USA.

    Only 27 percent of Christians say that immigrants make America better.

    When it comes ideological diversity, the same pattern holds. Only a minority of Christians said that religious diversity strengthens American society, while 75 percent of Atheists agreed that religious diversity is good for America.

    What about helping people in need? If you’re in need in America, who should you go to - Christians or atheists? 

    Two thirds of Christians said that the government should NOT do more to help people in need.

    The opposite is true for atheists. Two thirds of atheists said that the government SHOULD do more to help people in need.

    Christian America elected Donald Trump. Christian America helped Republicans install a Christian Nationalist majority on the Supreme Court. Christian Nationalists likewise control both houses of Congress.

    The results are not a mystery. The cruelty and chaos that we see, and the destruction of American democracy, is not an anomaly. It’s not a mistake.

    The cruelty and chaos are what Christian Nationalists have been working for all this time.

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  • A few days ago, The New York Times released a podcast episode reviewing a book written by its most extreme right wing columnist, Ross Douthat (pronounced, “dow that”). Douthat was featured on the episode, but was joined by two other New York Times writers, Michelle Cottle and Carlos Lozada.

    The subtitle of the book expresses its central idea: “Everyone Should Be Religious”. Carlos Lozada expanded on that assertion, explaining that the goal of Douthat’s book is “to make this rational, empirical, intellectual case for religious belief.”

    The odd thing is that the author, Ross Douthat didn’t make a single rational argument for being religious in the entire podcast episode. He merely stated,

    “There probably is a God. The universe is probably made with you and with you, Carlos, and you, Michelle, and maybe even me in mind.”

    Not once in the entire episode does Douthat provide any rational argument or source of empirical data to justify the belief that the entire universe, with its quasars, black holes, mostly consisting of a vast cold emptiness, was constructed specially for him. He simply states that it’s true, and expects the podcast audience to agree with him as a matter of faith.

    Faith, devoid of facts and reason, was a perspective that Michelle Cottle got right on board with. She declared:

    “Look, I’m a big fan of faith, and generally, it might surprise Ross, of organized religion. I do think people have this innate longing for a sense of purpose and order to the universe, and if you’re not believing in a divine power, you tend to gravitate toward less savory options, like political messiahs, whack job conspiracy theories, but look, I grew up Southern Baptist.”

    Yes, Michelle Cottle is a Christian, and a big fan of religion. All three of the people participating in the podcast episode are Christians. They didn’t think to invite a non-religious person, or even one person from a non-Christian religion, to participate in the conversation. In New York City, that wouldn’t have been difficult to do, but the editors at the New York Times seem to have decided that non-Christian viewpoints are no longer appropriate for broadcasting and publication.

    The decision to exclude non-Christian voices from the New York Times, in order to make Christian faith seem like the obvious, and default choice, is especially disturbing when one considers that Michelle Cottle isn’t just a podcast contributor at the New York Times. Michelle Cottle occupies the US Politics seat on the New York Times editorial board.

    Occupying that position, Cottle should know better than to claim that atheists are more likely than religious believers to support demagogues and conspiracy theories. Listen again to what she said.

    “If you’re not believing in a divine power, you tend to gravitate toward less savory options, like political messiahs, whack job conspiracy theories.”

    A genuinely empirical consideration of the value of religion would acknowledge that social research and other sources of data have consistently shown Michelle Cottle’s claim to be false. The facts:

    In 2021, sociologists analyzing Gallup survey data found that “religious belief, religious identity and religious participation are all positively and strongly correlated with believing in popular contemporary falsehoods.”

    The results of a 2022 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Research in Personality showed that “people who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely than other people to hold pseudoscientific beliefs, exhibit paranoid ideation, suffer from schizotypy, be narcissistic, be religious/spiritual and have lower cognitive ability.”

    A 2022 study in the journal Environmental Research and Public Health concluded that “people with high religious fundamentalism are more likely to endorse conspiracy theories”.

    In 2022, a study published in the journal Political Psychology described a “significant positive correlation between religiosity and conspiracy mindset and a slightly stronger correlation between religiosity and the tendency to endorse specific conspiracy beliefs”. The authors explained that, “The positive correlations suggest that similarities in the cognitive and explanatory style—like assuming hidden powers behind events—speak to the same persons and dominate the relation between conspiracy theory endorsement and religiosity”.

    In June of last year, an academic analysis published in the journal Politics And Religion found a “relationship between religious attitudes, spirituality, and conspiracism”.

    If you’re looking for a “political messiah” in the United States, that’s Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been the only presidential candidate since George W. Bush to claim that he was chosen by God and divinely anointed to become President of the United States. There is no alternative messianic politician on the Democratic side of the aisle. Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris never even hinted that they believed they had been chosen by spiritual beings as the rightful occupants of the White House, and Democratic voters did not promote any such nonsensical beliefs.

    Exit polls in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections consistently showed both that the majority of Americans voting for Donald Trump were Christian and that the majority of American Christian voters supported Donald Trump.

    Exit polls in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections show that non-religious Americans were the most reliable group of supporters for candidates opposing Donald Trump.

    There is no empirical source of information that supports Michelle Cottle’s claim that lack of religious faith in gods is associated with belief in conspiracy theories and support for “political messiahs”. All the data points strongly in the opposite direction. Religious people are the most likely to indulge in conspiracy theories and messianic nationalism.

    When Michelle Cottle insulted non-religious Americans, she didn’t bother to check the facts. She spoke from her faith, and she got it dead wrong. That’s the kind of mistake we might expect from a YouTube influencer or a member of Moms For Liberty. To see this kind of sloppy failure of all journalistic ethics from the editor of national politics for the New York Times is alarming.

    It’s alarming because conspiracy theories and a Christian Nationalist messianic cult of personality are tools that Donald Trump is using to attack the very foundations of democracy in the United States of America. Donald Trump has placed extremist Christian Nationalists in almost every corner of the US federal government, and it’s these Christian Nationalists, using conspiracy theories and weird stories about Donald Trump’s special relationship with God, who are rapidly destroying American society from the inside out.

    Yes, Elon Musk is getting a lot of attention for his administrative coup d’etat, and rightfully so. Just as active in the fascist takeover of the USA, though much more quiet in his assault, has been Russ Vought, architect of Project 2025 and White House Director of Management and Budget. Elon Musk is doing dramatic poses with a chainsaw in front of the cameras, but behind the scenes, it’s Russ Vought who is directing the collapse of American democracy through criminally defunding government agencies in defiance of laws passed by the US Congress.

    Russ Vought is also one of the most powerful leaders of the Christian Nationalist movement. Vought has explicitly called for an end to freedom of religion in America, in favor of forcing all Americans to obey the harsh religious laws of Christian extremism.

    In 2023, Russ Vought appeared on The Sword And The Trowel, a podcast hosted by Tom Ascol, a preacher who has called for homosexuality to be made a crime for which the punishment is death. This is explicitly Nazi ideology, along with the violent Christian Nationalism that the Third Reich used to keep the gullible German public in line. In that podcast episode, Vought said the following:

    “We talk about being a nation that's for God. That's a consensus that we want to renew in this country. That we have religious liberty, but it cannot come from this notion that a country isn't understanding the reality that it has to obey God and there is only one true god and that is Jesus Christ our lord.”

    The Orwellian doublespeak coming out of Russ Vought’s mouth is astonishing. In one breath he declares that America has religious liberty, but in the next breath goes on to explain that religious liberty should only exist to the extent that the entire nation are forced to obey Christianity, which all Americans will be compelled to accept as the only valid religion.

    Russ Vought wants to force all Americans to become Christians. So why is he working as Donald Trump’s Director of Management and Budget?

    Christian Nationalists have declared that their goal is to take over every aspect of American society to compel Americans to worship Jesus in every aspect of their lives. The US federal government has been most significant barrier to them achieving that goal. The US federal government has upheld the Constitution, which provides all Americans with equality, regardless of their religion.

    When Americans are able to provide for themselves economically, free from all forms of discrimination, they have no need of going to church. Year after year, Americans have been abandoning Christian churches, choosing to live free of abuse by Christian leaders.

    Russ Vought wants to herd Americans back into church by destroying civil society. Vought has explicitly said that he wants to “traumatize” Americans so that they won’t want to work with the US government, and won’t be able to expect any help from the government. In the wake of this nationwide destruction, with their economic and social independence smashed to pieces, the plan is for Christian churches to swoop in and regain control.

    With public schools destroyed, publicly-funded church-run Christian schools will take their place. With public health infrastructure devastated, publicly-funded Christian hospital networks will take their place. Christian Nationalists plan to do this to every sector of American society, until there is no place left that is not under the control of Christian leaders, who will become wealthy and powerful as the administrators of kind of neo-medieval unelected government under which the will of God and the will of the priestly ruling class will become one and the same.

    To achieve the goal of Christian supremacy, Russ Vought is overseeing the destruction of every part of the US federal government that cannot be easily brought under the sway of the Christian Nationalist extremists Donald Trump has appointed in every cabinet department.

    As for their Christian values, we can judge them by their works.

    They are cutting off medical care for the sick.

    They are allowing food to rot in storage rather than giving it out to feed the hungry.

    Medical research projects that were saving lives have been shut down.

    There is no compassion in Christian Nationalism. There is only the worship of absolute, totalitarian power, with a cruel pyramid of domination that starts with the all-powerful God, then goes down to the all-powerful President, in a structure of religious authoritarianism that ensures obedience through fear.

    The Christian Nationalists don’t care how many Americans are being hurt in the process. They are willing to destroy the lives of anyone that gets in the way of their accumulation of power.

    So it is that last week, U.S. Representative Mark Alford told fired federal workers at a town hall meeting in Kansas City, Missouri that they shouldn’t worry about losing their jobs because, “God has a plan and purpose for your life.”

    This is the Republican plan for America: Take away people’s jobs. Take away their medicine. Take away their food. Take away their democracy. Then, tell Americans not to worry about it, because a magical spirit from the sky has a plan for them.

    What is God’s plan for the huge numbers of Americans who are out of work, out of food, losing their homes under the destructive chaos of Christian Nationalism? Well, of course, there is no plan. There’s only, as Donald Trump put it, a concept of a plan.

    So we’re all just supposed to pray to Jesus, and hope that some kind of magical power is going to turn it all around, is going to make it all okay, somehow.

    Of course, it’s not going to be okay, if all we do is pray about it.

    We need to take action.

    Take action:

    This Friday, February 28, is a nationwide economic blackout. Don’t buy anything on Friday. Don’t go to the store. Don’t fill up your car with gasoline. Keep your money in your pocket.

    Take action:

    Next Tuesday, March 4, is a day of nationwide protest, with anti-fascist demonstrations in every city across the nation.

    Take action! March forth!

  • Immediately after his victory in the 2024 presidential election, Donald Trump met with representatives of Alternative For Germany. Then, Elon Musk, who has become a kind of unelected Chancellor of the United States of America, appeared as an official speaker at a Alternative For Germany convention, declaring that Germany must stop trying to distance itself from its Nazi past. Now, this weekend, Vice President JD Vance made a speech in the German city of Munich in which he announced that the German government must allow for political parties to promote Nazi ideology again, in the name of “free speech”, and urged the German parliament to stop trying to prevent the Alternative For Germany Party from taking power.

    Vice President JD Vance was, in essence, calling for a return of the Nazis to power in Germany.

    In case there could be any doubt at the pro-Nazi agenda of the Musk-Trump government’s delegation in Germany this weekend, the new American Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, who has longstanding ties to American Nazi organizations, came along with JD Vance to Germany. Hegseth brought his own entourage to the event, which included a man named Jack Posobiec. Hegseth appointed Jack Posobiec as an official Trump White House media representative for the American delegation to Germany.

    Jack Posobiec is an American Nazi has repeatedly used Nazi symbols and language in his communications, including the code 88, which stands for “Heil Hitler”, and the infamous Fourteen Words mantra, which is derived from Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, and declares, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

    One year ago, Jack Posobiec appeared as a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and announced that it is the intention of the Republican Party to destroy American democracy forever. Listen to his words for yourself:

    “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it, and we will replace it with this. That’s right, we will replace it with this, because all glory is not to government. All glory is to God!”

    With his words “replace it with this,” Jack Posobiec raised his hand in the air, to display a necklace with a Christian cross. At another microphone, Trump strategist Steve Bannon bellowed, “Amen!” The point was obvious. Jack Posobiec wants to end democracy, and replace it with Christian power.

    Jack Posobiec doesn’t just talk about smashing democracy. He takes action. In 2017, Posobiec organized an event by a group of neo-Nazis that had a history of bombing Jewish homes in Poland. To anyone who knows the history of Polish Jews under the German occupation during World War II, this action should be shocking. Poland was the home to some of the most horrific concentration camps of the Holocaust.

    The link between American Christian Nationalists and German Nazis has become undeniable. They aren’t even attempting to conceal what they’re doing anymore.

    Elon Musk, Donald Trump and their minions are openly promoting the new German Nazi Party. They’re doing it as an expression of their Christian Nationalism.

    Just think about this in terms of what’s happening in the United States. Elon Musk and Donald Trump are scapegoating and persecuting immigrants in order to “purify the blood” of America. They’re opening up a 30,000 person concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay to do it. They’re attacking freedom of the press, and they’re consolidating power in the Executive Branch through a plainly criminal seizure of power.

    They’re purging the government of everyone who refuses to pledge absolute loyalty personally to Donald Trump, and they’re doing it in the name of eliminating DEI. DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion.

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion used to be bedrock American values, but now, Christian Nationalists are treating these values as if they are something evil. In their hatred of ethnic and cultural diversity, equity, and inclusion, Christian Nationalists are following in the footsteps of the Third Reich.

    The goal of American Christian Nationalism is to restore Nazi ideology to Germany, and to do what Adolf Hitler failed to do: To impose Nazi power on the United States of America, and do it in the name of Jesus.

    In the name of Jesus, they are replacing DEI with NAZI.

    After everything that this country went through to stand up to the Nazis the first time around, are you going to sit still while they try to take power again?

  • At the National Prayer Breakfast, Donald Trump envisioned an America in which Christianity controls every aspect of life. He promises to make the United States a nation where nobody can escape the power of Christianity.

    Donald Trump announced that he is creating a White House office dedicated to imposing Christian Nationalism, and that the Attorney General of the United States will form a task force to identify ways to impose Christianity through the American legal system. He bragged about his power, and praised the Christian god as a god of power.

    He did these things having just ordered an end to US government spending on food for the hungry, medicine for the sick, and shelter for the homeless. He did this right after breaking the law to impose his power as an absolute fascist leader of the United States.

    Over and over again, Christian leaders applauded the new fascist leader. They clapped and cheered for the man who gleefully made others suffer as a demonstration of his power.

    At the National Prayer Breakfast, American Christian leaders showed their adoration for the raw power of fascism. They did so because they know that as Donald Trump’s power grows, the power of Christian leaders to enforce their religion across America will grow as well.

    Christian Nationalism in a nation where the law is defined by one unchecked strongman is nothing more than a cult of power.

    Christian Nationalists have sacrificed compassion to seize power, and in doing so, they have brought with them the worship of the Jesus of the Book of Revelation, a messiah of fury and vengeance. Theirs is a Jesus who lets the hungry starve, who treats the homeless as despicable plague, and who withholds medicine from the sick, all the while blaming them for their lack of faith.

    Their Jesus is cruel and cold, and is ready to punish all those who refuse to accept his Almighty authority. Their Jesus is like their Trump. Their Trump is like their god. Theirs is a worship of power.

  • Donald Trump:

    “It should not go through a process of rebuilding and occupation by the same people that have really stood there and fought for it and lived there and died there and lived a miserable existence there. Instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts, and there are many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza. This can be paid for by neighboring countries of great wealth. It could be one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, twelve. It could be numerous sites or it could be one large site. The only reason the Palestinians want to go back to Gaza is they have no alternative. It's right now a demolition site. This is just a demolition site. Virtually every building is down.

    The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it, too. We will own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site, level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings, level it out, create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area.”


    “Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. Prime Minister. You are talking tonight about the United States taking over a sovereign territory. What authority would allow you to do that? Are you talking about a permanent occupation there? Redevelopment? And Mr. Prime Minister, do you see this idea as a way to expand the boundaries of Israel and to have a longer peace, even though the Israeli people know how important that land is to you and your citizens, just as the space is inherited by the Palestinians as well?”

    Donald Trump:

    “I do see a long-term ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East and maybe the entire Middle East. And everybody I have spoken to, this was not a decision made lightly, everybody I've spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land, developing and creating thousands of jobs with something that will be magnificent in a really magnificent area that nobody would know, nobody could look, because all they see is death and destruction and rubble and and demolished buildings falling all over. It's just a terrible, terrible sight. I've studied it. I've studied this very closely over a lot of months, and I've seen it from every different angle, and it's a very, very dangerous place to be, and it's only going to get worse. And I think this is an idea that's gotten tremendous and I'm talking about from the highest level of leadership, gotten tremendous praise.”

    This announcement will utterly delight Christian Nationalists for the very same reason that it will terrify everyone else.

    For decades, Christian Nationalists have been agitating for the United States to get involved in a massive military conflict in order to expand the borders of Israel. The reason for this is that Christian Nationalists believe that their divine prophet Jesus can only return to Earth after Israel takes over more land, returning the country to the full territory it occupied in ancient times.

    Christian Nationalists believe that the United States is destined to get involved in an enormous war, during which Jesus will return to lead America’s armies in a global bloodbath that slaughters everyone who refuses to convert to Christianity, and then be made king of the entire world.

    Christian Nationalists don’t think that a bloody global war of religion would be a tragedy. They eagerly anticipate it, and they want American politicians to engage in belligerent actions that will provoke such a war, because they’re tired of waiting for Jesus to come back. They want to see Jesus as soon as possible, and they’re happy to start a big war in the Middle East in order to make it happen.

    It’s obvious to anybody who understands the history of the two Gulf Wars that any attempt by the United States to permanently own and militarily control any territory in the Middle East will lead to disaster. The First Gulf War under George H.W. Bush was itself brief, but led to a long-term presence of the US military on bases in Saudi Arabia and in the air over Iraq. This military presence is what motivated Osama Bin Laden and his followers to attack the United States on September 11, 2001. That attack that led to the longest wars in American history, with a supposed “War On Terror” in Iraq and Afghanistan that lasted for over twenty years.

    It’s been just a few years since America’s military has been home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and now, Donald Trump wants to begin the cycle of war all over again. Donald Trump says that everyone he’s spoken to tells him that a permanent American military occupation of the Gaza Strip is a great idea, but that’s only because Trump has surrounded himself with people who tell him what he wants to hear.

    No serious historian or military leader can say that an American occupation of the Gaza Strip that begins with a forced ethnic cleansing of the land can be accomplished without massive bloodshed and a destabilization of the region leading to death and despair for the people in the area and any American soldiers unlucky enough to be sent on the insane mission.

  • A week and a half into Donald Trump’s new term as President of the United States, and already we he is opening a huge concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay. Trump has signed a law that forces all non-citizens to be taken away to Homeland Security prison camps if they have merely been accused of a crime. Pete Hegseth, who has called for the murder of all Muslims and wants to make the United States a Christian theocracy, has been confirmed as Secretary of Defense. Donald Trump is taking a wrecking ball to scientific and medical research and is issuing executive orders forcing public schools to teach a false version of American history. Across the US federal government, career civil servants are being fired and replaced with people who have few professional qualifications other than absolute loyalty to Donald Trump.

    At the center of the chaos and destruction from Donald Trump is the ideology of Christian Nationalism, a belief system that rejects the validity of objective reality and demands that everybody and everything in the United States submit to a draconian version of Christianity. Some Americans have a difficult time understanding the relationship between fascist political power and Christian Nationalism. They think of Christianity as something meek and mild, set apart from the crude manner and ruthless agenda of Donald Trump.

    In holding to this vision of what counts as Christianity, hopeful liberals ignore what Christianity has come to mean for most American Christians. They pretend that Christian Nationalists are somehow “fake Christians”, even though the majority of American Christians now ascribe to the ideology of Christian Nationalism and voted for Donald Trump in 2024 on the basis of that ideology. While Christianity as a whole is on the decline in the USA, the ranks of American Christian Nationalists are rapidly growing.

    The ideological roots of Trump’s fascism in Christian Nationalism are clear to see, if you care to look for them. The religious nature of Donald Trump’s new fascist hold on power were made clear at the 2025 inauguration. At the height of the inauguration ceremony, Christian preacher Lorenzo Sewell delivered a prayer claiming that Donald Trump was chosen by the Christian god to be President of the United States. Sewell said:

    “Heavenly Father, we're so grateful that you gave our 45th and now our 47th President a millimeter miracle. We are grateful that you are the one that have called him for such a time as this.”

    This wasn’t the first time Lorenzo Sewell had performed for Donald Trump. It wasn’t the first time that Lorenzo Sewell told a national audience that Donald Trump is a magically selected prophet of the Christian god. Last summer, at the Republican National Convention, Sewell told an auditorium of wealthy Republican elites:

    “If you believe that Jesus still changes lives, come on, put your hands together and give our great god great glory! I believe that prayer is preventative and prayer is proactive. I believe that praying in the name of Jesus changes everything, and when we prayed for President Trump, only God knew that thirty days later, there would be a miracle by a millimeter. Only God knew that if we prayed for him during his birthday, there would be a miracle by a millimeter. If President Trump had moved one millimeter, he wouldn't have been here on Monday to talk to us about how America was going to be made wealthy again... Before I take my seat, I just got to talk to you about something called providence and something called sovereignty. God's sovereignty is his ability to be able to do what he wants when he wants, because he's God. And God's providence, it's when he does what he wants, when he wants for all of you. Did you know that President Trump was shot on 6/11, and do you know that Ephesians chapter number six, verse number 11 says, 'Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.'

    So all my Democrat friends, I want to ask you one question. Do you know anybody that was the 45th president? He was convicted of 34 accounts, he raised $53 million in 24 hours and could be the 47th president of the United States in America, and he was shot one time? Do you know anybody like that? To all my friends back in Detroit who are Democrats, I'm going to ask you just one simple question. You can't deny the power of God on this man's life. You can't deny that God protected him. You cannot deny that it was a millimeter miracle that was able to save this man's life. Could it be that Jesus Christ preserved him for such a time as this? Could it be? Could it be that when we prayed for him, when he came to the roundtable in Detroit, that Jesus asked and he received that we sought him and then he found protection? Could it be that the King of Glory, the Lord God strong and mighty, the God who is mighty in battle protected Donald Trump because he wants to use him for such a time as this? If you believe that, come on and put your hands together and give our great god great glory!”

    If you’re listening closely, you have noticed a phrase that Lorenzo Sewell used both at Trump’s inauguration and at the 2024 Republican National Convention: “for a time such as this”. Sewell preached last summer that “the God who is mighty in battle” chose Donald Trump “for a time such as this”, and repeated that assertion at the inauguration last week.

    It’s a strange phrase, because it’s rooted in the archaic language of the Christian Bible. When Christian Nationalist preachers use the phrase “for a time such as this”, they are making a reference to a specific passage in the Bible. Specifically, this phrase is used as a reference to the belief that Christianity has a rightful claim to totalitarian political power, and that violence is an acceptable tool to achieve Christian political domination.

    The phrase “for a time such as this” appears only once in the Bible, in the Book of Esther. It is spoken at the dramatic peak of the book, as Mordecai tells Esther that she has been placed through the magical powers of the god Jehovah in the court of the Persian king for no other purpose than to enact Jehovah’s political will.

  • The imprisonment of people in a gigantic military-run prison in a place that has been declared to be outside the reach of both international and American law, a place with an infamous history of torture, can only be described as a concentration camp. One week into his second term in office, Donald Trump has taken the United States of America into full fascism, and he’s doing it with the cooperation of Christian Nationalists like Ryan Walters in Oklahoma.

  • On January 24, 2025, Donald Trump sent ICE agents to rip children out of an elementary school in Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago Public Schools refused to allow them into the school building, but they will be back.

    The same day, hundreds of people were seized in federal government fascist raids in Newark, New Jersey. The Trump government refuses to name the people it took prisoner, and refuses to say where they are being imprisoned and what will happen to them.

    This is what Donald Trump said he was going to do. Americans didn’t want to believe him, but now it’s really happening. The United States of America is turning into a rogue fascist regime.

    This is what Christian Nationalism looks like.

    People will tell you that there is no resistance, that everyone has given up. So,. what’s the point?

    The point is that nobody, certainly not elementary school children, should be grabbed by fascists, deprived of their habeas corpus rights, and sent off to secret prisons.

    The city of Chicago stood up to Donald Trump. The city of Chicago is resisting. Will you remain silent, or will you join them?

  • Christian Nationalism asserts that war crimes are only committed by other people. Christian Nationalists in the US House of Representatives passed H.R. 23 yesterday, a bill that defunds the International Criminal Court and threatens to punish anyone who helps the Court to do its job.

    The ICC is an organization dedicated to giving fair trials and legal punishment to individuals who commit violent atrocities during war. The court prosecutes human rights abuses without discrimination, and that infuriates Christian Nationalists.

    Yesterday, Congress passed HR 23, legislation that withdraws US funding for the International Criminal Court, and requires sanctions against any individual or organization that helps the court to do its job of holding war criminals accountable.

    Christian Nationalist support for HR 23 puts to the lie the claim that Christianity is a religion of peace. Christian politicians flocked to protect war criminals yesterday, following the ancient religious standard from the Old Testament and New Testament that atrocities should only be punished when they are committed by other people.

  • HR 29, the Laken Riley Act, allows for people who are merely accused, without any criminal charge, of shoplifting, to be imprisoned in Homeland Security detention camps, and then deported, with no right to a trial or other basic due process of law. The law replaces the presumption of innocence in the United States with the presumption of guilt, and paves the way for Donald Trump’s fascist plans to deport or imprison tens of millions of US residents.

    H.R. 29 would allow for the Department of Homeland Security to put people in prison camps on no basis other than an arrest - even without criminal charge. Not convicted for a crime, not having pled guilty for that crime, there's no grand jury. There's no due process of law involved. They could just kick you out of the United States without any opportunity to defend yourself in court.

    What’s especially tragic is that 48 Democrats in the US House of Representatives declared their allegiance to Donald Trump by voting in favor of HR 29. The names of the congressional Democrats who voted in favor of giving Donald Trump new fascist powers are:

      Brendan Boyle—Pennsylvania 

      Nikki Budzinski—Illinois 

      Janelle Bynum—Oregon 

      Jim Costa—California 

      Joe Courtney—Connecticut 

      Angie Craig—Minnesota 

      Henry Cuellar—Texas 

      Sharice Davids—Kansas 

      Don Davis—North Carolina 

      April McClain-Delaney—Maryland 

      Chris Deluzio—Pennsylvania 

      Shomari Figures—Alabama 

      Laura Gillen—New York 

      Marie Gluesenkamp Perez—Washington 

      Jared Golden—Maine 

      Vicente Gonzalez—Texas 

      Maggie Goodlander—New Hampshire 

      Adam Gray—California 

      Josh Harder—California 

      Jahana Hayes—Connecticut 

      Steven Horsford—Nevada 

      Val Hoyle—Oregon 

      Marcy Kaptur—Ohio 

      Greg Landsman—Ohio 

      Susie Lee—Nevada 

      Mike Levin—California 

      Stephen F. Lynch—Massachusetts 

      John Mannion—New York 

      Lucy McBath—Georgia 

      Kristen McDonald Rivet—Michigan 

      Dave Min—California 

      Joseph Morelle—New York 

      Jared Moskowitz—Florida 

      Frank J. Mrvan—Indiana 

      Chris Pappas—New Hampshire 

      Josh Riley—New York 

      Hillary J. Scholten—Michigan 

      Kim Schrier—Washington 

      Terri A. Sewell—Alabama 

      Eric Sorensen—Illinois 

      Greg Stanton—Arizona 

      Suhas Subramanyam—Virginia 

      Tom Suozzi—New York 

      Emilia Sykes—Ohio 

      Dina Titus—Nevada 

      Ritchie Torres—New York 

      Derek Tran—California 

      George Whitesides—California

  • When Donald Trump moved on to Pam Bondi for US Attorney General after the Matt Gaetz train wreck, many Americans overlooked the extremist Christian Nationalism of both nominees.

    Pam Bondi came into political prominence by advocating for a ballot proposition that would have changed the Constitution of the state of Florida to require the state government to begin public funding of churches and other blatantly religious organizations.

    Now, Pam Bondi is Donald Trump’s nominee to become the next Attorney General of the United States, giving her the power of the US Department of Justice to impose Christianity on all Americans. Pam Bondi would sacrifice equality under the law in order to transform the US federal government into a Christian theocracy.

    Pam Bondi is just one of a huge retinue of Christian Nationalist extremists ready to use the levers of power in the US federal government to provide special favors to Christian church leaders who helped Donald Trump get elected. It’s political corruption of the worst kind, and under Pam Bondi, the people who are supposed to be investigation the corruption will instead be participating in it.

    The theocratic maneuvers by Pam Bondi and other Christian Nationalists under Donald Trump are just the latest example of the way that Christianity operates as a tool for concentration of power. It’s been that way since Christianity partnered with the Roman Empire in order to spread itself around the world at the end of a sword.

    In 2025, it appears that the United States of America is preparing to repeat that history of bloody religious repression.

    You’ve enjoyed a period of rest after the election of 2024, but now, it’s January 2. The transfer of power to Republican Christian Nationalists has begun.

    We can no longer avoid the news, pretending that as long as we don’t pay attention, everything will work itself out somehow.

    It’s time to ask yourself: What are you going to do to stand against the rise of Christian Nationalist fascism in the USA?

  • Last weekend, a man set a woman on fire and fanned the flames as she burned to death. The man was an immigrant.

    Does that mean Donald Trump and his Christian Nationalist followers are right, and immigrants are nothing more than a bunch of nasty, dangerous criminals who need to be rounded up?

    Donald Trump warned us that immigrants want to eat all our cats and dogs.

    In South Carolina, a group of five people was arrested recently and criminally charged with torturing and killing thirteen cats by poisoning them in a slow and agonizing death.

    Those five people were American citizens.

    Does that mean that American citizens are nothing but nasty, dangerous criminals?

    A crowd gathered around the woman who was set on fire. They took pictures and video of her as she burned to death, screaming. Not one of them did a thing to help the woman, to put out the flames. They were all American citizens.

    Is that what the American people have become?

    Christian Nationalist ideology divides people into groups, and then declares that a few groups are good, while other groups of people are evil.

    Christians are good, they say, and non-Christians are evil. American citizens are good, they say, and immigrants from outside America are evil.

    Christian Nationalism is obsessed with group identity. Christian Nationalists make group affiliation the foundation of their morality. Christian Nationalism teaches that whatever a person does to harm others doesn't matter, so long as they join and submit to a community of Christian believers. Believe, and obey, and all is forgiven. If a person doesn't belong to Christianity, however, they say that there can never be any forgiveness.

    In order for Christians to be good, they need to accuse non-Christians of being evil.

    In order for American citizens to be good, they need to accuse immigrants of being evil.

    In order to preserve the moral purity of the American nation, Christian Nationalists are preparing to haul people out of their homes, divide children from their parents, and send them off to become prisoners in concentration camps. They call this morality.

    In three weeks, Donald Trump will give Christian Nationalism unrestrained power over all three branches of the US federal government.

    It will seem that they are unstoppable. It will feel like there is nothing you can do. It will appear as if the entire nation of the United States of America has gone mad.

    When you see it happening, when you see the power of the Christian Nationalist fascists take hold, I want you to remember one thing: The United States of America is not united. It never has been. The USA is deeply divided. Nationalists want you to believe that this division is a bad thing. They want you to feel guilty for not standing together with other Americans. They want you to be silent.

    Remember the truth: Donald Trump has no mandate. Donald Trump only gained the votes of 49.8 percent of the country, just 1.47 percent more than Kamala Harris.

    Half of American voters rejected Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. That half is under no obligation to be silent now that the election is over.

    The lives of millions of people are at stake. The attacks against them are soon going to begin.

    You don't have to stand by in silence.

    You don't have to be like one of those American citizens in the New York City subway, watching the horror and doing nothing to stop it.

    You can step forward.

    You can help put out the fire.

  • U.S. Representative Nancy Mace from South Carolina appeared on a podcast this week, and declared that flying drones in the air above New Jersey could be part of an invasion from Iran or China, or could be from outer space, or might even be from outside the universe. Outside the universe? What does that even mean? This babbling nonsense from U.S. Representative Nancy Mace fits perfectly into her worldview of Christian Nationalism, an ideology that holds as a matter of undeniable faith that the world is filled with magical monsters such demons, angels, witches, unicorns, dragons, and leviathans in the ocean. Nancy Mace’s Seacoast Church is an extremist evangelical organization that insists that the Christian Bible is without error, instructing people to believe in magical spells and the resurrection of the dead as things that are literally real. Once a person believes in the reality of such absurd things, why wouldn’t they also believe that flying drones are part of an invasion of New Jersey from outside the entire universe? Christian Nationalism leaves no space for careful, critical thinking. That’s why Christian Nationalist Nancy Mace is using her position in the US Congress to whip up fears into an outright panic.

    The US federal government has looked into the weird claims by Christian Nationalists that New Jersey is being invaded from the skies, actually. The government explains that sightings of drones include law enforcement drones, authorized commercial drones, and the mistaken identification of standard manned aircraft, such as small planes and helicopters. The government has provided answers, but U.S. Representative Nancy Mace prefers for voters to be living in fear of exotic invaders. That’s because Christian Nationalism depends upon irrational fear of outsiders as a political tool for consolidating power. Such is the nonsense that the Republican Christian Nationalists are set to impose upon the entire United States one month from now when Donald Trump takes power on January 20, 2025.

  • What are the Whos in Whoville celebrating when they celebrate Christmas? They’re singing Christmas carols with lyrics like this:

    “God rest ye merry gentlemen. Let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas day to save us all from Satan’s power when we had gone astray.”

    In Christianity, those who have gone astray are those who no longer obey the commands of the tyrant god who rules the world, Christianity’s own Wizard of Oz. Satan’s power is the power of the wicked, those who rebel against the power of Christianity, those who refuse to conform.

    The Whos are singing the Hallelujah Chorus, which celebrates Jesus as “King of Kings! Lord of Lords!”

    That phrase, “King of Kings! Lord of Lords!” isn’t a random phrase of generic praise. It comes from just one place in the Christian Bible: Book of Revelation Chapter 19, in which it is promised that Jesus will come back to Earth to lead a worldwide bloody religious war against non-Christians that will culminate in the bodies of the victims Jesus and his followers being picked apart by hungry birds.

    “I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a name written that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and His name is called, The Word of God. And the armies which were in Heaven, clothed in fine linen white and clean, followed Him upon white horses. And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword with which He shall smite the nations, and He shall rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written: King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.”

    Good times, right?

    Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a person who the Bible says will go on to wage a global war of religious vengeance, killing all people who refuse to obey Jesus, with the bodies of the people killed by Jesus and his Christian army pecked apart by birds after they have been crushed in the sacred winepress of the wrath of God.

    Jesus is the Wizard of Oz.

    Would you stand with Elphaba?

    Stand with the Grinch.

  • In Pasco, Washington, the leader of a Christian church has been charged with engaging in a massive cryptocurrency fraud that targeted the members of his church. Francier Obando Pinillo, the pastor of the Pasco Spanish Adventist Church, tricked 1,515 people, most of them members of his church, out of $5.9 million by telling them he had a special cryptocurrency scheme that could deliver them a 34.9% return on their investments every month.

    It was all a fraud, as cryptocurrency schemes are, but it was enabled by the religious faith that members of Pinillo’s church placed in their pastor. They had to have faith, they were told, or they wouldn’t go to Heaven when they died.

    The Commodities Futures Trading Commission declared, “Pinillo provided customers with access to an online dashboard with account statements showing their purported account balances and profits. He encouraged customers to involve friends and family in his fraudulent scheme by offering to pay a 15% referral fee to them for referring additional customers. These representations and account statements were false. During the relevant period, there was no trading platform, no trading took place, no profits were generated, and Pinillo misappropriated all assets that customers transferred to him.””

    In Donald Trump’s Christian Nationalist political movement, religious faith and financial fraud go hand in hand, just as they did under the criminal Pastor Pinillo. That’s why Donald Trump is appointing Paul Atkins to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC is the organization that is supposed to protect Americans from financial fraud, but Paul Atkins is an advocate of fraudulent cryptocurrency schemes. Cryptocurrency is nothing more than a financial faith, with no physical assets to back up its extravagant spiritual promises of wealth and liberation. Donald Trump is putting Paul Atkins in the SEC to make sure that the Securities and Exchange Commission looks the other way while cryptocurrency scammers like Sam Bankman Fried rip Americans off.

    In the same way, Donald Trump’s Christian Nationalist Cabinet appointees will be looking the other way while Christian leaders rip off their congregants. Pastor Pinillo and Paul Atkins are ultimately leading the same scam.

  • Pete Hegseth says that his lord and savior Jesus Christ has made him a changed man from what he was a few years ago, so that all the awful things he ever did don’t count against him any more. He gets a Christian Nationalist hall pass from Jesus, he says.

    The truth is that Pete Hegseth was raised as a right wing Christian extremist. He has been a Christian Nationalist extremist his whole life. Pete Hegseth has been following the religion of Jesus Christ into violence, drunkenness, and a brutal vision of holy war the whole time.

  • I’m hearing a lot of people in the media, in the podcasts, on the TV, on the pages of the few newspapers that our country has left, say that we must not use the label of “fascism” to describe what is happening, and must not call the people who are doing it fascists. They say that we should stop talking about democracy, and freedom, because these are abstractions that don’t really matter to people.

    They say that we should stop talking about fascism, because we tried that during the election, and it didn’t WORK.

    Robert Reich says that we shouldn’t get bogged down in paying attention to “culture war” issues like the right to marry the person you love, and the right to define your own identity, and the right to make your own choice about whether to teach your own children to follow a religion. He says that these issues are just a “distraction” from what this is all REALLY ABOUT, which is the economy, and the effort by financial elites like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg to use the power of Donald Trump’s government to grab even more money for themselves.

    I like Robert Reich. Robert Reich is not wrong that Donald Trump’s Silicon Valley benefactors are using Trump as a means to consolidate wealth and power for themselves.

    However, Robert Reich is dead wrong to characterize issues of freedom and democracy as nothing more than a distraction. He is wrong that economic inequality is the only real story, the only valid thing that’s going on.

    The movement behind Donald Trump is complex and multidimensional, as fascist movements always have been. It includes economic opportunists, Christian Nationalists, and a huge number of gullible, ignorant suckers who are proud to have avoided an adequate education.

    The leadership of the Democratic Party doesn’t want Americans talking about this, because as a political strategy, they think that it doesn’t WORK. They want to keep pretending that the Americans who voted for Donald Trump are good, intelligent people who just somehow mysteriously happened to vote for a politician who promised to terminate the Constitution, become a dictator, and exterminate tens of millions of Americans like vermin.

    The truth is that good, intelligent people don’t support a candidate like that. The truth is that there are two reasons for an American to have voted for Donald Trump. If you voted for Donald Trump, you’re either a cruel person who doesn’t care about other people or you’re an idiot.

    The Democratic Party leadership wants to convince us otherwise. They want to argue that, somehow, the Americans who voted for Donald Trump simply held their noses and voted for a narcissistic aspiring dictator because the price of eggs is too high.

    Sure, the price of eggs is too high. But is it really that high? Is it so high that you would choose to live under the dictatorship of a madman?

    The price of eggs matters, but if we talk about the price of eggs INSTEAD of talking about the attacks against the essential liberties defined in the Bill of Rights, we will cheapen ourselves along with our eggs.

    Are we willing to sell away our freedoms for the low low price of a dollar for a carton of a dozen eggs? Is that the price of our liberty?

    If we stop talking about the values of democracy because it’s not popular to do so, because democracy does not feel like a winning strategy, that is not a way to win against the fascists. It is a way to help the fascists win.

    The fascists want us to agree that the only thing that the government of the United States of America really stands for is the price of eggs. If we agree to those terms, the fascists will always win the argument, because the fascists will always find someone else to blame when the price of eggs is high. They will find someone else to blame, and they will send those people into the concentration camps.

    The minute that we agree that the price of eggs is more important than freedom, we have lost.

    Let’s get practical about this. Let’s talk about kitchen table politics.

    When Donald Trump and his fascists are done, who will be left to sit at your kitchen table?

    Democracy is not an abstraction. Freedom is not an abstraction. They are matters of life and death.

    This is no longer about how to win an election. The election is over.

    This is about whose family gets rounded up in the middle of the night and separated from each other.

    This is about who gets sent to the concentration camps.

    This is about who survives.

    Don’t tell me that democracy doesn’t matter. Don’t tell me that the cost of eggs is more important.

    When you’re in a prison camp, when you’re dead, it won’t matter what the price of eggs is.  

    For now, we still have the right to speak freely. While we have that freedom, we should use it to speak honestly.

    I don’t oppose the fascism of Donald Trump because it’s a strategy that works.

    I speak out against the fascists because it’s the right thing to do.

    I call them fascists because that’s what they are.

    Speak honestly, while you still have the freedom to speak.

  • The Texas Tribune reports that Texas General Land Office is offering President-elect Donald Trump a 1,400-acre ranch in Starr County, near the border with Mexico, as a site to build concentration camps for his promised mass deportations of residents of the USA. The concentration camps will imprison many undocumented immigrants, but will also contain documented immigrants working under legal arrangements that have been canceled by the Trump Administration, as well as American citizens who are the children of immigrants.

    Donald Trump has confirmed that he will use the US military to round up massive numbers of people living in the United States and take them to concentration camps. 

    Imagine a concentration camp 1,400 acres in size. Imagine the number of people such a concentration camp could hold. Imagine the kind of things that could happen in such a place.

    Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham said in a letter to Donald Trump that Texas is "fully prepared" to "allow a facility to be built for the processing, detention, and coordination" to imprison millions of people currently living in the United States.

    In February of this year, the Arizona Republic reported that Stephen Miller, who Donald Trump has now selected to become the White House Deputy Chief of Policy, announced a plan to use National Guard troops from states controlled by Republican governors to invade states controlled by Democratic governors in order to seize millions of residents and take them to concentration camps. 

    There are signs that groups are organizing in Democrat-majority states to assist in the execution of Donald Trump's plans to place massive numbers of US residents into concentration camps. In some cases, these signs are literally signs.

    In the week before Election Day, for example, signs appeared across New York State, a Democratic Party stronghold. The signs carried a message reading: "No legal rights for illegal immigrants" and a small notification declaring that the signs had been produced by the New York Republican State Committee.

    In the United States of America, all people have legal rights. American citizens have legal rights, but so do noncitizens. All people within the borders of the USA are protected by the Constitution, whether they have been accused of criminal activity or not. 

    What the New York Republican State Committee announced with its signs is that the Republicans in New York State seek to overturn the Constitution of the United States in order to create new classes of people who have no legal rights at all. What this suggests is that Donald Trump and the Republican Party intend to imprison large numbers of people in concentration camps like the one proposed by the state of Texas General Land Office, and keep people there without recognizing their habeas corpus rights, their right to due process of law, the right to protection from cruel and unusual punishment, the right to a fair trial, and their rights under current US immigration law and international treaties.

    In order to create concentration camps in the United States, Republicans following Donald Trump are planning to end the rule of law. These lawless concentration camps are just one example of what we mean when we use the word "fascist" to describe the government now being prepared by Donald Trump and his followers. The fascists are developing specific plans to execute on these threats.

    Let's also use the term "Christian Nationalist" to describe these plans. Christian Nationalism is the ideological foundation being used to justify the destruction of the Constitution and the rule of law in the United States. Donald Trump and his followers claim that their loyalty to the Christian god and the rules described in the Christian Bible can be used to overrule any law in the United States. 

    Christianity does not forbid concentration camps. The Christian Bible does not provide for habeas corpus rights, or protection from punishment without due process of law.

    Christian Nationalists like to say that Christianity is the basis of law in the United States, but until now, that hasn't been true. The Constitution of the United States of America, not Christianity, established the right to a fair trial, protections from cruel and unusual punishments, and a legislative and judicial system designed to protect the rights of all people, whether they are citizens or not.

    Christianity allows for authoritarianism. The Constitution does not.

    That's why Donald Trump has promised to terminate the Constitution, and give power to Christian leaders instead. Donald Trump knows that he can use Christian Nationalism as an excuse to impose totalitarian fascism in the USA.

    Already, Republicans are taking concrete action to prepare Christian Nationalist concentration camps. We don't have long to prepare.

    In less than two months, Donald Trump will have the power he needs to build a 1,400 acre concentration camp in Starr County, Texas and begin to imprison massive numbers of people there.

    I know you may feel exhausted with politics, but this isn't about politics. This is about the basic survival of the rule of law in the United States of America. This is about the creation of massive concentration camps that exist outside the law, right here in our own country. This is about fascism.

    What are you going to do about it?

    Now is the time for you to decide whether you're going to be one of the people who stand up to fascism, or if instead you will be one of the people who did nothing, who pretended not to know what was going on.

    This is the time for you to choose whether you’re going to take action to resist fascism, or whether you’re going to turn away, and engage in self-care.

    This is not a drill.

    It is time get organized.

    If you can find even just one other person who doesn't agree with the new fascist regime, you can begin to get ready. As a next step, you can find other people who are willing to take a stand.

    Now is the time to decide: Which side are you on? 

    Are you with the fascists, or are you against them?

  • Donald Trump got less than 50 percent of the vote in 2024. The current vote count shows Trump getting just 1.64% more of the vote than Kamala Harris, who earned the support of 48.24% of American voters!

    Donald Trump has no mandate to impose his extremist Project 2025 agenda, or his clown car of nominees for the White House Cabinet either. Donald Trump barely won a very close election. Trump should be reaching out to Democrats, not trying to steamroll them.

    No one who looks at the facts can seriously claim that Donald Trump has a mandate. Of course, Donald Trump doesn’t like to bother himself with facts, and neither do his Christian Nationalist supporters. Trump and his Christian Nationalist followers prefer to operate on blind faith, and their faith claims that Donald Trump has a mandate from God himself.

    Of course, if that’s true, it’s a problem for the America First agenda, because God is not an American. God doesn’t speak English. God has never registered to vote and doesn’t pay taxes. Jesus has never been to the United States of America.

    Yet, Christian Nationalists want you to believe that this non-American magical being should have the right to fly across US borders and come interfere in our presidential elections, and then grab control of our government.

    That doesn’t sound like a genuine America First agenda to me.