Welcome to a podcast powered by the Double Doc, Richard Harris, MD, PharmD, MBA. Dr. Harris is a board-certified pharmacist and holistic internal medicine physician in Houston, Texas. Dr. Harris passion is to educate; his podcast focuses on research-based health and wellness information backed by the principles of functional medicine and the ancestral lifestyle. Dr. Harris motto is Strive for Great Health which sounds simple. However, there is a lot of conflicting information presented by so many so-called experts that people are confused about what is actually healthy. Pull up a chair, get comfy and listen to the Double Doc drop potent bits of information about what is actually in your best health interests and what you should be doing to achieve your health goals. Wellness to Dr. Harris is a holistic approach and as a partner in an education consulting firm that specializes in curricula for social-emotional learning and mental fortitude, and a consultant for several start-up companies, the nature of the podcast will reflect Dr. Harris' wide variety of interests and expertise. We aim to be your go-to health and wellness resource as you progress on your wellness journey!